Thursday, April 14, 2011

united nations report security council

United Nations
Report of the Security Council
1 August 2009-31 July 2010
General Assembly
Official Records
Sixty-fifth Session
Supplement No. 2 Report of the Security Council
1 August 2009-31 July 2010
General Assembly
Official Records
Sixty-fifth Session
Supplement No. 2
United Nations • New York, 2010 A/65/2 Note
Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters
combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United
Nations document.
Documents of the Security Council (symbol S/...) are normally published in
quarterly Supplements to the Official Records of the Security Council. The date of
the document indicates the supplement in which it appears or in which information
about it is given.
The resolutions of the Security Council are published in yearly volumes of
Resolutions and Decisions of the Security Council.
ISSN 0082-8238 10-60746
Chapter Page
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Part I
Activities relating to all questions considered by the Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security 27
I. Resolutions adopted by the Security Council during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31
July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
II. Statements made and/or issued by the President of the Security Council during the period
from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
III. Official communiqués issued by the Security Council during the period from 1 August 2009
to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
IV. Meetings of the Security Council held during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 35
V. Meetings of the Security Council and troop- and police-contributing countries held during
the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
VI. Meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council held during the period from 1 August
2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
VII. Annual reports of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council issued during the period from 1
August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
A. Annual reports of committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
B. Annual reports of working groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
VIII. Reports of panels and monitoring mechanisms issued during the period from 1 August 2009
to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
IX. Reports of Security Council missions issued during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July
2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
X. Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated during the period from
1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
XI. Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated during the period
from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
XII. Reports of the Secretary-General issued during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July
2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
XIII. Summary statements by the Secretary-General on matters of which the Security Council was
seized during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
XIV. Notes by the President of the Security Council issued during the period from 1 August 2009
to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
XV. Monthly assessments by former Presidents of the work of the Security Council for the period
from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74iv
Part II
Questions considered by the Security Council under its responsibility for the maintenance of
international peace and security 75
1. Items relating to the situation in the Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
A. The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
B. The situation in the Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
1. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and Security Council resolution
1701 (2006) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
3. Security Council resolution 1559 (2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
4. Security Council resolution 1595 (2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
2. The situation in Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
3. The situation concerning Western Sahara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4. The situation in Timor-Leste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
5. United Nations peacekeeping operations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
6. The situation in Liberia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7. The situation in Somalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
8. Items relating to the situation in the former Yugoslavia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
A. The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
B. Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and
1244 (1999) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
C. International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia
since 1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
9. International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and
Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of
Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations
Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and
31 December 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
10. International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and
Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of
Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations
Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and
31 December 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
11. The question concerning Haiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
12. The situation in Burundi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10610-60746 v
13. The situation in Afghanistan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
14. The situation in Sierra Leone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
15. The situation in the Great Lakes region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
16. The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
17. The situation in the Central African Republic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
18. Children and armed conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
19. The situation in Guinea-Bissau . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
20. Protection of civilians in armed conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
21. Women and peace and security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
22. Briefing by the President of the International Court of Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
23. Briefing by the Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
24. Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
A. United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
B. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
C. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
D. United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
E. United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo . . . . . . . 122
F. United Nations Mission in Liberia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
G. United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
H. United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
I. United Nations Mission in the Sudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
J. United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
K. African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
L. United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
25. Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
26. Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
27. The situation in Côte d’Ivoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
28. Security Council mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
29. The promotion and strengthening of the rule of law in the maintenance of international peace
and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
30. Central African region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
31. Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133vi
32. Post-conflict peacebuilding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
33. The situation concerning Iraq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
34. Threats to international peace and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
35. Non-proliferation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
36. Peace consolidation in West Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
A. United Nations Office for West Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
B. Guinea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
37. Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
38. Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the
Security Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
39. Maintenance of international peace and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
A. Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
B. Intercultural dialogue for peace and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
C. Optimizing the use of preventive diplomacy tools: prospects and challenges in Africa . 148
40. The situation in Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
41. Peace and security in Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
A. General issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
B. Djibouti and Eritrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
C. Drug trafficking as a threat to international security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
42. Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in
maintaining international peace and security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
43. Letter dated 22 September 2009 from the Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
44. Letter dated 4 June 2010 from the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the
United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2010/281) and other
relevant letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Part III
Other matters considered by the Security Council 159
1. Items relating to Security Council documentation and working methods and procedure . . . . . 159
A. Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2006/507) . . . . . 159
B. General matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
2. Annual report of the Security Council to the General Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
3. Items relating to the International Court of Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
A. Date of election to fill a vacancy in the International Court of Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
B. Election of a member of the International Court of Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16110-60746 vii
Part IV
Military Staff Committee 163
Work of the Military Staff Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Part V
Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not discussed at meetings of the Council
during the period covered 165
1. Communication concerning the India-Pakistan question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
2. Communications concerning the question of the Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa
islands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
3. Communications concerning the situation between Iraq and Kuwait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
4. Communications concerning the situation relating to Nagorny Karabakh and relations
between Armenia and Azerbaijan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
5. Communications concerning the situation in Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
6. Communications concerning the situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7. Communications concerning relations between Cameroon and Nigeria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
8. Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
9. Communications concerning the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. . . . . . . . . 171
10. Communication concerning the situation in Myanmar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
11. Communications concerning the request of Pakistan for the establishment of a commission of
inquiry in connection with the assassination of the former Prime Minister, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto 172
12. Communications concerning the reform of the United Nations, including the Security Council....... 172
13. Communication concerning the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security
Questions in Central Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
14. Communications concerning the Collective Security Treaty Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
15. Communication concerning the League of Arab States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
16. Communication concerning the Organization of the Islamic Conference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
17. Communications concerning the Second World War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
18. Communication concerning relations between Colombia and Venezuela (Bolivarian
Republic of) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
19. Communications concerning relations between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
and the United States of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
20. Communication concerning relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Israel . . . . . . 174
21. Communications concerning the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the
United States of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
22. Communication concerning Kyrgyzstan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
23. Communications concerning Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
24. Communications concerning the Niger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176viii
Part VI
Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council 177
1. Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
2. Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning
Somalia and Eritrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
3. International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since
1991 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
4. International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and
Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of
Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations
Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and
31 December 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
5. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1132 (1997) concerning
Sierra Leone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
6. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) concerning
Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
7. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning
counter-terrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
8. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
9. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) concerning
Liberia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
10. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the
Democratic Republic of the Congo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
11. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
12. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1572 (2004) concerning Côte
d’Ivoire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
13. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the
Sudan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
14. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1636 (2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
15. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
16. Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
17. Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
18. Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
19. Working Group established pursuant to resolution 1566 (2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
20. Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
21. Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
22. Informal Working Group on International Tribunals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19710-60746
Appendices 199
I. Membership of the Security Council during the years 2009 and 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
II. Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting representatives accredited to the Security
Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
III. Presidents of the Security Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
IV. Communications from the President of the Security Council or the Secretary-General during
the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21310-60746 1
The Security Council, in discharging its function
of the maintenance of international peace and security,
was engaged in yet another year of intensive activities.
During the period under review, the Council held
191 formal meetings, 168 of which were public. It also
held 18 meetings with troop-contributing countries and
124 consultations of the whole. In this period, the
Council adopted 54 resolutions and 27 presidential
statements and issued 42 statements to the press.
The Council remained preoccupied with various
situations in Africa, including in Burundi, Chad, the
Central African Republic, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia,
Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Somalia, the Sudan
(including Darfur) and Western Sahara. It held several
debates on situations related to peace and security in
Africa. During one of those debates, in December
2009, in a statement by its President
(S/PRST/2009/26), the Council welcomed the intention
of the United Nations Secretariat and the African
Union Commission to set up a joint task force on peace
and security to review immediate and long-term
strategic and operational issues. In July 2010, the
members of the Council held the annual dialogue and
consultative meeting with members of the Peace and
Security Council of the African Union.
The Council remained engaged with the situation
in the Middle East, including the question of Palestine,
through monthly briefings and debates. The situation in
Lebanon also received the close attention of the
Council. In August 2009, in resolution 1884 (2009), it
welcomed the conclusions of the review of the
operational capacity of the United Nations Interim
Force in Lebanon, including the force structure, assets
and requirements, which was to be conducted in an
effort to ensure, along with peacekeeping good
practice, that the Mission’s assets and resources would
be configured most appropriately to fulfil its mandated
The situations in Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar,
Nepal and Timor-Leste received the attention of the
Council in the Asian region.
The Council heard several briefings on the
situation in Haiti, including the earthquake that
occurred on 12 January 2010. In response to the
disaster, the Council adopted resolution 1908 (2010),
by which it endorsed the recommendation made by the
Secretary-General to increase the overall force levels
of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti to
support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and
stabilization efforts, and agreed to keep the new troop
and police levels under review as necessary. By
resolution 1927 (2010), the Council authorized the
deployment of a further 680 police, with a particular
focus on building the capacity of the Haitian National
Police, and encouraged the Mission to provide
logistical support and technical expertise, within
available means, to assist the Government of Haiti, as
requested, to continue operations to build the capacity
of its rule-of-law institutions at the national and local
levels and to speed up the implementation of the
Government’s resettlement strategy for displaced
The Council continued to receive and debate
quarterly reports of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo. Council members held different views on the
status of Kosovo. The Mission continued to play a key
role in the promotion of security, stability and respect
for human rights, through engagement with all
communities in Kosovo, with the leadership in Pristina
and Belgrade, and with regional and international
actors. The Council was also seized of the situation in
Cyprus and adopted resolutions extending the mandate
of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus.
The Council devoted considerable time to
deliberating on thematic and general issues, including
threats to international peace and security caused by
terrorist acts, the protection of civilians in armed
conflict, children and armed conflict, women and peace
and security, peacekeeping operations, peacebuilding,
peace and security in Africa, transition and exit
strategies, and the illicit trade in small arms and light
weapons in Central Africa. Following the open debate
in April 2010, the Council emphasized the critical
importance of post-conflict peacebuilding as the
foundation for building sustainable peace and
development in the aftermath of conflict, and also
highlighted the need for effective peacebuilding
strategies to ensure durable peace and development.
The issue of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation
received special attention by the Council. In resolution
1887 (2009), the Council called for further progress on Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
2 10-60746
all aspects of disarmament to enhance global security
and reaffirmed that the proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction, and their means of delivery,
constitutes a threat to international peace and security.
By resolution 1929 (2010), additional sanctions were
imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran for failing to
meet the requirements of the Board of Governors of the
International Atomic Energy Agency and to comply
with resolutions 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747
(2007) and 1803 (2008). The activities of the
International Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and
Rwanda were considered by the Council in regard to
their completion strategies and the renewal of
mandates of judges. The members of the Council also
exchanged views with the President of the International
Court of Justice.
The Council adjusted several peacekeeping
mandates and amended sanctions regimes. By
resolution 1907 (2009), the Council imposed sanctions
on Eritrea to ensure that the situation on the ground
would be adequately addressed. During the reporting
period, the Council also conducted missions to the
Democratic Republic of the Congo and Afghanistan.
A large part of the activities of the subsidiary
bodies involved the Counter-Terrorism Committee, the
Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267
(1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and
associated individuals and entities, and the Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004). The
Council continued to improve its working methods and
to focus on documentation and other procedural
questions. The Council adopted the note by the
President (S/2010/507), which builds on previous
Council efforts to document its working methods and
enhance its efficiency and transparency, as well as its
interaction and dialogue with non-members of the
Council. Through the Working Group on Peacekeeping
Operations, the Council continued to engage with
troop- and police-contributing countries and other
relevant stakeholders with a view to making those
operations more effective. The Working Group
submitted its interim report (S/2009/659, annex) to the
President on 17 December 2009.
In April 2010, owing to the implementation of the
capital master plan, the Council relocated to its new,
temporary premises. It held several discussions on the
issue of access of non-members to the “quiet room”.
The Council also considered access of the press to the
entrance area, in order to ensure access comparable to
that available before its relocation.
On 10 December 2009, introducing the report of
the Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated
Office in Burundi (BINUB) (S/2009/611), the
Executive Representative of the Secretary-General,
Youssef Mahmoud, informed the Council that
international assistance was still required in the
country, despite its post-conflict progress. Council
members welcomed the progress made in the peace
process, due to the implementation by the Government
of Burundi of the Permanent Forum for Dialogue
between agreed political parties. They also welcomed
the agreement reached by the parties to adopt a revised
electoral code and the justice mechanism.
On 17 December, by its resolution 1902 (2009),
the Council extended the mandate of BINUB until
31 December 2010. The Council also urged the
Government of Burundi to create an environment
conducive to the holding of free, fair and peaceful
elections in 2010.
On 10 May 2010, the Council heard a briefing by
the Executive Representative of the Secretary-General
for Burundi and Head of BINUB, Charles Petrie, on the
preparations for the forthcoming elections in Burundi.
Council members expressed their views on the progress
achieved and welcomed the recent developments in the
Chad, the Central African Republic and
the subregion
On 22 October 2009, the Council welcomed the
progress made in the implementation of the agreement
of 13 August 2007 in Chad and took note of the
commitment shown by the Government of Chad to
implement that agreement. Members of the Council
called on armed groups to lay down their arms and
encouraged stakeholders in Chad to further promote
the momentum of reconciliation after the signing of the
Tripoli peace agreement on 25 July 2009. They
remained concerned, however, about the fluid security
situation and humanitarian challenges in eastern Chad
and the north-eastern Central African Republic. Introduction
10-60746 3
On 19 January 2010, the Government of Chad
requested, unexpectedly, that the United Nations
Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
(MINURCAT) be withdrawn after the expiration of its
mandate in April 2010. On 12 March, by resolution
1913 (2010), the Council decided to extend the
mandate of MINURCAT for two months, as
discussions on its future continued with the
Government of Chad.
On 25 May, by resolution 1923 (2010), the
Council extended the mandate of MINURCAT until
31 December 2010 and called upon the SecretaryGeneral to complete the withdrawal of all components
of the Mission by that date. In the meantime, the
Council decided that the military component of
MINURCAT would be reduced to 1,900 military
personnel in Chad and 300 in the Central African
Republic. It called upon the Secretary-General to
implement the initial withdrawal of the exceeding
number of troops by 15 July 2010, with a final
withdrawal to begin on 15 October.
Noting that the Government of Chad had
committed itself to assume full responsibility for the
security of the civilian population in the eastern part of
the country, the Council requested the Government and
the Secretary-General to establish a joint high-level
working group to make monthly assessments of the
situation on the ground with respect to the protection
of civilians.
The Council decided that MINURCAT, for the
remainder of its mandate, should continue to assist
with the organization and training of the Détachement
intégré de sécurité; liaise with the Government and the
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees in support of efforts to relocate refugee
camps away from the border; liaise with other security
structures in both Chad and the Central African
Republic; and contribute to the protection of civil
rights and the rule of law in Chad. The Council
acknowledged the Government’s commitment to
submit, by 31 July 2010, its plan for sustaining the
Détachement intégré de sécurité after the Mission’s
Determining that the situation in the border
region between the Sudan, Chad and the Central
African Republic still constituted a threat to
international peace and security, the Council
encouraged the respective Governments to ensure that
their territories were not used to undermine the
sovereignty of others, and to cooperate in ending the
activities of armed groups, while implementing
previous agreements.
On 15 December, the Special Representative of
the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations
Peacebuilding Support Office in the Central African
Republic (BONUCA), Sahle-Work Zewde, briefed the
Council on the establishment of the United Nations
Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African
Republic (BINUCA). On 21 December, the Council
adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/35), in
which it welcomed efforts aimed at national
reconciliation in the Central African Republic based on
the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement of
2008 and the commitments contained in the Sirte
Agreement of February 2007 and the Birao Agreement
of April 2007. The Council also urged the Government
of the Central African Republic and all political
stakeholders to ensure free, fair, transparent and
credible preparation and conduct of the 2010 elections,
and emphasized that the elections should be held
within the time frame set by the Constitution. It also
called on the Government to carry out without delay a
transparent and accountable disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration process, and
welcomed the establishment of BINUCA on 1 January
On 28 June 2010, the Special Representative
informed the Council that the Independent Electoral
Commission had recommended 24 October and
19 December 2010 as the dates for the first and second
rounds of the presidential and parliamentary elections,
respectively, rather than April or May 2010, as had
originally been hoped. She said that disarmament,
demobilization and reintegration operations continued
to be beset with numerous challenges. Despite some
successes in the north, more needed to be done to
accelerate the programme. She advocated a more
coordinated regional approach to combating the threat
posed by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). The
integrated strategic framework, which would guide the
peacebuilding activities of the United Nations in the
Central African Republic, would be finalized by
Côte d’Ivoire
The Council considered the situation in
Côte d’Ivoire on a regular basis during the reporting Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
4 10-60746
period. In particular, the Council expressed its concern
at the delay in the publication of the provisional voters
list for the first round of free, fair and transparent
presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire, scheduled for
29 November 2009. The Council noted that lasting
peace, and the stability and development of
Côte d’Ivoire, were also dependent on the balanced
and comprehensive settlement of many other security,
socio-economic and cross-border challenges. In its
presidential statement of 29 September 2009
(S/PRST/2009/25), the Council reiterated that all
Ivorian political actors were bound to respect the
electoral timeline and urged all parties to comply with
their commitments.
The Council shared the Secretary-General’s view
that successful elections in Côte d’Ivoire would
provide a basis for devising an exit strategy for the
United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI).
Council members supported the role played by United
Nations agencies, the African Union, the Economic
Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the
Facilitator, President Blaise Compaoré of Burkina
Faso, and the international community in helping
Côte d’Ivoire to achieve further progress in the postconflict stabilization and reconstruction process.
On 27 October 2009, during consultations of the
whole, the Chair of the Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1572 (2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire
presented to Council members the final report of the
Group of Experts (S/2009/521). Two days later, by
resolution 1893 (2009), the Council decided to renew
until 31 October 2010 the sanctions imposed by
resolutions 1572 (2004) and 1643 (2005) and to extend
the mandate of the Group of Experts for another year.
On 8 December, in a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/33), the Council noted that the
Permanent Consultative Framework of the
Ouagadougou Political Agreement had considered that
the postponement of the elections had been due to
technical and financial constraints and that the first
round of the presidential elections would be organized
by the end of February or the beginning of March
2010. It urged the Ivorian stakeholders to meet their
commitments to support the elections and to facilitate
that process without delay.
The Council continued to extend the UNOCI
mandate on a six-monthly basis in its current
configuration until the adoption of resolution 1911
(2010) of 28 January 2010, by which it extended the
mandate for four months to take into account the
electoral time frame. On 30 June, the Council adopted
resolution 1933 (2010), by which it provided a revised
and updated mandate for UNOCI until 31 December
2010, and extended the authorization of the French
forces supporting the Operation until the same date,
within the limits of their deployment and capabilities.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Council continued to monitor closely the
situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The
Council was encouraged by the improvement in
relations between the Democratic Republic of the
Congo and Rwanda. In this regard, the Council
supported the efforts of the Secretary-General’s Special
Envoy for the Great Lakes region and his
Co-Facilitator in promoting the rapprochement
between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and
Rwanda and, by extension, long-term stability in the
Great Lakes region. The Council expressed its deep
concern about the humanitarian situation in the eastern
part of the country and the severe impact of the
military operations on civilians since the beginning of
The Council noted the challenges to the
stabilization process, including the reintegration of the
Congolese armed groups into the armed forces of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo. Members of the
Council stressed the importance of the conditionality of
support for the armed forces, as well as adequate
training and vetting. The Council reiterated the
commitment to the protection of civilians and
emphasized the need to fight against impunity.
On 25 November 2009, the Council was briefed
by the Chair of the Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, the Permanent Representative
of Turkey, Ambassador Ertuğrul Apakan, on the report
of the Group of Experts (S/2009/603), and on
deliberations among Committee members on that
report at the Committee’s informal consultations on 18
and 20 November 2009.
On 30 November, the Council, by its resolution
1896 (2009), renewed the sanctions regime relating to
the Democratic Republic of the Congo and extended
the mandate of the Group of Experts until
30 November 2010. Introduction
10-60746 5
In its resolution 1906 (2009), adopted under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations on
23 December, the Council decided that the mandate of
the United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC) should
be extended until 31 May 2010 and should include, in
order of priority, and in cooperation with the
Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
the effective protection of civilians, humanitarian and
United Nations personnel and facilities; enhanced
disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of
Congolese armed groups, as well as disarmament,
demobilization, repatriation, resettlement and
reintegration of foreign armed groups; and support for
Government-led security sector reform.
On 13 April 2010, the Council was briefed by the
Special Representative of the Secretary-General and
Head of MONUC, Alan Doss. The Special
Representative underlined the need for the United
Nations to maintain a dialogue with the Government of
the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to aim for a
flexible, gradual withdrawal of the peacekeeping
mission, based on the attainment of set benchmarks.
A Council mission paid a two-day visit to the
Democratic Republic of the Congo from 14 to 15 May
2010. The delegation met with the President, Joseph
Kabila; high-ranking Government officials, including
the Prime Minister; the Senate; the National Assembly;
and members of civil society, as well as officials of
MONUC and the United Nations country team in
On 28 May, the Council, by resolution 1925
(2010), extended the mandate of MONUC until
30 June 2010 and authorized the withdrawal of up to
2,000 United Nations military personnel by the same
date. In view of the new phase reached in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Council
decided that MONUC would, from 1 July 2010, be
renamed the United Nations Organization Stabilization
Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
(MONUSCO). By that resolution, the Council further
mandated the deployment of MONUSCO until 30 June
During the reporting period, the Council
considered various aspects of the situation in GuineaBissau. In the presidential statement adopted on
5 November 2009 (S/PRST/2009/29), the Council
welcomed the peaceful presidential elections of June
and July 2009, reaffirmed its support for the peace
consolidation efforts in Guinea-Bissau, and reiterated
the importance of consolidating democracy, security,
the rule of law, national reconciliation and the fight
against impunity to ensure sustainable peace. The
Council also underlined the challenges faced with
respect to the security sector, as well as the necessity
of pursuing and implementing an effective and
comprehensive national strategy to be supported by
international partners. The Council furthermore
welcomed the transition of the United Nations
Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau
(UNOGBIS) to an Integrated Peacebuilding Office
(UNIOGBIS) on 1 January 2010.
Council members agreed that security sector
reform was at the heart of Guinea-Bissau’s journey
towards the achievement of durable peace. The Council
further underlined the importance of pension fund
reform as a prerequisite for peace, and emphasized the
central role of the Peacebuilding Commission in this
regard. The Council encouraged the United Nations to
coordinate efforts of international actors and stressed
that sustained support from the international
community was deemed vital to the success of the
peacebuilding process.
Following the events involving the detention and
subsequent release of the Prime Minister, Carlos
Gomes Júnior, by members of the Guinea-Bissau
military on 1 April 2010, Council members expressed
their concern and urged all parties to avoid acts of
violence, uphold constitutional order and respect the
rule of law in Guinea-Bissau. Members also stressed
the need for the parties to preserve ongoing peace
consolidation efforts and to resolve their differences
through dialogue. On 6 April, the Council heard a
briefing by the Assistant Secretary-General for
Political Affairs, Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, on the
situation since the events of 1 April. Members
underlined the importance of promoting security sector
reform as well as the necessity of addressing illegal
drug trafficking in Guinea-Bissau.
The Council reiterated the need for the
Government of Guinea-Bissau to implement a
comprehensive national strategy for security sector
reform. It called upon the international community to
provide continued support for the capacity-building of
the Guinea-Bissau law enforcement and judicial Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
6 10-60746
authorities to enable them to address these problems.
On 22 July, the Council adopted a presidential
statement (S/PRST/2010/15), in which it expressed
concern at the security situation and threats to
constitutional order and about the continued growth in
drug trafficking, as well as organized crime, which
threatened peace and security in Guinea-Bissau and in
the subregion.
On 17 December 2009, by its resolution 1903
(2009), the Council renewed for 12 months its travel
ban on persons deemed to be a threat to the peace in
Liberia and readjusted its arms embargo to allow the
Government of Liberia, as well as the United Nations
peacekeeping mission in the country, to receive certain
military materiel for the same period. The Council also
extended until 20 December 2010 the mandate of the
Panel of Experts that monitors the implementation of
the measures. The Council urged the Government of
Liberia to make all necessary efforts to enforce the
asset freeze imposed against sanctioned persons and
entities, which, it affirmed, was still in force.
On 15 September, by its resolution 1885 (2009),
the Council extended the mandate of the United
Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) until
30 September 2010. On 10 March 2010, the Council
was briefed by the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General and Head of UNMIL, Ellen
Margrethe Løj. The Council noted the opinion she
expressed that forthcoming elections in 2011 would be
a litmus test of the sustainability of democracy in that
country and that this would have a bearing on the
security implications that would ultimately indicate
Liberia’s readiness to be weaned from dependency on
The Council agreed that the peace in Liberia
remained fragile and that instability in neighbouring
countries could have a negative impact on the internal
situation. The training of the national police was
recommended as a means of enhancing a country-based
security sector mechanism. The international
community was encouraged to be relentless in its
support for institutional capacity-building and followthrough on initiatives that would enable Liberia to
transform into a self-sufficient nation. It was suggested
that the Peacebuilding Fund could be used to attract
assistance from external sources.
Sierra Leone
On 15 September 2009, by resolution 1886
(2009), the Council decided to extend the mandate of
the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in
Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL) until 30 September 2010. The
Council determined that UNIPSIL should focus its
efforts on supporting the Government of Sierra Leone
in the areas of constitutional reform and police force
improvement, as well as helping it to tackle corruption,
illicit drug trafficking and organized crime.
On 22 March 2010, the Council heard briefings
by the Executive Representative of the SecretaryGeneral and Head of UNIPSIL, Michael von der
Schulenburg, and the Permanent Representative of
Canada to the United Nations and Chair of the Sierra
Leone configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission,
Ambassador John McNee. The Council commended the
progress that had been made in Sierra Leone. It was
united in its call for more effort to address the issue of
political violence. The Council also emphasized the
need for the police force to be adequately empowered
to tackle civil problems as a means of increasing
security, as well as in preparation for the elections to
be held in 2012.
The Council considered various aspects of the
situation in Somalia on a regular basis. In its
presidential statement of 3 December 2009
(S/PRST/2009/31), the Council reiterated its full
support for the Djibouti peace process, which provided
a framework for achieving a lasting political solution.
It reaffirmed that Somalia’s long-term security rested
with the effective development by the Transitional
Federal Government of the National Security Force and
the Somali Police Force, in the framework of the
Djibouti Agreement and in line with a national security
strategy. The Council expressed concern about the
grave security situation in Somalia and reaffirmed its
support for the work of the African Union Mission in
Somalia (AMISOM). On 28 January 2010, the Council,
by resolution 1910 (2010), authorized the African
Union to maintain AMISOM until 31 January 2011 and
requested the Secretary-General to continue to provide
the logistical support package for AMISOM called for
by resolution 1863 (2009). Many Council members
commended Uganda and Burundi for their troop
contributions and called on those countries that had Introduction
10-60746 7
pledged additional troops and financial resources to
actualize their commitments.
On 18 November 2009, the Council heard a
briefing by the Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, who
informed the Council that international naval
deployments and the self-protection measures of
vessels had reduced the number of successful incidents
of piracy. The Council noted the various efforts of
United Nations entities, such as the International
Maritime Organization and the United Nations Office
on Drugs and Crime, as well as of the International
Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), in this
On 30 November, by resolution 1897 (2009), the
Council renewed for a period of 12 months the
authorizations set out in resolutions 1846 (2008) and
1851 (2008) granted to States and regional
organizations cooperating with the Transitional Federal
Government in the fight against piracy and armed
robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia. On 27 April
2010, by resolution 1918 (2010), the Council requested
the Secretary-General to present to it a report on
possible options for prosecuting and imprisoning
persons responsible for acts of piracy and armed
robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia.
On 16 November 2009, the Chair of the
Committee established pursuant to resolution 751
(1992) concerning Somalia, the Permanent
Representative of Mexico, Ambassador Claude Heller,
presented the Committee’s 120-day report on its work.
The Council also conducted a review of the measures
set out in paragraphs 1, 3 and 7 of resolution 1844
(2008). The Council noted that those measures
remained necessary to address the situation in Somalia,
which constituted a threat to international peace and
security in the region.
On 19 March 2010, by resolution 1916 (2010),
the Council condemned the continuing flow of
weapons in violation of its arms embargoes on Somalia
and Eritrea, and extended for 12 months the mandate of
the Group monitoring those measures. It also expanded
its mandate and gave it three additional experts. The
Council condemned the misappropriation and
politicization of humanitarian assistance by armed
groups in Somalia, and called upon all Member States
and United Nations units to take all feasible steps to
mitigate such practices.
The Council remained actively engaged in the
consideration of various aspects of the situation in the
Sudan. Council members commended the commitment
of the parties under the Comprehensive Peace
Agreement to abide by the decision of the Court of
Arbitration on the status of Abyei, as well as their
willingness to resolve the outstanding differences in
preparing the draft law for the conduct of the
referendum in 2011. They called on the parties to ensure
a stable environment conducive to free, fair, credible
and successful elections in 2010. The Council also
underlined the importance of elections in the country
and stressed that the parties must engage in genuine
cooperation following the polls, no matter the outcome.
Expressing high appreciation of the efforts of the United
Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS), they reiterated
their strong support for the Mission in discharging its
mandate, especially in protecting civilians and
extending electoral assistance to the Government of the
Sudan with a view to facilitating the process of
implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.
On 13 October 2009, by resolution 1891 (2009),
the Council extended until 15 October 2010 the
mandate of the Panel of Experts of the Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005)
concerning the Sudan.
On 8 April 2010, in consultations of the whole, the
Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations,
Alain Le Roy, briefed the Council on preparations for
elections in the Sudan. He discussed the boycott by
some of the opposition parties, technical logistical
challenges facing the National Elections Commission,
the provision of UNMIS electoral support to the
Commission and issues regarding election observers.
By its resolution 1919 (2010) of 29 April, the
Council extended the mandate of UNMIS for one year,
with the intention of renewing it for further periods if
required. It called upon all parties to respect and abide
without delay by their commitments under the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement, agreements on
Darfur and the Eastern Sudan Peace Agreement of
October 2006
The Council expressed its full support for the
African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
Darfur (UNAMID) and the efforts of the Joint Chief
Mediator. The Council stated that the political process
for Darfur had reached a critical point and, therefore, Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
8 10-60746
called on all parties to commit themselves to finding a
peaceful way forward. Some members of the Council
also expressed their strong concern over attacks on
UNAMID staff and humanitarian workers. Members of
the Council continued to press for UNAMID to be
deployed and to be able to operate with full efficiency.
They further stressed that they would, through the Joint
Chief Mediator, continue to monitor the Doha peace
The Council noted that the Sudan was a pioneer
in the joint efforts by the United Nations and the
African Union to maintain peace on the continent. It
also noted the broad consensus in Darfur about what
must be done for the speedy achievement of peace,
justice and reconciliation, and agreed that the situation
was ripe for acceleration of the peace process.
On 30 July, the Council, by resolution 1935
(2010), extended the mandate of UNAMID for one
year. It underlined the need for UNAMID to utilize its
available capacity and resources to give protection to
civilians across Darfur as well as to ensure the safety
and security of humanitarian personnel and activities.
It welcomed the priority given to the continuing efforts
of UNAMID to promote the engagement of all
Darfurian stakeholders in support of and to
complement the African Union/United Nations-led
political process for Darfur.
On 15 September and 15 December 2009 and on
4 March and 10 June 2010, respectively, during
consultations of the whole, the representative of
Austria, Ambassador Thomas Mayr-Harting, in his
capacity as Chair of the Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005), presented to
Council members the 90-day reports on the work of the
On 4 December 2009 and 11 June 2010, the
Council received its biannual briefings by the
Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis
Moreno-Ocampo, who presented his reports pursuant
to resolution 1593 (2005). The Prosecutor provided
information to the Council on the activities of his
Office with regard to Darfur and summarized his
planned activities for the coming months. Each
briefing was followed by a private debate during which
Council members expressed their positions on this
In reaction to the briefing by the Prosecutor of
the International Criminal Court on 4 December, some
members of the Council underlined that the Sudan was
under a legal obligation to cooperate with the Court as
stipulated by the Council in resolution 1593 (2005).
Many speakers welcomed the report of the African
Union High-level Panel (see S/2009/599), which aimed
to consider the interlinked matters of combating
impunity and promoting peace and reconciliation.
While some members expressed their support for the
warrant against the President of the Sudan, Omar
Al-Bashir, others thought that, even if the Council had
to fight against impunity, it should also take into
account the political progress made towards a
settlement of the conflict in Darfur. Those members
urged the Council to defer the warrant against
President Al-Bashir, in accordance with article 16 of
the Rome Statute, as requested by the African Union,
the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the
Non-Aligned Movement.
Western Sahara
On 15 April 2010, the Special Representative of
the Secretary-General for Western Sahara and Head of
the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in
Western Sahara (MINURSO), Hany Abdel-Aziz, and
the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for
Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, briefed the Council
on the situation in Western Sahara. While Council
members welcomed the parties’ continuing
commitment to the process of negotiations and their
willingness to engage in the preparatory informal talks,
many expressed regret at the lack of substantial
progress in the preparations for a fifth round of
negotiations. They also held the view that the parties
must demonstrate further political will to find a
solution to the problem.
On 30 April, by resolution 1920 (2010), the
Council extended the mandate of MINURSO until
30 April 2011. It called on Morocco and the Popular
Front for the Liberation of Saguia el-Hamra and Rio de
Oro (Polisario Front) to adhere fully to the military
agreements reached. Recognizing that the status quo
was not acceptable in the long term, the Council
invited the parties to demonstrate further political will
towards a solution. The Council called upon the parties
to continue negotiations under the auspices of the
Secretary-General without preconditions, in good faith
and with a view to achieving a just, lasting and
mutually acceptable solution that would provide for the
self-determination of the people of Western Sahara. Introduction
10-60746 9
Central African region: impact of illicit arms
trafficking on peace and security
On 19 March 2010, the Council held an open
debate on the impact of illicit trafficking in small arms
and light weapons on peace and security in Central
Africa. The debate took into account developments in
illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons in
the world, particularly in the Central African region,
and reflected on innovative measures aimed at more
effectively combating and eliminating this challenge.
Following the debate, the Council adopted a
presidential statement (S/PRST/2010/6), in which it
recalled the humanitarian, economic and social
consequences of illicit trafficking in small arms and
light weapons for the security of populations, the
persistence of conflicts, outbreaks of gender-based
violence and the recruitment of child soldiers. The illicit
trafficking in small arms was a serious threat to peace,
stability and development. In this context, the Council
welcomed the various initiatives of the subregion and
encouraged the Central African countries to build up the
capacity of the Economic Community of Central
African States through, inter alia, the elaboration of a
subregional legally binding instrument on the control of
small arms and light weapons. The Council
acknowledged the right of States to ensure their defence
and security, while stressing the importance of effective
regulations and controls in the transparent trade in small
arms and light weapons in order to prevent their illegal
diversion and re-exportation.
Great Lakes region
On 9 November 2009, the Special Envoy of the
Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region,
Olusegun Obasanjo, briefed the Council on his
facilitations of peace processes in the region.
In this regard, Council members underlined the
necessity of the full implementation of the agreement
of 23 March 2009, the fight against impunity and
comprehensive security sector reform. They reiterated
their concern about the ongoing presence of the Forces
démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) in the
eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo as well as
the worrying situation of the civilian population and
the grave effects on civilians of the military operation
undertaken by the armed forces of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo with support from MONUC. In
this regard, Council members welcomed the SecretaryGeneral’s recent decision to stop MONUC support for
Congolese armed forces units implicated in grave
human rights violations. It also welcomed the
improved relations between the Democratic Republic
of the Congo and Rwanda.
On 17 November 2009, the Under-SecretaryGeneral for Political Affairs, B. Lynn Pascoe, briefed
the Council on the situation in the areas affected by
LRA. He informed the Council that LRA had
developed into a regional problem which could be
solved only by a well-coordinated approach that
included the countries in the region and the relevant
United Nations peacekeeping missions.
Council members condemned the activities of
LRA and underlined the need for the protection of
civilians to be of the utmost priority in actions
undertaken in the fight against it. Members of the
Council called on United Nations missions in the
region, namely, the United Nations Organization
Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the
United Nations Mission in the Sudan, the African
Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, the
United Nations Peacebuilding Office in the Central
African Republic and the United Nations Mission in
the Central African Republic and Chad, to coordinate
strategies for, and information on, the protection of
civilians, in the light of the attacks by the Lord’s
Resistance Army.
Peace consolidation in West Africa
The Council supported diplomatic efforts by the
United Nations, the International Contact Group for
Guinea, the African Union and ECOWAS aimed at
restoring peace, stability and justice in Guinea. It
commended the mediation efforts of the President of
Burkina Faso, Blaise Compaoré, in his capacity as
Special Envoy of the Chair of ECOWAS. The Council
urged the de facto authorities in Guinea to implement
fully their pledge to cooperate with the United Nations
in its independent investigations. They also urged the
parties in Guinea to exercise maximum restraint, attend
to the constitutional order and the rule of law, and
accord the highest priority to the safety and security of
Guinean civilians, thus helping to prevent further
deterioration of the situation and create favourable
conditions for the planning and conduct of the
legislative elections. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
10 10-60746
On 28 October 2009, the Council adopted a
presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/27), in which it,
inter alia, condemned the violence that had occurred in
Conakry on 28 September, welcomed the statement of
the ECOWAS summit supporting the SecretaryGeneral’s decision to establish an international
commission of inquiry to investigate the events of
28 September, and called for the elections to be
organized as scheduled in 2010.
On 12 January 2010, the Council expressed its
concern about the situation in West Africa and Guinea.
It reaffirmed its support for the active role of the United
Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) in
coordinating the efforts of the international community
to provide assistance to West Africa. Members of the
Council also expressed their support for the good offices
of the African Union and ECOWAS in Guinea, and
called upon the Guinean authorities and all parties to
solve their disputes through dialogue and consultation.
On 16 February, the Council welcomed the
appointment of the new transitional Government and
urged all Guinean stakeholders to work together in
steering the West African nation towards democratic
elections by July 2010. In a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/27), the Council expressed optimism at
the prospect of the timely restoration of constitutional
order in a peaceful manner through a civilian-led
transition. The Council welcomed the Joint Declaration
of Ouagadougou of 15 January 2010, which provided
in particular for the establishment of a National Unity
Government led by a civilian Prime Minister
designated by the opposition, the holding of elections
within six months, and the commitment that the Head
of State of the transition, members of the Conseil
national pour la démocratie et le développement, the
Prime Minister, members of the National Unity
Government and the defence and security forces in
active service would not stand in the presidential
On 13 July, while briefing the Council on the
basis of the Secretary-General’s report (S/2010/324),
the Special Representative of the Secretary-General
and Head of UNOWA, Said Djinnit, remarked on the
gradual progress that had been made in terms of
regional stability, highlighting the peaceful staging of
regional elections in Togo and the calming of a
constitutional crisis in Guinea as examples. In the
consultations that followed, a number of cross-cutting
security issues were discussed, including drug
trafficking. Council members recognized that the
subregion remained vulnerable to instability. In
addition, the Council discussed ways of strengthening
the functions of UNOWA. The effective work of
UNOWA was widely endorsed, and the Office was
encouraged to deepen its cooperation with other United
Nations agencies.
Peace and security in Africa
On 26 October 2009, the Council considered the
report of the Secretary-General on support to African
Union peacekeeping operations authorized by the
United Nations (S/2009/470). At that meeting, the
Council adopted a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/26), in which it reiterated the
responsibility of regional organizations to secure
human, financial, logistical and other resources for
their organizations, including through contributions by
their members and support from donors, and
commended the support extended by donors to the
African Union Peace and Security Architecture. The
Council noted the assessment of the options for
financing African Union peacekeeping operations
authorized by the Council and expressed its intention
to keep all options under consideration within the
established rules and procedures of the United Nations.
The Council supported the enhancement of the
strategic partnership between the United Nations and
the African Union, especially between the United
Nations Security Council and the African Union Peace
and Security Council. It welcomed the intention of the
United Nations Secretariat and the African Union
Commission to set up a joint task force on peace and
security to review immediate and long-term strategic
and operational issues.
On 23 December, the Council adopted resolution
1907 (2009) concerning the situation in Somalia and
the border dispute between Djibouti and Eritrea, in
which it noted the refusal of Eritrea to withdraw its
forces to the status quo ante and to engage in dialogue
with Djibouti or to accept bilateral contacts, mediation
or facilitation, and that its non-compliance with the
Djibouti peace process constituted a threat to
international peace and security. By the resolution, the
Council imposed an arms embargo on Eritrea. Introduction
10-60746 11
On 19 May 2010, the President of Djibouti,
Ismail Omar Guelleh, addressed the Council and
enumerated his country’s contributions to peace and
anti-piracy efforts in Somalia, as well as Djibouti’s
pending issues with Eritrea. Council members urged
Eritrea to respect resolution 1907 (2009) and
emphasized the importance of dialogue for resolving
the pending issues in the region, including, inter alia,
counter-terrorism, anti-piracy, humanitarian issues and
the border problems with Eritrea.
On 17 November 2009, during consultations of
the whole, the Council was briefed by the United
Nations senior political adviser on Madagascar, Tiébilé
Dramé, on the consensus agreement reached among
Malagasy parties in Addis Ababa on 6 November 2009
as well as the ongoing electoral assistance mission to
Madagascar. Council members supported the efforts of
the United Nations in the process, in particular, the
consulting electoral mission sent to Madagascar.
Council members encouraged the joint mediation team
to continue its efforts to help to implement the next
steps agreed in Addis Ababa, in particular the
referendum on the Constitution and the organization of
the elections. Following the meeting, the President of
the Council made remarks to the press conveying the
main views of Council members.
Drug trafficking as a threat to
international security
On 8 December 2009, the Council held an open
debate on “Peace and security in Africa: drug
trafficking as a threat to international security”.
Delegations stressed their concern over the
threats to international security caused by drug
trafficking and other transnational organized crime and
the increasing link between drug trafficking and the
financing of terrorism. They underlined the necessity
of strengthening transregional and international
cooperation as well as the coordination of United
Nations actions, including cooperation with
INTERPOL, in order to fight against this threat at the
national, regional and international levels.
The Council adopted a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/32), in which it noted with concern the
serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking
and related transnational organized crime. It stressed
the importance of strengthening transregional and
international cooperation on the basis of a common and
shared responsibility to counter the world drug
problem and related criminal activities. It also
underlined the need to reinforce the coordination of
United Nations actions.
On 13 October 2009, the Council, by its
resolution 1892 (2009), extended the mandate of the
United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
(MINUSTAH) until 15 October 2010. It endorsed the
recommendation made by the Secretary-General to
maintain the overall force levels of the Mission until
the planned substantial increase in the capacity of the
Haitian National Police had allowed for a reassessment
of the situation, while adjusting its force configuration
to better meet the current requirements on the ground.
The Council reaffirmed its call on MINUSTAH to
support the ongoing political process and national
reconciliation, to continue its support aimed at
strengthening Haiti’s national capacity, and to provide
logistical and security assistance for the upcoming
elections in 2010, while recognizing the ownership and
primary responsibility of the Government and the
people of Haiti over all aspects of the country’s
Following the devastating earthquake of
12 January 2010, members of the Council conveyed
their deepest sympathy and solidarity to all those
affected by the earthquake. They expressed sorrow for
the tragic loss of United Nations personnel, including
the Special Representative of the Secretary-General,
Hédi Annabi, and his deputy, Luiz Carlos da Costa.
The Council expressed strong support for the
Government and the people of Haiti and called for
international efforts to assist the country. Members of
the Council welcomed the proposal by the SecretaryGeneral to strengthen MINUSTAH in response to the
critical situation. They urged further cooperation and
coordination in assisting Haiti in its recovery and
reconstruction process.
On 19 January 2010, by resolution 1908 (2010),
the Council strengthened the force level of
MINUSTAH by a total of 3,500, comprising 2,000
troops and 1,500 police. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
12 10-60746
On 19 February, the Council pledged its
continuing support to the nation and people of Haiti
following briefings by the Under-Secretary-General for
Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief
Coordinator, John Holmes, and the Under-SecretaryGeneral for Peacekeeping Operations, Alain Le Roy.
On 28 April, the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General and Head of MINUSTAH, Edmond
Mulet, during a briefing, informed the Council that in
view of the enormous efforts undertaken by the
international community since the earthquake, Haiti
could return to the path of stability within two years if
it received assistance in weathering the critical risks of
the next 18 months. The Special Representative said
that the challenge for the United Nations was to help to
create an environment in which the great outpouring of
international goodwill and generosity could be
translated immediately into much-needed practical
support. Members of the Council praised the work of
MINUSTAH in the immediate aftermath of the
earthquake and expressed support for the SecretaryGeneral’s recommendations for the coming period.
On 4 June, the Council adopted resolution 1927
(2010) in response to the Secretary-General’s report of
22 April 2010 (S/2010/200 and Corr.1), increasing
police levels in Haiti as a temporary surge capacity,
with a view to enhancing the capacity of the Haitian
police force.
Letter dated 22 September 2009 from the
Permanent Representative of Brazil to the
United Nations addressed to the President of
the Security Council (S/2009/487)
On 25 September 2009, the Council heard a
briefing by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Brazil,
Celso Amorim, on the situation at the Embassy of
Brazil in Tegucigalpa, where the President of
Honduras, José Manuel Zelaya, had taken refuge. The
Minister related to the Council that the Brazilian
Embassy had been subjected to “acts of harassment and
intimidation by the de facto authorities”. He expressed
the concern that all obligations under the Vienna
Convention should be met. The Council then held
consultations on the subject, with most members
stressing the importance of respecting international law
through the preservation of the inviolability of the
Embassy of Brazil, and called upon the de facto
government of Honduras to cease its acts of
harassment. Council members expressed support for
regional mediation efforts facilitated by the
Organization of American States.
Middle East
The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
The Council considered the situation in the
Middle East, including Palestine, on a monthly basis.
The Council urged the parties to rapidly resume peace
negotiations. Members of the Council stressed the need
for Israelis and Palestinians to fulfil their obligations
under the road map, and a number of Council members
called for the complete freeze of settlement activity by
Israel. The Council expressed concern at the
humanitarian situation in Gaza and reiterated its call
for the full implementation of resolution 1860 (2009).
On 14 October 2009, in an open debate, the
Council was briefed by the Under-Secretary-General
for Political Affairs, who said that political efforts to
resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict had continued but
there had been no significant progress on the ground.
He confirmed the Secretary-General’s support for the
work of the Fact-finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
and his call for credible national investigations into the
conduct of the conflict without delay, which was
echoed by a number of delegations that addressed the
Council after the briefing. Many speakers called for an
end to all acts of violence and for strict compliance
with international humanitarian and human rights law,
as well as for the safety and security of all civilians,
diplomatic and United Nations premises and personnel.
A number of participants expressed concern about the
findings contained in the Goldstone report and the need
to urgently address the continuing grave humanitarian
situation in the Gaza Strip, including the need for the
long-overdue reconstruction process to commence.
On 24 March 2010, the Council heard a briefing
by the Secretary-General on the Quartet meeting held in
Moscow on 19 March 2010 and his visit to the Middle
East. In his briefing, the Secretary-General informed the
Council of the Quartet’s statement, which reflected
strong agreement on the following: the need for
proximity talks to move forward and to become direct
negotiations as soon as possible; the need for the parties
to respect the conditions that made proximity talks
possible and to act in accordance with international law
and the road map, including the freeze by Israel of all Introduction
10-60746 13
settlement activity and the fulfilment by the Palestinians
of security obligations; the immediate easing of the
closure affecting Gaza and the commitment to a durable
solution to the issues of security, unity and crossings, as
envisaged in resolution 1860 (2009); and strong support
for the Palestinian Authority’s State-building agenda.
The Council welcomed the Secretary-General’s
meetings with the Palestinian and Israeli authorities and
the diplomatic efforts made by the Quartet to relaunch
the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. The Council
requested the two parties to fulfil their obligations under
the road map and the relevant resolutions of the Council
and invited them to make every effort to resume the
peace negotiations.
Following the flotilla incident of 31 May, the
Council held an emergency meeting. On 1 June, it
adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2010/9) on
the use of force during the Israeli military operation in
international waters against the convoy sailing to Gaza.
In the statement, the Council condemned those acts
which had led to the loss of at least 10 civilians and the
wounding of many, requested the immediate release of
the ships and the civilians held by Israel, and called for
a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent
investigation conforming to international standards. In
the same statement, the Council emphasized that the
situation in Gaza was not sustainable, re-emphasized
the importance of the full implementation of resolutions
1850 (2008) and 1860 (2009), reiterated its grave
concern at the humanitarian situation, and stressed the
need for a sustained and regular flow of goods and
people to Gaza. Members of the Council underlined the
fact that only a two-State solution, with an independent
and viable Palestinian State living side by side in peace
and security with a secure Israel and its other
neighbours could bring peace to the region. The
Council expressed continued support for the proximity
talks and urged the parties to act with restraint.
Members of the Council agreed that a
comprehensive peaceful settlement of the dispute was
in the interest of all concerned. In this regard, the
Council again urged all parties concerned to fulfil their
mutual obligations under the road map, the Madrid
terms of reference and relevant Council resolutions,
thus contributing to the peaceful settlement of the
Israel-Palestine and Arab-Israel conflicts, and the
ultimate attainment of a just, comprehensive and
lasting peace in the Middle East.
Throughout the reporting period, the Council
expressed support for the important role that the United
Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) continued
to play in contributing to peace and stability in
southern Lebanon. It reaffirmed its support for the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon. It
welcomed the reconvening of the National Dialogue
under the auspices of the President, Michel Sleiman,
and called for the early accomplishment of a national
strategy of defence. It also underlined its concern over
all violations of resolution 1701 (2006).
The Council urged all parties concerned in
Lebanon to adhere to the Doha Agreement, transcend
sectarian interests and reconvene the National
Dialogue. It welcomed the establishment of full
diplomatic relations between Lebanon and the Syrian
Arab Republic. Members of the Council expressed
their concern about security incidents in southern
Lebanon and called for the full implementation of
resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1701 (2006). They urged
the parties concerned to take practical steps in
collaboration with UNIFIL to investigate acts of
violence, tackle outstanding disputes by peaceful
means and avoid any action that might potentially
destabilize the situation on the ground.
On 27 August 2009, by resolution 1884 (2009),
the Council extended the mandate of UNIFIL for a
further period of 12 months, in accordance with the
request of the Government of Lebanon and with
reference to all its previous resolutions on Lebanon.
The Council called on all parties to respect the
cessation of hostilities and the Blue Line in its entirety
and to cooperate fully with UNIFIL. It also called on
all parties to work towards a permanent ceasefire and a
long-term solution.
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
On 16 December 2009, the Council, in adopting
resolution 1899 (2009), renewed until 30 June 2010 the
mandate of the United Nations Disengagement
Observer Force (UNDOF), which had supervised the
ceasefire between Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic
since 1974. In connection with the resolution, the
Council adopted a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/34) reiterating its previous statements
on the issue. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
14 10-60746
On 30 June 2010, following an informal
exchange on the practicalities of the current length of
the UNDOF mandate, the Council, by resolution 1934
(2010), renewed the mandate of UNDOF for six
months, until 31 December 2010. In connection with
the resolution, the Council adopted a presidential
statement (S/PRST/2010/12) reiterating its previous
statements on the issue.
On 7 August 2009, by its resolution 1883 (2009),
the Council extended the mandate of the United
Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) for a
further period of 12 months. The Council called on the
Government of Iraq and other Member States to
continue to provide security assistance and logistical
support to the United Nations presence in the country.
The Council requested the Secretary-General to report
on a quarterly basis on the progress made towards the
fulfilment of all the Mission’s responsibilities.
On 16 November, by a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/30), the Council welcomed the
agreement reached on 8 November 2009 in the Iraqi
Council of Representatives on amendments to the
electoral law of Iraq; endorsed the continued assistance
of UNAMI in preparation for the Iraqi national
parliamentary elections planned for January 2010; and
endorsed the Secretary-General’s appeal to all political
blocs and their leaders in Iraq to demonstrate true
statesmanship during the election campaign and
participate in a spirit of national unity. The Council
also condemned the series of terrorist attacks that had
occurred in Baghdad on 19 August and 25 October
2009. The members of the Council recalled the
importance of free, fair, transparent, legitimate and
inclusive elections with broad participation in order for
the results to reflect the will of the Iraqi people and be
accepted by them. The Council welcomed the
certification of the results of Iraq’s parliamentary
elections on 3 June 2010.
On 26 February 2010, the Council adopted a
presidential statement (S/PRST/2010/5) concerning the
issue of compliance by Iraq with the international
norms of disarmament and non-proliferation. The
Council welcomed the letter sent by the Minister for
Foreign Affairs of Iraq, which confirmed that the
Government of Iraq supported the international
non-proliferation regime, complied with disarmament
treaties and other relevant international instruments,
and was committed to taking additional steps to
comply with non-proliferation and disarmament
standards. The Council stressed the importance of the
ratification by Iraq of the Additional Protocol to the
Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and
requested a report from IAEA concerning Iraq’s
safeguards-related cooperation. The Council underlined
its readiness, once the necessary steps had been taken,
to review, with a view towards lifting, the restrictions
imposed by its resolutions 687 (1991) and 707 (1991)
relating to weapons of mass destruction and civil
nuclear activities.
During its consideration of the Development
Fund for Iraq, the Council noted that more steps
needed to be taken to improve the system of internal
controls of the Development Fund, and that the
Government of Iraq should take greater responsibility
for the management of its resources.
On 21 December 2009, acting under Chapter VII
of the Charter, the Council adopted resolution 1905
(2009), by which it extended until 31 December 2010
the arrangements for the depositing into the
Development Fund for Iraq of proceeds from oil and
gas export sales. The mandate of the International
Advisory and Monitoring Board intended to monitor
the Development Fund was also extended. The Council
also decided that the mechanism of the Development
Fund and the International Advisory and Monitoring
Board, as well as other relevant provisions of
resolution 1483 (2003), would be reviewed at the
request of the Government of Iraq or no later than
15 June 2010. The Council called on the Government
of Iraq to ensure the timely and effective transition to a
post-Development Fund mechanism by 31 December
On 6 April 2010, the Council noted the
importance of ensuring that payments to the
Compensation Fund pursuant to paragraph 21 of
resolution 1483 (2003) would continue in a postDevelopment Fund mechanism. In addition, some
Council members requested clarification on the
privileges and immunities that Iraq had requested to be
granted to a post-Development Fund mechanism. Introduction
10-60746 15
On 29 September 2009, the Special
Representative of the Secretary-General for
Afghanistan, Kai Eide, in his briefing to the Council,
called on the future Afghan president to appoint a
government that would intensify the struggle against
corruption, strengthen respect for the rule of law, end
the culture of impunity and promote social and
economic justice. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of
Afghanistan, Rangin Dadfar Spanta, made remarks,
which focused on elections and the need for long-term
and comprehensive stabilization and humanitarian,
reconstruction and developmental assistance. He said
that the United Nations Assistance Mission in
Afghanistan (UNAMA) was well positioned to play a
leading role in assisting Afghanistan in shaping its
future. Council members called for continued patience
as the Independent Electoral Commission and the
Electoral Complaints Commission certified the final
election results. A number of Council members
welcomed the Mission’s development of benchmarks
and indicators to measure progress in Afghanistan.
On 8 October, by its resolution 1890 (2009), the
Council decided to extend the authorization of the
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in
Afghanistan for 12 months beyond 13 October 2009.
The Council called on Member States to contribute
personnel, equipment and other resources in order to
enable ISAF to meet its operational requirements. It
stressed the importance of strengthening the Afghan
security sector and accelerating progress towards the
goal of Afghan security forces providing security and
ensuring the rule of law throughout the country.
On 29 October, during urgent consultations of the
whole, the Secretary-General briefed the Council on
the security situation in Afghanistan, in the light of the
terrorist attack of 28 October in Kabul which targeted
the United Nations. He called on Council members to
support his proposals to protect United Nations
personnel, noting that 27 United Nations civilian
personnel had lost their lives to violence thus far in
2009, more than half of them in Afghanistan and
Pakistan. Council members commended the
determination of the United Nations to carry out its
mandates against all odds. Following the consultations,
the Council adopted a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/28), in which members expressed
support for the Secretary-General’s measures to ensure
staff security. They commended the determination of
the United Nations to carry out its mandates despite all
On 18 March 2010, the Under-Secretary-General
for Peacekeeping Operations informed the Council that
the consensus that had arisen a year before on the need
to transform the relationship between Afghanistan and
its international partners through a transfer of
responsibilities to the Afghans and a supporting role
for the international community had emerged clearly at
the London Conference of 28 January 2010 on
Afghanistan. The Council welcomed the agreement
that had been reached following the Conference on the
transition process in Afghanistan and took note of the
decision to increase the responsibility of the Afghans
for managing their security and development.
On 22 March, by its resolution 1917 (2010), the
Council extended the mandate of UNAMA until
23 March 2011.
A Council mission paid a three-day visit to
Afghanistan from 21 to 24 June 2010. The delegation
met with the President, Hamid Karzai, and held
substantive talks with members of the executive and
legislative branches, including on the issue of the
de-listing of individuals from the Consolidated List of
the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267
(1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and
associated individuals and entities. It also had
extensive interaction with Afghan institutions,
including the Afghan Independent Human Rights
Commission, the Independent Electoral Commission
and the Electoral Complaints Commission. The
delegation held useful discussions with representatives
of civil society and the United Nations country team.
On 15 January 2010, following a briefing by the
Special Representative of the Secretary-General and
Head of the United Nations Mission in Nepal
(UNMIN), Karen Landgren, members of the Council
welcomed the recent positive developments in Nepal,
with the implementation of the agreement of
16 December 2009 on an action plan for the discharge
of Maoist Army personnel disqualified as minors, and
the establishment of a high-level political mechanism.
The Council reiterated the need for all parties to
continue their efforts to take the peace process forward Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
16 10-60746
and to facilitate the completion of outstanding aspects
of the UNMIN mandate by 15 May 2010.
On 5 May, Council members called on all parties
to implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in
view of the lack of progress since January. In line with
a request from the Government of Nepal, the Council,
by resolution 1921 (2010) of 12 May 2010, extended
the mandate of UNMIN until 15 September 2010.
On 23 October 2009, in his briefing to the
Council, the outgoing Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for Timor-Leste, Atul Khare,
stressed that the stable security situation in TimorLeste over the review period was encouraging and
important to the country’s political and socio-economic
development, and that the continued assistance of the
international community was required to ensure the
long-term stability of Timor-Leste. Addressing the
Council, the Deputy Prime Minister of Timor-Leste,
José Luís Guterres, elaborated on the institutional
progress that the country had achieved and emphasized
the need to invest in social and economic development
to ensure sustainable peace and stability. Most speakers
welcomed the positive developments in Timor-Leste,
especially the peaceful holding of local elections, the
closing of the camps for internally displaced persons,
the gradual assumption of security responsibility by the
national police in conjunction with the United Nations
Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste, and the measures
taken by the Government to enhance socio-economic
development throughout the country.
On 26 February 2010, the Council adopted
resolution 1912 (2010), by which it extended the
Mission’s mandate until 26 February 2011 at current
levels, while endorsing the Secretary-General’s
intention to reconfigure its police component,
including its drawdown, in line with the phased process
of resumption of policing responsibilities by the
national police.
United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive
Diplomacy for Central Asia
On 14 January 2010, the Council heard a briefing
by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General
and Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for
Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia, Miroslav
Jenča, on the work of the Centre. Members of the
Council expressed appreciation for the efforts of the
Centre to assist countries of Central Asia in responding
to challenges in the region, and encouraged further
cooperation and coordination between the Centre and
the Governments of the region and relevant regional
organizations in this regard. Members of the Council
also reaffirmed their support for the efforts of the
Centre to facilitate dialogue and assist the
Governments of Central Asia on regional issues of
common concern.
Letter dated 4 June 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of the Republic of Korea to the
United Nations addressed to the President of
the Security Council (S/2010/281) and other
relevant letters
On 4 June 2010, the President of the Council
received a letter from the Permanent Representative of
the Republic of Korea regarding the attack against the
Republic of Korea naval ship the Cheonan
(S/2010/281), requesting the Council to duly consider
the matter and to respond in a manner appropriate to
the gravity of the provocation in order to deter a
recurrence. The President also received a letter from
the Permanent Representative of the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea (S/2010/294) on 8 June.
On the basis of these letters, informal interactive
sessions took place on 14 June, in two separate
segments, with the delegations of the Republic of
Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,
respectively. The Council heard briefings by the
representative of the Republic of Korea and the
representative of the Joint Civilian-Military
Investigation Group at the first session and a statement
by the representative of the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea at the second, separately.
On 9 July, the Council adopted a presidential
statement (S/PRST/2010/13), in which it deplored the
attack of 26 March which had led to the sinking of the
Cheonan, resulting in the loss of 46 lives.
The Council expressed its deep sympathy and
condolences to the victims and their families and to the
people and the Government of the Republic of Korea,
and called for appropriate and peaceful measures to be
taken against those responsible for the incident in
accordance with the Charter and all other relevant
provisions of international law. Introduction
10-60746 17
In view of the findings of the five-nation Joint
Civilian-Military Investigation Group led by the
Republic of Korea, which had concluded that the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was
responsible for the sinking of the Cheonan, the Council
expressed its deep concern.
The Council took note of the responses from
other relevant parties, including the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea, which had stated that it
had had nothing to do with the incident.
Therefore, the Council condemned the attack
which had led to the sinking of the Cheonan.
The Council underlined the importance of
preventing further such attacks or hostilities against the
Republic of Korea or in the region.
In the statement, the Council further called for
full adherence to the Korean Armistice Agreement and
encouraged the settlement of the outstanding issues on
the Korean peninsula by peaceful means to resume
direct dialogue and negotiation through appropriate
channels as early as possible, with a view to avoiding
conflicts and averting escalation.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
On 23 November 2009, the High Representative
and European Union Special Representative for Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Valentin Inzko, reported that, owing
to the lack of progress in meeting the five conditions
and two requirements established by the international
community, the Peace Implementation Council, at its
meeting on 18 and 19 November, had not been able to
make a positive assessment which would have allowed
for the closure of the Office of the High Representative
and the transition to a reinforced European Union
Special Representative.
On 18 November, by resolution 1895 (2009), the
Council authorized, for a further period of 12 months,
the European Union stabilization force mandated to
ensure continued compliance with the Dayton Peace
Agreement of 1995.
On 24 May 2010, the High Representative briefed
the Council on the progress achieved, including steps
towards Euro-Atlantic integration, an agreement with
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization on a
membership action plan, and the progress on regional
reconciliation. He stated that the country remained
afflicted by a lack of consensus on whether it would
continue to exist as a more centralized or a
decentralized State. The situation was exacerbated by
an internal political split, a rise in the unemployment
level, lack of constitutional reforms and an ethnic
Council members welcomed the progress made
by Bosnia and Herzegovina in the international and
regional spheres and urged all parties in the country to
strengthen internal dialogue and cooperation, in order
to achieve genuine reconciliation and make further
progress on police reform, internal unity and
multi-ethnic stability. Most Council members also
voiced support for international assistance to
strengthen security and rule-of-law institutions, while
calling on all leaders to refrain from anti-Dayton
On 9 December 2009, the Council considered the
reports of the Secretary-General on the United Nations
Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP)
(S/2009/609) and on his mission of good offices in
Cyprus (S/2009/610). Members of the Council
welcomed the implementation of some confidencebuilding measures announced by the two leaders and
urged them to implement the remaining measures in
order to build trust between the communities. They
commended UNFICYP as well as the Special Adviser
to the Secretary-General for their efforts to assist the
parties in conducting fully fledged negotiations in
order to reach a comprehensive settlement of the
On 14 December, by resolution 1898 (2009), the
Council called on both parties to fully engage in
consultations with UNFICYP on the demarcation of the
buffer zone, with a view to reaching early agreement
on outstanding issues.
On 15 June 2010, by resolution 1930 (2010), the
Council extended the mandate of UNFICYP until
15 December 2010. It urged the Greek and Turkish
Cypriot parties to fully exploit the progress made so far
in negotiations by intensifying the momentum of talks,
preserving an atmosphere of trust and goodwill, and
putting in place confidence-building measures, such as
the opening of more crossing points. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
18 10-60746
Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199
(1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999)
On 15 October 2009, the Council considered the
report of the Secretary-General (S/2009/497) and
received a briefing from the Special Representative of
the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations
Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK),
Lamberto Zannier, on the activities of UNMIK and
related developments. Council members welcomed the
reconfiguration of UNMIK and its cooperation with the
European Union rule-of-law mission. Council members
commended UNMIK for its work in strengthening
stability, security and respect for human rights,
including the re-employment of ethnic Serb police
officers; they called on all concerned parties to
continue to cooperate with UNMIK. Members also
called upon Kosovo Albanians and Kosovo Serbs to
enhance their mutual cooperation and to address their
prevailing common challenges, such as the fight
against corruption and organized crime, economic
development, good governance and the rule of law.
Council members also called for the improvement of
conditions conducive to the return of more displaced
On 22 January 2010, the Special Representative
of the Secretary-General briefed the Council on the
basis of the Secretary-General’s report (S/2010/5). He
called on Belgrade and Kosovo to find ways to put
aside considerations of status in the interest of
pursuing regional cooperation. He indicated that
Kosovo remained largely peaceful and stable, although
tensions remained in the north. UNMIK continued to
facilitate cooperation between the parties in
cooperation with other relevant actors.
On 17 May, the Special Representative briefed
the Council on the Secretary-General’s report
(S/2010/169). He stated that the overall situation in
Kosovo was peaceful and stable, although tensions in
the north remained, in view of the slow progress in the
reconciliation between the Albanian and Serb
On 6 July, at the request of Serbia, the Council
held an emergency meeting to discuss an incident in
northern Kosovo on 2 July in which an explosion at a
demonstration had resulted in one fatality and several
injuries among members of the Serb minority. The
Council was briefed by the President of Serbia, Boris
Tadić; the Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral; Yves de Kermabon, on behalf of the European
Union; and Skender Hyseni. Members of the Council
condemned the incident and called on all sides to
refrain from provocative statements and actions. They
also called for an investigation into the matter with a
view to bringing the perpetrators to justice. Council
members urged all parties to seek a peaceful resolution
of the issue through constructive dialogue.
Thematic and general issues
International Tribunals for the Former
Yugoslavia and Rwanda
On 3 December 2009, the Council considered the
annual reports (S/2009/394 and S/2009/396) and the
assessments on the implementation of the completion
strategies (S/2009/589 and S/2009/587) presented by
the Presidents and Prosecutors of the International
Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
Members of the Council noted that the two
Tribunals were not in a position to complete their work
by the end of 2010 as indicated in Council resolutions
1503 (2003) and 1534 (2004). They urged the
Tribunals to complete their work as expeditiously as
possible, without jeopardizing the fairness of the
process, and emphasized that the end of the Tribunals
should not signal that persons suspected of grave
crimes were safe from justice. The representative of
Austria, Ambassador Thomas Mayr-Harting, in his
function as Chair of the Informal Working Group on
International Tribunals, briefed the Council on the
progress achieved by the Working Group on the issue
of the establishment of a residual mechanism to carry
out certain functions after the closure of the Tribunals.
On 16 December, the Council adopted resolutions
1900 (2009) and 1901 (2009), in which it, inter alia,
underlined its intention to extend, by 30 June 2010, the
terms of office of all trial judges based on the Tribunals’
projected trial schedules and the terms of office of all
appeals judges until 31 December 2012, or until the
completion of the cases to which they were assigned if
sooner. The Council also decided that, notwithstanding
the expiry of their terms of office on 31 December 2009,
two ad litem judges at the International Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia and one permanent judge at the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda could
complete the cases which they had begun before the
expiry of their terms of office. Introduction
10-60746 19
On 18 March 2010, by resolution 1915 (2010),
the Council decided that the total number of ad litem
judges at the International Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia could temporarily exceed the statutory
maximum of 12 to a maximum of 13, returning to 12
by 30 June 2010, or upon completion of the Popović
case if sooner.
On 18 June, the Council held its biannual debate
to hear the briefings on the assessments of the
implementation of the completion strategies
(S/2010/270 and S/2010/259) presented by the
Presidents and Prosecutors of the two Tribunals. In
addition, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda formally reported on the issue of
cooperation on the part of Kenya with the Tribunal.
Members of the Council took note of the Tribunals’
assessment that some appeals cases might last until
2013 or even 2014, and of their concern about the loss
of experienced staff. The Council was also briefed by
the Chair of the Informal Working Group on
International Tribunals on the activities of the Working
Group. Members of the Council welcomed the progress
on the work carried out by the Working Group
concerning the establishment of a residual mechanism,
and called on the Working Group to resolve the
remaining outstanding issues as soon as possible.
On 29 June, the Council adopted resolutions 1931
(2010) and 1932 (2010), by which it extended the
terms of office of the trial judges until 31 December
2011, or until the completion of the cases to which they
were assigned, if sooner, and the terms of office of the
appeals judges until 31 December 2012, or until the
completion of the cases to which they were assigned, if
sooner. In resolution 1931 (2010), the Council further
underlined its intention to extend, by 30 June 2011, the
terms of office of the trial judges at the International
Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia based on the
Tribunal’s projected trial schedule, and requested the
President of that Tribunal to submit to the Council an
updated trial and appeals schedule no later than
15 May 2011. In both resolutions, the Council also
called on States to intensify cooperation with the
Tribunals and noted the importance of the retention of
experienced staff.
Non-proliferation (Islamic Republic of Iran)
During the period under review, the Council
continued to monitor the situation in the Islamic
Republic of Iran with regard to its nuclear programme.
On 9 September and 12 December 2009 and on
4 March and 28 June 2010, it heard briefings by the
Chair of the Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1737 (2006), the Permanent Representative
of Japan, Ambassador Yukio Takasu, on the
implementation of sanctions against the Islamic
Republic of Iran. During the briefings, the Chair
reported that the Committee had received information
concerning sanctions violations and had examined and
followed up on those cases according to its mandate.
On 9 June 2010, the Council, by 12 votes to 2,
with 1 abstention, adopted resolution 1929 (2010),
imposing additional sanctions on the Islamic Republic
of Iran. The Council required the Islamic Republic of
Iran to comply with the relevant resolutions of the
Council and to increase its cooperation with the
International Atomic Energy Agency in order to dispel
doubts as to the purpose of its nuclear programme.
Non-proliferation (Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea)
On 20 August and 19 November 2009, and on
11 February and 27 May 2010, the Council heard
regular 90-day briefings by the Chair of the Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006) on the
implementation of sanctions against the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea.
The briefing of 20 August 2009 highlighted the
new measures that had resulted from the adoption of
resolution 1874 (2009), including the designation of
additional entities, goods and individuals subject to
sanctions; the agreement to continue to work to
designate further goods and identify entities acting on
behalf of or at the direction of previously designated
entities; the adoption of a broad-ranging programme of
work covering compliance, investigations, outreach and
implementation assistance; the increasing number of
reports from Member States on steps taken to implement
the resolution; and the appointment on 12 August by the
Secretary-General of the seven-member Panel of
Experts to support the Committee’s work.
Members of the Council reaffirmed their support
for the full implementation of resolutions 1718 (2006)
and 1874 (2009), underlined the need for the
Committee to be active, especially in responding to
alleged violations of the relevant measures, and stressed
the goal of the return of the Democratic People’s Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
20 10-60746
Republic of Korea to peaceful dialogue leading to the
denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
On 19 November, during consultations of the
whole, the Council heard a briefing by the Chair of the
Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718
(2006). Following the briefing, Council members
expressed their appreciation for the work of the
Committee and its Chair, exchanged views on the work
of the Committee during that period, and noted with
interest the interim report of the Panel of Experts
submitted to the Council on 11 November in accordance
with paragraph 26 (d) of resolution 1874 (2009) and the
deadline agreed by the Council on 14 September.
Council members welcomed the commencement of the
work of the Panel of Experts and expressed their
expectation that the Panel would continue its work, in
accordance with relevant Council resolutions and under
the direction of the Committee, so as to achieve the full
implementation of the measures set out in its resolutions
1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009).
On 11 February 2010, in closed consultations, the
Council heard a briefing by the Permanent
Representative of Turkey, Ertuğrul Apakan, in his
capacity as Chair of the Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006). He briefed the
Council on the activities of the Committee and its
Panel of Experts. He also emphasized that, during the
reporting period, the Committee had received two more
reports of alleged cases of violations of resolutions
1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009), which were under
On 27 May, during consultations of the whole,
the Council heard a briefing by the Chair of the
Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718
(2006). He said that, during the reporting period, the
Panel of Experts had submitted its final report to the
Council. He also pointed out that the Committee had
received one report of an alleged case of the violation
of resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009). Lastly, he
informed the Council that the mandate of the Panel
would expire on 12 June. In the discussions that
followed, Council members noted the reported
violations with concern and expressed their support for
the renewal of the mandate of the Panel of Experts.
On 7 June, the Council adopted resolution 1928
(2010), extending the current mandate of the Panel of
Experts established by resolution 1874 (2009) until
12 June 2011.
Maintenance of international peace and
security: nuclear non-proliferation and
nuclear disarmament
On 24 September 2009, the Council held a
high-level summit meeting on the issue of nuclear
non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament at which
resolution 1887 (2009) was adopted with the
co-sponsorship and support of all Council members.
Key provisions of the resolution included a
commitment to work towards a world without nuclear
weapons, in accordance with the goals of the Treaty on
the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, calls for
further progress on nuclear arms reductions, a
strengthened Non-Proliferation Treaty and respect for
the right to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The
Council also reaffirmed the need for full
implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) by Member
States and stressed the importance of ensuring that
IAEA had the authority and resources necessary to
carry out its mandate. In their statements, many
delegations addressed such issues as nuclear
disarmament, non-proliferation and the peaceful uses
of nuclear energy.
Maintenance of international peace and
security: intercultural dialogue for peace
and security
On 26 May 2010, the Council held an open
debate on intercultural dialogue for peace and security
as an instrument of preventive diplomacy, conflict
management and resolution, and peacebuilding.
Council members noted the importance of
intercultural dialogue in a globalized world and
emphasized that tolerance and mutual respect should
be the basis for the international community to
confront challenges. Members considered mediation as
an important tool for the resolution and prevention of
conflicts. They also stressed the importance of
intercultural dialogue in building respect between
peoples and overcoming mistrust among them.
Maintenance of international peace and
security: optimizing the use of preventive
diplomacy tools — prospects and challenges
for Africa
On 16 July 2010, the Council held an open debate
on the issue of optimizing preventive diplomacy tools.
Recognizing the need to better understand and account Introduction
10-60746 21
for the root causes of conflict, Council members
observed that much could be achieved through the use
of preventive diplomacy in tackling problems relating
to weak governance, the proliferation of small arms
and light weapons and other socio-economic
challenges that could fuel conflict. Members
underlined the need for stronger partnership with
regional and local actors, investment in early
prevention strategies and strengthening of the capacity
of the United Nations in terms of crisis analysis.
In a presidential statement (S/PRST/2010/14), the
Council, inter alia, recognized the increased material,
human and financial resources required by
peacekeeping operations over the past decade and
acknowledged the potential benefits and efficiencies
that could be achieved through an integrated approach
to preventing conflicts. The Council also recognized
the importance of a comprehensive strategy comprising
operational and structural measures for the prevention
of armed conflicts. It acknowledged the importance of
continually engaging the potential and existing
capacities and capabilities of the United Nations
Secretariat and regional and subregional organizations
as well as national Governments in preventive
diplomacy efforts, including mediation, and welcomed
the promotion of regional approaches to the settlement
of disputes. It requested the Secretary-General to
submit a report on the issue.
The promotion and strengthening of the rule of
law in the maintenance of international peace
and security
On 29 June 2010, the Council held an open
debate on promoting and strengthening the rule of law
in the maintenance of international peace and security.
In a statement by its President (S/PRST/2010/11), the
Council reaffirmed its commitment to an international
order based on the rule of law and international law,
and reaffirmed its strong opposition to impunity for
serious violations of international humanitarian law
and human rights law. It called upon States to settle
disputes peacefully and emphasized the key role of the
International Court of Justice. The Council noted that
the fight against impunity for the most serious crimes
of international concern had been strengthened through
the work of the International Criminal Court and
ad hoc and mixed tribunals, as well as specialized
chambers in national tribunals, and pledged to continue
vigorously to fight impunity and uphold accountability
for the most serious crimes. The Council requested the
Secretary-General to provide a follow-up report within
12 months.
Threats to international peace and security
On 24 February 2010, in his briefing to the
Council, the Executive Director of the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime, Antonio Maria Costa,
noted that transnational issues, including drug
trafficking and organized crime, posed serious threats
to international peace and security. He called for more
integrated action and indicated that criminal justice
should figure more prominently in United Nations
peacebuilding and peacekeeping. He further called for
a system-wide response in order to address the crosscutting nature of organized crime.
In the presidential statement adopted at the
meeting (S/PRST/2010/4), the Council noted with
concern the serious threats posed in some cases by
drug trafficking and transnational organized crime to
international security in different regions of the world,
and invited the Secretary-General to consider those
threats as a factor in conflict prevention strategies,
conflict analysis, and the assessment and planning of
integrated missions.
Post-conflict peacebuilding
On 25 November 2009, during an open debate on
post-conflict peacebuilding, the Council invited the
Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, the Permanent
Representative of Chile, Ambassador Heraldo Muñoz,
to introduce the report of the Commission on its third
session (S/2009/444). The Council welcomed the
strengthening of the Commission’s coordination and
cooperation with relevant stakeholders within and
outside the United Nations system. Council members
further extended their support for the strengthening of
interaction between the Council and the Commission
and underlined their commitment to refining the
Commission’s work by constructively contributing to
its 2010 review.
On 16 April 2010, the Council held an open
debate on post-conflict peacebuilding. The SecretaryGeneral, in his address to the Council, stated that three
objectives of peacebuilding were to deliver peace
dividends to conflict-affected people, to build State
capacity and to adopt a comprehensive approach that Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
22 10-60746
took into account political, security and social
The Permanent Representative of Germany,
Ambassador Peter Wittig, speaking in his capacity as
Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, stated that the
Commission would continue to explore measures to
deepen United Nations collaboration with the main
actors at the country level and monitor progress
towards the attainment of critical peacebuilding
The members of the Council stressed the
importance of an integrated approach to peacebuilding
which strengthened coherence between political,
security, development, human rights and rule-of-law
activities. They noted the important role that the United
Nations could play in supporting national authorities in
their efforts to develop peacebuilding strategies that
addressed priority needs.
Following the debate, the Council adopted a
presidential statement (S/PRST/2010/7), in which it
emphasized the critical importance of post-conflict
peacebuilding as the foundation for building
sustainable peace and development in the aftermath of
Cooperation between the United Nations and
regional and subregional organizations in
maintaining international peace and security
On 13 January 2010, the Council considered
cooperation between the United Nations and regional
and subregional organizations in maintaining
international peace and security. The Secretary-General
briefed the Council on cooperation between the United
Nations and regional and subregional organizations and
the conclusions of his retreat with heads of regional
and other organizations on 11 and 12 January 2010.
In the presidential statement adopted as the
outcome of the debate (S/PRST/2010/1), the Council
expressed its intention to consider further steps to
promote closer and more operational cooperation
between the United Nations and regional and
subregional organizations in the fields of conflict early
warning, prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping and
peacebuilding, and to ensure the coherence, synergy
and collective effectiveness of their efforts. In the
statement, the Council underlined the importance of
utilizing the capabilities of regional and subregional
organizations in the peaceful settlement of local
disputes, including by encouraging countries in the
region to resolve differences peacefully through
dialogue, reconciliation, consultation, negotiation,
good offices, mediation and the judicial settlement of
On 4 May 2010, the High Representative for
Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European
Union, Catherine Ashton, briefed the Council on the
European Union’s commitment to the active promotion
of peace, security, justice and human rights, as well as
protection of the vulnerable, and helping people to live
in safety and dignity.
Council members welcomed the contributions of
the European Union to capacity-building in Africa and
expressed their support for the cooperation between the
United Nations and regional and subregional entities,
as enshrined in Chapter VIII of the Charter. They
welcomed the European Union’s support for the efforts
of the United Nations in maintaining international
peace and security, since the two organizations shared
common goals and principles, such as the promotion of
human rights, the rule of law, and development.
Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of
the Security Council
On 13 November 2009, the Chairs of the three
subsidiary bodies of the Council dealing with counterterrorism, the Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the
Taliban and associated individuals and entities, the
Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373
(2001) concerning counter-terrorism, and the
Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540
(2004), briefed the Council about their Committees’
work during the past six months.
The Chair of the Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1373 (2001), the Permanent
Representative of Croatia, Ambassador Ranko Vilović,
informed the Council about the adoption of the interim
review of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive
Directorate, the finalization of the preliminary
implementation assessments and the related stocktaking process, as well as about visits to and dialogue
with Member States.
The Chair of the Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1540 (2004), the Permanent
Representative of Costa Rica, Ambassador Jorge
Urbina, highlighted the comprehensive review of the Introduction
10-60746 23
implementation of resolution 1540 (2004), including
open meetings with the participation of the wider
United Nations membership and relevant international
and regional organizations.
The Chair of the Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1267 (1999), the Permanent
Representative of Austria, Ambassador Thomas MayrHarting, briefed the Council about the status of the
implementation of resolution 1822 (2008), in particular
the status of the review of all entries in the
Consolidated List and the publication of narrative
summaries of reasons for listing. In the subsequent
debate, Member States expressed support for the
activities of the three Committees.
On 14 December, the Council was briefed by the
Chair of the Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1132 (1997) concerning Sierra Leone, the
Permanent Representative of Viet Nam, Ambassador
Le Luong Minh; the Chair of the Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003)
concerning Iraq, the Permanent Representative of
Burkina Faso, Ambassador Michel Kafando; and the
Chair of the Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia, the
Permanent Representative of the Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya, Ambassador Abdurrahman Mohamed
On 11 May 2010, the Council received updates
from the Chairs of the three counter-terrorism
Committees, established pursuant to resolutions 1267
(1999), 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004). The Permanent
Representative of Mexico, Ambassador Claude Heller,
delivered a joint statement on behalf of the three
Committees and said that the Committees and their
expert groups, inter alia, were implementing a joint
strategy with regard to non-reporting or late-reporting
States and were elaborating a joint strategy to
coordinate with international and regional
organizations. Assistance to Member States,
information exchange and country visits, along with
the possible co-location of the expert groups, were
mentioned as concrete examples of cooperation among
the three Committees and their expert groups.
In a statement made in his capacity as Chair of
the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540
(2004), Ambassador Heller indicated that the resolution
had prompted significant action across the globe, with
nearly 160 States reporting on their capabilities and
challenges in preventing non-State actors from
acquiring weapons of mass destruction. He highlighted
some of the recommendations of the comprehensive
review of resolution 1540 (2004) carried out in
October 2009 and said that many Member States had
welcomed the open meetings of the Committee held
during that review. He added that some countries had
reported the legal measures that they had undertaken to
counter non-State traffic of weapons of mass
destruction, while others had reported gaps in their
legal regimes.
The Chair of the Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1267 (1999), Ambassador Thomas MayrHarting, reported on improved procedures for the
listing and de-listing of individuals and entities,
following the directives of Council resolutions 1822
(2008) and 1904 (2009), in particular the
Ombudsperson for delisting. He informed the Council
about progress made during the review of the
Consolidated List pursuant to resolution 1822 (2008) to
ensure that the Consolidated List remained dynamic
and reflected current threats.
The Chair of the Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1373 (2001), the Permanent
Representative of Turkey, Ambassador Ertuğrul
Apakan, said that the Committee had taken up issues
such as border control and security, the implementation
and assessment of resolution 1624 (2005), maritime
security and terrorist acts committed at sea, the
implementation of extradition requirements, and law
enforcement. He added that the Committee was
working on policy guidance for international legal
cooperation. It was also increasing dialogue with
Member States to identify areas where the
implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) was lagging.
Council members stressed the continued need for
a unified, global fight against terrorism and welcomed
efforts to make the Council’s three Committees more
effective, coordinated and transparent.
Children and armed conflict
On 4 August 2009, by resolution 1882 (2009)
concerning children and armed conflict, the Council
expanded the criteria under which parties to armed
conflict can be included in the annexes to the reports of
the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict,
namely, those parties to armed conflict that engage, in
contravention of applicable international law, in Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
24 10-60746
patterns of killing and maiming of children and/or rape
or sexual violence committed against children. In
addition, the Council requested the Secretary-General
to provide dedicated administrative and substantive
support to the Working Group on Children and Armed
On 16 June 2010, the Council adopted a
presidential statement (S/PRST/2010/10), in which it
reasserted its strong condemnation of the recruitment,
killing, maiming, rape and other abuse of children
during armed conflict, and expressed its readiness to
take targeted and graduated measures against persistent
perpetrators of these crimes.
Protection of civilians in armed conflict
On 11 November 2009, in commemoration of the
tenth anniversary of the adoption of resolution 1265
(1999), the Council held an open debate on the
protection of civilians in armed conflict and adopted
resolution 1894 (2009), in which it reiterated its
willingness to respond to situations of armed conflict
in which civilians were being targeted or humanitarian
assistance was being obstructed.
The Council also recognized the need for
comprehensive operational guidance on peacekeeping
missions’ tasks and responsibilities in the
implementation of protection of civilians mandates,
and requested the Secretary-General to develop, in
close consultation with Member States, including
troop- and police-contributing countries and other
relevant actors, an operational concept for the
protection of civilians. The Council requested the
Secretary-General to develop guidelines for United
Nations missions on the reporting on the protection of
civilians with a view to enhancing the Council’s
monitoring and oversight of the implementation of
protection mandates.
On 7 July 2010, the Council held an open debate
in which it expressed support for the ongoing work of
the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights, the Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the
Department of Peacekeeping Operations in addressing
the issue. It identified key challenges and called for
better implementation of international human rights
and humanitarian law to address the challenges.
Women and peace and security
On 7 August 2009, the Secretary-General briefed
the Council on his report pursuant to resolution 1820
(2008) (S/2009/362). He underlined the importance of
a multisectoral response to conflict-related sexual
violence, and enhanced United Nations coordination in
the field to prevent continued impunity of the
perpetrators of such acts. The Secretary-General
advised that an independent commission of inquiry
should report to the Council in order to ensure
On 30 September, the Council adopted resolution
1888 (2009) on women and peace and security. Council
members addressed the problem of impunity, called for
greater participation of women in peace negotiations,
and urged parties to armed conflict to uphold their
international legal obligations. By that resolution, the
Council strengthened tools for implementing resolution
1820 (2008) and called for the appointment of a
Special Representative to focus on sexual violence in
armed conflict, the creation of a team of experts to
rapidly deploy to situations of particular concern with
respect to sexual violence in armed conflict, the
identification of women’s protection advisers, and
more systematic reporting on situations of sexual
violence in armed conflict.
On 5 October, by resolution 1889 (2009), the
Council urged United Nations bodies, Member States
and civil society to ensure that women’s empowerment
was taken into account during post-conflict needs
assessment, planning and financing, and that actions
were taken to improve women’s participation at all
stages of peace processes, particularly in conflict
resolution and post-conflict peacebuilding.
On 27 April 2010, the Council held a public
meeting during which it was briefed by the Special
Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual
Violence in Conflict, Margot Wallström, and the
Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on Gender
Issues and Advancement of Women, Rachel Mayanja.
The Council adopted a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2010/8), in which it reiterated its support for
the mandate of the Special Representative; took note of
the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/173); and
expressed its intention to take action on a
comprehensive set of indicators in October 2010. Introduction
10-60746 25
Peacekeeping operations and transition and
exit strategies
On 5 August 2009, the Council held an open
debate on peacekeeping, attended by some 20 force and
police commanders of United Nations peacekeeping
missions. The Under-Secretary-General for
Peacekeeping Operations, Alain Le Roy, and the
Under-Secretary-General for Field Support, Susana
Malcorra, briefed the Council on the non-paper entitled
“A new partnership agenda: charting a new horizon for
United Nations peacekeeping”, the result of their joint
review of the United Nations peacekeeping system.
In the debate that followed, there was a broad
consensus among Member States on issues concerning
the United Nations peacekeeping mechanisms. Speakers
supported measures to improve consultation with troop-
and police-contributing countries and the monitoring
and evaluation of missions, and expressed the need for
clear and achievable mandates. Many supported efforts
to improve the transition to peacebuilding. Following
the debate, the Council adopted a presidential statement
(S/PRST/2009/24), in which it emphasized the central
importance of a partnership drawing together the
contributions and commitment of the entire United
Nations system, and the importance of viewing a
peacekeeping operation as an accompaniment, rather
than an alternative, to a political strategy.
On 12 February 2010, the Council held an open
debate on transition and exit strategies for United
Nations peacekeeping operations. The UnderSecretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations and the
Under-Secretary-General for Field Support stressed
that exit and transition strategies could be anticipated
sooner than they currently were. Moreover, they
pointed out that this would be one of the most
important issues related to peacekeeping operations in
the near future. Members of the Council shared the
view that transition and exit strategies were an
important part of peacekeeping operations and should
be planned at an early stage.
Other matters
Implementation of the note by the President of
the Security Council (S/2006/507)
The Council continued to discuss how to improve
its working methods, including in the area of
documentation and other procedural questions. On
22 April 2010, the Council held an open debate on this
The issue had last been the subject of an open
debate in the Council on 27 August 2008 under the
presidency of Belgium. The debate was based on the
concept paper distributed by Japan (S/2010/165,
annex), in which it proposed that the discussion focus
on three areas of key importance to Council members
and non-members alike: transparency, interaction with
non-members and efficiency.
Most delegations stressed the importance of the
Council’s continuous efforts to improve its openness to
non-members of the Council and the general public,
while ensuring its ability to act effectively and
efficiently. Most representatives of non-members
welcomed the Council’s increased transparency and
enhanced communications with international and
regional organizations and with interested countries
such as troop-contributing countries. Some delegations
praised the increased transparency of sanctions
committees in the process of listing and de-listing.
Others stated that the question of the working methods
should be linked to the overall reform of the Council.
While noting the improvements made in recent years,
most non-members called for fuller implementation of
the note by the President in order to improve
transparency and interaction with the wider
Taking note of the views expressed by Member
States during the open debate on this issue on 22 April,
the Informal Working Group on Documentation and
Other Procedural Questions undertook a revision of the
presidential note (S/2006/507), to reflect current
procedures and practices of the Council and to
incorporate the Council’s agreements in two other
presidential notes (S/2007/749 and S/2008/847).
The revised presidential note (S/2010/507) was
adopted by the Council on 27 July. The revised note
provided for a number of improvements with a view to
greater efficiency and transparency of the Council’s
working methods. It included a new section on planning
and reporting for Council missions as well as a
provision on communication with the Peacebuilding
Commission. It also referred for the first time to the use
of informal dialogue by the Council in recent years.
The note clarified the Council’s intention to enhance its
dialogue with countries contributing troops to
peacekeeping operations, especially before considering Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
26 10-60746
the renewal of peacekeeping operation mandates. It also
clarified expectations on the part of both the Council
and the Secretariat regarding the submission of reports
of the Secretary-General and briefings.
International Court of Justice
On 29 October 2009, the Council held a private
meeting with the President of the International Court of
Justice, Judge Hisashi Owada, during which the role of
the Court as the principal judicial organ of the United
Nations and its important contributions to international
law, in particular in the field of the peaceful settlement
of international disputes, were underlined.
On 18 March 2010, the Council met to consider a
vacancy on the International Court of Justice following
the resignation of Judge Shi Jiuyong, which would take
effect on 28 May 2010. The Council adopted resolution
1914 (2010), in which it noted with regret the
resignation and decided that the election to fill the
vacancy should take place on 29 June 2010 at a
meeting of the Council and at a meeting of the General
Assembly. On 29 June, in a vote held simultaneously
with the Assembly, the Council elected Xue Hanqin of
China, by secret ballot, to fill the remainder of Judge
Shi’s term of office.
On 2 June, the Council met to consider a further
vacancy on the International Court of Justice,
following the resignation of Judge Thomas
Buergenthal, which would take effect on 6 September.
The Council adopted resolution 1926 (2010), in which
it noted with regret the resignation and decided that the
election to fill the vacancy should take place on
9 September 2010 at a meeting of the Council and at a
meeting of the General Assembly.
Annual report of the Security Council to the
General Assembly
On 29 October 2009, at a public meeting,
following introductory remarks made by the Permanent
Representative of Viet Nam in his capacity as President
of the Council for the month of October, members of
the Council heard a presentation by the Permanent
Representative of Uganda, who, in his capacity as
President of the Council in July 2009, had had the
responsibility for drafting the introductory part of the
annual report of the Council. The Council then adopted
its annual report to the General Assembly for the
period from 1 August 2008 to 31 July 2009 (A/64/2).
On 12 November, as previously agreed by the
other members of the Council, the Permanent
Representative of Austria, in his capacity as President
of the Council for the month, presented to the General
Assembly the annual report of the Council. During the
reporting period, the Council’s work was characterized
by an increase in the number of open debates and open
briefings. 10-60746 27
Part I
Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
Resolutions adopted by the Security Council during the
period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Resolution number Date of adoption Subject
1882 (2009) 4 August 2009 Children and armed conflict
1883 (2009) 7 August 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
1884 (2009) 27 August 2009 The situation in the Middle East (UNIFIL)
1885 (2009) 15 September 2009 The situation in Liberia
1886 (2009) 15 September 2009 The situation in Sierra Leone
1887 (2009) 24 September 2009 Maintenance of international peace and security:
nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament
1888 (2009) 30 September 2009 Women and peace and security
1889 (2009) 5 October 2009 Women and peace and security
1890 (2009) 8 October 2009 The situation in Afghanistan
1891 (2009) 13 October 2009 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
1892 (2009) 13 October 2009 The question concerning Haiti
1893 (2009) 29 October 2009 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
1894 (2009) 11 November 2009 Protection of civilians in armed conflict
1895 (2009) 18 November 2009 The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
1896 (2009) 30 November 2009 The situation concerning the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
1897 (2009) 30 November 2009 The situation in Somalia
1898 (2009) 14 December 2009 The situation in Cyprus
1899 (2009) 16 December 2009 The situation in the Middle East (UNDOF)
1900 (2009) 16 December 2009 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in
the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
28 10-60746
Resolution number Date of adoption Subject
1901 (2009) 16 December 2009 International Criminal Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide
and Other Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of
Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for
Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed
in the Territory of Neighbouring States between
1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994
1902 (2009) 17 December 2009 The situation in Burundi
1903 (2009) 17 December 2009 The situation in Liberia
1904 (2009) 17 December 2009 Threats to international peace and security caused
by terrorist acts
1905 (2009) 21 December 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
1906 (2009) 23 December 2009 The situation concerning the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
1907 (2009) 23 December 2009 Peace and security in Africa
1908 (2010) 19 January 2010 The question concerning Haiti
1909 (2010) 21 January 2010 Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of
the Security Council (S/2006/920)
1910 (2010) 28 January 2010 The situation in Somalia
1911 (2010) 28 January 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
1912 (2010) 26 February 2010 The situation in Timor-Leste
1913 (2010) 12 March 2010 The situation in Chad, the Central African
Republic and the subregion
1914 (2010) 18 March 2010 Date of election to fill a vacancy in the
International Court of Justice
1915 (2010) 18 March 2010 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in
the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
1916 (2010) 19 March 2010 The situation in Somalia
1917 (2010) 22 March 2010 The situation in Afghanistan
1918 (2010) 27 April 2010 The situation in Somalia
1919 (2010) 29 April 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
1920 (2010) 30 April 2010 The situation concerning Western Sahara Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 29
Resolution number Date of adoption Subject
1921 (2010) 12 May 2010 Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of
the Security Council (S/2006/920)
1922 (2010) 12 May 2010 The situation in Chad, the Central African
Republic and the subregion
1923 (2010) 25 May 2010 The situation in Chad, the Central African
Republic and the subregion
1924 (2010) 27 May 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
1925 (2010) 28 May 2010 The situation concerning the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
1926 (2010) 2 June 2010 Date of election to fill a vacancy in the
International Court of Justice
1927 (2010) 4 June 2010 The question concerning Haiti
1928 (2010) 7 June 2010 Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea
1929 (2010) 9 June 2010 Non-proliferation
1930 (2010) 15 June 2010 The situation in Cyprus
1931 (2010) 29 June 2010 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in
the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
1932 (2010) 29 June 2010 International Criminal Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide
and Other Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of
Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for
Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed
in the Territory of Neighbouring States between
1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994
1933 (2010) 30 June 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
1934 (2010) 30 June 2010 The situation in the Middle East (UNDOF)
1935 (2010) 30 July 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
30 10-60746
Statements made and/or issued by the President of the
Security Council during the period from 1 August 2009
to 31 July 2010
Statement by the President Date Subject
S/PRST/2009/24 5 August 2009 United Nations peacekeeping operations
S/PRST/2009/25 29 September 2009 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/PRST/2009/26 26 October 2009 Peace and security in Africa
S/PRST/2009/27 28 October 2009 Peace consolidation in West Africa
S/PRST/2009/28 29 October 2009 The situation in Afghanistan
S/PRST/2009/29 5 November 2009 The situation in Guinea-Bissau
S/PRST/2009/30 16 November 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
S/PRST/2009/31 3 December 2009 The situation in Somalia
S/PRST/2009/32 8 December 2009 Peace and security in Africa
S/PRST/2009/33 8 December 2009 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/PRST/2009/34 16 December 2009 The situation in the Middle East (UNDOF)
S/PRST/2009/35 21 December 2009 The situation in the Central African Republic
S/PRST/2010/1 13 January 2010 Cooperation between the United Nations and
regional and subregional organizations in
maintaining international peace and security
S/PRST/2010/2 12 February 2010 United Nations peacekeeping operations:
transition and exit strategies
S/PRST/2010/3 16 February 2010 Peace consolidation in West Africa
S/PRST/2010/4 24 February 2010 Threats to international peace and security
S/PRST/2010/5 26 February 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
S/PRST/2010/6 19 March 2010 Central African region
S/PRST/2010/7 16 April 2010 Post-conflict peacebuilding
S/PRST/2010/8 27 April 2010 Women and peace and security
S/PRST/2010/9 1 June 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
S/PRST/2010/10 16 June 2010 Children and armed conflict
S/PRST/2010/11 29 June 2010 The promotion and strengthening of the rule of
law in the maintenance of international peace and
S/PRST/2010/12 30 June 2010 The situation in the Middle East (UNDOF)Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 31
Statement by the President Date Subject
S/PRST/2010/13 9 July 2010 Letter dated 4 June 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of the Republic of Korea to the
United Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/281) and other relevant
S/PRST/2010/14 16 July 2010 Maintenance of international peace and security:
optimizing the use of preventive diplomacy
tools — prospects and challenges in Africa
S/PRST/2010/15 22 July 2010 The situation in Guinea-Bissau Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
32 10-60746
Official communiqués issued by the Security Council during
the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Symbol Date Subject
S/PV.6181 13 August 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution
1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
S/PV.6184 3 September 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution
1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in Liberia
S/PV.6185 4 September 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution
1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Stabilization Mission in
S/PV.6208 29 October 2009 Briefing by the President of the International
Court of Justice
S/PV.6231 7 December 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution
1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
S/PV.6232 7 December 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution
1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Disengagement Observer
S/PV.6237 10 December 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution
1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/PV.6252 21 December 2009 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Letter dated 17 November 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/599)
S/PV.6258 14 January 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution
1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Operation in Côte d’IvoireActivities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 33
Symbol Date Subject
S/PV.6275 22 February 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Integrated Mission in TimorLeste
S/PV.6282 10 March 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in the Central
African Republic and Chad
S/PV.6294 7 April 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/PV.6295 9 April 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission for the Referendum
in Western Sahara
S/PV.6296 9 April 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in the Sudan
S/PV.6307 5 May 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in the Central
African Republic and Chad
S/PV.6328 3 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/PV.6331 4 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in CyprusReport of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
34 10-60746
Symbol Date Subject
S/PV.6332 4 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Integrated Mission in TimorLeste
S/PV.6334 8 June 2010 Non-proliferation
S/PV.6337 11 June 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
S/PV.6343 21 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Disengagement Observer
S/PV.6357 12 July 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
Second report of the Secretary-General
pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution 1905
(2009) (S/2010/359)
Note verbale dated 18 June 2010 from the
Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/365)
S/PV.6361 19 July 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
African Union-United Nations Hybrid
Operation in Darfur Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 35
Meetings of the Security Council held during the period
from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Meeting Date Subject
6176 4 August 2009 Children and armed conflict
6177 4 August 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
paragraph 6 of resolution 1830 (2008)
6178 5 August 2009 United Nations peacekeeping operations
6179 7 August 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
paragraph 6 of resolution 1830 (2008)
6180 7 August 2009 Women and peace and security
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
Security Council resolution 1820 (2008)
6181 13 August 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353
(2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
6182 19 August 2009 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6183 27 August 2009 The situation in the Middle East
Letter dated 6 August 2009 from the SecretaryGeneral addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2009/407)
6184 3 September 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353
(2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in Liberia
6185 4 September 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353
(2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
36 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6186 9 September 2009 The question concerning Haiti
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
6187 14 September 2009 The situation in Sierra Leone
Third report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding
Office in Sierra Leone (S/2009/438)
6188 15 September 2009 The situation in Liberia
Nineteenth progress report of the SecretaryGeneral on the United Nations Mission in
Liberia (S/2009/411)
6189 15 September 2009 The situation in Sierra Leone
Third report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding
Office in Sierra Leone (S/2009/438)
6190 17 September 2009 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6191 24 September 2009 Maintenance of international peace and security
Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear
6192 25 September 2009 Letter dated 22 September 2009 from the
Permanent Representative of Brazil to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the Security
Council (S/2009/487)
6193 29 September 2009 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
6194 29 September 2009 The situation in Afghanistan
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
6195 30 September 2009 Women and peace and security
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
Security Council resolution 1820 (2008)
(S/2009/362)Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 37
Meeting Date Subject
6196 5 October 2009 Women and peace and security
Report of the Secretary-General on women and
peace and security (S/2009/465)
Letter dated 18 September 2009 from the
Permanent Representative of Viet Nam to the
United Nations addressed to the SecretaryGeneral (S/2009/490)
6197 8 October 2009 The situation in Somalia
Report of the Secretary-General on Somalia
pursuant to Security Council resolution 1872
(2009) (S/2009/503)
6198 8 October 2009 The situation in Afghanistan
6199 13 October 2009 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
6200 13 October 2009 The question concerning Haiti
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
6201 14 October 2009 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6202 15 October 2009 Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199
(1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999)
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo (S/2009/497)
6203 16 October 2009 The situation concerning the Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Twenty-ninth report of the Secretary-General
on the United Nations Organization Mission in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo
6204 22 October 2009 The situation in Chad, the Central African
Republic and the subregion
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad (S/2009/535) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
38 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6205 23 October 2009 The situation in Timor-Leste
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
6206 26 October 2009 Peace and security in Africa
Report of the Secretary-General on support to
African Union peacekeeping operations
authorized by the United Nations (S/2009/470)
6207 28 October 2009 Peace consolidation in West Africa
6208 29 October 2009 Briefing by the President of the International Court
of Justice
6209 29 October 2009 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Letter dated 7 October 2009 from the
Chairman of the Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1572 (2004)
concerning Côte d’Ivoire addressed to the
President of the Security Council (S/2009/521)
6210 29 October 2009 Consideration of the draft report of the Security
Council to the General Assembly
6211 29 October 2009 The situation in Afghanistan
6212 5 November 2009 The situation in Guinea-Bissau
Report of the Secretary-General on
developments in Guinea-Bissau and on the
activities of the United Nations Peacebuilding
Support Office in that country (S/2009/552)
6213 5 November 2009 The situation in Guinea-Bissau
Report of the Secretary-General on
developments in Guinea-Bissau and on the
activities of the United Nations Peacebuilding
Support Office in that country (S/2009/552)
6214 6 November 2009 Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2006/920)
Report of the Secretary-General on the request
of Nepal for United Nations assistance in
support of its peace process (S/2009/553) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 39
Meeting Date Subject
6215 9 November 2009 The situation in the Great Lakes region
6216 11 November 2009 Protection of civilians in armed conflict
Letter dated 2 November 2009 from the
Permanent Representative of Austria to the
United Nations addressed to the SecretaryGeneral (S/2009/567)
6217 13 November 2009 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the
Security Council
6218 16 November 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
paragraph 6 of resolution 1883 (2009)
6219 16 November 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
paragraph 6 of resolution 1883 (2009)
6220 18 November 2009 The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Letter dated 12 November 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/588)
Letter dated 8 October 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/525)
6221 18 November 2009 The situation in Somalia
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
Security Council resolution 1846 (2008)
6222 23 November 2009 The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Letter dated 12 November 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/588)
6223 24 November 2009 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6224 25 November 2009 Post-conflict peacebuilding
Report of the Peacebuilding Commission on its
third session (S/2009/444) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
40 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6225 30 November 2009 The situation concerning the Democratic Republic
of the Congo
6226 30 November 2009 The situation in Somalia
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
Security Council resolution 1846 (2008)
6227 30 November 2009 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Report of the Secretary-General on the African
Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
Darfur (S/2009/592)
6228 3 December 2009 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other
Serious Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and
Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and
Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory
of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994
and 31 December 1994
Letter dated 12 November 2009 from the
President of the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda addressed to the
President of the Security Council (S/2009/587)
Letter dated 12 November 2009 from the
President of the International Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian Law
Committed in the Territory of the Former
Yugoslavia since 1991 addressed to the
President of the Security Council (S/2009/589)
6229 3 December 2009 The situation in Somalia
6230 4 December 2009 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
6231 7 December 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353
(2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 41
Meeting Date Subject
6232 7 December 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353
(2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
6233 8 December 2009 Peace and security in Africa
Drug trafficking as a threat to international
Letter dated 30 November 2009 from the
Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso to
the United Nations addressed to the SecretaryGeneral (S/2009/615)
6234 8 December 2009 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
6235 10 December 2009 Non-proliferation
Briefing by the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1737 (2006)
6236 10 December 2009 The situation in Burundi
Sixth report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi
6237 10 December 2009 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353
(2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6238 14 December 2009 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the
Security Council
6239 14 December 2009 The situation in Cyprus
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations operation in Cyprus (S/2009/609)
Report of the Secretary-General on his mission
of good offices in Cyprus (S/2009/610)Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
42 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6240 15 December 2009 The situation in the Central African Republic
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in the Central African Republic and
on the activities of the United Nations
Peacebuilding Support Office in that country
6241 16 December 2009 The situation in the Middle East
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Disengagement Observer Force
6242 16 December 2009 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
Letter dated 28 October 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/570)
6243 16 December 2009 International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other
Serious Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and
Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and
Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory
of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994
and 31 December 1994
Letter dated 2 November 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/571)
Letter dated 23 November 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/601)
6244 16 December 2009 The situation concerning the Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Thirtieth report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
(S/2009/623) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 43
Meeting Date Subject
6245 17 December 2009 The situation in Burundi
Sixth report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi
6246 17 December 2009 The situation in Liberia
Letter dated 11 December 2009 from the
Chairman of the Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003)
concerning Liberia addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/640)
6247 17 December 2009 Threats to international peace and security caused
by terrorist acts
6248 17 December 2009 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6249 21 December 2009 The situation concerning Iraq
6250 21 December 2009 The situation in the Central African Republic
6251 21 December 2009 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Letter dated 17 November 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/599)
6252 21 December 2009 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Letter dated 17 November 2009 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2009/599)
6253 23 December 2009 The situation concerning the Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Thirtieth report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6254 23 December 2009 Peace and security in Africa
6255 6 January 2010 The situation in Afghanistan
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
(S/2009/674) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
44 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6256 12 January 2010 Peace consolidation in West Africa
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Office for West Africa (S/2009/682)
6257 13 January 2010 Cooperation between the United Nations and
regional and subregional organizations in
maintaining international peace and security
Letter dated 4 January 2010 from the
Permanent Representative of China to the
United Nations addressed to the SecretaryGeneral (S/2010/9)
6258 14 January 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopcontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353
(2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
6259 14 January 2010 The situation in Somalia
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in Somalia (S/2009/684)
6260 15 January 2010 Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2006/920)
Report of the Secretary-General on the request
of Nepal for United Nations assistance in
support of its peace process (S/2010/17)
6261 19 January 2010 The question concerning Haiti
6262 21 January 2010 Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2006/920)
Report of the Secretary-General on the request
of Nepal for United Nations assistance in
support of its peace process (S/2010/17)
6263 21 January 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Twenty-third progress report of the SecretaryGeneral on the United Nations Operation in
Côte d’Ivoire (S/2010/15) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 45
Meeting Date Subject
6264 22 January 2010 Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199
(1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999)
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo (S/2010/5)
6265 27 January 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6266 28 January 2010 The situation in Somalia
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in Somalia (S/2009/684)
6267 28 January 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Twenty-third progress report of the SecretaryGeneral on the United Nations Operation in
Côte d’Ivoire (S/2010/15)
6268 5 February 2010 Briefing by the Chairman-in-Office of the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in
6269 11 February 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Report of the Secretary-General on the African
Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
Darfur (S/2010/50)
6270 12 February 2010 United Nations peacekeeping operations
Transition and exit strategies
Letter dated 3 February 2010 from the
Permanent Representative of France to the
United Nations addressed to the SecretaryGeneral (S/2010/67)
6271 16 February 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
paragraph 6 of resolution 1883 (2009)
6272 16 February 2010 Peace consolidation in West Africa
6273 18 February 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6274 19 February 2010 The question concerning Haiti Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
46 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6275 22 February 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Integrated Mission in
6276 23 February 2010 The situation in Timor-Leste
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
6277 24 February 2010 Threats to international peace and security
Briefing by the Executive Director of the
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Letter dated 17 February 2010 from the
Permanent Representative of France to the
United Nations addressed to the SecretaryGeneral (S/2010/94)
6278 26 February 2010 The situation in Timor-Leste
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
6279 26 February 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
paragraph 5 of resolution 1859 (2008)
6280 4 March 2010 Non-proliferation
Briefing by the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1737 (2006)
6281 5 March 2010 The situation in Guinea-Bissau
Report of the Secretary-General on
developments in Guinea-Bissau and on the
activities of the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in that country
(S/2010/106) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 47
Meeting Date Subject
6282 10 March 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad
6283 12 March 2010 The situation in Chad, the Central African
Republic and the subregion
6284 17 March 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
6285 18 March 2010 Date of election to fill a vacancy in the
International Court of Justice
6286 18 March 2010 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
Letter dated 15 March 2010 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council (S/2010/133)
6287 18 March 2010 The situation in Afghanistan
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
6288 19 March 2010 Central African region
Impact of illicit arms trafficking on peace and
Letter dated 15 March 2010 from the
Permanent Representative of Gabon to the
United Nations addressed to the SecretaryGeneral (S/2010/143)
6289 19 March 2010 The situation in Somalia
6290 22 March 2010 The situation in Afghanistan
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
(S/2010/127) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
48 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6291 22 March 2010 The situation in Sierra Leone
Fourth report of the Secretary-General on the
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding
Office in Sierra Leone (S/2010/135)
6292 24 March 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6293 6 April 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
First report of the Secretary-General pursuant
to paragraph 3 of resolution 1905 (2009)
Letter dated 18 March 2010 from the
Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/153)
6294 7 April 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6295 9 April 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission for the Referendum in
Western Sahara
6296 9 April 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in the Sudan
6297 13 April 2010 The situation concerning the Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Thirty-first report of the Secretary-General on
the United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6298 14 April 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 49
Meeting Date Subject
6299 16 April 2010 Post-conflict peacebuilding
Letter dated 1 April 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Japan to the United Nations
addressed to the Secretary-General
6300 22 April 2010 Implementation of the note by the President of the
Security Council (S/2006/507)
Letter dated 1 April 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Japan to the United Nations
addressed to the Secretary-General
6301 27 April 2010 The situation in Somalia
6302 27 April 2010 Women and peace and security
Report of the Secretary-General on women and
peace and security (S/2010/173)
6303 28 April 2010 The question concerning Haiti
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
6304 29 April 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Mission in the Sudan (S/2010/168 and
6305 30 April 2010 The situation concerning Western Sahara
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation concerning Western Sahara
6306 4 May 2010 Cooperation between the United Nations and
regional and subregional organizations in
maintaining international peace and security
European Union
6307 5 May 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
50 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6308 5 May 2010 Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2006/920)
Report of the Secretary-General on the request
of Nepal for United Nations assistance in
support of its peace process (S/2010/214)
6309 10 May 2010 The situation in Burundi
6310 11 May 2010 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the
Security Council
6311 12 May 2010 Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2006/920)
Report of the Secretary-General on the request
of Nepal for United Nations assistance in
support of its peace process (S/2010/214)
6312 12 May 2010 The situation in Chad, the Central African
Republic and the subregion
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad (S/2010/217)
6313 12 May 2010 The situation in Somalia
Report of the Secretary-General on Somalia
6314 17 May 2010 Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199
(1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999)
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo (S/2010/169)
6315 18 May 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6316 19 May 2010 Peace and security in Africa
6317 19 May 2010 Security Council mission
Briefing by the Security Council mission to
the Democratic Republic of the Congo (13 to
16 May 2010) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 51
Meeting Date Subject
6318 20 May 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Report of the Secretary-General on the African
Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
Darfur (S/2010/213)
6319 24 May 2010 The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Letter dated 14 May 2010 from the SecretaryGeneral addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/235)
6320 25 May 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
Report of the Secretary-General pursuant to
paragraph 6 of resolution 1883 (2009)
6321 25 May 2010 The situation in Chad, the Central African
Republic and the subregion
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad (S/2010/217)
6322 26 May 2010 Maintenance of international peace and security
Intercultural dialogue for peace and security
Letter dated 19 May 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Lebanon to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
6323 27 May 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Twenty-fourth report of the Secretary-General
on the United Nations Operation in Côte
d’Ivoire (S/2010/245)
6324 28 May 2010 The situation concerning the Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Thirty-first report of the Secretary-General on
the United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
(S/2010/164) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
52 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6325 31 May 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
Letter dated 31 May 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Turkey to the United Nations
addressed to the President of the Security
Council (S/2010/266)
Letter dated 31 May 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Lebanon to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/267)
6326 1 June 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
Letter dated 31 May 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Turkey to the United Nations
addressed to the President of the Security
Council (S/2010/266)
Letter dated 31 May 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Lebanon to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/267)
6327 2 June 2010 Date of election to fill a vacancy in the
International Court of Justice (S/2010/255)
6328 3 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
6329 3 June 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Twenty-fourth report of the Secretary-General
on the United Nations Operation in Côte
d’Ivoire (S/2010/245)
6330 4 June 2010 The question concerning Haiti
6331 4 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 53
Meeting Date Subject
6332 4 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Integrated Mission in
6333 7 June 2010 Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic
of Korea
6334 8 June 2010 Non-proliferation
6335 9 June 2010 Non-proliferation
6336 11 June 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
6337 11 June 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
6338 14 June 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
6339 15 June 2010 The situation in Cyprus
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations operation in Cyprus (S/2010/264)
Report of the Secretary-General on his mission
of good offices in Cyprus (S/2010/238)
6340 15 June 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6341 16 June 2010 Children and armed conflict
Report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/181)
Letter dated 15 June 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Mexico to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
6342 18 June 2010 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other
Serious Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and
Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and
Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory
of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994
and 31 December 1994 Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
54 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
Letter dated 31 May 2010 from the President
of the International Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian Law
Committed in the Territory of the Former
Yugoslavia since 1991 addressed to the
President of the Security Council (S/2010/270)
Letter dated 28 May 2010 from the President
of the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for
Genocide and Other Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in
the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens
Responsible for Genocide and Other Such
Violations Committed in the Territory of
Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994
and 31 December 1994 addressed to the
President of the Security Council (S/2010/259)
6343 21 June 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
6344 28 June 2010 Non-proliferation
Briefing by the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1737 (2006)
6345 28 June 2010 The situation in the Central African Republic
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in the Central African Republic and
on the activities of the United Nations
Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country
6346 29 June 2010 Election of a member of the International Court of
Justice (S/2010/297, S/2010/298 and S/2010/299)
6347 29 June 2010 The promotion and strengthening of the rule of law
in the maintenance of international peace and
Letter dated 18 June 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Mexico to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
(S/2010/322) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 55
Meeting Date Subject
6348 29 June 2010 International Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of
International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
Identical letters dated 18 June 2010 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the General Assembly and the President of
the Security Council (S/2010/330)
6349 29 June 2010 International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other
Serious Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and
Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and
Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory
of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994
and 31 December 1994
Identical letters dated 2 June 2010 from the
Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the General Assembly and the President of
the Security Council (S/2010/289)
6350 30 June 2010 The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Twenty-fourth report of the Secretary-General
on the United Nations Operation in Côte
d’Ivoire (S/2010/245)
6351 30 June 2010 The situation in Afghanistan
Report of the Secretary-General on the
situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
Letter dated 14 June 2010 from the President
of the Security Council addressed to the
Secretary-General (S/2010/325)
6352 30 June 2010 The situation in the Middle East
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Disengagement Observer Force
(S/2010/296) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
56 10-60746
Meeting Date Subject
6353 6 July 2010 Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199
(1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999)
Letter dated 2 July 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Serbia to the United Nations
addressed to the President of the Security
Council (S/2010/355)
6354 7 July 2010 Protection of civilians in armed conflict
6355 9 July 2010 Letter dated 4 June 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of the Republic of Korea to the
United Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/281) and other relevant
6356 12 July 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
Second report of the Secretary-General
pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution 1905
(2009) (S/2010/359)
Note verbale dated 18 June 2010 from the
Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/365)
6357 12 July 2010 The situation concerning Iraq
Second report of the Secretary-General
pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution 1905
(2009) (S/2010/359)
Note verbale dated 18 June 2010 from the
Permanent Mission of Iraq to the United
Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/365)
6358 13 July 2010 Peace consolidation in West Africa
Report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Office for West Africa (S/2010/324)
6359 15 July 2010 The situation in Guinea-Bissau
Report of the Secretary-General on
developments in Guinea-Bissau and on the
activities of the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in that country
(S/2010/335) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 57
Meeting Date Subject
6360 16 July 2010 Maintenance of international peace and security
Optimizing the use of preventive diplomacy
tools: prospects and challenges in Africa
Letter dated 9 July 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of Nigeria to the United
Nations addressed to the Secretary-General
6361 19 July 2010 Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
African Union-United Nations Hybrid
Operation in Darfur
6362 20 July 2010 Peace and security in Africa
Report of the Secretary-General on Eritrea
Letter dated 12 July 2010 from the Chairman
of the Security Council Committee pursuant to
resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009)
concerning Somalia and Eritrea addressed to
the President of the Security Council
6363 21 July 2010 The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
6364 22 July 2010 The situation in Guinea-Bissau
6365 27 July 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Report of the Secretary-General on the African
Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
Darfur (S/2010/382)
6366 30 July 2010 Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Report of the Secretary-General on the African
Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
Darfur (S/2010/382) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
58 10-60746
Meetings of the Security Council and troop- and
police-contributing countries held during the period
from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Meeting Date Subject
6181 13 August 2009 United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
6184 3 September 2009 United Nations Mission in Liberia
6185 4 September 2009 United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
6231 7 December 2009 United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
6232 7 December 2009 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
6237 10 December 2009 United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6258 14 January 2010 United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
6275 22 February 2010 United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
6282 10 March 2010 United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad
6294 7 April 2010 United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo
6295 9 April 2010 United Nations Mission for the Referendum in
Western Sahara
6296 9 April 2010 United Nations Mission in the Sudan
6307 5 May 2010 United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad
6328 3 June 2010 United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
6331 4 June 2010 United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
6332 4 June 2010 United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
6343 21 June 2010 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
6361 19 July 2010 African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
DarfurActivities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 59
Meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council held
during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Governing Council of the United Nations Compensation Commission
Sixty-eighth session
10 and 11 November 2009
Sixty-ninth session
27-29 April 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992)
concerning Somalia*
Informal consultations/meetings
21 October 2009; 10, 24 and 30 March 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999)
concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities
Formal/plenary meetings
28 October 2009 (40th meeting)
Informal consultations/meetings
14 and 28 September; 5, 19 and 28 October; 9, 16 and 24 November; 8 and 14 December
2009; 12 and 26 January; 2 and 16 March; 9 and 22 April; 6, 13, 20 and 25 May; 1, 8, 15,
21 (two meetings), 22, 23 and 29 June; 8, 13, 20, 21, 23, 27 and 29 July 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001)
concerning counter-terrorism
Formal/plenary meetings
27 August (222nd); 10 September (223rd); 8 October (224th); 26 October (225th);
29 October (226th); 12 November (227th); 10 December (228th); 17 December 2009
(229th); 21 January (230th); 28 January (231st); 4 March (232nd); 25 March (233rd);
15 April (234th); 12 May (235th); 3 June (236th); 9 June (237th); 22 July 2010 (238th)
Informal consultations/meetings
17 February; 30 April; 28 June 2010
Meetings of Sub-Committee A
22 October; 5 November 2009; 11 March; 27 May 2010
* On 2 March 2010, the Security Council amended the name of the Committee to “Security Council
Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea”.Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
60 10-60746
Meetings of Sub-Committee B
14 and 21 October; 23 December 2009
Meetings of Sub-Committee C
6 August; 25 November 2009; 29 April; 27 May 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003)
concerning Liberia
Informal consultations/meetings
10 November; 11 December 2009; 16 June 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004)
concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Informal consultations/meetings
18 and 20 November; 4 December 2009; 12 February; 21 May 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004)
Formal/plenary meetings
30 September (25th and 26th); 1 October (27th and 28th); 2 October 2009 (29th and 30th);
15 March (31st); 28 April (32nd); 7 June (33rd); 12 July 2010 (34th)
Informal consultations/meetings (including Working Groups)
13 August; 20 and 23 October; 3, 10 and 23 November; 4, 7 (two meetings), 9 and
15 December 2009; 13 and 25 January; 1 and 22 March; 21 April; 23 June; 19 July 2010
(two meetings)
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1572 (2004)
concerning Côte d’Ivoire
Informal consultations/meetings
7 October; 18 December 2009; 19 February; 9 April; 2 July 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005)
concerning the Sudan
Informal consultations/meetings
6 and 20 October; 7 December 2009; 12 January; 29 March; 24 May; 7 June; 7 July 2010
Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006)
Informal consultations/meetings
30 October; 11 November; 9 December 2009; 20 January; 1 July 2010
Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations
9, 25 and 30 November; 15 December 2009; 26 March; 10 and 24 May; 2 June 2010 Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 61
Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa
9 December 2009; 11 and 18 June; 20 July 2010
Working Group established pursuant to resolution 1566 (2004)
23 March 2010
Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict
12 October; 18 December 2009; 24 February; 29 April 2010
Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions
10 November; 4 and 17 December 2009; 4 and 25 February; 30 March; 13 May;
9 June; 15 and 23 July 2010
Informal Working Group on International Tribunals
9 September; 19 November; 3, 9, 10, 16 and 17 December 2009; 27 January;
9 February; 3, 9, 16, 17 and 24 March; 26 May; 15, 17, 22, 24 and 30 June; 1, 6 and
8 July 2010 Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
62 10-60746
Annual reports of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
issued during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
A. Annual reports of committees
S/2010/14 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
751 (1992) concerning Somalia*
S/2009/690 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1132 (1997) concerning Sierra Leone
S/2009/676 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated
individuals and entities
S/2009/671 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1518 (2003)
S/2009/691 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1521 (2003) concerning Liberia
S/2009/667 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/2009/689 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1572 (2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire
S/2010/16 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan
S/2010/28 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1718 (2006)
S/2009/688 Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1737 (2006)
B. Annual reports of working groups
S/2009/681 Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution
in Africa
S/2009/687 Informal Working Group on International Tribunals
S/2010/410 Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict
S/2010/424 Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations
* On 2 March 2010, the Security Council amended the name of the Committee to “Security Council
Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea”. Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 63
Reports of panels and monitoring mechanisms issued during
the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Symbol Date submitted In response to
Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities:
Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team
S/2009/502 28 September 2009 Resolution 1822 (2008)
Côte d’Ivoire: Group of Experts
S/2009/521 7 October 2009 Resolution 1842 (2008)
S/2010/179 9 April 2010 Resolution 1893 (2009)
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Group of Experts
S/2009/603 23 November 2009 Resolution 1857 (2008)
S/2010/252 21 May 2010 Resolution 1896 (2009)
Liberia: Panel of Experts
S/2009/640 11 December 2009 Resolution 1854 (2008)
S/2010/319 17 June 2010 Resolution 1903 (2009)
Somalia: Monitoring Group
S/2010/91 10 March 2010 Resolution 1853 (2008)
Sudan: Panel of Experts
S/2009/562 27 October 2009 Resolution 1841 (2008)Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
64 10-60746
Reports of Security Council missions issued during the
period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Symbol Date Report
S/2010/288 30 June 2010 Report of the Security Council mission to the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (13 to
16 May 2010) Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 65
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or
terminated during the period from 1 August 2009
to 31 July 2010
Peacekeeping operation Established by resolution
Resolution(s) relating to the
operation’s mandate adopted
during the reporting period
United Nations Military Observer Group in India
and Pakistan (UNMOGIP)
47 (1948) none
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
50 (1948) none
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
186 (1964) 1898 (2009)
1930 (2010)
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
350 (1974) 1899 (2009)
1934 (2010)
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) 425 (1978)
426 (1978)
1884 (2009)
United Nations Mission for the Referendum in
Western Sahara (MINURSO)
690 (1991) 1920 (2010)
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in
Kosovo (UNMIK)
1244 (1999) none
United Nations Organization Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC)
1279 (1999) 1906 (2009)
1925 (2010)
United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) 1509 (2003) 1885 (2009)
United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) 1528 (2004) 1911 (2010)
1924 (2010)
1933 (2010)
United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
1542 (2004) 1892 (2009)
1908 (2010)
1927 (2010)
United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) 1590 (2005) 1919 (2010)
African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
Darfur (UNAMID)
1769 (2007) 1935 (2010)
United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad (MINURCAT)
1778 (2007) 1913 (2010)
1922 (2010)
1923 (2010)
United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
1925 (2010) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
66 10-60746
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning
or terminated during the period from 1 August 2009
to 31 July 2010
Mission or office Established by
Decisions relating to the
mandate adopted during the
reporting period
United Nations Political Office for Somalia
S/1995/323 and
United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in
Guinea-Bissau (UNOGBIS)*
1233 (1999)
United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in the
Central African Republic (BONUCA)**
United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA) S/2001/1129 none
United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
1401 (2002) 1917 (2010)
United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq
1500 (2003) 1883 (2009)
United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
1704 (2006) 1912 (2010)
United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi
1719 (2006) 1902 (2009)
United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN) 1740 (2007) 1909 (2010)
1921 (2010)
United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive
Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA)
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in
Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL)
1829 (2008) 1886 (2009)
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in
the Central African Republic (BINUCA)
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in
Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS)
1876 (2009)
* Mandate terminated on 31 December 2009, pursuant to resolution 1876 (2009). Succeeded by the
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS).
** Mandate terminated on 31 December 2009, pursuant to the statement by the President of the
Security Council (S/PRST/2009/5). Succeeded by the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding
Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA). Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 67
Reports of the Secretary-General issued during the period
from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Symbol Date submitted Subject
S/2009/419 3 August 2009 The Peacebuilding Fund
S/2009/411 10 August 2009 Nineteenth progress report on the United Nations
Mission in Liberia
S/2009/430 24 August 2009 First report pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution
1859 (2008)
S/2009/434 28 August 2009 Children and armed conflict in Colombia
S/2009/438 1 September 2009 Third report on the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone
S/2009/439 1 September 2009 United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
S/2009/446 4 September 2009 Report pursuant to resolution 1880 (2009)
S/2009/450 10 September 2009 Children and armed conflict in Burundi
S/2009/462 15 September 2009 Children and armed conflict in Uganda
S/2009/464 15 September 2009 Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine
S/2009/465 and
16 September 2009 Women and peace and security
S/2009/470 18 September 2009 Support to African Union peacekeeping operations
authorized by the United Nations
S/2009/472 18 September 2009 Twenty-ninth report on the United Nations
Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo
S/2009/475 22 September 2009 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
S/2009/495 29 September 2009 Twenty-second progress report on the United
Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/2009/497 30 September 2009 United Nations Interim Administration Mission
in Kosovo
S/2009/503 2 October 2009 Report on Somalia pursuant to resolution 1872
S/2009/504 2 October 2009 United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
(21 January-23 September 2009)Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
68 10-60746
Symbol Date submitted Subject
S/2009/535 14 October 2009 United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad
S/2009/539 16 October 2009 Twenty-eighth report pursuant to paragraph 14
of resolution 1284 (1999)
S/2009/542 21 October 2009 Tenth semi-annual report on the implementation
of resolution 1559 (2004)
S/2009/545 21 October 2009 United Nations Mission in the Sudan
S/2009/552 22 October 2009 Developments in Guinea-Bissau and the
activities of the United Nations Peacebuilding
Support Office in that country
S/2009/553 26 October 2009 Request of Nepal for United Nations assistance
in support of its peace process
S/2009/566 2 November 2009 Eleventh report on the implementation of
resolution 1701 (2006)
S/2009/585 11 November 2009 Report pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 1883
S/2009/590 13 November 2009 Report pursuant to resolution 1846 (2008)
S/2009/592 16 November 2009 African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
S/2009/597 18 November 2009 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
(1 July-31 December 2009)
S/2009/609 25 November 2009 United Nations operation in Cyprus
S/2009/610 30 November 2009 Mission of good offices of the Secretary-General in
S/2009/611 30 November 2009 Sixth report on the United Nations Integrated Office
in Burundi
S/2009/623 4 December 2009 Thirtieth report on the United Nations Organization
Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/2009/627 8 December 2009 The situation in the Central African Republic
and the activities of the United Nations
Peacebuilding Support Office in that country
S/2009/674 28 December 2009 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
S/2009/682 31 December 2009 United Nations Office for West Africa
S/2009/684 31 December 2009 The situation in Somalia Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 69
Symbol Date submitted Subject
S/2010/5 5 January 2010 United Nations Interim Administration Mission
in Kosovo
S/2010/15 7 January 2010 Twenty-third progress report on the United
Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/2010/17 7 January 2010 Request of Nepal for United Nations assistance
in support of its peace process
S/2010/31 19 January 2010 The Sudan
S/2010/36 21 January 2010 Children and armed conflict in the Philippines
S/2010/50 29 January 2010 African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
S/2010/76 8 February 2010 Report pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 1883
S/2010/85 12 February 2010 United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
(24 September 2009-20 January 2010)
S/2010/88 17 February 2010 Twentieth progress report on the United Nations
Mission in Liberia
S/2010/105 26 February 2010 Twelfth report on the implementation of
resolution 1701 (2006)
S/2010/106 26 February 2010 Developments in Guinea-Bissau and the
activities of the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in that country
S/2010/127 10 March 2010 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
S/2010/135 15 March 2010 Fourth report on the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone
S/2010/164 30 March 2010 Thirty-first report on the United Nations
Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo
S/2010/166 1 April 2010 First report pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution
1905 (2009)
S/2010/168 and
5 and 27 April 2010 United Nations Mission in the Sudan
S/2010/169 6 April 2010 United Nations Interim Administration Mission
in Kosovo
S/2010/173 6 April 2010 Women and peace and security
S/2010/175 6 April 2010 The situation concerning Western Sahara Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
70 10-60746
Symbol Date submitted Subject
S/2010/181 13 April 2010 Children and armed conflict
S/2010/183 13 April 2010 Children and armed conflict in Nepal
S/2010/193 19 April 2010 Eleventh semi-annual report on the
implementation of resolution 1559 (2004)
S/2010/200 and
22 April 2010 United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
S/2010/213 28 April 2010 African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
S/2010/214 28 April 2010 Request of Nepal for United Nations assistance
in support of its peace process
S/2010/217 29 April 2010 United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad
S/2010/234 11 May 2010 Somalia
S/2010/238 11 May 2010 Mission of good offices of the Secretary-General
in Cyprus
S/2010/240 14 May 2010 Report pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution
1883 (2009)
S/2010/245 20 May 2010 Twenty-fourth report on the United Nations
Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/2010/254 26 May 2010 Report pursuant to resolution 1912 (2010)
S/2010/264 28 May 2010 United Nations operation in Cyprus
S/2010/296 9 June 2010 United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
(1 January-30 June 2010)
S/2010/300 9 June 2010 Twenty-ninth report pursuant to paragraph 14 of
resolution 1284 (1999)
S/2010/295 10 June 2010 The situation in the Central African Republic
and the activities of the United Nations
Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country
S/2010/318 16 June 2010 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications
for international peace and security
S/2010/324 21 June 2010 United Nations Office for West Africa
S/2010/327 22 June 2010 Eritrea
S/2010/335 24 June 2010 Developments in Guinea-Bissau and the
activities of the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in that country Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 71
Symbol Date submitted Subject
S/2010/352 1 July 2010 Thirteenth report on the implementation of
resolution 1701 (2006)
S/2010/359 6 July 2010 Second report pursuant to paragraph 3 of
resolution 1905 (2009)
S/2010/369 9 July 2010 Children and armed conflict in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
S/2010/382 14 July 2010 African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in
S/2010/386 16 July 2010 Progress report on peacebuilding in the immediate
aftermath of conflict
S/2010/388 19 July 2010 The Sudan
S/2010/394 26 July 2010 Possible options to further the aim of
prosecuting and imprisoning persons responsible
for acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea off
the coast of Somalia, including, in particular,
options for creating special domestic chambers
possibly with international components, a
regional tribunal or an international tribunal and
corresponding imprisonment arrangements,
taking into account the work of the Contact
Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, the
existing practice in establishing international and
mixed tribunals, and the time and resources
necessary to achieve and sustain substantive
S/2010/401 29 July 2010 United Nations Interim Administration Mission
in Kosovo
S/2010/406 29 July 2010 Report pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution
1883 (2009)
S/2010/409 30 July 2010 United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
72 10-60746
Summary statements by the Secretary-General on matters
of which the Security Council was seized during the period
from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/10 and Add.1-30 Activities relating to all questions considered by the
Security Council under its responsibility for the
maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 73
Notes by the President of the Security Council issued during
the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
Symbol Date Subject
S/2009/440 4 September 2009 Bureaux of subsidiary bodies of the Security
S/2009/492 25 September 2009 Letter dated 24 September 2009 from the
Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the
United Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/506 5 October 2009 Bureaux of subsidiary bodies of the Security
S/2009/559 29 October 2009 Adoption of the annual report of the Security
Council to the General Assembly
S/2009/650 15 December 2009 Mandate of the Ad Hoc Working Group on
Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa
S/2010/2 and Rev.1 31 January and
2 March 2010
Bureaux of subsidiary bodies of the Security
S/2010/507 26 July 2010 Working methods and procedure Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
74 10-60746
Monthly assessments by former Presidents of the work
of the Security Council for the period from 1 August 2009
to 31 July 2010
Month Country Symbol
August 2009 United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
September 2009 United States of America S/2010/315
October 2009 Viet Nam S/2009/625
November 2009 Austria S/2009/653
December 2009 Burkina Faso S/2010/387
January 2010 China S/2010/107
February 2010 France S/2010/286
March 2010 Gabon S/2010/399
April 2010 Japan S/2010/275
May 2010 Lebanon S/2010/396
June 2010 Mexico S/2010/438
July 2010 Nigeria S/2010/43910-60746 75
Part II
Questions considered by the Security Council under
its responsibility for the maintenance of
international peace and security
Chapter 1
Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
A. The situation in the Middle East, including the
Palestinian question
Meetings of the Council
6182 (19 August 2009); 6190 (17 September 2009); 6201 (14 October 2009); 6223
(24 November 2009); 6248 (17 December 2009); 6265 (27 January 2010); 6273
(18 February 2010); 6292 (24 March 2010); 6298 (14 April 2010); 6315 (18 May
2010); 6325 (31 May 2010); 6326 (1 June 2010); 6340 (15 June 2010); 6363
(21 July 2010)
Consultations of the whole
19 August; 17 September; 7 October; 24 November; 17 December 2009; 18 January;
5 and 24 March; 18 and 31 May; 15 June 2010
Presidential statements
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/464 15 September 2009 General Assembly resolution 63/29
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/401 3 August 2009 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/420 13 August 2009 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/453 10 September 2009 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
76 10-60746
S/2009/494 28 September 2009 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/507 29 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Egypt to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/537 1 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2009/493 2 October 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/513 5 October 2009 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/510 6 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the President of
the Security Council
S/2009/519 7 October 2009 Letter from the representative of Egypt to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/538 7 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to the President of
the Security Council
S/2009/524 8 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/531 12 October 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/534 13 October 2009 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/540 16 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the President of
the Security Council
S/2009/554 26 October 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2009/565 30 October 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2009/572 2 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
Council Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
10-60746 77
S/2009/583 10 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2009/586 10 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/595 12 November 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2009/598 18 November 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2009/605 23 November 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2009/614 1 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/662 14 December 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2009/675 28 December 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2010/1 31 December 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2010/4 5 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/13 6 January 2010 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2010/20 7 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Egypt to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/21 12 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/22 12 January 2010 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
S/2010/39 22 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/44 22 January 2010 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
78 10-60746
S/2010/80 9 February 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/97 23 February 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/119 3 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/122 5 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/124 5 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/128 10 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/142 16 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/137 18 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/148 19 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/155 23 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/158 25 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/172 26 March 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2010/163 29 March 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/182 8 April 2010 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
President of the Security Council Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
10-60746 79
S/2010/184 9 April 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/185 12 April 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/190 16 April 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/202 20 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Kuwait to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/212 27 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/218 28 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Kuwait to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/230 5 May 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/266 31 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/267 31 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Lebanon
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/268 31 May 2010 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/269 31 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Indonesia
to the Secretary-General, the President of
the General Assembly and the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/274 31 May 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/280 2 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Cuba to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/287 4 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
80 10-60746
S/2010/290 7 June 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/317 16 June 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/321 18 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/323 18 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Malaysia
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/329 18 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/340 21 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Malaysia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/331 22 June 2010 Letter from the representatives of Egypt,
the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General,
the President of the General Assembly and
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/332 22 June 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/334 22 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/356 2 July 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/370 9 July 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General, the
President of the General Assembly and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/379 13 July 2010 Identical letters from the observer of
Palestine to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/391 20 July 2010 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/395 21 July 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
10-60746 81
S/2010/411 30 July 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
B. The situation in the Middle East
1. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
Meetings of the Council
6241 (16 December 2009); 6352 (30 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 24.B)
Consultations of the whole
14 December 2009; 28 and 30 June 2010
Resolutions adopted
1899 (2009); 1934 (2010)
Presidential statements
S/PRST/2009/34; S/PRST/2010/12
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
Resolution 50 (1948) Established
(A number of military observers are assigned to the United Nations Disengagement
Observer Force)
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
Resolution 350 (1974) Established
Resolution 1899 (2009) Mandate extended until 30 June 2010
Resolution 1934 (2010) Mandate extended until 31 December 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/597 18 November 2009 Resolution 350 (1974) and subsequent
resolutions, including resolution 1875 (2009)
S/2010/296 9 June 2010 Resolution 350 (1974) and subsequent
resolutions, including resolution 1899 (2009) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
82 10-60746
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/572 2 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2009/583 10 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/4 5 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/55 28 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/56 1 February 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/124 5 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
2. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and Security Council
resolution 1701 (2006)
Meetings of the Council
6183 (27 August 2009)
(see also part II, chapter 24.C)
Consultations of the whole
19 and 20 August; 17 September; 27 October; 10 and 24 November; 17 December
2009; 18 February; 12 and 24 March; 18 May; 9 and 14 July 2010
Resolutions adopted
1884 (2009) Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
10-60746 83
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization
Resolution 50 (1948) Established
(A number of military observers are assigned to the United Nations Interim Force in
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
Resolutions 425 (1978)
and 426 (1978) Established
Resolution 1884 (2009) Mandate extended until 31 August 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/566 2 November 2009 Resolution 1701 (2006)
S/2010/105 26 February 2010 Resolution 1701 (2006)
S/2010/352 1 July 2010 Resolution 1701 (2006)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/407 6 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/414 11 August 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/415 11 August 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/429 20 August 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/451 9 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/452 9 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/454 11 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
84 10-60746
S/2009/458 14 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/479 18 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/532 13 October 2009 Letter from the representative of Israel to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/536 13 October 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/544 19 October 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/558 26 October 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/563 26 October 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/561 28 October 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/572 2 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2009/578 9 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/579 9 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/583 10 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2009/606 23 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/628 7 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
10-60746 85
S/2009/629 9 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/635 9 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/636 9 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2009/686 29 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/11 7 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/26 12 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/61 1 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/74 2 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/81 8 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/82 11 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/86 12 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/96 22 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/111 24 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/120 1 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
86 10-60746
S/2010/124 5 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/170 29 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/180 12 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/195 19 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/209 20 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/210 22 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/222 22 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/212 27 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/226 30 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/233 3 May 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/232 6 May 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/244 17 May 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
10-60746 87
S/2010/284 17 May 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/321 18 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/334 22 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/336 22 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/344 28 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/351 29 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/364 7 July 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/405 22 July 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Lebanon to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
3. Security Council resolution 1559 (2004)
Consultations of the whole
27 October; 24 November 2009; 29 April 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/542 21 October 2009 Resolution 1559 (2004)
S/2010/193 19 April 2010 Resolution 1559 (2004)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/572 2 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
88 10-60746
S/2009/583 10 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/212 27 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
4. Security Council resolution 1595 (2005)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/469 15 September 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/159 11 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/198 15 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/199 19 April 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
Council 10-60746 89
Chapter 2
The situation in Cyprus
Meetings of the Council
6239 (14 December 2009); 6339 (15 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 24.A)
Consultations of the whole
9 December 2009; 3 February; 10 June 2010
Resolutions adopted
1898 (2009); 1930 (2010)
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
Resolution 186 (1964) Established
Resolution 1898 (2009) Mandate extended until 15 June 2010
Resolution 1930 (2010) Mandate extended until 15 December 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/609 25 November 2009 Resolution 186 (1964) and subsequent
resolutions, including resolution 1873
S/2009/610 30 November 2009 S/PRST/2008/34
S/2010/238 11 May 2010 Resolution 1898 (2009)
S/2010/264 28 May 2010 Resolution 186 (1964) and subsequent
resolutions, including resolution 1898
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/417 10 August 2009 Letter from the representative of Cyprus to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/428 19 August 2009 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/529 9 October 2009 Letter from the representative of Cyprus to
the Secretary-General Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
90 10-60746
S/2009/543 19 October 2009 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/580 9 November 2009 Letter from the representatives of
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and
Turkey to the Secretary-General
S/2009/581 9 November 2009 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2009/668 18 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Cyprus to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/60 30 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/92 17 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Cyprus to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/114 26 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/196 15 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Cyprus to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/227 29 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/260 27 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/261 28 May 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/363 6 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Cyprus to
the Secretary-General 10-60746 91
Chapter 3
The situation concerning Western Sahara
Meetings of the Council
6305 (30 April 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 24.D)
Consultations of the whole
18 February; 15 and 30 April 2010
Resolutions adopted
1920 (2010)
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
Resolution 690 (1991) Established
Resolution 1920 (2010) Mandate extended until 30 April 2011
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2010/175 6 April 2010 Resolution 1871 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/526 6 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/527 8 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 92 10-60746
Chapter 4
The situation in Timor-Leste
Meetings of the Council
6205 (23 October 2009); 6276 (23 February 2010); 6278 (26 February 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 24.J)
Consultations of the whole
27 August 2009
Resolutions adopted
1912 (2010)
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
Resolution 1704 (2006) Established
Resolution 1912 (2010) Mandate extended until 26 February 2011
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/504 2 October 2009 Resolution 1867 (2009)
S/2010/85 12 February 2010 Resolution 1867 (2009)
S/2010/254 26 May 2010 Resolution 1912 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/442 2 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Portugal
to the Secretary-General
S/2009/612 25 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/613 1 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/254 26 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council 10-60746 93
Chapter 5
United Nations peacekeeping operations
Meetings of the Council
6178 (5 August 2009); 6270 (12 February 2010)
Consultations of the whole
17 February; 27 May 2010
Presidential statements
S/PRST/2009/24; S/PRST/2010/2
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/659 17 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Working Group on Peacekeeping
Operations to the President of the Security
S/2010/67 3 February 2010 Letter from the representative of France to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/397 22 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Portugal
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/424 27 July 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Working Group on Peacekeeping
Operations to the President of the Security
Council 94 10-60746
Chapter 6
The situation in Liberia
Meetings of the Council
6188 (15 September 2009); 6246 (17 December 2009)
(see also part II, chapter 24.F)
Consultations of the whole
9 September; 15 December 2009; 10 March; 13 July 2010
Resolutions adopted
1885 (2009); 1903 (2009)
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Mission in Liberia
Resolution 1509 (2003) Established
Resolution 1885 (2009) Mandate extended until 30 September 2010
Reports of the Panel of Experts on Liberia
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/640 11 December 2009 Resolution 1854 (2008)
S/2010/319 17 June 2010 Resolution 1903 (2009)
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/411 10 August 2009 Resolution 1836 (2008)
S/2010/88 17 February 2010 Resolution 1885 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/546 19 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/547 22 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General The situation in Liberia
10-60746 95
S/2009/640 11 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/679 28 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/694 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/680 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/691 31 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1521 (2003) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/42 15 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/79 8 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/319 17 June 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1521 (2003) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/389 19 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Chairperson of the
Peacebuilding Commission 96 10-60746
Chapter 7
The situation in Somalia
Meetings of the Council
6197 (8 October 2009); 6221 (18 November 2009); 6226 (30 November 2009); 6229
(3 December 2009); 6259 (14 January 2010); 6266 (28 January 2010); 6289 (19 March
2010); 6301 (27 April 2010); 6313 (12 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 41.B)
Consultations of the whole
17 September; 16 November; 3 December 2009; 14 January; 3 February; 16 March;
6 and 12 April; 27 May; 18 June; 20 July 2010
Resolutions adopted
1897 (2009); 1910 (2010); 1916 (2010); 1918 (2010)
Presidential statements
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Political Office for Somalia
S/1995/323 and S/1995/452 Established
Reports of the Monitoring Group on Somalia
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2010/91 10 March 2010 Resolution 1853 (2008)
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/503 2 October 2009 Resolution 1872 (2009)
S/2009/590 13 November 2009 Resolution 1846 (2008)
S/2009/684 31 December 2009 S/PRST/2001/30 and resolution 1872 (2009)
S/2010/234 11 May 2010 S/PRST/2001/30 and resolution 1910 (2010)
S/2010/394 26 July 2010 Resolution 1918 (2010)The situation in Somalia
10-60746 97
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/550 14 October 2009 Note verbale from the United States
Mission to the Secretary-General
S/2009/549 15 October 2009 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of France to the President of the Security
S/2009/541 19 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/569 3 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/602 23 November 2009 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/658 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/664 15 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2009/665 21 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/666 23 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/3 28 December 2009 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of Turkey to the Secretary-General
S/2010/14 6 January 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/59 28 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/69 4 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/116 1 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
98 10-60746
S/2010/91 10 March 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee pursuant to resolutions
751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning
Somalia and Eritrea to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/225 3 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Mexico
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/272 27 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/301 7 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/302 9 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/350 30 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/357 1 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/361 7 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Ethiopia
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/372 12 July 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee pursuant to resolutions
751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning
Somalia and Eritrea to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/392 20 July 2010 Letter from the representatives of Gabon,
Nigeria and Uganda to the President of the
Security Council 10-60746 99
Chapter 8
Items relating to the situation in the former Yugoslavia
A. The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Meetings of the Council
6220 (18 November 2009); 6222 (23 November 2009); 6319 (24 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 10)
Resolutions adopted
1895 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/418 12 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/525 8 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/588 12 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/616 1 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2010/43 25 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Croatia to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/51 28 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/113 23 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/235 14 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
B. Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998),
1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999)
Meetings of the Council
6202 (15 October 2009); 6264 (22 January 2010); 6314 (17 May 2010); 6353 (6 July
(see also part II, chapter 10) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
100 10-60746
Consultations of the whole
15 October 2009; 6 July 2010
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
Resolution 1244 (1999) Established
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/497 30 September 2009 Resolution 1244 (1999)
S/2010/5 5 January 2010 Resolution 1244 (1999)
S/2010/169 6 April 2010 Resolution 1244 (1999)
S/2010/401 29 July 2010 Resolution 1244 (1999)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2010/43 25 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Croatia to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/77 8 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/197 19 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/355 2 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Serbia to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/381 13 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
C. International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible
for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law
Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
Meetings of the Council
6242 (16 December 2009); 6286 (18 March 2010); 6348 (29 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 10) Items relating to the situation in the former Yugoslavia
10-60746 101
Resolutions adopted
1900 (2009); 1915 (2010); 1931 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/394 31 July 2009 Note by the Secretary-General
S/2009/410 7 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/570 28 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/589 12 November 2009 Letter from the President of the
International Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of the
Former Yugoslavia since 1991 to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/687 30 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Austria to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/133 15 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/154 15 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/270 31 May 2010 Letter from the President of the
International Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of the
Former Yugoslavia since 1991 to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/330 18 June 2010 Identical letters from the SecretaryGeneral to the President of the General
Assembly and the President of the Security
Council 102 10-60746
Chapter 9
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed
in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens
Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations
Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between
1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994
Meetings of the Council
6243 (16 December 2009); 6349 (29 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 10)
Resolutions adopted
1901 (2009); 1932 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/396 31 July 2009 Note by the Secretary-General
S/2009/403 31 July 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/404 4 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/425 18 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/571 2 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/587 12 November 2009 Letter from the President of the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/601 23 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/687 30 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Austria to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/259 28 May 2010 Letter from the President of the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/289 2 June 2010 Identical letters from the Secretary-General
to the President of the General Assembly
and the President of the Security Council 10-60746 103
Chapter 10
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons
Responsible for Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the
Former Yugoslavia since 1991
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of
Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed
in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens
Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations
Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between
1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994
Meetings of the Council
6228 (3 December 2009); 6342 (18 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 8 and 9)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/496 28 September 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/587 12 November 2009 Letter from the President of the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/589 12 November 2009 Letter from the President of the
International Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of the
Former Yugoslavia since 1991 to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/687 30 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Austria to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/259 28 May 2010 Letter from the President of the
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/270 31 May 2010 Letter from the President of the
International Tribunal for the Prosecution
of Persons Responsible for Serious
Violations of International Humanitarian
Law Committed in the Territory of the
Former Yugoslavia since 1991 to the
President of the Security Council 10-60746 104
Chapter 11
The question concerning Haiti
Meetings of the Council
6186 (9 September 2009); 6200 (13 October 2009); 6261 (19 January 2010); 6274
(19 February 2010); 6303 (28 April 2010); 6330 (4 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 24.H)
Consultations of the whole
18 January; 3 and 19 February; 27 May; 3 June 2010
Resolutions adopted
1892 (2009); 1908 (2010); 1927 (2010)
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
Resolution 1542 (2004) Established
Resolution 1892 (2009) Mandate extended until 15 October 2010
Resolution 1908 (2010) Mandate modified
Resolution 1927 (2010) Mandate modified
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/439 1 September 2009 Resolution 1840 (2008)
S/2010/200 and
22 April 2010 Resolution 1892 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/509 2 October 2009 Letter from the representative of Argentina
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/23 13 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/24 13 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/27 18 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Mexico to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/131 8 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council The question concerning Haiti
10-60746 105
S/2010/132 10 March 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/160 26 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/161 29 March 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 106 10-60746
Chapter 12
The situation in Burundi
Meetings of the Council
6236 (10 December 2009); 6245 (17 December 2009); 6309 (10 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 15, 18 and 32)
Consultations of the whole
10 December 2009; 15 January; 10 May; 28 June 2010
Resolutions adopted
1902 (2009)
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Integrated Office in Burundi
Resolution 1719 (2006) Established
Resolution 1902 (2009) Mandate extended until 31 December 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/611 30 November 2009 Resolution 1858 (2008)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/445 3 September 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/444 8 September 2009 Report of the Peacebuilding Commission
on its third session
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/45 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/156 23 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/157 25 March 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 10-60746 107
Chapter 13
The situation in Afghanistan
Meetings of the Council
6194 (29 September 2009); 6198 (8 October 2009); 6211 (29 October 2009); 6255
(6 January 2010); 6287 (18 March 2010); 6290 (22 March 2010); 6351 (30 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 18 and 28)
Consultations of the whole
20 August; 7, 28 and 29 October; 3 and 6 November 2009; 3 February; 4 and
22 March; 27 May; 28 June; 23 July 2010
Resolutions adopted
1890 (2009); 1917 (2010)
Presidential statements
Political missions established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
Resolution 1401 (2002) Established
Resolution 1917 (2010) Mandate extended until 23 March 2011
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/475 22 September 2009 General Assembly resolution 63/18 and
Security Council resolution 1868 (2009)
S/2009/674 28 December 2009 General Assembly resolution 63/18 and
Security Council resolution 1868 (2009)
S/2010/127 10 March 2010 General Assembly resolution 63/18 and
Security Council resolution 1868 (2009)
S/2010/318 16 June 2010 General Assembly resolution 64/11 and
Security Council resolution 1917 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/435 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/522 8 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
108 10-60746
S/2009/580 9 November 2009 Letter from the representatives of
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and
Turkey to the Secretary-General
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/35 19 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/47 26 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/48 27 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/65 2 February 2010 Letter from the representative of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland to the President of the Security
S/2010/70 3 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Turkey to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/325 14 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/353 21 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council 10-60746 109
Chapter 14
The situation in Sierra Leone
Meetings of the Council
6187 (14 September 2009); 6189 (15 September 2009); 6291 (22 March 2010)
Consultations of the whole
14 September 2009; 22 March 2010
Resolutions adopted
1886 (2009)
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone
Resolution 1829 (2008) Established
Resolution 1886 (2009) Mandate extended until 30 September 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/438 1 September 2009 Resolution 1829 (2008)
S/2010/135 15 March 2010 Resolution 1886 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/444 8 September 2009 Report of the Peacebuilding Commission
on its third session
S/2009/679 28 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/680 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/690 30 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1132 (1997) concerning Sierra
Leone to the President of the Security
S/2010/384 9 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/385 15 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 110 10-60746
Chapter 15
The situation in the Great Lakes region
Meetings of the Council
6215 (9 November 2009)
(see also part II, chapters 12 and 16)
Consultations of the whole
16 October; 9 and 17 November 2009
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/511 1 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/657 9 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the United
Republic of Tanzania to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General 10-60746 111
Chapter 16
The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of
the Congo
Meetings of the Council
6203 (16 October 2009); 6225 (30 November 2009); 6244 (16 December 2009);
6253 (23 December 2009); 6297 (13 April 2010); 6324 (28 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 15, 18 and 24.E)
Consultations of the whole
4 August; 16 October; 9, 17, 19 and 25 November; 16 December 2009; 5 and
18 March; 12, 13 and 23 April; 10 and 27 May 2010
Resolutions adopted
1896 (2009); 1906 (2009); 1925 (2010)
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Resolution 1279 (1999) Established
Resolution 1906 (2009) Mandate extended until 31 May 2010
Resolution 1925 (2010) Mandate extended until 30 June 2010
United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo
Resolution 1925 (2010) Established
Reports of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/603 23 November 2009 Resolution 1857 (2008)
S/2010/252 21 May 2010 Resolution 1896 (2009)
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/472 18 September 2009 Resolution 1856 (2008)
S/2009/623 4 December 2009 Resolution 1856 (2008)
S/2010/164 30 March 2010 Resolution 1906 (2009) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
112 10-60746
Reports of Security Council missions
S/2010/288 30 June 2010 Mission to the Democratic Republic of the
Congo (13 to 16 May 2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/437 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/440 4 September 2009 Note by the President of the Security Council
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/511 1 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/603 23 November 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the
Democratic Republic of the Congo to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/657 9 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the United
Republic of Tanzania to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/667 31 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1533 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/93 12 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Rwanda to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/99 25 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/187 and
14 April and
4 May 2010
Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/207 22 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/252 21 May 2010 Letter from the Chair of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1533 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo
10-60746 113
S/2010/303 7 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/304 9 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/337 25 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/367 6 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/368 8 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 114 10-60746
Chapter 17
The situation in the Central African Republic
Meetings of the Council
6240 (15 December 2009); 6250 (21 December 2009); 6345 (28 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 18, 32 and 40)
Consultations of the whole
17 November; 15 December 2009; 28 June 2010
Presidential statements
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in the Central African Republic
S/1999/1236 Established
S/PRST/2009/5 Succeeded by the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in the Central African
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic
S/PRST/2009/5 Established
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/627 8 December 2009 S/PRST/2001/25
S/2010/295 10 June 2010 S/PRST/2001/25
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/436 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/444 8 September 2009 Report of the Peacebuilding Commission
on its third session
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General 10-60746 115
Chapter 18
Children and armed conflict
Meetings of the Council
6176 (4 August 2009); 6341 (16 June 2010)
Resolutions adopted
1882 (2009)
Presidential statements
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to Country concerned
S/2009/434 28 August 2009 Resolution 1612 (2005) Colombia
S/2009/450 10 September 2009 Resolution 1612 (2005) Burundi
S/2009/462 15 September 2009 Resolution 1612 (2005) Uganda
S/2010/36 21 January 2010 Resolution 1612 (2005) Philippines
S/2010/181 13 April 2010 Resolution 1882 (2009)
S/2010/183 13 April 2010 Resolution 1612 (2005) Nepal
S/2010/369 9 July 2010 Resolution 1612 (2005) Democratic Republic of the
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/435 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/436 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/437 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/564 27 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/608 3 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/45 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
116 10-60746
S/2010/46 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/320 10 June 2010 Letter from the representative of
Afghanistan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/316 11 June 2010 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/314 15 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Mexico to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/410 30 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Mexico to
the President of the Security Council 10-60746 117
Chapter 19
The situation in Guinea-Bissau
Meetings of the Council
6212 (5 November 2009); 6213 (5 November 2009); 6281 (5 March 2010); 6359
(15 July 2010); 6364 (22 July 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 36)
Consultations of the whole
5 November 2009; 5 March; 6 April; 13 and 15 July 2010
Presidential statements
S/PRST/2009/29; S/PRST/2010/15
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau
Resolution 1233 (1999) Established
Resolution 1876 (2009) Succeeded by the United Nations Integrated
Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau
United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau
Resolution 1876 (2009) Established
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/552 22 October 2009 Resolutions 1233 (1999) and 1876 (2009)
S/2010/106 26 February 2010 Resolution 1876 (2009)
S/2010/335 24 June 2010 Resolution 1876 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/444 8 September 2009 Report of the Peacebuilding Commission
on its third session
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
Council 118 10-60746
Chapter 20
Protection of civilians in armed conflict
Meetings of the Council
6216 (11 November 2009); 6354 (7 July 2010)
Consultations of the whole
9 November 2009
Resolutions adopted
1894 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/567 2 November 2009 Letter from the representative of Austria to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/577 10 November 2009 Letter from the observer of Palestine to the
President of the Security Council 10-60746 119
Chapter 21
Women and peace and security
Meetings of the Council
6180 (7 August 2009); 6195 (30 September 2009); 6196 (5 October 2009); 6302
(27 April 2010)
Consultations of the whole
17 September; 2 October 2009; 27 April 2010
Resolutions adopted
1888 (2009); 1889 (2009)
Presidential statements
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/465 and
16 September 2009 S/PRST/2008/39
S/2010/173 6 April 2010 Resolution 1889 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/490 18 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Viet Nam
to the Secretary-General
S/2009/512 6 October 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Malta to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/62 29 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/63 2 February 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/416 29 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/417 3 August 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 120 10-60746
Chapter 22
Briefing by the President of the International Court
of Justice
Meetings of the Council
6208 (29 October 2009)
Official communiqués
Chapter 23
Briefing by the Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe
Meetings of the Council
6268 (5 February 2010) 10-60746 121
Chapter 24
Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and policecontributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001),
annex II, sections A and B*
A. United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
Meetings of the Council
6231 (7 December 2009); 6331 (4 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 2)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6231; S/PV.6331
B. United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
Meetings of the Council
6232 (7 December 2009); 6343 (21 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 1.B.1)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6232; S/PV.6343
C. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
Meetings of the Council
6181 (13 August 2009)
(see also part II, chapter 1.B.2)
Official communiqués
D. United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
Meetings of the Council
6295 (9 April 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 3)
* As from the 6275th meeting, held on 22 February 2010, the wording of the item “Meeting of the
Security Council with the troop-contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001),
annex II, sections A and B” was revised to read “Meeting of the Security Council with the troop-
and police-contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B”. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
122 10-60746
Official communiqués
E. United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo
Meetings of the Council
6237 (10 December 2009); 6294 (7 April 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 16)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6237; S/PV.6294
F. United Nations Mission in Liberia
Meetings of the Council
6184 (3 September 2009)
(see also part II, chapter 6)
Official communiqués
G. United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
Meetings of the Council
6258 (14 January 2010); 6328 (3 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 27)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6258; S/PV.6328
H. United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
Meetings of the Council
6185 (4 September 2009)
(see also part II, chapter 11)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6185 Meeting of the Security Council with the troopand police-contributing countries pursuant to
resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B
10-60746 123
I. United Nations Mission in the Sudan
Meetings of the Council
6296 (9 April 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 31)
Official communiqués
J. United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste
Meetings of the Council
6275 (22 February 2010); 6332 (4 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 4)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6275; S/PV.6332
K. African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur
Meetings of the Council
6361 (19 July 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 31)
Official communiqués
L. United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
Meetings of the Council
6282 (10 March 2010); 6307 (5 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 40)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6282; S/PV.6307 124 10-60746
Chapter 25
Threats to international peace and security caused by
terrorist acts
Meetings of the Council
6247 (17 December 2009)
(see also part II, chapter 26, and part V, chapter 8)
Consultations of the whole
14 and 15 December 2009
Resolutions adopted
1904 (2009)
Reports of the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/502 28 September 2009 Resolution 1822 (2008)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/427 17 August 2009 Letter from the Acting Chairman of the
Security Council Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999)
concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and
associated individuals and entities to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/448 8 September 2009 Report of Antigua and Barbuda pursuant to
resolution 1624 (2005)*
S/2009/474 17 September 2009 Report of Zimbabwe
S/2009/502 28 September 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1267 (1999) concerning AlQaida and the Taliban and associated
individuals and entities to the President of
the Security Council
S/2009/498 30 September 2009 Fifth report and report pursuant to
resolution 1624 (2005) of Turkmenistan
* The reports of States were transmitted to the President of the Security Council by letters from the
Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001)
concerning counter-terrorism. Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts
10-60746 125
S/2009/506 5 October 2009 Note by the President of the Security
S/2009/593 11 November 2009 Letter from the representative of Cuba to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/617 1 December 2009 Report of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
pursuant to resolution 1624 (2005)
S/2009/618 1 December 2009 Report of Lesotho pursuant to resolutions
1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005)
S/2009/620 3 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1373 (2001) concerning
counter-terrorism to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/655 11 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2009/656 16 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/695 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/676 30 December 2009 Letter from the Acting Chairman of the
Security Council Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999)
concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and
associated individuals and entities to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/65 2 February 2010 Letter from the representative of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/68 3 February 2010 Report of Panama pursuant to resolution
1624 (2005)
S/2010/89 17 February 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1373 (2001) concerning
counter-terrorism to the President of the
Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
126 10-60746
S/2010/125 5 March 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1267 (1999) concerning
Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated
individuals and entities to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/139 16 March 2010 Report of the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea pursuant to resolution
1624 (2005)
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/282 3 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/328 15 June 2010 Report of Kyrgyzstan pursuant to
resolution 1624 (2005)
S/2010/341 28 June 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1267 (1999) concerning
Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated
individuals and entities to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/348 28 June 2010 Report of Palau pursuant to resolution
1624 (2005)
S/2010/342 29 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1267 (1999) concerning
Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated
individuals and entities
S/2010/366 12 July 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1373 (2001) concerning
counter-terrorism to the President of the
Security Council 10-60746 127
Chapter 26
Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the
Security Council
Meetings of the Council
6217 (13 November 2009); 6238 (14 December 2009); 6310 (11 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 25, and part V, chapter 8) 128 10-60746
Chapter 27
The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
Meetings of the Council
6193 (29 September 2009); 6209 (29 October 2009); 6234 (8 December 2009); 6263
(21 January 2010); 6267 (28 January 2010); 6284 (17 March 2010); 6323 (27 May
2010); 6329 (3 June 2010); 6350 (30 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 24.G and 36)
Consultations of the whole
13 and 27 October; 7 December 2009; 21 January; 15 April; 3 June; 13 July 2010
Resolutions adopted
1893 (2009); 1911 (2010); 1924 (2010); 1933 (2010)
Presidential statements
S/PRST/2009/25; S/PRST/2009/33
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
Resolution 1528 (2004) Established
Resolution 1911 (2010) Mandate extended until 31 May 2010
Resolution 1924 (2010) Mandate extended until 30 June 2010
Resolution 1933 (2010) Mandate modified and extended until
31 December 2010
Reports of the Group of Experts on Côte d’Ivoire
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/521 7 October 2009 Resolution 1842 (2008)
S/2010/179 9 April 2010 Resolution 1893 (2009)
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/446 4 September 2009 Resolution 1880 (2009)
S/2009/495 29 September 2009 Resolution 1880 (2009)
S/2010/15 7 January 2010 Resolution 1880 (2009)
S/2010/245 20 May 2010 Resolution 1911 (2010) The situation in Côte d'Ivoire
10-60746 129
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/446 4 September 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/521 7 October 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1572 (2004) concerning Côte
d’Ivoire to the President of the Security
S/2009/626 7 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Burkina
Faso to the President of the Security
S/2009/637 8 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/638 10 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/646 14 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/672 18 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/673 24 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/694 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/689 31 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1572 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/42 15 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/100 19 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Burkina
Faso to the President of the Security
S/2010/104 23 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Burkina Faso to the Secretary-General and
the President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
130 10-60746
S/2010/179 9 April 2010 Letter from the Chair of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1572 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/220 26 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/221 29 April 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 10-60746 131
Chapter 28
Security Council mission
Meetings of the Council
6317 (19 May 2010)
Consultations of the whole
5, 12 and 23 April 2010
Reports of Security Council missions
Symbol Date submitted Mission
S/2010/288 30 June 2010 Mission to the Democratic Republic of
the Congo (13 to 16 May 2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/187 and
14 April and 4 May
Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/325 14 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General 132 10-60746
Chapter 29
The promotion and strengthening of the rule of law in the
maintenance of international peace and security
Meetings of the Council
6347 (29 June 2010)
Presidential statements
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/322 18 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Mexico to
the Secretary-General
Chapter 30
Central African region
Meetings of the Council
6288 (19 March 2010)
Presidential statements
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/697 11 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council*
S/2010/143 15 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Gabon to
the Secretary-General
* The President of the Security Council responded in a letter dated 30 August 2010 (S/2010/457). 10-60746 133
Chapter 31
Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
Meetings of the Council
6199 (13 October 2009); 6227 (30 November 2009); 6230 (4 December 2009); 6251
(21 December 2009); 6252 (21 December 2009); 6269 (11 February 2010); 6304
(29 April 2010); 6318 (20 May 2010); 6336 (11 June 2010); 6337 (11 June 2010);
6338 (14 June 2010); 6365 (27 July 2010); 6366 (30 July 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 15, 18, 24.I, 24.K and 40)
Consultations of the whole
4 and 20 August; 15 September; 29 October; 17 and 30 November; 4, 7 and
15 December 2009; 26 January; 3 and 11 February; 4, 5 and 10 March; 8, 12 and
27 April; 20 and 27 May; 3 and 10 June; 27, 29 and 30 July 2010
Resolutions adopted
1891 (2009); 1919 (2010); 1935 (2010)
Official communiqués
S/PV.6252; S/PV.6337
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Mission in the Sudan
Resolution 1590 (2005) Established
Resolution 1919 (2010) Mandate extended until 30 April 2011
African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur
Resolution 1769 (2007) Established
Resolution 1935 (2010) Mandate extended until 31 July 2011
Reports of the Panel of Experts on the Sudan
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/562 27 October 2009 Resolution 1841 (2008)
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/545 21 October 2009 Resolutions 1590 (2005) and 1870
S/2009/592 16 November 2009 Resolution 1881 (2009) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
134 10-60746
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2010/31 19 January 2010 Resolution 1590 (2005)
S/2010/50 29 January 2010 Resolution 1881 (2009)
S/2010/168 and
5 and 27 April 2010 Resolution 1590 (2005)
S/2010/213 28 April 2010 Resolution 1881 (2009)
S/2010/382 14 July 2010 Resolution 1881 (2009)
S/2010/388 19 July 2010 Resolution 1590 (2005)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/541 19 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/562 27 October 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/568 29 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/599 17 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/621 1 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/622 3 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/639 14 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/16 8 January 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1591 (2005) to the President of
the Security Council Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
10-60746 135
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to the
S/2010/46 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/57 29 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/58 31 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/87 17 February 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/98 24 February 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/118 24 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Qatar to the
S/2010/146 9 March 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/140 15 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/152 18 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Qatar to the
S/2010/162 19 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Qatar to the
S/2010/151 23 March 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/186 13 April 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/192 13 April 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/201 19 April 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/243 17 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Qatar to the
S/2010/265 28 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
136 10-60746
S/2010/305 8 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/306 9 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/392 20 July 2010 Letter from the representatives of Gabon,
Nigeria and Uganda to the President of the
Security Council 10-60746 137
Chapter 32
Post-conflict peacebuilding
Meetings of the Council
6224 (25 November 2009); 6299 (16 April 2010)
Presidential statements
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/419 3 August 2009 General Assembly resolution 63/282
S/2010/386 16 July 2010 S/PRST/2009/23
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/444 8 September 2009 Report of the Peacebuilding Commission
on its third session
S/2009/678 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/681 30 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Ad Hoc
Working Group on Conflict Prevention
and Resolution in Africa to the President
of the Security Council
S/2009/683 31 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the President of the General
S/2010/167 1 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Japan to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/307 4 June 2010 Letter from the representatives of Indonesia
and Slovakia to the Secretary-General
S/2010/389 19 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Chairperson of the
Peacebuilding Commission
S/2010/393 19 July 2010 Identical letters from the representatives
of Ireland, Mexico and South Africa to the
President of the General Assembly and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/397 22 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Portugal
to the Secretary-General 138 10-60746
Chapter 33
The situation concerning Iraq
Meetings of the Council
6177 (4 August 2009); 6179 (7 August 2009); 6218 (16 November 2009); 6219
(16 November 2009); 6249 (21 December 2009); 6271 (16 February 2010); 6279
(26 February 2010); 6293 (6 April 2010); 6320 (25 May 2010); 6356 (12 July 2010);
6357 (12 July 2010)
(see also part V, chapter 3)
Consultations of the whole
4, 19 and 27 August; 16 November; 17 December 2009; 16 February; 6 April;
25 May; 3 June 2010
Resolutions adopted
1883 (2009); 1905 (2009)
Presidential statements
S/PRST/2009/30; S/PRST/2010/5
Official communiqués
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq
Resolution 1500 (2003) Established
Resolution 1883 (2009) Mandate extended until 7 August 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/430 24 August 2009 Resolution 1859 (2008)
S/2009/585 11 November 2009 Resolution 1883 (2009)
S/2010/76 8 February 2010 Resolution 1883 (2009)
S/2010/166 1 April 2010 Resolution 1905 (2009)
S/2010/240 14 May 2010 Resolution 1883 (2009)
S/2010/359 6 July 2010 Resolution 1905 (2009)
S/2010/406 29 July 2010 Resolution 1883 (2009) The situation concerning Iraq
10-60746 139
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/573 3 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/580 9 November 2009 Letter from the representatives of
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and
Turkey to the Secretary-General
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2009/671 22 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1518 (2003) to the President
of the Security Council
S/2010/37 19 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Iraq to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/308 18 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Iraq to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/150 22 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/365 18 June 2010 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of Iraq to the President of the Security
S/2010/403 28 July 2010 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of Iraq to the President of the Security
S/2010/404 28 July 2010 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of Iraq to the Secretary-General 140 10-60746
Chapter 34
Threats to international peace and security
Meetings of the Council
6277 (24 February 2010)
Presidential statements
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/94 17 February 2010 Letter from the Representative of France
to the Secretary-General 10-60746 141
Chapter 35
Meetings of the Council
6235 (10 December 2009); 6280 (4 March 2010); 6334 (8 June 2010); 6335
(9 June 2010); 6344 (28 June 2010)
(see also part V, chapter 9)
Consultations of the whole
9 September 2009; 18 May; 7 and 8 June 2010
Resolutions adopted
1929 (2010)
Official communiqués
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/486 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Norway
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/488 24 September 2009 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/520 6 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the President
of the Security Council
S/2009/540 16 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the President
of the Security Council
S/2009/574 5 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Israel to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/633 7 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2009/688 31 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1737 (2006) to the President
of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
142 10-60746
S/2010/172 26 March 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2010/188 13 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Islamic Republic of Iran to the
Secretary-General and the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/203 20 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Islamic Republic of Iran to the
Secretary-General and the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/263 27 May 2010 Letter from the representative of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland to the President of the
Security Council 10-60746 143
Chapter 36
Peace consolidation in West Africa
A. United Nations Office for West Africa
Meetings of the Council
6256 (12 January 2010); 6358 (13 July 2010)
Consultations of the whole
13 July 2010
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Office for West Africa
S/2001/1129 Established
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/682 31 December 2009 Letter dated 21 December 2007
from the President of the Security
Council (S/2007/754)
S/2010/324 21 June 2010 Letter dated 21 December 2007
from the President of the Security
Council (S/2007/754)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/681 30 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Ad Hoc
Working Group on Conflict Prevention
and Resolution in Africa to the President
of the Security Council
B. Guinea
Meetings of the Council
6207 (28 October 2009); 6272 (16 February 2010)
Consultations of the whole
30 September; 21 October; 21 and 23 December 2009; 12 January; 16 February
2010 Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
144 10-60746
Presidential statements
S/PRST/2009/27; S/PRST/2010/3
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Office for West Africa
S/2001/1129 Established
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/421 4 August 2009 Letter from the representative of Guinea to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/422 5 August 2009 Letter from the representative of Guinea to
the Secretary-General
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/541 19 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/556 28 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/568 29 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/693 18 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/34 18 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Burkina Faso to the Secretary-General and
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/121 25 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Guinea to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/278 27 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Guinea to
the Secretary-General 10-60746 145
Chapter 37
Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Meetings of the Council
6333 (7 June 2010)
Consultations of the whole
20 August; 9 and 14 September; 19 November 2009; 11 February; 27 May 2010
Resolutions adopted
1928 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/416 12 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/501 1 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/443 3 September 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/440 4 September 2009 Note by the President of the Security
S/2009/486 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Norway
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/555 26 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/28 14 January 2010 Letter from Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1718 (2006) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/205 22 April 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/376 8 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council 146 10-60746
Chapter 38
Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the Secretary-General
addressed to the President of the Security Council*
Meetings of the Council
6214 (6 November 2009); 6260 (15 January 2010); 6262 (21 January 2010); 6308
(5 May 2010); 6311 (12 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 18)
Consultations of the whole
6 November 2009; 15 January; 5 May 2010
Resolutions adopted
1909 (2010); 1921 (2010)
Assistance missions and offices established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Mission in Nepal
Resolution 1740 (2007) Established
Resolution 1909 (2010) Mandate extended until 15 May 2010
Resolution 1921 (2010) Mandate extended until 15 September 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/553 26 October 2009 Resolution 1879 (2009)
S/2010/17 7 January 2010 Resolution 1879 (2009)
S/2010/214 28 April 2010 Resolution 1909 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/25 14 January 2010

Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/229 5 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
* S/2006/920. 10-60746 147
Chapter 39
Maintenance of international peace and security
A. Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament
Meetings of the Council
6191 (24 September 2009)
Consultations of the whole
17 September 2009
Resolutions adopted
1887 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/459 11 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Egypt to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/466 14 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2009/463 15 September 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/476 19 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Australia
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/477 18 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Mexico to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/478 21 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Pakistan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/480 21 September 2009 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/481 22 September 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Philippines to the President of the Security
S/2009/482 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of
Kazakhstan to the President of the Security
S/2009/483 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of India to
the President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
148 10-60746
S/2009/484 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Brazil to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/485 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Italy to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/486 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Norway
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/488 24 September 2009 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/505 24 September 2009 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of Canada to the President of the Security
S/2009/492 25 September 2009 Note by the President of the Security
S/2009/501 1 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/631 3 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Egypt to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/84 16 February 2010 Letter from the representative of
Kazakhstan to the Secretary-General
B. Intercultural dialogue for peace and security
Meetings of the Council
6322 (26 May 2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/248 19 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Lebanon
to the Secretary-General
C. Optimizing the use of preventive diplomacy tools: prospects and
challenges in Africa
Meetings of the Council
6360 (16 July 2010) Maintenance of international peace and security
10-60746 149
Presidential statements
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/371 9 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Nigeria to
the Secretary-General 150 10-60746
Chapter 40
The situation in Chad, the Central African Republic and
the subregion
Meetings of the Council
6204 (22 October 2009); 6283 (12 March 2010); 6312 (12 May 2010); 6321
(25 May 2010)
(see also part II, chapters 17, 24.L and 31)
Consultations of the whole
22 October 2009; 17 February; 5, 18 and 22 March; 8, 12 and 23 April; 7 and
27 May; 3 and 28 June 2010
Resolutions adopted
1913 (2010); 1922 (2010); 1923 (2010)
Peacekeeping operations established, functioning or terminated
United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad
Resolution 1778 (2007) Established
Resolution 1913 (2010) Mandate extended until 15 May 2010
Resolution 1922 (2010) Mandate extended until 26 May 2010
Resolution 1923 (2010) Mandate extended until 31 December 2010
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/535 14 October 2009 Resolution 1861 (2009)
S/2010/217 29 April 2010 Resolutions 1861 (2009) and 1913 (2010)
S/2010/409 30 July 2010 Resolution 1923 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/400 3 August 2009 Letter from the representative of the Sudan
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/408 6 August 2009 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African Union
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General The situation in Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion
10-60746 151
S/2010/115 3 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/129 11 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/250 21 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/292 3 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/293 8 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/375 8 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the President of the Security Council 152 10-60746
Chapter 41
Peace and security in Africa
A. General issues
Meetings of the Council
6206 (26 October 2009)
Presidential statements
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2009/470 18 September 2009 S/PRST/2009/3
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/541 19 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/650 15 December 2009 Note by the President of the Security
S/2009/681 30 December 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Ad Hoc
Working Group on Conflict Prevention and
Resolution in Africa to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/392 20 July 2010 Letter from the representatives of Gabon,
Nigeria and Uganda to the President of the
Security Council
B. Djibouti and Eritrea
Meetings of the Council
6254 (23 December 2009); 6316 (19 May 2010); 6362 (20 July 2010)
(see also part V, chapter 6)
Consultations of the whole
21 December 2009; 10 and 11 June; 20 July 2010 Peace and security in Africa
10-60746 153
Resolutions adopted
1907 (2009)
Reports of the Secretary-General
Symbol Date submitted In response to
S/2010/327 22 June 2010 Resolution 1907 (2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/658 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2009/666 23 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/59 28 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/69 4 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/116 1 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/225 3 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Mexico to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/262 28 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/291 7 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Qatar to
the Secretary-General
S/2010/350 30 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/357 1 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/361 7 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Ethiopia
to the President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
154 10-60746
C. Drug trafficking as a threat to international security
Meetings of the Council
6233 (8 December 2009)
Presidential statements
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/615 30 November 2009 Letter from the representative of Burkina
Faso to the Secretary-General 10-60746 155
Chapter 42
Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and
subregional organizations in maintaining international
peace and security
Meetings of the Council
6257 (13 January 2010); 6306 (4 May 2010)
Presidential statements
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/9 4 January 2010 Letter from the representative of China to
the Secretary-General 156 10-60746
Chapter 43
Letter dated 22 September 2009 from the Permanent
Representative of Brazil to the United Nations addressed to
the President of the Security Council*
Meetings of the Council
6192 (25 September 2009)
Consultations of the whole
25 September 2009
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/487 22 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Brazil to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/491 23 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Mexico to the President of the General
Assembly and the President of the Security
* S/2009/487. 10-60746 157
Chapter 44
Letter dated 4 June 2010 from the Permanent
Representative of the Republic of Korea to the
United Nations addressed to the President of the
Security Council (S/2010/281) and other relevant letters
Meetings of the Council
6355 (9 July 2010)
Consultations of the whole
30 June; 8 July 2010
Presidential statements
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/281 4 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Republic of Korea to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/294 8 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/343 29 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/349 30 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Republic of Korea to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/358 6 July 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/398 23 July 2010 Letter from the representative of the
United States of America to the President
of the Security Council 10-60746 159
Part III
Other matters considered by the Security Council
Chapter 1
Items relating to Security Council documentation and working
methods and procedure
A. Implementation of the note by the President of the
Security Council (S/2006/507)
Meetings of the Council
6300 (22 April 2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/165 1 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Japan to the
S/2010/189 15 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Egypt to the President of the General
Assembly and the President of the Security
B. General matters
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
10 August -
28 December 2009
Summary statement by the Secretary-General
on matters of which the Security Council is
seized and on the stage reached in their
S/2009/440 4 September 2009 Note by the President of the Security
S/2009/506 5 October 2009 Note by the President of the Security
S/2009/650 15 December 2009 Note by the President of the Security
S/2009/678 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2009/683 31 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the President of the General
Assembly Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
160 10-60746
S/2010/12 2 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Pakistan to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/18 4 January 2010 Letter from the representative of the United
Arab Emirates to the Secretary-General
S/2010/40 20 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Cuba to the
S/2010/10 and
21 January-
2 August 2010
Summary statement by the Secretary-General
on matters of which the Security Council is
seized and on the stage reached in their
S/2010/2 and
31 January and 2
March 2010
Note by the President of the Security
S/2010/75 1 February 2010 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the President of the Security
S/2010/73 5 February 2010 Letter from the representative of the Sudan to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/90 16 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Austria to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/101 25 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Kuwait to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/109 26 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Nigeria to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/110 26 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Uganda to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/144 12 March 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of Arab
States to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/177 8 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Finland to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/189 15 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Egypt to the President of the General
Assembly and the President of the Security
S/2010/507 26 July 2010 Note by the President of the Security
Council Other matters considered by the Security Council
10-60746 161
Chapter 2
Annual report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
Meetings of the Council
6210 (29 October 2009)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/559 29 October 2009 Note by the President of the Security
Chapter 3
Items relating to the International Court of Justice
A. Date of election to fill a vacancy in the International Court of Justice
Meetings of the Council
6285 (18 March 2010); 6327 (2 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 22)
Resolutions adopted
1914 (2010); 1926 (2010)
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2010/136 15 March 2010 Note by the Secretary-General
S/2010/255 27 May 2010 Note by the Secretary-General
S/2010/297 8 June 2010 Note by the Secretary-General
S/2010/298 8 June 2010 Memorandum by the Secretary-General
S/2010/299 8 June 2010 Note by the Secretary-General
B. Election of a member of the International Court of Justice
Meetings of the Council
6346 (29 June 2010)
(see also part II, chapter 22) 10-60746 163
Part IV
Military Staff Committee
Work of the Military Staff Committee
The Military Staff Committee, established pursuant to Article 47 of the Charter
of the United Nations, functioned continually under its draft rules of procedure
during the period under review. The Committee held a total of 26 meetings and
remained prepared to carry out the functions assigned to it under the terms of
Article 47 of the Charter.
In accordance with the request made to the Security Council by the General
Assembly in paragraph 178 of the 2005 World Summit Outcome (resolution 60/1),
the Military Staff Committee has considered the composition, mandate and working
methods of the Committee. These discussions are ongoing. 10-60746 165
Part V
Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not
discussed at meetings of the Council during the period covered
Chapter 1
Communication concerning the India-Pakistan question
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
Chapter 2
Communications concerning the question of the Greater Tunb,
Lesser Tunb and Abu Musa islands
S/2009/467 14 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the League
of Arab States to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/144 12 March 2010 Letter from the observer of the League
of Arab States to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League
of Arab States to the President of the
Security Council
Chapter 3
Communications concerning the situation between Iraq
and Kuwait
S/2009/405 4 August 2009 Letter from the representative of Kuwait
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/539 16 October 2009 Twenty-eighth report of the SecretaryGeneral pursuant to paragraph 14 of
resolution 1284 (1999)
S/2009/548 21 October 2009 Letter from the representative of Kuwait
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/551 21 October 2009 Letter from the representative of Iraq to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/594 12 November 2009 Letter from the President of the Governing
Council of the United Nations
Compensation Commission to the
President of the Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
166 10-60746
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2009/685 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/72 4 February 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/83 4 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Iraq to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/208 29 April 2010 Letter from the President of the Governing
Council of the United Nations
Compensation Commission to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/300 9 June 2010 Twenty-ninth report of the SecretaryGeneral pursuant to paragraph 14 of
resolution 1284 (1999)
S/2010/310 10 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Kuwait
to the President of the Security Council
S/2010/377 7 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/378 12 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
Chapter 4
Communications concerning the situation relating to Nagorny
Karabakh and relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan
S/2009/457 11 September 2009 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2009/508 30 September 2009 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2009/533 12 October 2009 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2009/575 30 October 2009 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2009/580 9 November 2009 Letter from the representatives of
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and
Turkey to the Secretary-General Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not
discussed at meetings of the Council during the period covered
10-60746 167
S/2009/596 17 November 2009 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2009/619 30 November 2009 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the SecretaryGeneral
S/2009/670 23 December 2009 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/19 4 January 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/71 3 February 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/78 8 February 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/102 24 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/123 4 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/134 10 March 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/171 1 April 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/174 2 April 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/211 27 April 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/228 30 April 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/239 10 May 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/249 14 May 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/246 18 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/257 21 May 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/258 25 May 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
168 10-60746
S/2010/273 27 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/312 1 June 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/279 3 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/345 12 June 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/326 18 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/339 25 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
S/2010/362 2 July 2010 Letter from the representative of
Azerbaijan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/373 9 July 2010 Letter from the representative of Armenia
to the Secretary-General
Chapter 5
Communications concerning the situation in Georgia
S/2009/409 5 August 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/413 7 August 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
the Russian Federation to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2009/441 1 September 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/600 18 November 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/630 8 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/661 17 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not
discussed at meetings of the Council during the period covered
10-60746 169
S/2010/6 29 December 2009 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/33 12 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Russian Federation to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/66 29 January 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/108 19 February 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/103 25 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/176 7 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/219 27 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/309 9 June 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/400 26 July 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/412 29 July 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Georgia to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security Council
Chapter 6
Communications concerning the situation between Eritrea
and Ethiopia
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African Union
to the President of the Security Council
S/2009/602 23 November 2009 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/38 18 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security CouncilReport of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
170 10-60746
S/2010/59 28 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/69 4 February 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/116 1 March 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/225 3 May 2010 Letter from the representative of Mexico to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/350 30 June 2010 Letter from the representative of Eritrea to the
President of the Security Council
Chapter 7
Communications concerning relations between Cameroon
and Nigeria
S/2009/642 30 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2009/643 14 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
Chapter 8
Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction*
Communications dated from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
S/2009/432 25 August 2009 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1540 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2009/486 23 September 2009 Letter from the representative of Norway to
the President of the Security Council
S/2009/505 24 September 2009 Note verbale from the Permanent Mission
of Canada to the President of the Security
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General
* Resolution 1540 (2004) was adopted under this agenda item. Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not
discussed at meetings of the Council during the period covered
10-60746 171
S/2010/52 29 January 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1540 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/53 29 January 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1540 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council
S/2010/84 16 February 2010 Letter from the representative of
Kazakhstan to the Secretary-General
S/2010/112 26 February 2010 Letter from the Chairman of the Security
Council Committee established pursuant to
resolution 1540 (2004) to the President of
the Security Council
Chapter 9
Communications concerning the non-proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction
S/2009/632 8 December 2009 Letter from the representative of Ukraine to the
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/178 29 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of the
Russian Federation to the Secretary-General
and the President of the Security Council
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
S/2010/203 20 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Islamic Republic of Iran to the
Secretary-General and the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/247 19 May 2010 Letter from the representative of the Russian
Federation to the Secretary-General and the
President of the Security CouncilReport of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
172 10-60746
Chapter 10
Communication concerning the situation in Myanmar
S/2009/564 27 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
Chapter 11
Communications concerning the request of Pakistan for the
establishment of a commission of inquiry in connection with
the assassination of the former Prime Minister, Mohtarma
Benazir Bhutto
S/2010/7 30 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
S/2010/8 6 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security
Council to the Secretary-General
S/2010/191 15 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the
President of the Security Council
Chapter 12
Communications concerning the reform of the United Nations,
including the Security Council
S/2009/540 16 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the President of
the Security Council
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General
S/2010/189 15 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
Egypt to the President of the General
Assembly and the President of the Security
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
Council Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not
discussed at meetings of the Council during the period covered
10-60746 173
Chapter 13
Communication concerning the United Nations Standing Advisory
Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa
S/2010/54 22 January 2010 Letter from the representative of Chad to
the Secretary-General
Chapter 14
Communications concerning the Collective Security
Treaty Organization
S/2010/178 29 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of
the Russian Federation to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
S/2010/360 25 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Russian Federation to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the Security
Chapter 15
Communication concerning the League of Arab States
S/2010/204 19 April 2010 Letter from the observer of the League of
Arab States to the President of the Security
Chapter 16
Communication concerning the Organization of the
Islamic Conference
S/2009/677 15 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Syrian
Arab Republic to the Secretary-General Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
174 10-60746
Chapter 17
Communications concerning the Second World War
S/2009/433 24 August 2009 Letter from the representative of the Russian
Federation to the Secretary-General
S/2010/178 29 March 2010 Identical letters from the representative of the
Russian Federation to the Secretary-General
and the President of the Security Council
S/2010/194 15 April 2010 Letter from the representative of the Russian
Federation to the Secretary-General
Chapter 18
Communication concerning relations between Colombia and
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
S/2009/608 3 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela to the President of the
Security Council
Chapter 19
Communications concerning relations between the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea and the United States of America
S/2010/349 30 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Republic of Korea to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/358 6 July 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to
the President of the Security Council
Chapter 20
Communication concerning relations between the Islamic Republic
of Iran and Israel
S/2009/520 6 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the President of
the Security Council Matters brought to the attention of the Security Council but not
discussed at meetings of the Council during the period covered
10-60746 175
Chapter 21
Communications concerning relations between the Islamic
Republic of Iran and the United States of America
S/2009/634 2 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the
S/2009/649 10 December 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the
S/2010/188 13 April 2010 Identical letters from the representative
of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the
Secretary-General and the President of
the Security Council
Chapter 22
Communication concerning Kyrgyzstan
S/2010/360 25 June 2010 Letter from the representative of the
Russian Federation to the SecretaryGeneral and the President of the
Security Council
Chapter 23
Communications concerning Madagascar
S/2009/460 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/461 15 September 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2009/511 1 October 2009 Letter from the representative of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo to
the President of the Security Council
S/2010/117 4 March 2010 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2010/149 19 March 2010 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
176 10-60746
Chapter 24
Communications concerning the Niger
S/2009/568 29 October 2009 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
S/2010/117 4 March 2010 Letter from the observer of the African
Union to the President of the Security
Council 10-60746 177
Part VI
Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
Chapter 1
Governing Council of the
United Nations
Compensation Commission
The mandate of the United Nations Compensation
Commission is to process claims and pay compensation
for losses and damages suffered as a direct result of
Iraq’s unlawful invasion and occupation of Kuwait
from 2 August 1990 until 2 March 1991. Funds to pay
compensation are drawn from the United Nations
Compensation Fund, which receives a percentage of
the proceeds generated by the export sales of Iraqi
petroleum and petroleum products. This percentage,
originally set at 30 per cent by the Security Council
under its resolution 705 (1991), is currently at 5 per
cent in accordance with paragraph 21 of Council
resolution 1483 (2003), which provides that 5 per cent
of the proceeds of all export sales of Iraqi petroleum,
petroleum products and natural gas shall be deposited
into the Compensation Fund.
During the period under review, the Governing
Council of the United Nations Compensation
Commission held two regular sessions (sixty-eighth
and sixty-ninth) and a number of informal meetings, at
which it considered various issues related to the
activity of the Commission and payment of
compensation awards to successful claimants. Since
the conclusion of the main aspects of the claims
processing exercise in June 2005, the Commission has
focused its work with a small secretariat on the
payment of awards and on the Follow-up Programme
for Environmental Awards, which was established by
the Council at its fifty-eighth session in December
2005. The purpose of the Programme is to monitor the
use of certain funds awarded by the Commission under
the F4 category of claims to four Governments (Islamic
Republic of Iran, Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) in
respect of remediation and restoration projects
intended to compensate for environmental damage. In
total, 26 such projects fall within the scope of the
Programme, and the technical and financial monitoring
undertaken by a small specialized staff within the
secretariat aims to ensure that the projects are designed
and ultimately implemented in a transparent,
appropriate and reasonable manner in the context of the
original purpose of the respective awards.
During the period under review, the Commission
made available a total amount of $2,524,208,889 to the
State of Kuwait for distribution to successful
claimants. The most recent of these payments were
made pursuant to decision 267, adopted by the
Governing Council at its sixty-eighth session following
the conclusion of payments phases 1 and 2 under
decision 256, which had been in operation from its
adoption at the Council’s fifty-eighth session in 2005.
Currently, a total of nine claims with an outstanding
balance of $22,299,341,097 remain to be paid, all in
respect of claims owing to Kuwait.
The Commission has awarded total compensation
in the amount of $52,383,356,716 to individuals,
corporations and Governments. As at 31 July 2010,
$30,148,816,544 has been made available to
Governments and international organizations for
payment to successful claimants.
Chapter 2
Security Council Committee
pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992)
and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia
and Eritrea*
The Committee pursuant to resolutions 751
(1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and
Eritrea is mandated by the Security Council to oversee
the implementation of the arms embargo on Somalia
first imposed by resolution 733 (1992), and
subsequently amended by resolutions 1356 (2001),
1425 (2002), 1725 (2006), 1744 (2007), 1772 (2007),
1846 (2008) and 1851 (2008).
Pursuant to paragraph 11 of resolution 1844
(2008), the Committee is also mandated, in accordance
with the criteria set out in that resolution, to designate
individuals and entities subject to a travel ban, an
assets freeze, and a targeted arms embargo imposed
respectively by paragraphs 1, 3 and 7 of that
* Formerly “Security Council Committee established
pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia”. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
178 10-60746
resolution, and to monitor the implementation of those
On 23 December 2009, the Security Council, by
resolution 1907 (2009), inter alia, imposed a ban on the
sale or supply to and from Eritrea of arms and related
materiel, and on technical assistance and training; the
Council also imposed an assets freeze, a travel ban, and
a targeted arms embargo on individuals and entities
designated by the Committee. As the Council, by
resolution 1907 (2009), had expanded the mandate of
the Committee, the Committee decided on 26 February
2010 to change its name to “Security Council
Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and
1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea”.
On 19 March 2010, the Security Council, by
resolution 1916 (2010), established for a period of
12 months an exemption to the assets freeze imposed
by paragraph 3 of resolution 1844 (2008) in connection
with the delivery of humanitarian assistance to
Somalia; and requested the United Nations Resident
and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia to report
every 120 days to the Council on any impediments to
the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia.
The Committee is supported by a Monitoring
Group, whose mandate was extended and expanded,
during the reporting period, by paragraph 19 of
resolution 1907 (2009) and paragraph 6 of resolution
1916 (2010).
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee consisted
of Claude Heller (Mexico) as Chair, while the
delegations of Croatia and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
served as Vice-Chairs. For 2010, Claude Heller
(Mexico) continued to serve as Chair, and the
delegations of Lebanon and Nigeria provided the ViceChairs.
During the reporting period, the Committee
received 14 reports from Member States regarding the
implementation of the measures imposed by resolution
1844 (2008), and 30 reports regarding the
implementation of the measures imposed by resolution
1907 (2009).
During the period under review, the Committee
met four times in informal consultations. It approved
seven requests for exemptions to the arms embargo
pursuant to paragraph 3 of resolution 1356 (2001) and
six requests for exemptions to the arms embargo
pursuant to paragraph 11 (b) of resolution 1772 (2007).
On 24 September 2009, the Committee addressed
a note verbale to all Member States drawing their
attention to the measures contained in resolution 1844
(2008), in particular to the procedures for exemptions
from the arms embargo and to the mandate of the
Monitoring Group.
During its informal consultations on 21 October,
the Committee heard the midterm briefing by the
Monitoring Group on Somalia pursuant to resolution
1853 (2008). The Committee also received a briefing
by the Deputy Special Representative of the SecretaryGeneral for Somalia in accordance with resolution
1844 (2008). The planned visit by the Chair of the
Committee to the region was also discussed.
On 11 December, the Committee issued a press
release deploring acts of intimidation and interference
with the Monitoring Group’s work and urging Member
States to cooperate fully with the investigations of the
Monitoring Group, and to provide the necessary
assistance to ensure that its activities continued
The Committee’s annual report for 2009
(S/2010/14) was issued on 7 January 2010.
On 9 March, the Committee addressed a note
verbale to all Member States drawing their attention to
various provisions contained in resolution 1907 (2009).
In informal consultations on 10 March, the
Committee was briefed by the Monitoring Group on its
final report (S/2010/91), submitted pursuant to
resolution 1853 (2008), and discussed the observations
and recommendations contained therein. During its
informal consultations on 24 March, the Committee
received briefings by the Minister for the Environment
of Somalia and the Deputy Executive Director for
External Relations of the World Food Programme in
connection with the findings set out in the Monitoring
Group’s report. On 30 March, the Committee further
considered the recommendations contained in the
report of the Monitoring Group during informal
On 30 March, the Committee adopted revised
guidelines for the conduct of its work taking account of
the provisions of resolution 1907 (2009). It issued a
press release on 1 April and dispatched the revised
guidelines to all Member States by means of a note
verbale on 21 April. The revised guidelines are also Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 179
available on the Committee’s website, which can be
found at
On 12 April, the Committee decided to list eight
individuals and one entity pursuant to paragraph 8 of
resolution 1844 (2008). On the same day the
Committee issued a press release containing the list
and on 21 April dispatched the list to all Member
States by a note verbale. The list is also available on
the Committee’s website.
From 15 to 27 April, the Chair of the Committee
visited the region to raise awareness for the sanctions
regime and enhance the implementation of the
provisions of resolutions 1844 (2008) and 1907 (2009).
He was accompanied by representatives of Committee
members Turkey and the United States of America.
On 16 November 2009, and on 16 March and 20
July 2010, the Chair of the Committee briefed the
Security Council during consultations on the
Committee’s activities during the previous 120 days
pursuant to resolution 1844 (2008).
Chapter 3
International Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for
Serious Violations of International
Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of the Former Yugoslavia
since 1991
Judicial activity remained intense over the
reporting period. In total, from 1 August 2009 to
31 July 2010, the Appeals Chamber delivered three
judgements involving six persons. The Trial Chambers
delivered the judgement in Prosecutor v. Popović et al.,
involving seven accused persons, and at their peak ran
10 trials in the Tribunal’s three courtrooms, taking
advantage of interstices in trial schedules. Proceedings
against 126 of the 161 persons indicted by the Tribunal
have been completed. At the close of the reporting
period, appeal proceedings are ongoing for 14 persons,
and 18 are currently on trial. No accused remain at the
pretrial stage. Unfortunately, two more accused remain
at large, their continuing flight jeopardizing the
successful implementation of the completion strategy.
The Tribunal has improved efficiency by
implementing various procedural reforms aimed at
increasing the speed of proceedings, while respecting
fully the due process rights of the accused. The
Tribunal is continuously looking for new measures to
improve the conduct of its proceedings and to protect
the accused’s right to an expeditious trial. As part of
this commitment, the Working Group on Speeding Up
Trials was reconstituted to undertake a third review of
the Tribunal’s practices in order to assess whether
further improvements could be implemented in the
work of the Chambers. The recommendations of the
Working Group were adopted by the judges at an
extraordinary plenary session held on 7 June 2010. On
the basis of the efforts of the Working Group on
Contempt and the Rules Committee, the judges
adopted, at the 38th plenary session, held on
10 December 2009, a new rule of procedure and
evidence — rule 92 quinquies — in order to regulate
the admission of evidence in a trial where witnesses
have been made unavailable owing to intimidation and
bribery, thus allowing core proceedings to go forward
even where there are attempts to interfere with the
administration of justice. The Office of the Prosecutor
took a number of steps to reduce the time necessary to
present cases in ongoing trials by using written
evidence in lieu of oral testimony, by moving the Trial
Chambers to take judicial notice of adjudicated facts,
and by endeavouring to speed up the transition from
pretrial to trial.
The Security Council by resolution 1877 (2009)
extended the terms of office of the Tribunal’s
permanent and ad litem judges until 31 December
2010. In resolution 1900 (2009), the Council
underlined its intention to extend, by 30 June 2010, the
terms of office of all trial judges until 31 December
2012 on the basis of the Tribunal’s projected trial
schedule and the terms of office of all appeal judges.
By resolution 1931 (2010), the Council extended the
terms of office of the appeal judges to 31 December
2012 and of the permanent trial and ad litem judges to
31 December 2011; underlined its intention to extend,
by 30 June 2011, the terms of office of the trial judges
on the basis of the Tribunal’s projected trial schedule,
and requested the President of the Tribunal to submit
an updated trial and appeals schedule no later than
15 May 2011. In the light of the current trial and
appeal schedule, a number of judges will require
further extensions of their terms of office in order to
complete the cases to which they are assigned.
Viewing the completion strategy as a strategy
designed to allow the continuation of the Tribunal’s Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
180 10-60746
activities by domestic courts in the former Yugoslavia,
the Tribunal hosted a number of working visits,
seminars, training programmes, and conferences for
judicial professionals in the region. On 23 and
24 February 2010, the Tribunal staged a donor-funded
conference that gathered more than 350 participants
from the international community and the countries of
the former Yugoslavia to discuss aspects of the
Tribunal’s legacy, particularly in the region. On 1 May,
the Tribunal and the Office for Democratic Institutions
and Human Rights of the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe launched a joint 18-month
project funded by the European Union aimed at
assisting the national judiciaries of the region in
securing their capacity to investigate, prosecute and
adjudicate war crimes cases. Within the framework of
this joint project, the Tribunal is also directly
implementing a project to translate trial transcripts and
research tools into the languages of the region.
The Office of the Prosecutor further strengthened
its cooperation with national prosecutorial authorities,
by sharing information and expertise. A concrete
example is the joint project of the European Union
Commission and the Office of the Prosecutor enabling
liaison prosecutors and interns from the region to work
at the Tribunal. Liaison prosecutors work within the
Office of the Prosecutor on their own cases, while
interns assist prosecution lawyers with trials and
appeals at the Tribunal. During the reporting period,
the Office of the Prosecutor continued to transfer
investigative materials to Bosnia and Herzegovina,
including four complete case files, relating to
11 suspects.
The Tribunal continued to respond to requests
from judges or parties in other jurisdictions for access
to confidential case-related material relevant to
proceedings before domestic courts. Such proceedings
are conducted pursuant to rule 75 (H) of the Rules of
Procedure and Evidence, which was adopted in order to
assist other jurisdictions in trying war crimes cases in
their own courts.
The Tribunal continued to cooperate with the
Office of the Legal Counsel in the development of a
residual mechanism further to the Secretary-General’s
report on the subject.
Chapter 4
International Criminal Tribunal for the
Prosecution of Persons Responsible for
Genocide and Other Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law
Committed in the Territory of Rwanda
and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for
Genocide and Other Such Violations
Committed in the Territory of
Neighbouring States between
1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994
Since August 2009, the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda has continued to pursue the
implementation of its completion strategy with vigour,
while upholding the principle of fairness to accused
persons on trial.
The Office of the Prosecutor arrested three more
fugitives during the reporting period. The ten
remaining fugitives are still being tracked, especially
the three whose trials are planned for Arusha (Félicien
Kabuga, Protais Mpiranya and Augustin Bizimana).
The other seven fugitives are to be referred to national
jurisdictions. The Office of the Prosecutor experienced
difficulties in securing the cooperation of Kenya in
regard to the fugitive Félicien Kabuga. The incident
was reported to the Security Council and the
Prosecutor continues to engage Kenyan authorities for
better cooperation. The Office of the Prosecutor also
continued to respond to the increasing number of
requests for legal assistance from national jurisdictions
for the prosecution or extradition of Rwandan fugitives
appearing on the INTERPOL list.
The Tribunal continued to engage with Rwanda in
its efforts to address the obstacles to the referral of
cases. In the meantime, the Prosecutor handed over to
Rwanda the case files of 25 suspects who have been
investigated but not indicted. It is expected that
Rwanda will take appropriate action.
Preparations are under way for the taking of
depositions of key witnesses in the cases of the
fugitives whose trials are planned for Arusha. This will
ensure the preservation of their evidence, should they
be unavailable to testify when the fugitives are
eventually tried.
Five judgements in single-accused cases were
delivered, including a sentencing judgement for a Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 181
guilty plea and a retrial, and the evidence phase in five
single-accused trials was completed. In total, seven
cases involving 18 accused are now in the judgement
drafting phase, and six more judgements are expected
before the end of 2010. Trials are in progress in three
cases involving five persons. In all remaining trials, the
delivery of the judgement is expected before the end of
At the appeals level, in addition to interlocutory
decisions and pre-appeal orders, four judgements in
single-accused cases were delivered, including in a
contempt case. This brings to 31 the total number of
persons whose cases have been completed thus far. Six
appeals are pending.
The Registry continued to support the judicial
process by servicing the other organs of the Tribunal
and the defence, and by seeking support from States
and international institutions, inter alia, to ensure the
appearance of witnesses and their safety, and to secure
funding for activities not covered by the regular
During the reporting period, one prisoner was
released after serving his sentence. Two detainees were
acquitted. The Tribunal relocated one acquitted person,
but three remain under the Tribunal’s protection,
despite the Registrar’s efforts to secure a country of
residence. One convicted person was transferred to a
Member State to serve his sentence. One accused
person, Joseph Nzirorera, died during the course of his
In line with the Tribunal’s completion strategy,
the Registry (a) has stepped up all outreach activities,
including the organization of capacity-building
programmes for the Rwandan judiciary; (b) has
continued its work on legacy issues; and (c) has
continued to provide active support in the trialreadiness of cases.
The Tribunal continues its intense efforts to
comply with the completion strategy. The Tribunal
commenced 10 new trials in 2009: the evidence phase
has been completed in eight of these cases, and
judgement has already been delivered in four.
Projections for the completion of the first instance have
been modified to take into account the fact that,
following additional arrests, new trials have yet to
commence. Moreover, owing in particular to fair trial
requirements and staffing constraints, the completion
of the evidence phase and judgement drafting of some
cases is delayed. By resolution 1932 (2010), the
Security Council has therefore granted, at the request
of the Tribunal, another extension of the mandate of
five permanent and nine ad litem judges until the end
of 2011 or the completion of the cases they are
assigned to, if sooner. The services of the Appeals
Chamber judges have been extended until the end of
2012 or the completion of their cases, if sooner. By that
resolution, the Council noted the importance of an
adequate staffing level for the expeditious completion
of the Tribunal’s work and called upon the Secretariat
and other relevant United Nations bodies to continue to
work with the Registrar in order to find practicable
solutions to address this issue.
Chapter 5
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1132
(1997) concerning Sierra Leone
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1132 (1997) concerning Sierra Leone is mandated by
the Security Council to oversee the implementation of
the measures imposed by resolution 1171 (1998),
which consist of an arms embargo on
non-governmental forces in Sierra Leone and travel
restrictions on members of the former military junta
and of the Revolutionary United Front as designated by
the Committee.
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee consisted
of Le Luong Minh (Viet Nam) as Chair, while the
delegations of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Turkey
served as Vice-Chairs. For 2010, Nawaf Salam
(Lebanon) served as Chair, the delegations of the
Bosnia and Herzegovina and Brazil providing the ViceChairs.
The Committee did not hold any formal meetings
or informal consultations during the reporting period.
During the reporting period, the Committee
received eight notifications pursuant to paragraph 4 of
resolution 1171 (1998).
During the period under review, the Committee
granted waivers of the travel restrictions imposed by
paragraph 5 of resolution 1171 (1998) to allow for the
transfer from Sierra Leone to Rwanda of five
individuals on the Committee’s travel ban list, who had Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
182 10-60746
been convicted by the Special Court for Sierra Leone,
for the enforcement of their sentences.
On 17 June 2010, the Committee received a
communication informing it of the travel of an
individual on the Committee’s travel ban list from
Rwanda to the Netherlands to appear as a witness
before the Special Court for Sierra Leone in
accordance with paragraph 8 of resolution 1793 (2007).
On 5 January 2010, the Committee’s annual
report for 2009 was issued (S/2009/690).
The Committee’s website can be found at
Chapter 6
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1267
(1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the
Taliban and associated individuals
and entities
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1267 (1999) is mandated by the Security Council to
oversee the implementation of sanctions measures,
consisting of an assets freeze, travel ban and arms
embargo against individuals or entities belonging to or
associated with Al-Qaida and/or the Taliban as set out
in resolutions 1267 (1999), 1333 (2000), 1390 (2002),
1452 (2002), 1455 (2003), 1526 (2004), 1617 (2005),
1735 (2006), 1822 (2008) and 1904 (2009).
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee consisted
of Thomas Mayr-Harting (Austria) who served as
Chair, with Burkina Faso and the Russian Federation
serving as Vice-Chairs. Since January 2010, Thomas
Mayr-Harting (Austria) has continued to serve as
Chair, while Brazil and the Russian Federation have
served as Vice-Chairs. During the reporting period, the
Committee held one formal and 35 informal meetings.
During the reporting period the Committee
completed its comprehensive review, pursuant to
resolution 1822 (2008), of the 488 names that were
included in the Consolidated List on 30 June 2008. For
443 entries the Committee found that listing remains
appropriate, while 45 names were removed from the
List after the Committee acceded to requests from
Member States for the removal of those names. In
addition, the information gathered and analysed during
the review process has resulted in numerous updates of
entries on the List and narrative summaries of reasons
for listing, thereby improving the quality of the List
and narrative summaries.
The Committee also continued to make accessible
on its website narrative summaries of reasons for
listing for each entry on the Consolidated List,
including at the time a new name is added, in
accordance with paragraph 14 of resolution 1904
(2009). As at 31 July 2010, the Committee had posted
on its website 207 narrative summaries. Narrative
summaries that have been posted on the Committee’s
website can be found at
On 3 June 2010 the Secretary-General appointed,
in close consultation with the Committee, an
Ombudsperson to assist the Committee in its
consideration of requests for de-listing, in accordance
with paragraph 20 of resolution 1904 (2009). The Chair
of the Committee held a press conference on 15 July
2010 at which the Ombudsperson participated.
In view of the appointment of the Ombudsperson,
the focal point mechanism established pursuant to
resolution 1730 (2006) shall no longer receive requests
for de-listing concerning names included in the
Committee’s Consolidated List, as decided by the
Council in paragraph 21 of resolution 1904 (2009). In
the same paragraph, however, the Council noted that
the focal point shall continue to receive requests from
individuals and entities seeking to be removed from
other sanctions lists.
Pursuant to resolution 1822 (2008), the Chair of
the Committee undertook three visits to selected
countries during the reporting period. On 8 and
9 October 2009 he visited Brussels, to discuss with
officials of European Union institutions the
implementation of the sanctions measures imposed by
the European Union and its 27 member States. The
Chair then participated in an international workshop of
national counter-terrorism focal points, held in Vienna
on 12 and 13 October 2009. On 3 and 4 June 2010 he
attended the 9th Meeting of Heads of Special Services,
Security Agencies and Law Enforcement
Organizations, held on Yekaterinburg, Russian
On 28 September 2009, the Chair transmitted the
tenth report of the Analytical Support and Sanctions
Monitoring Team, established by resolution 1526
(2004), to the President of the Security Council Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 183
(S/2009/502). The Committee conveyed its position on
the Monitoring Team’s tenth report in its own written
assessment, which was transmitted to the President of
the Security Council on 5 March 2010 (S/2010/125).
During the reporting period, the Analytical
Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team continued to
assist the Committee in carrying out the tasks
described in the annex to resolution 1822 (2008) and
annex I to resolution 1904 (2009).
Pursuant to resolutions 1822 (2008) and 1904
(2009), the Chair presented to the Security Council his
180-day oral briefings, together with the Chairs of the
Committees established pursuant to resolutions 1373
(2001) and 1540 (2004), on 13 November 2009 and
11 May 2010. By means of those briefings the Council
was informed of the work of the Committee and the
Monitoring Team, as well as of the implementation of
the sanctions measures by States.
On 27 January and 29 July 2010, the Chair of the
Committee held public briefings for Member States, at
which he relayed information concerning, inter alia, the
review of names on the Consolidated List pursuant to
resolution 1822 (2008), on the new provisions of
resolution 1904 (2009), and on the establishment of the
Office of the Ombudsperson.
On 28 October 2009, the Committee met with the
Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of
human rights and fundamental freedoms while
countering terrorism, Mr. Martin Scheinin.
The Chair transmitted the report on the work of
the Committee in 2009 to the Security Council
(S/2009/676) on 30 December 2009.
On 12 January 2010, the Committee made
available on its website new standard forms for listing
of individuals and entities to be used when proposing
the inclusion of names in the Committee’s
Consolidated List. New fields have been added to the
standard forms with a view to improving the quality
and precision of the information contained in listing
requests. The Security Council, in paragraph 13 of its
resolution 1904 (2009), called upon Member States to
use the new standard forms when proposing names to
the Committee for inclusion in the Consolidated List.
On 22 July, the Committee issued revised
guidelines for the conduct of its work, in accordance
with paragraph 35 of resolution 1904 (2009),
including, inter alia, the sections concerning listing,
de-listing, and matters left pending before the
Committee. The new guidelines and other updated
information reflecting the provisions of resolution
1904 (2009) have been made available on the
Committee’s website.
During the reporting period, the Committee
added the names of 10 individuals and one entity to the
Al-Qaida section and three individuals to the Taliban
section of the Consolidated List. The Committee
updated the information contained in 65 entries
referring to individuals associated with Al-Qaida, five
entities associated with Al-Qaida, and six individuals
associated with the Taliban. The Consolidated List is
available on the Committee’s website,
During the reporting period, the Committee
de-listed 14 individuals and 21 entities from the
Al-Qaida section and 10 individuals from the Taliban
section of the Consolidated List. The Committee
received 11 requests for de-listing from the focal point
for de-listing during the reporting period concerning 19
names on the Consolidated List, and continued its
consideration of two requests which were still being
processed at the end of the last reporting period,
concerning three names. Of those 22 names, the
Committee removed the names of four individuals and
seven entities from its Consolidated List after acceding
to their requests for de-listing. Six individuals and
three entities remained on the List after the process of
the consideration of their requests within the
Committee had been completed. De-listing requests
concerning two individuals remained under the
consideration of the Committee on 31 July 2010.
Finally, during the reporting period the Ombudsperson
received one request for de-listing from a petitioner
and commenced the procedures outlined in annex II to
resolution 1904 (2009).
The Committee continued to consider
notifications and requests submitted pursuant to
resolution 1452 (2002) in accordance with the
guidelines for the conduct of its work. The Committee
also approved a request for an exemption to the travel
ban set out in paragraph 1 (b) of resolution 1822
During the reporting period, four States submitted
their reports on the implementation of sanctions
measures in accordance with resolution 1455 (2003),
bringing the total number of reports submitted to 160. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
184 10-60746
In addition, one State submitted the checklist pursuant
to resolution 1617 (2005), bringing the number of
submitted checklists to 62.
The Committee also continued its cooperation
with INTERPOL. The publication of INTERPOLSecurity Council Special Notices for individuals and
entities included in the Committee’s Consolidated List
serves, inter alia, to assist Member States in
implementing the relevant sanctions measures by
alerting national law enforcement agencies that an
assets freeze, a travel ban and an arms embargo are in
place with regard to the targeted individuals and
entities. As at 31 July 2010, 366 notices for individuals
and entities were published on the INTERPOL website.
The notices can be found at
Chapter 7
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1373
(2001) concerning counter-terrorism
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism, known as
the Counter-Terrorism Committee, is mandated to
monitor the implementation of that resolution. The
Committee has been assisted in its work by the
Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate,
established by resolution 1535 (2004) for an initial
period ending on 31 December 2007. By resolution
1805 (2008), the Council decided that the Executive
Directorate will continue to operate as a special
political mission under the policy guidance of the
Counter-Terrorism Committee until 31 December
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee was
chaired by the delegation of Croatia, Neven Jurica
serving until 18 September 2009, when Ranko Vilović
became Chair. The delegations of France, the Russian
Federation and Viet Nam served as Vice-Chairs, each
also chairing one of the Committee’s three
subcommittees. From 31 January 2010 Ertuğrul
Apakan (Turkey) served as Chair of the Committee,
with Gabon replacing Viet Nam as one of the ViceChairs.
During the reporting period, the Committee held
17 formal meetings, three informal meetings and
11 subcommittee meetings.
During the reporting period, the Committee
submitted three semi-annual work programmes to the
Security Council, covering the periods from July to
December 2009 (S/2009/389); January to June 2010
(S/2010/89); and July to December 2010 (S/2010/366).
Resolution 1373 (2001) sets out a comprehensive
agenda of counter-terrorism activities, including steps
aimed at bringing to justice perpetrators of terrorist
acts as well as those who harbour, aid and support
them. It also requires all States to cooperate on a wide
range of issues related to counter-terrorism.
The Committee continued to use the preliminary
implementation assessment as an analytical tool
designed to provide a systematic, even-handed,
transparent and effective way to monitor the extent to
which States had met their obligations under resolution
1373 (2001).
The Committee also continued its “stocktaking”
exercise aimed at enhancing the Committee’s dialogue
with each State and bolstering that State’s counterterrorism defences and capacity to cooperate
internationally. In the context of the “stocktaking”
exercise, the Committee approved updated preliminary
implementation assessments for 63 States and sent them
to those States with an invitation to provide updates
including new information on their progress in
implementing the resolution. The Committee also
continued the practice of inviting the Permanent
Representatives of certain Member States to meet
informally with their relevant subcommittees to discuss
the preliminary implementation assessment for those
States, problems encountered by them in providing
information to the Committee, and ways to further
enhance their dialogue with the Committee. During the
period under review, the subcommittees met with the
Permanent Representatives or designated representatives
of 20 States.
During the reporting period, the CounterTerrorism Committee Executive Directorate updated
the technical guide to the implementation of resolution
1373 (2001), which was endorsed by the Committee on
10 December 2009.
The Committee continued, through its Executive
Directorate, to conduct visits to Member States, with
their consent, in order to engage in detailed discussions
on the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) in
line with resolution 1535 (2004). During the reporting Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 185
period, the Committee visited Azerbaijan, Bahrain,
Ghana, Oman and Timor-Leste.
The Committee continued to work to deepen its
engagement and cooperation with international,
regional and subregional organizations; it encouraged
and assisted them in the development of capacities that
would improve their ability to assist their members
with the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001). On
3 December 2009, the Committee with the assistance
of its Executive Directorate submitted its second report
on the implementation of resolution 1373 (2001)
(S/2009/620), focusing on areas of counter-terrorism
legislation, counter-financing of terrorism, law
enforcement, border control, and international
cooperation. To ensure the effective implementation of
all relevant obligations of Member States in the area of
international cooperation the Committee, on 14 June
2010, adopted by means of the silence procedure
policy guidance on international cooperation in the
work of the Counter-Terrorism Committee.
During the reporting period, the Committee was
briefed by the President of the Financial Action Task
Force; the United Nations High Commissioner for
Human Rights; the President of the Financial Action
Task Force of South America against Money
Laundering; the Director for Legal Advice and Public
International Law of the Council of Europe; and the
Head of the Working Group of the Meeting of Heads of
Special Services, Security Agencies and Law
Enforcement Organizations.
In 2009 and 2010, the Committee held five
informal briefings for Member States: on 16 December
2009, on 17 February 2010 (on international judicial
cooperation), on 8 April 2010 (on maritime security
and terrorist acts committed at sea); on 10 June 2010
(on cooperation with regional organizations) and on
21 July 2010.
During the period under review, the Committee
continued to implement its mandate under resolution
1624 (2005), that is, to include in its dialogue with
Member States their efforts to implement that
resolution and to work with Member States to help
build capacity, including through promoting good
practices and facilitating the exchange of information.
During the period to 31 July 2010, the Committee
received seven reports from Member States pursuant to
resolution 1624 (2005).
The three counter-terrorism-related Security
Council Committees continued the practice of
coordinating their periodic briefings to the Council.
Those briefings were given on 13 November 2009 and
11 May 2010.
The Committee’s website is maintained and
updated by its Executive Directorate and can be found
Chapter 8
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution
1518 (2003)
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1518 (2003) is mandated by the Security Council to
continue to identify, pursuant to resolution 1483
(2003), individuals and entities whose funds, assets or
economic resources should be frozen and transferred to
the Development Fund for Iraq. As set out in paragraph
23 of resolution 1483 (2003), those individuals and
entities include the previous Government of Iraq or its
State bodies, corporations or agencies located outside
Iraq, as well as other senior officials of the former Iraqi
regime and their immediate family members, including
entities owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by
them or by persons acting on their behalf or at their
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee consisted
of Michel Kafando (Burkina Faso) as Chair, with the
delegation of Japan as Vice-Chair. Since January 2010,
the Chair of the Committee has been U. Joy Ogwu
(Nigeria), while the delegation of Japan has continued
to serve as Vice-Chair.
While the Committee did not hold meetings
during the reporting period, it did consider several
issues brought to its attention, in particular related to
its lists of individuals and entities established pursuant
to resolution 1483 (2003). Those lists are available on
the Committee’s website at
The Chair transmitted the report on the work of
the Committee in 2009 to the Security Council
(S/2009/671) on 28 December 2009. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
186 10-60746
Chapter 9
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1521
(2003) concerning Liberia
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1521 (2003) concerning Liberia is mandated by the
Security Council to oversee the measures imposed by
that resolution and by resolution 1532 (2004), of which
the following are currently in effect: the travel ban
imposed by resolution 1521 (2003) and the assets
freeze imposed by resolution 1532 (2004). With the
adoption of resolution 1903 (2009), the arms embargo
imposed by resolution 1521 (2003), and subsequently
modified by resolutions 1683 (2006) and 1731 (2006),
no longer applies to the Government of Liberia, but
still applies to all non-governmental entities and
individuals operating in the territory of Liberia.
Resolution 1903 (2009) also stipulates that States
providing arms and related materiel to the Government
of Liberia or assistance, advice or training related to
military activities for the Government of Liberia shall
notify the Committee in advance.
The Committee is supported by a Panel of
Experts, whose mandate was extended and modified,
during the reporting period, by paragraph 9 of
resolution 1903 (2009).
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee consisted
of Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgham (Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya) as Chair, while the delegations of Uganda
and Turkey served as Vice-Chairs. For 2010, Ivan
Barbalić (Bosnia and Herzegovina) served as Chair,
and the delegations of Uganda and Turkey continued to
provide the Vice-Chairs.
During the period under review, the Committee
held three informal consultations to consider various
issues relating to the sanctions regime.
The Committee received four requests for
de-listing from the focal point for de-listing established
pursuant to resolution 1730 (2006) during the reporting
period. The Committee decided on 16 December 2009
to de-list one individual (Ali Kleilat) and issued a press
release to that effect; on 3 February 2010 it informed
all Member States about the de-listing by means of a
note verbale. At the end of the reporting period, 22
individuals and 30 entities remained on the
Committee’s assets freeze list, and 45 individuals
remained on the Committee’s travel ban list. The latest
versions of the travel ban and assets freeze lists are
available on the Committee’s web page at
During the period under review, the Committee
considered six requests for travel ban waivers under
paragraph 4 (c) of resolution 1521 (2003), of which
four were granted. Furthermore, the Committee
approved two requests submitted in accordance with
paragraph 2 (a) of resolution 1532 (2004). The
Committee also approved two requests for exemptions
to the arms embargo, one submitted in accordance with
paragraph 2 (e) of resolution 1521 (2003), and one in
accordance with paragraph 3 of resolution 1683 (2006).
Those requests were submitted prior to the partial
lifting of the arms embargo on 17 December 2009.
Since then the Committee has received five
notifications in accordance with paragraph 6 of
resolution 1903 (2009).
At its informal consultations on 10 November
2009, the Committee considered one request for
de-listing received from the focal point for de-listing.
During its informal consultations on 11 December, the
Committee was briefed by the Panel of Experts on its
final report (S/2009/640), submitted pursuant to
resolution 1854 (2008), and discussed the
recommendations contained therein. During Security
Council consultations on 15 December, the Chair
briefed the members on the main findings contained in
the Panel’s report and on the Committee’s discussion
of its recommendations.
On 31 December 2009, the Committee’s annual
report for 2009 was issued (S/2009/691).
At its informal consultations on 16 June 2010, the
Committee received a briefing from the Panel of
Experts on its midterm report (S/2010/319), submitted
pursuant to resolution 1903 (2009), and discussed the
recommendations contained therein. On 13 July the
Chair briefed the Security Council during its
consultations on the Committee’s deliberations on the
Panel’s midterm report.
On 14 December 2009, the Committee adopted
updated guidelines for the conduct of its work in
accordance with paragraph 3 of Security Council
resolution 1854 (2008). The Committee issued a press
release on the subject on 16 December and dispatched
the revised guidelines to all Member States by a note
verbale on 21 December. On 30 March 2010, the
Committee adopted revised guidelines for the conduct Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 187
of its work, taking account of the provisions of
resolution 1903 (2009), issued a press release on
1 April and dispatched the revised guidelines to all
Member States by means of a note verbale on 23 April.
The revised guidelines are also available on the
Committee’s website.
Chapter 10
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1533
(2004) concerning the Democratic
Republic of the Congo
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of
the Congo was established on 12 March 2004 by the
Security Council to oversee and assess the
implementation of the arms embargo originally
imposed by paragraph 20 of resolution 1493 (2003),
and to undertake the tasks set out by the Security
Council in paragraph 15 of resolution 1807 (2008) and
paragraph 6 of resolution 1857 (2008). The sanctions
regime was subsequently renewed and amended with
the adoption of resolutions 1533 (2004), 1596 (2005),
1649 (2005), 1698 (2006), 1771 (2007), 1807 (2008),
1857 (2008) and 1896 (2009), by which the Council,
inter alia, imposed targeted travel and financial
sanctions on individuals and entities as designated by
the Committee.
The Committee is supported by a Group of
Experts to monitor the implementation of the sanctions
regime, with a particular focus on the Provinces of
North and South Kivu and Ituri, and the Orientale
Province. The Group of Experts was originally
established by resolution 1533 (2004) and its mandate
was subsequently renewed and amended by resolutions
1552 (2004), 1596 (2005), 1616 (2005), 1654 (2006),
1698 (2006), 1771 (2007), 1807 (2008), 1857 (2008)
and 1896 (2009).
By resolution 1896 (2009), the Security Council
decided to extend the sanctions regime and the
mandate of the Group of Experts as set out in
resolution 1807 (2008) for a further period expiring on
30 November 2010, while expanding the mandate of
the Group to include the task of producing
recommendations to the Committee for guidelines for
the exercise of due diligence by the importers,
processing industries and consumers of mineral
products regarding the purchase, sourcing, acquisition
and processing of mineral products from the
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
In 2009 the Bureau of the Committee consisted of
Baki İlkin (Turkey) as Chairman, with the delegations
of Costa Rica and Viet Nam serving as Vice-Chairs. In
September 2009, Ertuğrul Apakan replaced
Ambassador İlkin as Chair of the Committee. In 2010,
Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil) served as Chair of
the Committee, and the delegations of Gabon and
Lebanon served as Vice-Chairs.
During the reporting period, the Committee held
five informal consultations. On 18 and 20 November
2009, the Committee considered the final report of the
Group of Experts pursuant to resolution 1857 (2008)
(S/2009/603), and considered the recommendations
contained therein. On 25 November, the Chair briefed
the Council during informal consultations on the
Committee’s discussion of the report and its
At its informal consultations of 4 December, the
Committee continued its discussion of the
recommendations contained in the final report of the
Group of Experts, as well as possible follow-up
actions. On the basis of those discussions, the
Committee agreed to address a note verbale to all
Member States drawing attention to relevant sections
of the report. The Committee also agreed to address
letters to a number of Member States as part of its
follow-up of the Group’s observations and
On 31 December 2009, the Chairman transmitted
to the Security Council the report of the Committee
containing an account of the Committee’s activities
from 1 January to 31 December 2009 (S/2009/667).
During its informal consultations of 12 February
2010, the Committee held a discussion on its
programme of work and the relevant provisions of
resolution 1896 (2009), by which the Committee’s
mandate was expanded. The Committee also discussed
follow-up measures to be taken in connection with the
final report of the Group of Experts. On 18 March, the
Committee held an exchange of views with the Group
of Experts re-established pursuant to resolution 1896
On 21 May, the Committee considered the
interim report of the Group of Experts (S/2010/252) Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
188 10-60746
and the recommendations contained therein. It also
received a briefing by the Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.
On 27 May, the Chair briefed the Security Council
during informal consultations on the Committee’s
discussion of the report and its recommendations.
During the reporting period, the Committee
received a total of 18 notifications regarding technical
training and assistance to the Government of the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, or deliveries of
non-lethal military equipment for humanitarian and
protective use, in pursuance of paragraph 5 of
resolution 1807 (2008). Pursuant to paragraph 15 (d) of
resolution 1807 (2008), the Committee has informed
the Government of the Democratic Republic of the
Congo and the United Nations Organization Mission in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo of every
notification received pursuant to paragraph 5 of that
During the reporting period, the Committee
received no requests for exemption pursuant to the
assets freeze. On 11 November 2009 the Committee
received one request for de-listing of a sanctioned
individual from the focal point for de-listing
established pursuant to resolution 1730 (2006), and
informed the focal point on 15 December that the
Committee was unable to agree to the request.
Pursuant to paragraph 7 of resolution 1857 (2008)
and paragraph 5 of resolution 1896 (2009), the
Committee has received replies from the following
States: Andorra (S/AC.43/2010/1), Argentina
(S/AC.43/2009/14), Brazil (S/AC.43/2010/4), China
(S/AC.43/2010/6), Cyprus (S/AC.43/2009/15),
Denmark (S/AC.43/2010/7), Iceland (S/AC.43/2010/2),
Malaysia (S/AC.43/2010/8), Thailand (S/AC.43/2010/3)
and United States of America (S/AC.43/2010/5).
The Committee’s website can be found at
Chapter 11
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution
1540 (2004)
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1540 (2004) was established by the Security Council
on 28 April 2004 for a period of no longer than two
years with a mandate to report to the Council, for its
examination, on the implementation of resolution 1540
(2004) concerning the non-proliferation of weapons of
mass destruction. The Committee’s mandate was
extended for a further two years by resolution 1673
(2006). By resolution 1810 (2008) the Council
extended the mandate of the Committee for a period of
three years, until 25 April 2011.
In 2009 the Committee was chaired by Jorge
Urbina (Costa Rica), the delegations of Croatia,
Mexico and the United Kingdom serving as ViceChairs. From 31 January, Claude Heller (Mexico)
chaired the Committee, and the delegations of
Lebanon, Turkey and the United Kingdom served as
Vice-Chairs. During the period under review, the
Committee held 10 formal and 19 informal meetings.
The Committee also held two informal briefings for
Member States. The Committee continued to be
supported in its work by eight experts.
On 10 March 2010, acting in accordance with
paragraph 9 of resolution 1810 (2008), the Committee
adopted its programme of work for the period from
1 February 2010 to 31 January 2011 (S/2010/112),
which had been drafted by a working group established
by the Committee for that purpose. During the
reporting period, the Committee continued with its
system of working groups, which had been established
on a trial basis under its previous programme of work
(S/2009/124). The Committee’s working group on
monitoring and national implementation held three
meetings; the working group on assistance held four
meetings; the working group on cooperation with
international organizations, including the Security
Council Committees established pursuant to
resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1373 (2001), held five
meetings; the working group on transparency and
media outreach held one meeting.
In accordance with paragraph 8 of resolution
1810 (2008), the Committee conducted a
comprehensive review on the status of implementation
of resolution 1540 (2006). To that end the Committee
held three days of meetings, from 29 September to
1 October 2009, with wide participation of international
organizations and civil society representatives. The final
document on the comprehensive review, including key
findings and recommendations, was adopted on
29 January 2010 (see S/2010/52). Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 189
The Committee’s experts continued to update the
matrices for Member States on the basis of new
information with regard to their efforts to implement
resolution 1540 (2004). On 23 June 2010, the
Committee approved, by means of silence procedure,
revised procedures for the consideration and approval
of matrices.
The Chair of the Committee participated in joint
briefings to the Security Council by the Chairs of the
Committees established pursuant to resolutions 1267
(1999), 1373 (2001) and 1540 (2004), which were
given on 13 November 2009 and 11 May 2010.
As part of its outreach activities, members of the
Committee and the Committee’s experts continued to
participate in seminars, workshops and conferences,
explaining to participants the work of the Committee
and the requirements of resolution 1540 (2004) with a
view to strengthening support for its implementation.
The Committee, with the support of interested Member
States and the Office for Disarmament Affairs, also
organized several regional and subregional workshops
on the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004).
The Committee’s website is maintained and
updated by the Office for Disarmament Affairs and can
be found at
Chapter 12
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1572
(2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1572 (2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire is mandated to
oversee the implementation of the sanctions regime
consisting of an arms embargo, travel ban and assets
freeze imposed by that resolution, as renewed and
expanded by resolution 1643 (2005), by which the
Security Council also decided that all States shall take
the necessary measures to prevent the import of all
rough diamonds from Côte d’Ivoire to their territory.
By its resolution 1893 (2009), the Council
renewed until 31 October 2010 the sanctions regime
imposed by resolutions 1572 (2004) and 1643 (2005).
The Council also extended until 31 October 2010 the
mandate of the Group of Experts on Côte d’Ivoire as
set out in paragraph 7 of resolution 1727 (2006).
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee consisted
of Claude Heller (Mexico) as Chair, while the
delegations of Austria and Uganda served as ViceChairs. In 2010, Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil)
served as Chair, the delegations of Austria and Uganda
serving as Vice-Chairs.
During the reporting period, the Committee held
a total of five informal consultations.
On 31 December 2009, the Chair transmitted to
the Security Council the report of the Committee
containing an account of the Committee’s activities
from 1 January to 31 December 2009 (S/2009/689).
During its informal consultations on 7 October
2009, the Committee considered the final report of the
Group of Experts (S/2009/521), submitted in
accordance with resolution 1842 (2008), and possible
actions to be taken by the Committee. On 27 October,
the Chair briefed the Council during informal
consultations on the Committee’s discussion of the
report and its recommendations. On 12 November, the
Committee sent a note verbale to all States drawing
their attention to relevant paragraphs of the final report
of the Group of Experts and transmitted the list of
sanctioned individuals.
On 9 April 2010, the Committee considered the
midterm report of the Group of Experts submitted in
accordance with resolution 1893 (2009) (S/2010/179).
On 15 April, the Chair briefed the Council during
informal consultations on the Committee’s discussion
of the midterm report and its recommendations.
During its informal consultations on
18 December 2009 and on 19 February, 9 April and
2 July 2010, the Committee received briefings from the
Department of Peacekeeping Operations on the
monthly media and arms embargo monitoring reports
prepared by the United Nations Operation in Côte
d’Ivoire (UNOCI). During its consultations on
18 December 2009 and on 9 April and 2 July 2010, the
Committee also considered the quarterly human rights
reports prepared by UNOCI.
The Committee’s website can be found at Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
190 10-60746
Chapter 13
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1591
(2005) concerning the Sudan
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan is mandated by the
Security Council to monitor an arms embargo on all
non-governmental entities and individuals, including
the Janjaweed, operating in the States of Northern
Darfur, Southern Darfur and Western Darfur, which
was subsequently expanded to include all the parties to
the N’Djamena Ceasefire Agreement and any other
belligerents in the above-mentioned States in the
Sudan. The Committee is also mandated to monitor the
implementation of the travel ban and assets freeze
imposed by resolution 1591 (2005) and, inter alia, to
designate individuals subject to those measures, in
accordance with the criteria set out in that resolution.
By resolution 1672 (2006), the Council decided that all
States shall implement those measures with respect to
the four individuals named in the resolution. The
Committee is assisted by a Panel of Experts, the
mandate of which was most recently extended by the
Council in paragraph 1 of resolution 1891 (2009). The
web page of the Committee can be found at
In 2009 and 2010, Thomas Mayr-Harting
(Austria) served as Chair. In 2009, the delegations of
Croatia and Mexico provided the Vice-Chairs; in 2010,
Bosnia and Herzegovina replaced Croatia as one of the
two Vice-Chairs.
During the period under review, the Committee
held eight informal consultations to consider various
issues relating to the sanctions regime.
By means of communications dated 6 and
26 August 2009, in response to a letter sent by the
Chair pursuant to a request for assistance from the
Panel of Experts, a State provided the Panel with
certain information. In informal consultations on 6 and
20 October 2009, the Committee heard a presentation
by the Panel of Experts on its final report under
resolution 1841 (2008) (S/2009/562), and on the
confidential annex to that report, and discussed the
three recommendations contained in the former. The
members of the Committee agreed to take action on an
aspect of recommendation 1, pertaining to requests for
information from the Government of the Sudan in four
areas, which the Chair subsequently conveyed to the
Permanent Representative of the Sudan.
In a communication dated 9 September 2009, in
response to a previous letter from the Chair, the UnderSecretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations
indicated that the Department of Peacekeeping
Operations was developing formal guidelines for
support to panels of experts in general. In informal
consultations on 7 December, a representative of the
Department gave an introductory briefing to the
Committee on the provisional guidelines for
peacekeeping missions in support of Security Council
panels, which covered three categories — informationsharing, logistics and administrative support, and
In informal consultations on 12 January 2010, the
Committee met the Panel of Experts appointed
pursuant to resolution 1891 (2009) and discussed its
reporting timelines. In informal consultations on
29 March, the Committee heard a presentation by the
Panel on its interim report.
In informal consultations on 24 May, the
Committee held a discussion with the Joint African
Union-United Nations Special Representative for
Darfur, focusing on two main areas, namely, the
monitoring of the arms embargo by the African UnionUnited Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID);
and cooperation with the Panel of Experts. The Chair
briefed the members of the Committee on his meeting
with the Permanent Representative of the Sudan, at
which the latter addressed the requests for information
previously conveyed to him.
In informal consultations on 7 June, as a followup to recommendation 3 in the Panel’s final report
under resolution 1841 (2008), pertaining to enhancing
due diligence for corporations whose products and
services potentially affected the conflict in Darfur, the
Committee heard a briefing by the Executive Director
of the United Nations Global Compact on the work of
the Global Compact. Members of the Committee also
discussed a progress report submitted by the Panel
appointed pursuant to resolution 1891 (2009).
In informal consultations on 7 July, the Committee
heard a midterm briefing by the Panel of Experts, as
called for in resolution 1891 (2009), which was
accompanied by a written report. Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 191
On 15 September and 15 December 2009 and on
4 March and 10 June 2010, the Chair delivered
periodic reports to the Security Council, as called for
in paragraph 3 (a) of resolution 1591 (2005), each
describing the Committee’s activities and, where
appropriate, the Chair’s bilateral contacts during the
preceding 90 days.
Chapter 14
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution
1636 (2005)
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1636 (2005) is mandated to undertake tasks described
in paragraph 3 and the annex to that resolution, in
order to assist in the investigation into the terrorist
bombing in Beirut on 14 February 2005 that killed the
former Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafiq Hariri and 22
In 2009, the Bureau of the Committee consisted
of Michel Kafando (Burkina Faso) as Chair, while the
delegations of Austria and Viet Nam served as ViceChairs. For 2010, Emmanuel Issoze-Ngondet (Gabon)
served as Chair, and the delegations of Austria and
Bosnia and Herzegovina provided the Vice-Chairs.
During the reporting period, the Committee did
not conduct any consultations or meetings and did not
prepare an annual report.
The Committee’s website can be found at
Chapter 15
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution
1718 (2006)
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1718 (2006) is mandated to oversee the implementation
of the measures imposed by that resolution with
respect to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
The Security Council by resolution 1874 (2009)
imposed additional measures, including an expansion
of the arms embargo and the financial measures related
thereto, as well as a ban on the provision of financial
services, the transfer of financial assets or resources or
public financial support for trade with the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea that could contribute to
that country’s nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related
and other weapons of mass destruction-related
programmes. The Council directed the Committee to
designate entities, goods and individuals in order to
adjust measures imposed by resolutions 1718 (2006)
and 1874 (2009). It also called for the inspection of
cargo to and from the Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea under the conditions and circumstances
specified in the resolution; it authorized, under specific
circumstances, the seizure and disposal of prohibited
items; and it introduced a ban on the provision of
bunkering services and other servicing to vessels of the
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Pursuant to paragraph 26 of resolution 1874
(2009), the Committee is assisted by a Panel of seven
experts, whose mandate was extended by the Council
until 12 June 2011 by resolution 1928 (2010).
During the reporting period, Baki İlkin (Turkey)
served as Chair until Ertuğrul Apakan (Turkey) was
elected as Chair on 4 September 2009. In 2009, the
delegations of Costa Rica and the Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya served as Vice-Chairs; they were replaced
in 2010 by the delegations of Lebanon and Nigeria.
During the period under review, the Committee
met five times in informal consultations.
During its informal consultations on 30 October
2009, the Committee welcomed the newly appointed
experts and discussed the implementation of its draft
programme of work for the period from 1 July 2009 to
30 June 2010. In informal consultations on
11 November, the Committee heard a presentation by
the Panel of Experts on their interim report to the
Security Council pursuant to resolution 1874 (2009),
and considered the observations and recommendations
contained therein. On 9 December, the Committee
considered a draft report on the comprehensive review
of reports received from Member States pursuant to
resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874 (2009). During its
informal consultations on 20 January 2010, the
Committee continued with the review of reports
received from Member States on measures taken to
fully implement resolutions 1718 (2006) and 1874
(2009) and discussed the modalities of visits by the
Panel of Experts, which were adopted by means of the
silence procedure on 1 February. In informal
consultations on 1 July, the Committee heard a
presentation on the final report of the Panel of Experts Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
192 10-60746
submitted to the Security Council on 12 May. The
Committee also exchanged views on three discussion
papers prepared by the Panel of Experts on luxury
goods; small arms and light weapons; and the activities
of diplomatic missions. Finally, the Committee
considered its draft programme of work for the period
from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011.
In accordance with paragraph 12 (g) of resolution
1718 (2006), the Chair presented periodic reports to the
Council on the work of the Committee, on 20 August
and 19 November 2009 and on 11 February and
27 May 2010. During the period under review, five
Member States reported to the Committee pursuant to
paragraph 11 of resolution 1718 (2006) and 38 Member
States pursuant to paragraph 22 of resolution 1874
The Committee’s website is available at
Chapter 16
Security Council Committee
established pursuant to resolution
1737 (2006)
The Committee established pursuant to resolution
1737 (2006) is mandated to oversee the implementation
of the relevant measures imposed by resolutions 1737
(2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and 1929 (2010)
with respect to the Islamic Republic of Iran. Those
measures include a proliferation-sensitive nuclear
activities-related and nuclear weapon delivery systemsrelated embargo; a ban on the export or procurement of
any arms and related materiel from the Islamic
Republic of Iran and a ban on the supply of seven
specified categories of conventional weapons and
related materiel to that country; an assets freeze and a
travel ban on designated individuals and/or entities.
In resolution 1929 (2010), among other things,
under specified conditions and circumstances, the
Council called for the inspection of cargo to and from
the Islamic Republic of Iran and authorized the seizure
and disposal of items identified during inspection, the
supply of which to that country is prohibited.
Moreover, under specified circumstances, the Council
introduced a ban on the provision of bunkering and
other servicing of Iranian vessels, and decided that all
States shall exercise vigilance when doing business
with Iranian entities, including entities of the Islamic
Revolutionary Guard Corps and the Islamic Republic
of Iran Shipping Lines. In accordance with resolution
1929 (2010), in carrying out its mandate the
Committee is to be assisted by a Panel of Experts, the
tasks of which are set out in paragraph 29 of the same
resolution. The web page of the Committee can be
found at
In 2009 and 2010, Yukio Takasu (Japan) served as
Chair of the Committee. The delegations of Burkina
Faso and Costa Rica provided the Vice-Chairs in 2009.
In 2010, the delegation of Nigeria serves as Vice-Chair.
During the period under review, the Committee
held no meetings but conducted its work using the
silence procedure.
The Committee received reports of two further
violations of paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), by
which the Council imposed a ban on the export or
procurement of any arms and related materiel from the
Islamic Republic of Iran. Both violations involved one
other State in addition to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Both violations also involved the Islamic Republic of
Iran Shipping Lines, which had chartered the vessels
(the MV Hansa India and the MV Francop,
respectively) transporting the materiel from the Islamic
Republic of Iran to that other State. In response to each
report, the Committee dispatched letters to the two
States inviting them to provide, within a specific time
frame, an explanation for the transactions as well as
additional relevant information, and reminded them of
their obligation to accept and carry out the decisions of
the Security Council under Article 25 of the Charter of
the United Nations. To date, the Committee has
received responses from the reported State of
destination only. The Committee also wrote to all three
reporting Member States, expressing its appreciation
for their responsible actions and urging them to
continue to cooperate closely with the Committee and
with any other States that might be investigating the
cases. Finally, the Committee wrote to the States with
the reported links to the MV Francop, inviting them to
provide any additional relevant information. The flag
State subsequently submitted documentation
confirming that the vessel had been carrying armsrelated materiel originating from the Islamic Republic
of Iran; and the feeder company State provided
additional information regarding the activities of that
vessel. With respect to the incident involving the MV
Hansa India, the Committee issued an implementation Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 193
assistance notice — the second of its kind — which
can be found on the Committee’s web page.
The Committee received, pursuant to paragraph
15 of resolution 1737 (2006), four notifications,
followed by additional information in two instances,
concerning the intention of a State to authorize the
unfreezing of assets in order to cover payments due
under contracts entered into prior to the listing of an
entity. Furthermore, the Committee received six
notifications in connection with the delivery of items
for use in the nuclear power plant in Bushehr, Islamic
Republic of Iran. The Committee also addressed the
issue of an intended delivery of items for use in that
The Committee responded to three written
requests from Member States for guidance on various
aspects of the sanctions regime. The Committee
received two communications in relation to the travel
notification measure that was in place at the time.
With regard to reporting by States on the
implementation of all relevant measures set out in
resolutions 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008) and
1929 (2010), by the end of the period under review, the
Committee had received 92 reports under resolution
1737 (2006), 79 reports under resolution 1747 (2007)
and 68 reports under resolution 1803 (2008). Reports
under resolution 1929 (2010) are due by 8 August 2010.
The Chair of the Committee delivered four
periodic reports to the Security Council, pursuant to
subparagraph 18 (h) of resolution 1737 (2006), on
9 September and 10 December 2009 and on 4 March
and 28 June 2010.
On 23 July 2010, pursuant to resolution 1929
(2010), the Committee approved and submitted to the
Council a work programme covering compliance,
investigations, outreach, dialogue, assistance and
Chapter 17
Working Group on
Peacekeeping Operations
The Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations
held four meetings in the latter half of 2009 and four
meetings in the first half of 2010, with the participation
of major troop-contributing countries and policecontributing countries, the Bureaux of the Special
Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, representatives
of regional organizations and other relevant
stakeholders. In the second half of 2009, the Working
Group had a discussion on enhancement of cooperation
with troop-contributing countries, police-contributing
countries and other stakeholders. The Chair of the
Working Group submitted the interim report of the
Working Group (S/2009/659) to the President of the
Security Council on 17 December. In the first half of
2010, the Working Group had a discussion on key gaps
in capabilities, resources and training which need to be
closed in order to effectively implement Security
Council mandates. The Chair of the Working Group
submitted the interim report of the Working Group
(S/2010/424) to the President on 27 July.
Chapter 18
Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict
Prevention and Resolution in Africa
The Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict
Prevention and Resolution in Africa continues to carry
out its mandate as a subsidiary organ of the Security
Council, pursuant to the presidential statement of
31 January 2002 (S/PRST/2002/2), in which the Council,
inter alia, recognized the need for adequate measures to
prevent and resolve conflicts in Africa, and indicated
its intention to consider the setting up of an ad hoc
Working Group to monitor the recommendations
contained in its presidential statement and to enhance
coordination with the Economic and Social Council.
Following consultations among the members of
the Security Council, it was agreed that the Working
Group, initially established on 1 March 2002 (see
S/2002/207) for a period of one year, would continue
its work until 31 December 2010 (see S/2009/650).
During the reporting period, the Working Group
remained under the Chairmanship of Ruhakana
Rugunda (Uganda). After consultations among the
members of the Council, it was agreed to re-elect
Uganda as Chair of the Working Group for the period
ending on 31 December 2010.
During the period under review, the Working
Group held four meetings to consider issues within its
remit. On 9 December 2009, the Working Group heard
a briefing by the Director of the Office of the Special
Adviser on Africa, Patrick Hayford, on how the special
needs of countries in Africa emerging from conflict Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
194 10-60746
could be addressed by assisting the countries in laying
the foundations for sustainable peace and development.
Following the briefing, the speaker and members of the
Working Group exchanged views.
On 11 June 2010 the Working Group met to
consider its programme of work for 2010 as proposed
by the Chair. It adopted the programme of work
without any amendments. The programme of work was
aimed at bringing some added value to the Security
Council’s discussion of various conflict resolution
issues pertaining to Africa. Consequently, the Working
Group agreed that it would continue to hold informal
and thematic meetings, workshops, forums and, if
possible, seminars, with a view to making proposals to
the Council on measures that might best assist it in
taking action and implementing more effectively
strategies aimed at conflict prevention and resolution
in Africa.
The Working Group also agreed to review how
the United Nations, working with the African Union,
could facilitate the implementation of more effective
early warning and response mechanisms for the
prevention and resolution of conflicts in Africa;
examine how the United Nations working with the
African Union can support security sector reform on
the continent; and discuss how the peacebuilding
priorities of post-conflict countries in Africa can be
supported in a more effective way, to lay a foundation
for sustainable peace and development. Finally, the
Working Group agreed to consider ways of improving
and strengthening the cooperation and the consultative
process between the Security Council and the African
Union Peace and Security Council.
On 18 June 2010 the Working Group met to
exchange views prior to the annual joint consultative
meeting of the Security Council and the African Union
Peace and Security Council on 9 July and the
envisaged Working Group open interactive panel
discussion scheduled for July on early warning
mechanisms in Africa. The Chair proposed to the
members of the Working Group that the panel
discussion should be a public meeting and open to
non-members. of the Council. He recalled that all the
meetings in 2009 were closed, thus denying the
Working Group the chance of benefiting from possible
contributions from the general United Nations
On 9 July the representative of Uganda
participated in the fourth joint consultative meeting of
the Security Council and the African Union Peace and
Security Council. Uganda participated actively in all
aspects of the meeting, including negotiation of the
communiqué that was adopted. The Nigerian
presidency of the Security Council (for July) was
instrumental in coordinating and negotiating the
communiqué that was adopted as the outcome of the
meeting. The meeting, in contrast to earlier ones,
focused largely on substantive issues.
On 20 July 2010, members of the Working Group
were briefed by Under-Secretary-General for Political
Affairs, B. Lynn Pascoe, on the proposed United
Nations regional office for Central Africa. The Chair
recalled that in 2009 the Secretary-General had, in a
letter addressed to the President of the Council
(S/2009/697), expressed his intention to establish the
office. However, some Council members had at that
time requested further clarification and explanation on
a number of issues. The Chair noted that, subsequently,
there had been a number of interactions on the
proposed office. The presence of the Under-SecretaryGeneral, therefore, was intended to provide an
opportunity for further clarification.
In his briefing, the Under-Secretary-General
noted that the plan to establish a regional office for
Central Africa was a response to the requests of Heads
of State in Central Africa, the States members of the
Economic Community of Central African States, and
Council members who had emphasized in a presidential
statement on 31 October 2002 (S/PRST/2002/31) the
importance of a comprehensive, integrated, resolute
and concerted approach to the issues of peace, security
and development in Central Africa. He noted that in the
past year the Department of Political Affairs had held
extensive consultations in the region on how to ensure
that the office would be productive and effective.
Moreover, as the Department had since been
strengthened, it could now support the office at full
The Under-Secretary-General emphasized that the
office would be entrusted with a mandate to promote
peace and security in the subregion and would work
closely with national and regional organizations, as
well as United Nations country teams in the region. He
also pointed out that since the office would carry out
good offices in conflict prevention and peacebuilding it
would be an effective tool for preventive diplomacy. It Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 195
would also strengthen the capacity of the Department
of Political Affairs to advise the Secretary-General on
matters relating to peace and security in the subregion.
He underlined the prospective advantage of a regional
office, such as that of being based in the field, with a
minimum logistical capability that would let it work
closely with regional organizations and capitals.
In conclusion, the Under-Secretary-General
remarked that, as the experience of the United Nations
Office for West Africa (UNOWA) had shown, the
presence of a regional office in Central Africa would
translate to concrete savings in financial costs
compared to the costs involved in peacekeeping or
those associated with the various United Nations
offices in the region. He also mentioned that, since the
Government of Gabon had offered to provide, at no
cost to the United Nations, office space and
accommodation for the head of the office, and because
it would share technical and human resources with
other United Nations field presences, the office would
have minimal set-up costs. He stressed that there was
currently no plan to set up other regional offices.
Several Council members, including Nigeria,
China, France, Japan and Lebanon, cited the value in
having a regional office in Central Africa, and referred
to the many complex issues facing the region. Citing
the role of UNOWA, they drew parallels on the utility
of such an office. Some also cited the possible costeffective aspects of the office. The representative of
Japan held that any costs would be offset by savings in
peacekeeping missions in the region.
On the other hand, the representative of the
United Kingdom conveyed his country’s reservations
and arguments against the proposal, considering, first,
that the effectiveness of the current structure was not
adequate, and there was not much information on the
expected and concrete outputs. Secondly, the model of
a “regional office” might not necessarily apply to other
regions as it had in West Africa, where it had been
effective. Furthermore, the United Kingdom considered
that the office would be too expensive, even after the
proposed amendments. The representative of the
United Kingdom observed that the challenges to
international peace and security were complex, and
questioned whether, in real terms and value, the office
could deliver more on conflict prevention if established
to deal with the Horn of Africa, meanwhile reiterating
his doubt as to the purpose and effectiveness of the
The representatives of the United States of
America and Mexico, while acknowledging the
benefits of preventive diplomacy, and hence such an
office, wished to study the proposal further, especially
the financial aspects. In response, the Under-SecretaryGeneral reiterated that the cost of the planned office
would be about half the cost of the two previous
United Nations offices in the region. He remarked that
it was blatantly obvious that setting up the office would
be cost-effective, and underlined the concern on
maintaining a minimal United Nations presence at the
regional level, as neither peacekeeping operations nor
the country teams were prepared to deal with certain
regional issues.
Chapter 19
Working Group established pursuant
to resolution 1566 (2004)
In accordance with paragraphs 9 and 10 of
Security Council resolution 1566 (2004) the Working
Group is tasked to examine (a) practical measures to be
imposed upon individuals, groups or entities involved
in or associated with terrorist activities, other than
those designated by the Committee established pursuant
to resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and the
Taliban and associated individuals and entities; and
(b) the possibility of establishing an international fund
to compensate victims of terrorist acts and their
In 2009, Neven Jurica (Croatia) served as Chair
of the Working Group. Since January 2010, the Chair
of the Working Group has been Ertuğrul Apakan
During the reporting period, the Working Group
held one meeting, on 23 March 2010, at which it heard
a briefing by the Special Adviser to the UnderSecretary-General for Political Affairs on counterterrorism matters, Jean-Paul Laborde. The briefing
focused largely on the work the Counter-Terrorism
Implementation Task Force is engaged in to support the
victims of terrorist acts and their families. Views were
also exchanged by the members regarding the possible
future work of the Working Group. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
196 10-60746
Chapter 20
Working Group on Children and
Armed Conflict
The Working Group on Children and Armed
Conflict is mandated by the Security Council to review
the reports of the monitoring and reporting mechanism
referred to in paragraph 2 of resolution 1612 (2005)
and the progress in the development and
implementation of the action plans mentioned in
paragraph 7 of the resolution, and to consider other
relevant information presented to it.
The monitoring and reporting mechanism seeks
to monitor the recruitment and use of child soldiers in
violation of applicable international law and other
violations and abuses committed against children
affected by armed conflict, involving, in contravention
of applicable international law, killing and maiming,
rape and other sexual violence, abductions, attacks
against schools or hospitals and denial of humanitarian
The Working Group is mandated, in particular,
(a) to make recommendations to the Council on
possible measures to promote the protection of children
affected by armed conflict, including through
recommendations on appropriate mandates for
peacekeeping missions and recommendations with
respect to the parties to the conflict; and (b) to address
requests, as appropriate, to other bodies within the
United Nations system for action to support the
implementation of resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882
(2009) in accordance with their respective mandates.
During the reporting period, and pursuant to
resolution 1612 (2005), the Chair of the Working
Group submitted a report to the Council on
developments in relation to the Working Group for the
period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 (S/2010/410).
On the basis of reports of the Secretary-General
produced in the context of the monitoring and
reporting mechanism mentioned above, the Working
Group considered the situation of children in Colombia
(S/2009/434), Burundi (S/2009/450), Uganda
(S/2009/462), the Philippines (S/2010/36) and Nepal
(S/2010/183), and reviewed the report on the mission
to Sri Lanka of the Special Envoy of the Special
Representative for Children and Armed Conflict.
The Working Group also adopted conclusions on
the situation of children in armed conflicts in Myanmar
(S/AC.51/2009/4), the Sudan (S/AC.51/2009/5),
Burundi (S/AC.51/2009/6), Uganda (S/AC.51/2010/1)
and Sri Lanka (S/AC.51/2010/2).
Chapter 21
Informal Working Group on
Documentation and Other
Procedural Questions
During the reporting period, the Working Group
held a total of 10 informal meetings to discuss various
issues related to the Security Council’s documentation
and procedures.
In 2009 and 2010, the Chairmanship of the
Working Group was held by Yukio Takasu (Japan).
On 10 November 2009, a meeting was convened
with a view to holding a discussion in follow-up to the
meeting held on 14 May. A draft working paper with a
proposed list of recommendations relating to the note
by the President of the Security Council (S/2006/507),
prepared by the Chair, was discussed.
On 4 December, members were briefed by
representatives of the Departments of Peacekeeping
Operations and Political Affairs on the process of
preparing the reports of the Secretary-General. The
meeting was convened in response to a request by
members of the Working Group expressing concern
about the timeliness of the Secretary-General’s reports.
From December 2009 to 30 March 2010 the
Working Group focused on the following issues:
(a) reports of the Secretary-General; (b) format of
Council meetings; (c) Council missions; (d) the
Council’s interaction and dialogue with other United
Nations organs, including the Peacebuilding
Commission; and (e) matters of which the Council is
In 2010, as a matter of priority, the Working
Group was most engaged with the Chair’s working
paper on the implementation of the note by the
President (S/2006/507), with a view to issuing a
revised comprehensive note by the end of 2010. The
Working Group also focused on a range of practical
issues pertaining to meetings of the Council and other
procedural questions that arose from the everyday
work of the Council or were referred to the Working
Group. Work of the subsidiary bodies of the Security Council
10-60746 197
Relevant information pertaining to the work of
the Working Group has been made available, in all
official languages, on the web page, at
Chapter 22
Informal Working Group on
International Tribunals
The Informal Working Group on International
Tribunals was established in 2000 to consider matters
relating to the United Nations and United Nationsassisted Tribunals, particularly the completion strategies
and residual issues of the International Tribunals for
the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. It consists of the
legal advisers of the missions of the members of the
Security Council and is assisted by the Office of Legal
Affairs. Austria has held the Chair of the Working
Group since January 2009.
During the reporting period, the Working Group
continued to meet regularly and held 23 meetings (7 in
2009 and 16 in 2010), including with the Presidents,
Prosecutors and Registrars of the Tribunals when they
were in New York for their presentations to the
Security Council. The members of the Working Group
also had informal exchanges of views with
representatives of Rwanda, Serbia and the United
Republic of Tanzania in order to continue the dialogue
with affected countries and host countries of the
Tribunals. The members further heard a briefing by the
Chief of the Archives and Records Management
Section of the Secretariat on the question of archives
and records management.
In September 2009 the Working Group concluded
its consideration of the report of the Secretary-General
on the administrative and budgetary aspects of the
options for possible locations for the archives of the
International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and
the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda and the
seat of the residual mechanism(s) for the Tribunals
(S/2009/258) and reached agreement on
recommendations (l) and (m) addressed to the
Tribunals in paragraph 259 of the report. By a letter
dated 28 September 2009 the President of the Security
Council confirmed that the Council members welcomed
those recommendations and requested that the
Secretary-General write to the Presidents of the
Tribunals to ask that they ensure that the tasks listed
were carried out as part of their completion strategies,
and that they report to the Security Council on their
progress in implementing those tasks as part of their
regular reporting (S/2009/496).
On 8 October, in order to increase transparency,
raise awareness and provide an opportunity to hear the
views of expert speakers and the broader United
Nations membership, the Permanent Mission of Austria
organized an Arria-formula meeting on residual issues
of the two Tribunals, open to all States Members of the
United Nations. Invited speakers included the Presidents
of the two Tribunals, the Assistant Secretary-General
for Legal Affairs, and representatives of the
International Committee of the Red Cross and the
International Centre for Transitional Justice. The
meeting evoked great interest on the part of many
Member States, which provided the Working Group
with useful input for its deliberations.
In the last quarter of 2009 the Working Group
resumed its negotiations on a new Security Council
draft resolution on the establishment of an international
residual mechanism for criminal tribunals prepared by
the Chair of the Working Group with the help of the
Office of Legal Affairs, based on the recommendations
contained in the report of the Secretary-General. The
Working Group concluded the first reading of the draft
resolution in December 2009. Before the end of the
year, in order to assist the Group in its future
deliberations, and as a follow-up to the SecretaryGeneral’s report, the Working Group agreed to request
the Office of Legal Affairs to prepare a draft statute of
the residual mechanism based on the statutes of the two
Tribunals, as well as two additional internal reports on
the declassification of documents and review of
witness protection orders by the Tribunals, as set out in
recommendation (l) of the Secretary-General’s report,
and on possible locations for the residual mechanism.
In February 2010, the Chair presented the first
revised draft resolution on the residual mechanism with
an annex including the draft statute prepared by the
Office of Legal Affairs. In February and March the
Working Group conducted the second reading of the
draft resolution and annex. After a period of bilateral
consultations, internal reflection and preparation in
April and May, the second revised draft resolution and
draft statute were introduced by the Chair at the end of
May. The Group conducted its third reading of the draft
texts from mid-June to mid-July. The Working Group
has made good progress in its efforts to reach Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
198 10-60746
agreement on a number of outstanding issues. The
discussions on a further revised draft resolution and
annex will resume in the latter part of 2010 with a view
to reaching a final agreement.
In July 2010 the Working Group discussed the
internal reports of the Office of Legal Affairs on the
declassification of documents and review of witness
protection orders by the Tribunals and on possible
locations for the residual mechanism. The Group
agreed to request the Office of Legal Affairs to conduct
further fact-finding on possible locations and to ask the
Tribunals to implement certain recommendations in the
report on declassification of documents and review of
witness protection orders.
On 3 December 2009 and 18 June 2010, at the
biannual public meetings of the Security Council to
hear the briefings on the completion strategies of the
Tribunals, the Permanent Representative of Austria, in
his capacity as Chair, briefed the Council on the
progress of the Working Group. In addition, on
30 December, the Permanent Mission of Austria sent a
letter to the President of the Security Council
(S/2009/687), which provides a detailed account of the
activities of the Working Group during 2009.
In December 2009 and in March and June 2010
the Working Group also considered various requests by
the Presidents of the Tribunals for the extension of the
terms of office of the judges and statutory amendments
in order to facilitate the completion strategies.
Following negotiations and agreement reached among
its members, the Working Group made recommendations
to the Security Council for the adoption of appropriate
resolutions. As a result, the Security Council adopted
resolutions 1900 (2009), 1901 (2009), 1915 (2010),
1931 (2010) and 1932 (2010). 10-60746 199
Membership of the Security Council during the years
2009 and 2010
2009 Austria 2010 Austria
Burkina Faso Bosnia and Herzegovina
China Brazil
Costa Rica China
Croatia France
France Gabon
Japan Japan
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Lebanon
Mexico Mexico
Russian Federation Nigeria
Turkey Russian Federation
Uganda Turkey
United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
United States of America
United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
Viet Nam United States of America
200 10-60746
Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting
representatives accredited to the Security Council
The following representatives and deputy, alternate and acting representatives
served on the Security Council during the period from 1 August 2009 to
31 July 2010:
Mr. Heinz Fischer
(Federal President of Austria)
Mr. Michael Spindelegger
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Johannes Kyrle
(Vice Minister, Austrian Foreign Ministry)
Mr. Thomas Mayr-Harting
Mr. Christian Ebner
Mr. Nikolaus Lutterotti
Mr. Konrad Bühler
Mr. Jürgen Heissel
Ms. Gabriele Juen
Ms. Barbara Kaudel
Ms. Valerie Kyrle
Ms. Hannah Liko
Ms. Ulrike Nguyen
Mr. Christoph Wieland
Bosnia and Herzegovina*
Mr. Haris Silajdžić
(Chairman of the Presidency)
Mr. Sven Alkalaj
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Ivan Barbalić
Ms. Mirsada Čolaković
Mr. Miloš Vukašinović
Mr. Željko Vukobratović
* Term of office began on 1 January 2010. Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting
representatives accredited to the Security Council
10-60746 201
Ms. Valentina Marinčić
Ms. Šejla Đurbuzović
Mr. Adi Durmić
Ms. Sanja Kuljanin
Ms. Ljilja Grgić-Stojanović
Mrs. Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti
Mrs. Regina Maria Cordeiro Dunlop
Mr. Guilherme de Aguiar Patriota
Mrs. Maria Teresa Mesquita Pessôa
Mr. Norberto Moretti
Mr. Carlos Luis Dantas Coutinho Perez
Mr. Eugênio Vargas Garcia
Mr. Luis Guilherme Nascentes da Silva
Mr. Christiano Sávio Barros Figueirôa
Mr. Alexandre Mendes Nina
Mr. Daniel Nogueira Leitão
Mr. Kassius Diniz da Silva Pontes
Mr. Marcelo Böhlke
Mr. André Simas Magalhães
Mr. João Augusto Costa Vargas
Burkina Faso**
Mr. Blaise Compaoré
(President of Burkina Faso)
Mr. Bedouma Alain Yoda
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Michel Kafando
Mr. Paul Robert Tiendrébéogo
Mr. Bonaventure Koudougou
Mr. Antoine Somdah
Mr. Ibsen Sifana Koné
Mr. Saïdou Zongo
** Term of office ended on 31 December 2009. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
202 10-60746
Mr. Léopold Bonkoungou
Ms. Mariam Fofana
Mr. Hu Jintao
(President of China)
Mr. Zhang Yesui
Mr. Li Baodong
Mr. Liu Zhenmin
Mr. La Yifan
Mr. Li Kexin
Mr. Long Zhou
Mr. Du Xiaocong
Mr. Kang Yong
Ms. Chen Peijie
Ms. Guo Xiaomei
Mr. Zhang Junan
Mr. Yang Tao
Mr. Wang Min
Mr. Sun Xiaobo
Costa Rica**
Mr. Óscar Arias Sánchez
(President of Costa Rica)
Mr. Bruno Stagno Ugarte
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Edgar Ugalde Alvarez
(Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs and Worship)
Mr. Jorge Urbina
Mr. Christian Guillermet
Mr. Jairo Hernández
Ms. Ana Patricia Villalobos
Mr. Mauricio Artiñano
Ms. Marcela Calderón
Ms. Marcela Zamora
Mr. Randall González Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting
representatives accredited to the Security Council
10-60746 203
Ms. Alejandra Solano
Ms. Magda Rojas
Ms. Manuela Ureña
Ms. Alejandra Valderrama
Ms. Carolina Sevilla
Mr. Stjepan Mesić
(President of Croatia)
Mr. Gordan Jandroković
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Neven Jurica
Mr. Ranko Vilović
Mr. Vice Skračić
Mrs. Jasminka Dinić
Ms. Irena Čačić
Mr. Toma Galli
Mr. Mato Škrabalo
Ms. Kristina Lahovski
Mr. Mario Škunca
Mr. Ivan Mutavdžić
Ms. Korana Došen
Ms. Ivana Kožar
Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy
(President of France)
Mr. Alain Joyandet
(Minister of State for Cooperation and Francophonie)
Mr. Jean-Maurice Ripert
Mr. Gérard Araud
Mr. Jean-Pierre Lacroix
Mr. Nicolas de Rivière
Mr. Hubert Renié
Mr. Nicolas Kassianides
Mr. Jean-Baptiste Faivre Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
204 10-60746
Mr. Emmanuel Bonne
Mrs. Béatrice Le Fraper
Mr. Emmanuel Issoze-Ngondet
Mr. Alfred Alexis Moungara Moussotsi
Mrs. Marianne Bibalou
Mr. Michel Régis Onanga Ndiaye
Mr. Charles Lembouma
Mr. Jean Christian Obame
Mr. Franklin Joachim Makanga
Mrs. Annette Andrée Onanga
Mrs. Allegra Pamela Romance Bongo
Mrs. Ounaïda Bongo Ondimba
Ms. Joséphine Patricia Ntyam Eyha
Ms. Lilly Stella Moudzihi Birra
Mr. Gervais Ngyema Ndong
Mr. Serge Thierry Mandoukou Ombegue
Mr. Yukio Hatoyama
(Prime Minister)
Mr. Katsuya Okada
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Yukio Takasu
Mr. Norihiro Okuda
Mr. Shigeki Sumi
Mr. Akio Miyajima
Mr. Tetsuya Kimura
Mr. Kazuchika Hamuro
Mr. Yutaka Arima
Mr. Jun Miura
Mr. Yukihiro Wada
Mr. Shigehiro Nishiumi Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting
representatives accredited to the Security Council
10-60746 205
Mr. Saad Hariri
(President of the Council of Ministers)
Mr. Nawaf Salam
Ms. Caroline Ziade
Mr. Ibrahim Assaf
Mr. Toufic Jaber
Mr. Oussama Khachab
Mr. Majdi Ramadan
Mr. Fadi Ziadeh
Ms. Brigitte Tawk
Mr. Ali Karanouh
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya**
Mr. Giadalla A. Ettalhi
Mr. Abdurrahman Mohamed Shalgham
Mr. Ibrahim O. A. Dabbashi
Mr. Attia Omar Mubarak
Mr. Abdelrazag E. Gouider
Mr. Mohamed A. A. Alahraf
Mr. Mohamed F. F. Elkrekshi
Mr. Mohamed ElShakshuki
Mr. Ahmed H. M. Gebreel
Mr. Abdurrahman A. H. Elgannas
Mr. Esam A. M. Ganbour
Mr. Emad M. B. Ben-Shaban
Mr. Sofian A. A. Belkheir
Mr. Felipe Calderón Hinojosa
(President of Mexico)
Ms. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez Robledol
(Under-Secretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights)
Mr. Claude Heller Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
206 10-60746
Mr. Pablo Macedo
Ms. Socorro Rovirosa
Mr. Guillermo Alejandro Puente Ordorica
Mr. Fernando González Saiffe
Mr. Victor Manuel Sánchez Colin
Mr. Marco Antonio Morales Barba
Mr. Alejandro Rodiles Bretón
Mr. Enrique Ochoa Martinez
Mr. Alejandro Alday González
Mr. Roberto Armando de León Huerta
Mr. Noel González Segura
Mr. David Alejandro Olvera Ayes
Mr. Carlos Gabriel Ruiz-Massieu Aguirre
Mr. Rodrigo Pintado Collet
Mr. Raúl Vargas Juárez
Mr. Henry Odein Ajumogobia
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mrs. U. Joy Ogwu
Mr. Raff Bukun-Olu Wole Onemola
Mr. Bulus Z. Lolo
Mr. Kio Solomon Amieyeofori
Mr. Obinna Chiedu Onowu
Mr. Martin Senkom Adamu
Mr. George Ehidianmen Edokpa
Russian Federation
Mr. Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev
(President of the Russian Federation)
Mr. Sergey V. Lavrov
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Vitaly I. Churkin
Mr. Igor N. Shcherbak
Mr. Konstantin K. Dolgov
Mr. Nikolay V. Chulkov Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting
representatives accredited to the Security Council
10-60746 207
Mr. Ilya I. Rogachev
Mr. Vadim S. Smirnov
Mr. Pavel R. Knyazev
Mr. Gleb F. Desyatnikov
Mr. Dmitry V. Feoktistov
Mr. Oleg I. Kravchenko
Mr. Denis Y. Paletskiy
Mr. Andrei V. Demin
Mr. Grigory E. Lukyantsev
Mr. Gennady V. Kuzmin
Mr. Vladimir P. Salov
Mr. Vladimir Y. Zheglov
Mr. Andrey M. Lisovoy
Mr. Andrei A. Artasov
Mr. Vladimir K. Safronkov
Mr. Albert V. Sitnikov
Mr. Oleg A. Demekhin
Mr. Boris V. Chernenko
Mr. Sergey A. Zhdanov
Mr. Stanislav N. Tolkach
Mr. Alexander A. Pankin
Mr. Sergey N. Karev
Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
(Prime Minister)
Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Ertuğrul Apakan
Mr. Fazli Çorman
Mr. Hüseyin Müftüoğlu
Mr. Zeki Levent Gümrükçü
Ms. Gülin Dinç
Mr. Can Dizdar
Mr. Selçuk Ünal Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
208 10-60746
Mrs. Zeynep Kiziltan
Mr. Timur Söylemez
Mrs. Çağla Tansu Seçkin
Mr. Aziz Sevi
Mr. Aydan Karamanoğlu
Mr. Ismail Çobanoğlu
Mr. Ramis Şen
Ms. Emriye Bağdagül Ormanci
Ms. Burcu Keriman Erdoğdu
Mrs. İlknur Bademli Angel
Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
(President of Uganda)
Mr. Sam Kutesa
(Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Francis K. Butagira
Mr. Ruhakana Rugunda
Mr. Patrick S. Mugoya
Ms. Rhoda Kaisho-Sinani
Mr. Isaac Biruma Sebulime
Mr. Benedict Lukwiya
Mr. Arthur Kafeero
Mr. Denis Manana
Mr. Elly Kamahungye
Mr. Fred Tolit
Mr. John Leonard Mugerwa
Mr. George Maiteki Baitera
Mr. Duncan Laki Muhumuza
Mr. Stephen Nkayivu Ssenabulya
Mrs. Margaret Awino Kafeero
Mr. Nasanairi Kamudoli
Mr. David Etuket Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting
representatives accredited to the Security Council
10-60746 209
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Mr. Gordon Brown
(Prime Minister)
Mr. Alistair Burt
(Member of Parliament, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign
and Commonwealth Affairs)
Baroness Ann Taylor
(Minister for International Defence and Security)
Mr. Gareth Thomas
(Member of Parliament and Minister of State for International Development)
Sir John Sawers
Sir Mark Lyall Grant, KCMG
Mr. Philip John Parham
Mr. David Whineray
Mr. Nicholas Williams
Mr. Chanaka Wickremasinghe
Mr. Richard Etherington
Ms. Catherine Adams
Mr. Philip Saltonstall
Ms. Harriet Cross
Ms. Nicola Freedman
Ms. Philippa Steele
Ms. Jonna Jeurlink
Mr. David Quarrey
Mr. James Roscoe
Mr. Nicholas Harvey
Ms. Sara Fawcett
Ms. Sofka Brown
Mr. Simon Hosking
Mr. Thomas Hurd
Mr. Daniel Shepherd
Mr. Malcolm Green
Mr. Andrew O’Henley
Mr. Reza Afshar
Ms. Carey Scott Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
210 10-60746
Mr. Oli Hein
Mr. Douglas Wilson
United States of America
Mr. Barack Obama
(President of the United States of America)
Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton
(Secretary of State)
Ms. Susan E. Rice
Mr. Alejandro D. Wolff
Ms. Rosemary A. DiCarlo
Ms. Brooke D. Anderson
Mr. Frederick D. Barton
Mr. Salman S. Ahmed
Mr. James E. Donegan
Mr. James B. Donovan
Ms. Ellen Germain
Mr. William Kevin Grant
Ms. Mary E. McLeod
Mr. Bruce C. Raskhow
Mr. Mark A. Simonoff
Mr. Jeffrey DeLaurentis
Mr. T. Kirk McBride
Viet Nam**
Mr. Nguyen Minh Triet
(President of Viet Nam)
Mr. Pham Gia Khiem
(Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs)
Mr. Pham Binh Minh
(First Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr. Le Luong Minh
Mr. Hoang Chi Trung
Mr. Bui The Giang
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha
Mr. Dang Hoang Giang Representatives and deputy, alternate and acting
representatives accredited to the Security Council
10-60746 211
Participated at the 6191st meeting, on 24 September 2009.
Presided at the 6216th meeting, on 11 November 2009, and participated at the
6306th meeting, on 4 May 2010.
Participated at the 6202nd and 6233rd meetings, on 15 October and 8 December 2009.
Participated at the 6319th meeting, on 24 May 2010.
Participated at the 6299th meeting, on 16 April 2010.
Participated at the 6193rd and 6195th meetings, on 29 and 30 September 2009, and presided
at the 6233rd and 6234th meetings, on 8 December 2009.
Participated at the 6216th meeting, on 11 November 2009.
Participated at the 6193rd and 6195th meetings, on 29 and 30 September 2009.
Presided at the 6299th meeting, on 16 April 2010.
Presided at the 6322nd meeting, on 26 May 2010.
Presided at the 6341st meeting, on 16 June 2010.
Presided at the 6347th meeting, on 29 June 2010.
Presided at the 6360th meeting, on 16 July 2010.
Participated at the 6194th and 6325th meetings on 29 September 2009 and 31 May 2010.
Participated at the 6322nd meeting, on 26 May 2010.
Participated at the 6233rd meeting, on 8 December 2009.
Presided at the 6191st meeting, on 24 September 2009.
Participated at the 6191st meeting, on 24 September 2009, and presided at the
6195th meeting, on 30 September 2009.
Participated in her capacity as a member of President Obama’s Cabinet at the
6233rd meeting, on 8 December 2009.
Presided at the 6196th meeting, on 5 October 2009. 212 10-60746
Presidents of the Security Council
The following representatives served as President of the Security Council
during the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010:
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Sir John Sawers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 August 2009
United States of America
Ms. Susan E. Rice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 September 2009
Viet Nam
Mr. Le Luong Minh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 October 2009
Mr. Thomas Mayr-Harting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 November 2009
Burkina Faso
Mr. Michel Kafando . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 December 2009
Mr. Zhang Yesui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 January 2010
Mr. Gérard Araud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28 February 2010
Mr. Emmanuel Issoze-Ngondet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 March 2010
Mr. Yukio Takasu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 April 2010
Mr. Nawaf Salam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 May 2010
Mr. Claude Heller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 June 2010
Mrs. U. Joy Ogwu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31 July 2010
Mr. Barack Obama, President of the United States of America, presided at the 6191st meeting,
on 24 September 2009, and Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State of the United
States of America, presided at the 6195th meeting, on 30 September 2009.
Mr. Pham Gia Khiem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam,
presided at the 6196th meeting, on 5 October 2009.
Mr. Michael Spindelegger, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Austria, presided at the 6216th
meeting, on 11 November 2009.
Mr. Bedouma Alain Yoda, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso, presided at the
6233rd and 6234th meetings, on 8 December 2009.
Mr. Katsuya Okada, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, presided at the 6299th meeting, on
16 April 2010.
Mr. Saad Hariri, President of the Council of Ministers of Lebanon, presided at the 6322nd
meeting, on 26 May 2010.
Ms. Patricia Espinosa Cantellano, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Mexico, presided at the 6341st
meeting, on 16 June 2010, and Mr. Juan Manuel Gómez Robledo, Under-Secretary for Multilateral
Affairs and Human Rights of Mexico, presided at the 6347th meeting, on 29 June 2010.
Mr. Henry Odein Ajumogobia, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Nigeria, presided at the 6360th
meeting, on 16 July 2010.10-60746 213
Communications from the President of the Security Council
or the Secretary-General during the period from 1 August
2009 to 31 July 2010
Items relating to the situation in the Middle East
The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question
S/2009/586 10 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/39 22 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
S/2010/55 28 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/56 1 February 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and Security Council resolution 1701 (2006)
S/2009/407 6 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/628 7 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/629 9 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/86 12 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Security Council resolution 1595 (2005)
S/2010/159 11 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/198 15 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/199 19 April 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in Cyprus
S/2010/260 27 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
214 10-60746
S/2010/261 28 May 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation concerning Western Sahara
S/2009/526 6 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/527 8 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in Timor-Leste
S/2009/612 25 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/613 1 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/254 26 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
The situation in Liberia
S/2009/546 19 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/547 22 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/679 28 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/694 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/680 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/42 15 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/79 8 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/389 19 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission
The situation in Somalia
S/2009/569 3 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/664 15 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council Communications from the President of the Security Council
or the Secretary-General during the period from
1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
10-60746 215
S/2009/665 21 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/301 7 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/302 9 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/357 1 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Items relating to the situation in the former Yugoslavia
The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
S/2009/418 12 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/525 8 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/588 12 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/113 23 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/235 14 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and
1244 (1999)
S/2010/77 8 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/197 19 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/381 13 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia
since 1991
S/2009/410 7 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/570 28 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/133 15 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
216 10-60746
S/2010/154 15 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/330 18 June 2010 Identical letters from the Secretary-General to the President of
the General Assembly and the President of the Security
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide
and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such
Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and
31 December 1994
S/2009/403 31 July 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/404 4 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/425 18 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/571 2 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/601 23 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/289 2 June 2010 Identical letters from the Secretary-General to the President of
the General Assembly and the President of the Security
International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations
of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia
since 1991
International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide
and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the
Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such
Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and
31 December 1994
S/2009/496 28 September 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The question concerning Haiti
S/2010/23 13 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/24 13 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/131 8 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council Communications from the President of the Security Council
or the Secretary-General during the period from
1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
10-60746 217
S/2010/132 10 March 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/160 26 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/161 29 March 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in Burundi
S/2009/445 3 September 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/45 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/156 23 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/157 25 March 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in Afghanistan
S/2009/435 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/522 8 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/35 19 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/47 26 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/48 27 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/325 14 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/353 21 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
The situation in Sierra Leone
S/2009/679 28 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/680 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/384 9 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
218 10-60746
S/2010/385 15 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo
S/2009/437 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/99 25 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
and Add.1
14 April and 4 May
Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/207 22 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/303 7 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/304 9 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/337 25 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/367 6 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/368 8 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in the Central African Republic
S/2009/436 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Children and armed conflict
S/2009/435 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/436 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/437 27 August 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/564 27 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/45 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/46 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Secretary-General Communications from the President of the Security Council
or the Secretary-General during the period from
1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
10-60746 219
Women and peace and security
S/2010/62 29 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/63 2 February 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/416 29 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/417 3 August 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts
S/2009/655 11 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/656 16 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/695 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/282 3 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/342 29 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Chairman of the Security Council Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) concerning Al-Qaida and
the Taliban and associated individuals and entities
The situation in Côte d’Ivoire
S/2009/446 4 September 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/637 8 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/638 10 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/646 14 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/672 18 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/673 24 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/694 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
220 10-60746
S/2010/42 15 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/220 26 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/221 29 April 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Security Council mission
and Add.1
14 April and 4 May
Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/325 14 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Central African region
S/2009/697 11 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council*
Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan
S/2009/599 17 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/621 1 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/622 3 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/639 14 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/46 26 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/57 29 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/58 31 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/140 15 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/265 28 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/305 8 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
* The President of the Security Council responded in a letter dated 30 August 2010 (S/2010/457). Communications from the President of the Security Council
or the Secretary-General during the period from
1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
10-60746 221
S/2010/306 9 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Post-conflict peacebuilding
S/2009/678 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/683 31 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
President of the General Assembly
S/2010/389 19 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission
The situation concerning Iraq
S/2009/573 3 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/150 22 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/633 7 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Peace consolidation in West Africa
S/2009/556 28 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/693 18 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Non-proliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
S/2009/416 12 August 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2009/555 26 October 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/376 8 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Letter dated 22 November 2006 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President
of the Security Council**
S/2010/25 14 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
** S/2006/920. Report of the Security Council to the General Assembly
(covering the period from 1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010)
222 10-60746
S/2010/229 5 May 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Maintenance of international peace and security
Nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament
S/2009/463 15 September 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion
S/2010/129 11 March 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/292 3 June 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/293 8 June 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Peace and security in Africa
Djibouti and Eritrea
S/2010/357 1 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
The situation between Iraq and Kuwait
S/2009/685 29 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/72 4 February 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/377 7 July 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/378 12 July 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in Georgia
S/2010/103 25 February 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
The situation between Eritrea and Ethiopia
S/2010/38 18 January 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Relations between Cameroon and Nigeria
S/2009/642 30 November 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council Communications from the President of the Security Council
or the Secretary-General during the period from
1 August 2009 to 31 July 2010
10-60746 223
S/2009/643 14 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
The situation in Myanmar
S/2009/564 27 October 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
Request of Pakistan for establishment of a commission of inquiry in connection with the
assassination of the former Prime Minister, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto
S/2010/7 30 December 2009 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
S/2010/8 6 January 2010 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2010/191 15 April 2010 Letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the
Security Council
Security Council documentation and working methods and procedure
S/2009/678 30 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
S/2009/683 31 December 2009 Letter from the President of the Security Council to the
President of the General Assembly

10-60746 (E) 021110
*1060746* v

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