Sunday, February 13, 2011

the living condition in africa




Life is tough in Africa. Life is very difficult in Africa especially in the villages and small towns. Most village people in Africa are subsistence farmers who grow crops and rear animals just to feed themselves and their families. Most villages in Africa have no schools and the children in these villages end up subsistence farmers just like their poor parents. In Sub-Saharan Africa for example (especially in the eastern part of Ghana and Ivory Coast), most farmers have large acres of cocoa farms attached to the regular farms. Although cocoa is a cash crop, the poor farmers get very little to nothing at all from their cocoa farms why because most farmers don't have the money to spray their farms and once the farms become infested(which is a very common situation), all their hardwork just go in vain. Some farmers don't have the money to buy fertilizers while others don't even have money to buy viable seeds. Also, since most of these farmers are subsistence farmers who depend mostly on their farms for food and support, whenever there is a bad harvest (especially in times of drought and bad weather conditions), their entire families go hungry the entire season.

Most villages in Africa have no access to good drinking water. Most children wake up very early in the morning and walk miles upon miles to nearby streams to fetch drinking water and water for domestic purposes. Most of the streams in Africa are full of water-borne diseases such as river blindness, sleeping sickness, diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid, and other water based diseases like guinea worm, and Bilharzias. Malaria (water-related disease) kills people in record numbers in Sub-Saharan African countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leon, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, etc. Guinea worm disease for example is a major health problem in Ghana and Burkina Faso. Due to water scarcity in certain parts of Northern and Eastern Africa, most village people in these areas suffer from water-scarce diseases like trachoma and scabies.

Since most children in African villages do not get access to primary education, they become trapped in their various villages all their lives. Those who manage to escape from the trap into big cities and towns find themselves trapped again in slums (some worse than life in the villages).

Here is a true life story of an African Child. Life in the city is not the same as life in the villages. There is electricity in the cities and big towns but just kerosene lamps in the villages. Life in the cities run 24/7 non-stop. Life in the villages run from sunrise to sunset. Darkness and insects take over once the sun goes down. This story shows the way of life and how people survive in rural Africa.

Poverty is not something new in Africa. In fact, poverty was there before man and it has become part of life, attaching itself to nature like the blood through our veins. We cannot see it clearly or feel its presence under normal circumstances but especially when the heart is beating so fast and the blood moves up and down harshly through our chests but the harm might have been done already.

The Poor is poor and the rich is rich but life still goes on in Africa, displaying all levels of poverty. There are varieties in culture and natural resources but a specific culture common to all, The culture of Poverty. The Culture of poverty appears to be the same throughout the communities in Africa especially around the sub-Saharan Africa. From Senegal to Gambia, Guinea to Guinea Bissau, sierra-Leone to Liberia, Ivory coast to Gold Coast ( Ghana), Togo to Benin, Nigeria to Cameroon and above all, DR. Congo. Within these individual communities per se, there exist different groups of people forming tribes, clans, extended families, villages and towns who are categorize based on their individual distinctive characteristics such as different languages, staple foods, taboos and norms. However, all these groups partake or share almost equally in this unique culture (culture of poverty). Taking a small village like Fuman in Ghana for example, it should not be a surprise to see it display if not all, most of the aspects of poverty in Africa. Life in poverty, some causes of poverty and may be its prevention.

Life is the same in my village and it is staying out on the baobab tree all these seasons. Departing from the main road, notice the face of poverty along the way. It appears to be wearing a veil but tends to be a catapult and eventually a hunter near the green. It hides itself beyond the mountains and hills but reveals its true colors beneath the green. The birds continue to sing its favorite song even though it refuses to dance to the tune. Departing from the main street is nothing but a wonder, a different world all together. The road is bumpy and the weather is sunny. Beside this road is the evergreen. The tall trees continue to flourish, canopying the shorter ones who depend on the mercies of the creator, for a little sunlight. Nowadays, beside the sound of the birds do not be surprise to hear the roaring voices of the chain saw along this road, pulling down the mighty odum and sapele trees of ancient times just for timber.

Descending down the road leading to the village appears these numerous foot paths, branching north and forth from the main road, like a network of channels in the termitarium (Ant hill), taking people into and out of their cocoa farms. Just a few steps appear these erected structures, thatched and roofed with dry grasses sometimes with some rusty sheets on them, housing human souls from the serpents and scorpions at night. Mosquitoes do their part at night, biting even the eyeballs, digging through the bodies in search of gold and raising the temperature to a thousand degrees Celsius within a few days.

Because there is no pipe borne water in my village, you will mostly find little children with big buckets and pans heading towards the riverside to fetch water especially in the morning and in the evenings. the living conditions in Africa
This river serves as the main source of drinking water and water for domestic purposes. Even when boiling was intended to kill the germ that causes cholera, what about the numerous black flies that cause night blindness. When the guinea worms approaches thee with heavy hearts, who are you to turn the temperature low and so goes the tradition of death. When Cholera designs the throats of men, forget about the deadly diphtheria that tears children into pieces and above all, when mighty polio captures the legs, how good is soccer to the soul. Dry season on this river is nothing but joy but the small canoes children make for their expedition in the dry season, paddle themselves in the next season. diseases in Africa
Cutlass and Hoe for the boy, Kitchen for the girl. Education depends on the father's pocket and when more hands are needed on the farm, children born in the farm remain there all the days of their lives. On Mondays, few children are seen treading downhill or riding on their fathers' second hand bicycles, sometimes whistling their Sunday school halleluiah tunes , waving friends and neighbors, or reciting the difficult ABC alphabets all the way downhill. Even if cutlasses and hoes should turn into pencils and chalks, kitchen remains the formal office of the girl child.

How good is girl child education to the 'empty-pocketed'? Wouldn't the girl drop out of school when she gets pregnant or get married and mess things up along the way? Isn't it the duty of a responsible woman to do the household chores and take care of the children? If everybody is leaving the house for school, then how good or what is the purpose of marriage and in this society of extended family systems, who will take care of the half-departed souls (Old men and women)? Such are some of the questions that keep most girls out from writing their names. If you educate a man you educate only one person but if you educate a woman, you educate the whole nation. (A wise saying). However, this is just the philosophy of the rich and the educated themselves in the cities but in a rural community like Fuman where traditional institutions and norms are the parliament of the day, tradition remains the same especially among the traditional believers. girl child education in Africa
Subsistence farming rather than commercial farming. Farmers grow crops and rear animals but just to feed themselves and their families. Hoes and cutlasses instead of tractors and combined harvesters and hence just a handful of farm products from the fields. In this age of irrigation, only two farming seasons remain in Fuman. The Dry season and the Wet season. The dry season is accompanied by droughts and bush fires leading to about six months of hunger and hardship. There are rampant bush fires in and around neighboring villages that destroy almost all the maize on the fields and sometimes the few yams in the mounds and hence helping design the legs of kids and pulling off the few hairs off their heads during this season. Bush fires don't only destroy the farms but cause disaster to the virgin forests, killing even the millipede and the centipedes that fertilize the soil. Sheep, goats and the cattle suffer the consequences the most. No fresh grasses but just dusty air that blows across the Sahara desert. Most farm animals die from eating poisonous leaves due to extreme starvation. They are sometimes led to unknown grazing fields to graze down their tiny souls.

Some of these actions are due to illiteracy. Poor farming practices especially burning the field after clearing the land. Most farmers are illiterates and unable or are not ready to accept new ideas.
life in Africa poor farming practices
Bush fires really destroy the virgin forest but it is not fair to blame bushfire for all the dangers poverty poses to the environment. Man must eat Yam in order to survive but yam must be cooked before eating. The three-footed red clay stoves really perform their duties but only when supplied with enough Firewood. The few coal-pots really cook faster than the three-footed red clay stoves but they need plenty charcoal to fuel the process. Some trees are pulled down just for firewood and others are burned for charcoal and hence the increase in population becomes directly proportional to the number of trees pulled down per unit square area since more mouths to be fed. living conditions in Africa

The Wet season to most people is better than the dry season because there is plenty to eat during this time. Up and down the fields, are greener pastures for the farm animals. Beside the cocoa farms are set-aside fields for subsistence farming during this period. Maize tassels across these fields and the slender leaves of yams coil around the base of trees in their attempt to reach the sunlight. The old leaves fall and are replaced by new ones creating once again, peaceful shade beneath the cocoa plants. Not only this, Mango trees, Pear trees, Pineapples, Guava, Oranges, all display their natural values and hence plenty to eat. Tomatoes are found lying here and there. Mangoes in the gutters and oranges left to rot on the trees. Cassava really looses its value during this period while yams just remain in the mounds waiting for deliverance. During this period, since there are no storage facilities or better preservation methods, these perishable goods just go rotten while food turns into blood in the dry season. Moreover, despite the fact that this season brings more food to eat, it is also accompanied by most of the deadly diseases within these regions of the world. Malaria, the most deadly disease is very common during this period. The enough rain during this time are collected in the potholes and broken pots lying here and there beside the houses and within the bushes around, creating comfortable breeding places for mosquitoes. Temperatures are mostly high, accompanied by severe headaches, and shivering and if not lucky, death. The percentage of cholera and diarrhea also rise during this period causing more deaths than usual. Meanwhile a mosquito net is just a dollar.

Can I help Africa? How can I help Africa? well, there are many more things you can do to help Africa You can sponsor a child today. You can donate to charitable organizations such as UNICEF and "feed the children". You can go to Africa and see things for yourself and see what you can do to help. You can help save a child's life today and you can help change the harsh living conditions in Africa for the better. You can spread the word to others and help give voice to the poor in Africa. You can give someone a decent life and help build a happy home for the less fortunate. Don't be afraid to travel to Africa because Africans are very friendly and hospitable. Africans do not fake their smiles and there are no strangers in Africa so go and help!









Cozay Africa

Copyright ©2006-2011, COZAY GROUP. All Rights Reserved

child labour in africa




MONROVIA, Liberia,
Peace came to Liberia in 2003, after 14 years of brutal, devastating civil war. Since then, progress to rebuild the country has been significant: the restoration of infrastructure, public services, the economy and the rule of law is well under way.
Despite positive strides towards a restored society, sexual violence against women and children remains a central reality of life in Liberia, where the United Nations maintains its second largest peacekeeping mission (UNMIL) anywhere.

Children concerned about security

According to police statistics, week after week, rape – especially of girls between the ages of 10 and 14 – is the most reported crime.

Sexual violence occurs across all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds; women may be socialized to accept, tolerate or rationalize it. A weak justice system, the lingering violence of the war and an unwillingness to report instances compound the situation. No one is safe from assault.

Note: Liberia remains one of the poorest countries in Africa with the majority of its population below the poverty line.

The UNMIL Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Rule of Law, Henrietta Mensu-Bonsu, said starkly:
“The children of Liberia have indicated that their one main concern is security and that they are not safe anywhere – not in the home, not at church, not in the mosque, not in the classroom"

They are vulnerable everywhere because so many different groups prey on them.”

Nearly 300,000 refugees and internally displaced persons have returned to their homes in 2005 after the end of a brutal 14-year civil war.
Peaceful national elections have been held, but the re-establishment of state authority and law and order has only just begun.
The state of social services country-wide is still far below pre-war levels.
More than one third of the population, and an even higher proportion of the country’s children, lives on less than $1 a day.

Help for victims of violence

Victims of sexual violence suffer health and psychological burdens that affect every aspect of life.
One 15-year-old told of a horrific attack in her own home, perpetrated by a friend of her father. “He called me in his room,” she recalled.
“He held me and lay me down on the bed. I began to shout. He had a knife beside him. He said that if I talked he would kill me. He then put a cloth in my mouth. I was fighting to get out.”
To help young girls and women reclaim their lives, UNICEF supports a safe-house programme that provides food, medicine and counselling.

“We eat three times a day. The counsellors play with us and joke with us. We play baseball, we play tag. It’s a place where we all can be happy,”

said the thankful 15-year-old.
UNICEF Representative in Liberia Rozanne Chorlton said the safe house is “a confidential location where girls who have been badly sexually exploited can be taken and cared for, and given the kind of intense counselling and psychosocial support they need – until they can re-grasp their lives and restore their dignity and self confidence enough to be able to go back to their communities.”

‘Zero tolerance to rape’

Since the inauguration of Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf as Africa’s first female head of state in 2006, the issue of sexual exploitation and violence towards women and children has become even more salient.

“The President has made it very clear that the international community, together with the people of Liberia, need to work together to combat sexual and gender-based violence,”

said the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Recovery and Governance at UNMIL, Jordan Ryan.

“Courts have to work, prosecution has to work [and] people have to have a zero tolerance to rape.”

Today, as Liberia struggles to recover from its violent past, sexual violence and exploitation is under attack from all angles.
Safe houses, new laws, new partnerships, increased monitoring and additional public awareness of the crime are making concrete inroads to create a safer, more prosperous future for all Liberia’s people.

Major Issues facing children in Liberia

Liberia’s infant and under-5 mortality rates remain among the five highest in the world.
More than 15 per cent of children die before reaching their first birthday.

Preventable diseases like malaria and measles are among the leading killers of children.
Malnutrition and respiratory infections kill thousands of children each year.

Nearly 40 per cent of children under age five suffer from stunting as a result of malnutrition.

Nearly 40 per cent of the population does not have access to safe water, and nearly 75 per cent does not have access to adequate sanitation.

Statistics show an HIV/AIDS prevalence rate of 5.9 per cent; the actual rate is believed to be higher.
Armed conflict, HIV/AIDS and other diseases have orphaned an estimated 230,000 children.

Half a million children do not attend school.

Two thirds of students are being taught by unqualified teachers. Girls’ enrollment rates lag far behind those for boys.

Despite the cessation of fighting, armed forces along the borders with Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire continue to recruit children into their ranks.

There are many ways you can help. you can sponsor a child online or adopt one if you have what it takes. There are also great organizations like UNICEF, feed the children, habitat for humanity, world vision, etc.
you can support any of these organizations in whatever ways you can to help make a difference.

You can also help by spreading the word to others. You can also help by supporting peace and saying NO to war and violence.
It is never too late. you can save a live today so act now.

Name: Keabetswe
Age: 12
Country: Botswana

Keabetswe lives mostly on the streets and is able to attend school only sporadically. But he knows that the streets are no place for a little boy. Keabetswe's vulnerable nature comes out when he is at Bona Lesedi, a day care center for orphans which literally means "See Hope" in the Setswana language.

At Bona Lesedi Keabetswe leans on Nono Molefe's shoulder, one of the centre's co-directors, and becomes a little boy looking for some attention and a cuddle. And Nono gives it willingly.
Now that Keabetswe has found a place that gives him some hope for a better life, he is glad to stop pretending that he can hack the street life. (life in Africa : urban slums)
"Since the outbreak of HIV/AIDS, the basic needs of many children like Keabetswe have not been met," says Nono. "They need education, love, food and sometimes shelter. We give them clothes, we help them with school work, and they go home just to sleep."

But there are some 2,000 orphans in Kanye alone, and only 200 who come to the center – a stark illustration of how many more children still need to be reached. child labor in Africa: street children
The rising number of orphaned children in Botswana is a direct result of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, which has hit sub-Saharan Africa harder than anywhere else.

Over 12 million children in the region have been left without parents and without a childhood as a result of the epidemic.

In Botswana, the country with the second highest HIV/AIDS infection rate in the world, 15 per cent of all children have been orphaned and, if the present trend of the spread of HIV infection continues, an unprecedented number of children will be left without parents and traditional caring mechanisms will soon be unable to cope.
These days, for children like Keabetswe, attention centers like Bona Lesedi are the only hope for a better future. (Life in Africa: child labor: urban slums)
Note: Keabetswe's sad life story is better than stories of most children in Africa especially orphans in the rural areas who have no day care centers and nobody to give them even a tiny light of hope. Most of these children have no voices at all. Some die in bushes and some die in rivers unknown. Help give some of these children voice so they can tell their stories. It is never too late. You can help a child today.

There are days when Mary Mwasi does not know where she will find the strength to get out of bed. But sickness, exhaustion and despair will not feed the children or fetch the water, and so, somehow, she wills herself erect and steps into the sunlight of another Kenyan morning.

"I have to look for food for the children day by day," she told a counselor for the US charity World Vision.
"Life is difficult. Unless I get help from well-wishers, we cannot afford to eat."
Like many other residents of Ghaza, a village near the port city of Mombasa,
Mrs. Mwasi is infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. At least one of her three children is also HIV-positive and the others are often ill -- whether from the disease or malnutrition, she cannot be sure.

Her husband left in search of work two years ago and never came back, so she lives on sufferance on her in-laws' land -- fearful that they will learn of her condition and expel her from the community. Her only financial assets are a few chickens, held in reserve to buy medicine for the kids.
She knows there is no hope for her. Her concern is for her children.

"We say, 'When you pour water on the ground, you cannot pick it up again,'" Mary told the counselor.

"I did not think of so many things before, so many worries. I am trying to leave everything to God."

As HIV/AIDS enters its third calamitous decade, Mary Mwasi's plight has become tragically common in East and Southern Africa, the regions hit hardest by the global epidemic.

With 10 per cent of the world's population, impoverished sub-Saharan Africa is home to two-thirds of its HIV-positive population. But it is only recently that doctors, governments and the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS have realized that not only does the global struggle against AIDS have an African face, it is increasingly the face of an African woman. As infection rates mount, scientists and researchers are scrambling to understand the causes and to fashion new policies and programmes in response. poverty Africa

The need for urgency is clear. In July, "UNAIDS" announced that of all Africans aged 15 to 49 who are HIV-positive, women make up a disproportionate 57 per cent. Even worse, noted UNAIDS Deputy Director Kathleen Cravero, of those in the 15 to 24 age group, fully 75 per cent were young women. "That's a remarkable figure," she told Africa Renewal.

"We're actually looking at young women becoming almost an endangered species in Africa due to this epidemic."

Part of the explanation for the staggering rates, she continued, is biological. Because of their reproductive systems, women's bodies are more susceptible to infection by the human immuno-deficiency virus than are men's bodies. That is particularly true of sexually active young women, whose bodies are still developing.


Africa’s World of Forced Labor, in a 6-Year-Old’s Eyes

Just before 5 a.m., with the sky still dark over Lake Volta, Mark Kwadwo was rousted from his spot on the damp dirt floor.

It was time for work. Shivering in the predawn chill, he helped paddle a canoe a mile out from shore. For five more hours, as his coworkers yanked up a fishing net, inch by inch, Mark bailed water to keep the canoe from swamping. He last ate the day before. His broken wooden paddle was so heavy he could barely lift it. But he raptly followed each command from Kwadwo Takyi, the powerfully built 31-year-old in the back of the canoe who freely deals out beatings. child labor in Africa

“I don’t like it here,” he whispered, out of Mr. Takyi’s earshot.

Mark Kwadwo is 6 years old. About 30 pounds, dressed in a pair of blue and red underpants and a Little Mermaid T-shirt, he looks more like an oversized toddler than a boat hand. He is too little to understand why he has wound up in this fishing village, a two-day trek from his home. But the three older boys who work with him know why.
Like Mark, they are indentured servants, leased by their parents to Mr. Takyi for as little as $20 a year. Until their servitude ends in three or four years, they are as trapped as the fish in their nets, forced to work up to 14 hours a day, seven days a week, in a trade that even adult fishermen here call punishing and, at times, dangerous. child labor in Africa

Mr. Takyi’s boys conscripts in a miniature labor camp, deprived of schooling, basic necessities and freedom are part of a vast traffic in children that supports West and Central African fisheries, quarries, cocoa and rice plantations and street markets. The girls are domestic servants, bread bakers, prostitutes. The boys are field workers, cart pushers, scavengers in abandoned gem and gold mines.
By no means is the child trafficking trade uniquely African. Children are forced to race camels in the Middle East, weave carpets in India and fill brothels all over the developing world.

The International Labor Organization, a United Nations agency, estimates that 1.2 million are sold into servitude every year in an illicit trade that generates as much as $10 billion annually. Studies show they are most vulnerable in Asia, Latin America and Africa. ppp Africa’s children, the world’s poorest, account for roughly one-sixth of the trade, according to the labor organization. Data is notoriously scarce, but it suggests victimization of African children on a huge scale.After you read the rest of this story, you wonder what madness we live in--a global system that allows this to happen. child Abuse: child labor in Africa

Major issues facing children in Ghana

One third of rural populations lack access to safe drinking water, and only 11 per cent have adequate sanitation. Guinea worm, a parasitic infection largely attributable to drinking unsafe water, continues to plague Ghana which reported more cases of Guinea worm than any other country in 2004.
While the HIV prevalence rate seems to be stabilizing in Ghana, the countries’ comparatively low number of HIV/AIDS cases masks considerable variations by geographic region, gender, age, occupation, and to some degree, urban-rural residence. It has been estimated that only 30 per cent of AIDS cases are reported, in part because of stigma, but also due to factors such as reduced health-seeking behaviour, and inadequate access to health services.

Nationwide, only 469 eligible HIV-positive children (aged 0-14) were receiving crucial Anti-retroviral therapy (ART). Given that more than 6,000 children are eligible for ART, there is still an enormous gap in the area of pediatric ART.

Proper iodization and use of iodized salt remain a challenge in Ghana. Figures show that 51 per cent of households consume iodised salt, but only 32 per cent of households adequately iodized their diet.

Birth and death registration continues to be relatively low in Ghana due to severe capacity constraints and the Birth and Death Registries where registration is still largely done by hand.

Although countries like Ghana in West Africa re beginning to show signs of improvement in terms of education and economic improvement, others such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Nigeria, and Nigeria (with a population of a bout 160 million people) show little or no improvement at all. The living conditions in some of these countries are getting worse by the day despite various efforts put into place to help raise the living conditions in these countries. Bad leadership and corruption are two of the major problems facing most of these countries.

Population explosion in addition to corruption is the main reason why a country like Nigeria remains poor despite all the efforts both internally and externally. Tribal conflicts and political instability in some of these areas drives investors away and halts economic development. Female education is also very poor in some of these countries with very low enrollment rates compared to boys and because of that the rate of teenage pregnancy keeps rising in these communities.



CONAKRY, Guinea - Dyaritaou Bah, 23, was married at the age of 14 to a man who was 30 years older that herself. She was sent from Conakry to live in Europe with her husband, who sent a stipend back to her family every month.
Dyaritaou's story is very common in Guinea, where many parents allow their young daughters to marry in order to improve their economic lives.

"I was born in the capital city of Conakry into a family with four wives and more than 20 children. My mom got married at 13, herself,” Dyaritaou recalled.
Note: Such sexual abuse stories of children are very common in Africa especially in the rural areas where barbaric traditions reign supreme with very little or no protection at all. Dyaritaou is amongst the few lucky ones who have gotten their voices heard. Millions of child sexual abuse victims in the rural areas of Africa have no voice at all.

Sexual and emotional abuse
From the ages of 14 to 21, Dyaritaou had three pregnancies. However, none of her babies survived at that time because she was being abused. Neither did she have the option of refusing to have sex with her husband. When she refused, she was raped and assaulted.

Her husband also often threatened to send her back to Africa, saying her family would never forgive for leaving the man who was sending them money every month.
Not knowing what to do, the 14-year-old spent seven years enduring severe emotional and physical abuse in an unknown country, far from her home and family.

“I would think about my mom who counted on me to help her improve her life by staying with this very unkind husband, and my dad who also counted on him to send my older brother to Europe for education,”
Dyaritaou said.
She said she felt like she had “the pressures of a 40-year-old woman on my shoulders.”


Violence against women

Dyaritaou’s first experience with violence towards women was at the age of eight, when she was a victim of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), another common practice in Guinea. Approximately 96 per cent of women in the country have experienced FGM.

“My grandmother took me to the bush with a woman who had knives and other materials in her bag,” Dyaritaou said.
“They put me on the ground… and cut something from me. It hurt so much, I cried my head off for days while others where celebrating my initiation to womanhood – it was just the beginning.”

Now helping others
By the time Diaryatou left her husband at the age of 21, she had lost most of her childhood.
She could neither read nor write, nor could she speak any language other than her native tongue, Fulani.
Thankfully, Diaryatou was eventually helped by a social worker women in France, who taught her to write and become literate.

Diaryatou then wrote a book about her life and started a non-governmental organization (NGO) called 'Association Espoir et combats de femmes' to help women who have been victims of sexual violence.

UNICEF Guinea has partnered with several NGOs like Association Guineenne des Assistantes Sociales (AGUIAS), who works with communities to provide medical care, counselling and safe housing.

AGUIAS has branches in five communities within Conakry, where they provide education and job training to children who have been victims of child trafficking, domestic violence, child abuse, gender-based violence and FGM.

Major Issues facing children in Guinea

Children under age five in refugee camps have lower rates of malnutrition than those in the general population. Fully one third of children are stunted.
Just over half the population has access to safe drinking water sources.
A cholera epidemic affected 2,500 people between April and October 2005, killing 85. Outbreaks of yellow fever were also reported.

HIV/AIDS has orphaned thousands of children. Orphans and other vulnerable children usually have to leave school and work to survive.

Children who are separated from their parents often become the victims of violence, abuse, exploitation or trafficking, or are recruited into militias.
Girls’ school enrollment rates lag significantly behind those for boys.

Major Issues facing children in Benin

Under-5 mortality is still very high: About 150 of every 1,000 children born in Benin will die before their fifth birthday.
Widespread poverty is increasing the vulnerability of children and hindering the implementation of many social programs.
Only half of children who begin attending the first grade will complete primary school.
Benin’s educational system faces a shortage of trained teachers (especially female teachers) and well-constructed schools. Teachers’ strikes have disrupted efforts to enroll and retain students.
Many children have to travel long distances to the nearest school, which poses a particular hurdle to girls’ attendance.

Ghana shows great signs of improvement

Data suggest that Ghana has already achieved gender parity at the primary and junior secondary levels.

In partnership with key government and non-government actors, Ghana has worked successfully toward improving the level of girl’s education in 15 districts where parity levels were low.
Seventy-eight per cent of the population is now using an improved source of drinking water and 60.7 per cent have access to improved sanitation. The sanitation figure presents a significant increase over comparable household surveys completed in 2003.

An integrated maternal and child health campaign included distribution of 1.5 million long-lasting insecticide treated nets to children 0-11 months of age, administration of vitamin A to children under 5 years and to lactating women, de-worming of 2-5 year old children (nationwide) and administration of 3 million supplemental doses of polio vaccine to children under 5 years.

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Cozay Africa

Copyright ©2006-2011, COZAY GROUP. All Rights Reserved

child prostitution in afrcia




KOLDA, Senegal
Daddo Sabaly's first four children all died before their first birthday, from either disease or malnutrition.

Ms. Sabaly lives in the Kolda region of Senegal, which historically has had one of the country's highest rates of infant mortality. Her fifth child, a boy named Abdoulaye, is now five. Her sixth is a healthy nine-month-old girl.

Ms. Sabaly credits a community health centre for her children's survival, as well as a community nutrition programme that identifies local food resources such as squash, eggs and milk. Before this programme, feeding children these products was considered taboo.

"At first, Abdoulaye was suffering from malnutrition," she says. "But we went to the community centre, where I learned to properly feed him and he got better."

Issues facing children in Burkina Faso
Only 41 per cent of births are attended by trained medical personnel. The nutritional status of children under age five is deteriorating. Malnutrition is especially concentrated in the northern regions that border Niger. More than 44 per cent of children suffer delayed or stunted growth.

Burkina Faso is one of only 12 countries where guinea worm has not yet been eradicated.
HIV/AIDS continues to spread among young people. An estimated 120,000 children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS.

School enrollment rates are very low, especially among girls. Almost two thirds of teens and young adults under age 24 are unemployed. Many girls are still subjected to genital mutilation, a practice that causes lifelong damage.
Activities and results for children

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso – Until he started receiving life saving antiretroviral (ARV) drugs, 12-year-old Pascal was often too sick to get out of bed. Today he is like any other child, laughing and playing with his younger brother, Bernard.
Pascal has been HIV-positive since birth, infected through his mother, Celine. She gave birth to him not knowing her own positive HIV status, and found out she was infected after Pascal was born, and after her husband had died.

“After my husband died, I was getting sick all the time,” she recalls. “I came to the clinic to find out what was wrong. I was advised to take the test and found out I was HIV-positive. I found out my child was positive in similar circumstances. He was so sick, he nearly died.”

Both mother and son were tested at Ouagadougou’s St. Camille clinic. The clinic has been the pioneering facility in Burkina Faso for HIV and AIDS care since 2001. Through the clinic’s HIV/AIDS programme, both Celine and her son started receiving ARV therapy. The medication saved their lives.

Preventing mother to child transmission

When she became pregnant a second time, Celine once again approached the clinic and enrolled in its prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programme. She was just one of the 1,500 women who enrol each year.
The programme tests for HIV and provides treatment for those who test positive.

At least 10 per cent of the women do turn out to be HIV-positive, but through PMTCT interventions, it’s no longer a given that their babies will become infected.

Dr. Tietra is the head of HIV and AIDS prevention at St. Camille. He credits the clinic’s success to good partnership.
“We were one of the first sites to begin a successful prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme in Burkina,” he says.

“We did it with the support of UNICEF, WHO and the Ministry of Health in Burkina, and we are positive that it is going smoothly in the implementation.

A sign of the success has been the significant reduction in transmission of HIV from HIV-positive pregnant women to their newborn babies.”

Although adult HIV prevalence in Burkina is estimated to be only about 1.6 per cent, children and youth are still at risk of infection. An estimated 10,000 children 14 and under were living with HIV in 2007, and 658 of those under 15 were receiving ARV therapy.

St. Camille’s is taking the lead in providing treatment to infected young people. The UNICEF-supported paediatric section receives referrals from all over the city, and at present is monitoring over 200 children who are either living with HIV or showing signs of having the virus.

Dr. Monica Vilazetti explains how it works: “The monitoring is done monthly of the children. If there’s a problem, we monitor more regularly, and we then decide if the child needs to be admitted or not.

Antiretrovirals are given while monitoring the inpatient children’s condition and we check if there’s an improvement. When they go home we continue to provide anti-retroviral treatment."
“There is no hope if there is no treatment,” she adds. “Their chances of survival would be really, really limited.”
Awareness helps fight the disease
The fight against HIV and AIDS in Burkina Faso extends beyond St. Camille’s walls. A team of peer educators has taken to the streets. They’re part of the Reseau Africain Jeunesse Sante et Development network, which has over 1,500 clubs across the country.

Supported by UNICEF, they encourage their peers to discuss the frequently taboo topics surrounding HIV and Aids. They are just one of many groups who use advocacy and awareness to fight the disease.

Celine herself has joined ‘Help Me to Be a Mother’ – a group that assists and advises HIV-positive pregnant women. She offers them the hope that she herself now feels.

“I just can’t imagine what my life would have been like without the support of the clinic,” says Celine.
When things came down a little, the village was occupied by rebels and the situation was tense. Martha's father saw a steep decline in his business and was forced to move to a town deemed safe from rebel attack. There, he was able to rebuild his business and to send money and clothes to his daughter.
With her father gone, Martha moved in with her grandmother, who made a living by selling vegetables in the market. Sometimes, Martha had to help her and missed school as a result. But her situation took a sharp turn for the worse when her grandmother had a severe stroke, which left her unable to walk and almost unable to speak. Martha, by then 13 years old, found herself caring for her bedridden grandmother and with no news from her father. Poverty Sierra Leone
Time went by and, although barely able to keep up with school work, Martha managed to pass the National Primary School Examination, which allowed her to go on to high school. However, with her father gone and her grandmother no longer able to work, there was no money for the necessary school fees. Child poverty Africa

Martha's hopes for continuing her education now depended on her father, and she anxiously waited for him to re-establish contact. One morning, she received devastating news: her father had been murdered by the rebels.
"The whole world stopped for me," says Martha. "For the first time in my life I felt alone. I realised I was an orphan." poverty Africa

Martha is now staying with her stepmother, a woman her father married before his death and who she refers to as 'aunty', and her stepmother's three children. To help her new family, Martha sells biscuits in the street market, but she longs to go back to school. Luckily, her stepmother's new husband has shown sympathy to her plight and is willing to help.

Sierra Leone's decade-long civil war (1991 - 2002) had devastating physical and psychological effects on thousands of children like Martha. Over 10,000 children were directly affected through family separation, random and indiscriminate violence, sexual assault and abduction into the fighting force

LOME, TOGO. In downtown Lome there is an area known locally as "The Child Market," where girls as young as nine are offered for sex, sometimes for less than a dollar.

Child welfare groups complain that Togo lacks strong laws to punish the pimps who ruthlessly exploit these children. And the kids themselves complain that the police who patrol the district and are supposed to protect them, "simply demand sex for free." child prostitution Africa

Adjo is 11 years old and tries hard to look sexy in her black mini-skirt and skin-tight blue swimsuit top.
She said over a drink in a bar filled with cigarette smoke and drug dealers lurking in the background that she likes foreign customers best. They pay better and treat her better than Togolese men.

"The Ghanaians, the Ibos from Nigeria, the Senegalese and the other foreigners pay 5,000 CFA (US$10) and sometimes with a bit of luck they'll pay 10,000 CFA (US$20) - and despite that they treat us well," Adjo said.
"The Togolese maybe give us 1000 or 1500 CFA (US$2 or $3) and then want to rape us violently. They often hurt and insult us," the small girl said, visibly upset as she recalled such unpleasant memories. child prostitution Africa

Adjo's 13-year-old friend Amivi meanwhile complained that the security forces did nothing to help the girls by day and simply exploit them sexually at night.

"The soldiers, who are supposed to protect us when they are on patrol want to have sexual relations with us without paying and we are too frightened to say no, so we have to accept without turning a hair," she explained. child prostitution Africa

According to Adjo, she never knew her real parents. But she and Amivi hand over all the money they earn to a woman whom they call "Mama".
If the girls give this woman too little cash at the end of a shift, they run the risk of a severe beating.

"At the end of every day I have to give the money to a woman called Mama. "If I don't have enough money to give her, I get beaten," Adjo said.
Besides Adjo and Amivi, there are several hundred other young girls aged between nine and 15 who can openly be bought for sex in the downtown area of Lome called "Devissime". The name means "Child Market" in the local Mina language.
Many of these girls have been separated from their families.

"I never knew my parents," explained Adjo, "I was abandoned and I've always had to manage on my own."
Sometimes the girls sell themselves for as little as 200 CFA (40 cents). Only the better looking ones such as Adjo, can persuade their Togolese male clients to pay as much as 1500 CFA (US$3).

According to Adjo, " they vary from high school pupils and apprentice mechanics to wealthy members of Togo's ruling elite, who have children of their own back home." " These older men tend to be infatuated with the little girls", she added.

There are no reliable statistics about the sexual abuse of children in Togo, but there is a general perception among social workers and child protection volunteers that the phenomenon has increased alarmingly in recent years.
The issue came up for discussion earlier this week at a seminar in Lome on the trafficking and social exploitation of women and children in Togo.
The meeting was organised by two non-governmental organisations: the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) and the Africa branch of the World Association of Orphans (WAO-Africa). child Abuse: child prostitution Africa
Both organisations want to see more research undertaken to evaluate the extent of these problems.
"There is no documentation about this phenomenon that would enable us to gain a better grasp of the situation" said Cleophas Mally from WAO-Africa.
"We have launched an investigation which should give us more reliable figures that would enable us to deal with this scourge more easily," he added.
Mally noted that although many of the exploited children came from very poor backgrounds, some of them had drifted into the life of a child hooker from quite affluent homes.
The seminar brought together journalists, hoteliers, traditional chiefs and religious leaders in a bid to talk openly about the sexual abuse of children, which is still a taboo subject in Togolese society.

Mally said it was still virtually impossible to charge and convict those who fill their pockets from the sexual exploitation of children, because the country's present laws do not provide young people with adequate protection.
However, he noted that a new child protection bill had recently been tabled in parliament.

Investigations carried out by Human Rights Watch (HRW), have shown that many vulnerable children in Togo fall victim to traffickers who supply children as cheap labor or sex slaves throughout West Africa. child Abuse: child prostitution in Africa

The New York-based organization recommended in a report published in March 2003 that Togo revise its laws to provide better protection to the victims of child trafficking and more help for them to be reinstated back into the community.
It accused the government of failing to make any headway in tackling the problem.
Meanwhile, these irresponsible men and women continue roaming about on the streets looking for little girls to devour and little Adjo, frightened of another beating, has to concentrate on earning more money.
She said it was worth spending some of her hard earned cash at the second hand clothes market to buy new outfits as she needs sexy gear to attract new clients.

"With 500 CFA (US$1) I can get two sexy outfits!" she said, bursting into laughter. Help Now! Help save little Adjo, Help fight child prostitution in Africa.

Malaria, one of the world's most important public health concerns, is on the rise again, causing over a million deaths a year, including an estimated 700,000 children.

According to the WHO, in absolute numbers, malaria kills 3,000 children under 5 years old, every day a death toll comparable to that of AIDS. Effective malaria control programs have led to dramatic declines in death in some countries, but obstacles remain in many of the world's poorest countries.

Roll Back Malaria movement has clearly made extraordinary progress in many countries across the world, enabling hundreds of thousands of people living in poor communities to better access prevention and treatment services.

" according to Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, Director-General of the World Health Organization. "But there remains much to be done. I hope that international and national agencies, encouraged by the progress, will commit additional resources so that actions to Roll Back Malaria can be scaled up and millions more can benefit." diseases in Africa : malaria

The rising numbers of people affected by Malaria overwhelms national health services, sustains poverty and weakens societies, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa where ninety percent of the cases occur. The cost of prevention and treatment consumes scarce household resources and the disease continues to have a negative impact on the health of children. diseases in Africa: malaria

"Malaria is much more than a health issue. In many countries, it is now endangering development, targeting the poor and especially children who have little or no defense."

according to James Wolfensohn, President of the World Bank Group. "We need to give them those defenses. We have seen in Asia, Latin America and some African countries, that malaria can be controlled with the right tools and resources. We need to work aggressively with local NGOs and with the private sector to fight malaria at the local level, and work with governments to scale up local programs into national strategies."



Context and challenge: Poverty, demographic pressures and insufficient investment in public health care inflate levels and ratios of maternal and neonatal mortality

Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country, with 148 million inhabitants in 2007. (source: UNICEF)
There were almost 6 million births there in 2007 – the third highest number in the world, behind India and China – and a total fertility rate of about 5.4. Nigeria is also known for its vast oil wealth. Nonetheless, poverty is widespread; according to the World

Development Indicators 2007, published by the World Bank, more than 70 per cent of Nigerians live on less than US$1 per day, which impairs their ability to afford health care.

Poverty, demographic pressures and insufficient investment in public health care, to name but three factors, inflate levels and ratios of maternal and neonatal mortality.

The latest United Nations inter-agency estimates place the 2005 average national maternal mortality ratio at 1,100 deaths per 100,000 live births, and the lifetime risk of maternal death at 1 in 18.

When viewed in global terms, the burden of maternal death is brought into stark relief: Approximately 1 in every 9 maternal deaths occurs in Nigeria alone.

The women who survive pregnancy and childbirth may face compromised health; studies suggest that between 100,000 and 1 million women in Nigeria may be suffering from obstetric fistula.

Disparities in poverty and health among Nigeria’s numerous ethno-linguistic groups and states are marked.

Poverty rates in rural areas – estimated at 64 per cent in 2004 – are roughly 1.5 times higher than the urban-area rate of 43 per cent.

Low levels of education – especially among women – and discriminatory cultural attitudes and practices are barriers to reducing high maternal mortality rates.

High rates of adolescent births are commonplace across Nigeria, exposing girls and women of reproductive age to numerous health risks.

A national, phased, high-impact strategy to address maternal, neonatal and child health challenges

Given these complex realities, developing strategies to accelerate progress on maternal and newborn health remains a considerable challenge. Nevertheless, the Government of Nigeria, together with international partners, is attempting to meet this challenge.

In 2007, it began implementing a national Integrated Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Strategy to fast-track high-impact intervention packages that include nutritional supplements, immunization, insecticide-treated mosquito nets and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

The strategy is being rolled out in three phases, each lasting three years, and has been designed along the lines of the continuum-of-care model to strengthen Nigeria’s decentralized health system, which operates at the federal, state and local levels.
In the initial phase, covering 2007–2009, the key focus is on identifying and removing bottlenecks, while delivering a basic package of services using community-based and family-care strategies.

A sizeable proportion of expenditure will go towards artemisinin-based combination therapy to combat malaria in women, children, and newly recruited and trained health workers, particularly in rural areas. As basic health care improves, it is anticipated that the demand for clinical services will increase.

The second and third phases of the integrated strategy will place greater emphasis on building health infrastructure.

Throughout nine years, the strategy aims to revitalize existing facilities, construct clinics and hospitals, and create incentives – such as dependable salaries, hardship allowances and performance-based bonuses – that will help retain skilled health professionals in Nigeria’s health system.


“HIV/AIDS is the big sickness,” says Ruth Emmanuel, 15, who is the only female member of the community youth council.
“I know of at least six girls my age who are sick and have been sick for a long time and are not getting better.”

“I think it is our responsibility to spread this information because I don't think they are all aware of it,” Ruth said.


Health-system improvements have the potential to set a new course for meeting Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5

The Integrated Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Strategy – if implemented in full and on time – can markedly improve maternal and newborn health.

Together with this package, the country has recently passed the National Health Insurance Scheme, which integrates the public and private health sectors to make health care more affordable for Nigerians.

If the government passes the National Health Bill – which is currently before the legislature – a direct funding line for primary health care will become available.

These health-system improvements have the potential to set a new course for meeting Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 in Africa’s most populous nation.









Cozay Africa

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major problems facing Africa today

A child dies every three seconds from AIDS and extreme poverty, often before their fifth birthday.

More than one billion people do not have access to clean water. (global)

Every year six million children die from malnutrition before their fifth birthday. (sources: UNICEF, WHO)

More than 50 percent of Africans suffer from water-related diseases such as cholera and infant diarrhea.
(source: World Health Org.)

More than 800 million people go to bed hungry every day, 300 million are children. (global stats: UNAIDS)

Of these 300 million children, only eight percent are victims of famine or other emergency situations.

More than 90 percent are suffering long-term malnourishment and micro-nutrient deficiency.

facts: poverty level in Africa

In sub-Saharan Africa, measles takes the life of a child nearly every minute of every day. An effective measles vaccine costs as little as $1 per child. (source: WHO)

statistics: poverty in Africa
About 120,000 African children are participating in armed conflicts. Some are as young as 7 years old. (source: United Nations)

Children account for half of all civilian casualties in wars in Africa. (source: United Nations)

About 65% (nearly 2/3) of the world's HIV-positive population live in Sub-Saharan Africa. Women most Affected. (source: UNAIDS)

Nearly one third of children in Sub-Saharan Africa are underweight. (source: UNICEF)

Between 12 and 16 million African children have been orphaned by HIV/AIDS. (source: World Vision)

Nearly 2 million children under 14 years old are HIV positive in sub - Saharan Africa. (source: Avert )

43% of children in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have safe, accessible drinking water. (source: UNICEF)

200,000 child slaves are sold every year in Africa. There are an estimated 8,000 girl-slaves in West Africa alone. (sources: BBC 5 October, 2001 & Anti-Slavery Society)

Only 57% of African children are enrolled in primary education, and one in three of those does not complete school. (African Union: Poverty in Africa statistics)

64% of children in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have adequate sanitation. (source: UNICEF)

For every 100 boys there are only 83 girls enrolled at primary school. (AU: Stats: Poverty in Africa)

"Those who promised to help us are the same people killing us.
Our leaders don't think about us. Our leaders don't care about us.

Africa is poor because our leaders are very poor-minded people.

They come to power with fake promises and once they are up there in the high offices, they forget about the people who put them there.
Not that we don't know how to choose the right leaders.

The problem is that, they are all the same and that is why Africa remains poor.
Africa is poor but we have the resources here. The problem is that we don't have the right leaders to help us.
Most leaders in my country for example have about eight to ten different mansions each with big businesses home and abroad where as the poor people in the villages don't even have access to clean drinking water.

The President and the ministers live in big mansions and send their children abroad to study in higher institutions whereas most children remain in the house because their parents can't even afford to pay for primary education.
They remain at home because their parents can't pay their school fees.

All the ministers and those in the higher positions have swimming pools in their homes.
They waste water whereas the poor people don't even have access to clean drinking water.."
The most painful part is that; the foreign aids that Western countries send to Africa in the name of the poor people in Africa don't reach the poor people who need the aids the most. Western donors like America and the UK send billions of dollars to Africa to help better the living conditions of the poor people in Africa. However, the poor people who deserve the aids the most get nothing at all. Instead those in higher positions spend the money on themselves buying big cars and building mansions while the poor die from extreme poverty and hunger.

Mr. Amoakohene Dennis, Ghana.

Faces of poverty in Africa - children
The face of Hunger in Africa
The face of HIV/AIDS in Africa
Poverty is the worst form of violence
Poverty never takes a holiday
Poverty is the parent of crime
There is plenty hence poverty is evil
When the rich make war, it is the
poor that die. Poverty is not natural.
Poverty is man-made.. poverty kills..
Help fight poverty in Africa

"I am 11 years old and I live here on the streets. I shine and repair shoes for people. My senior brother thought me how to shine shoes.
I used to work with him until he died a few months ago. Now I am doing everything by myself.
Life in the village where I was born was very hard so i decided to follow my senior brother to Lagos after my father died with the hope of getting something better to do and send money to support our mother back home.
My mother was sick at the time we left the village and she died about 3 months after we left the village. So I was here with my senior brother all these while until he died.
I don't want to go back to the village because there is nothing better to do over there.
I will like to go back to school but it is very expensive and i can't pay my school fees.
Business was good when my elder brother was here but now people think that I am too young and that I can't repair their shoes the way my brother used to repair them so they don't bring their shoes to me anymore.
I am very good at repairing and shining shoes but most people do not think I can be that good so they don't bring their shoes to me.
Life is hard but what can we do? I am not the only person like this. there are many children like me or even worse who live under the high bridge.
I don't smoke but most of the children living under the bridge smoke weed which makes them strong.
Most of them are thieves and they rob people. I don't steal and I don't smoke. I only shine and repair shoes for people..." Nigeria

One Poor African
“I know poverty because poverty was there before I was born and it has become part of life like the blood through my veins. Poverty is not going empty for a single day and getting something to eat the next day. Poverty is going empty with no hope for the future. Poverty is getting nobody to feel your pain and poverty is when your dreams go in vain because nobody is there to help you. Poverty is watching your mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters die in pain and in sorrow just because they couldn't get something to eat. Poverty is hearing your grandmothers and grandfathers cry out to death to come take them because they are tired of this world. Poverty is watching your own children and grandchildren die in your arms but there is nothing you can do. Poverty is watching your children and grandchildren share tears in their deepest sleep. Poverty is suffering from HIV/AIDS and dying a shameful death but nobody seems to care". " Poverty is when you hide your face and wish nobody could see you just because you feel less than a human being. Poverty is when you dream of bread and fish you never see in the day light. Poverty is when people accuse you and prosecute you for no fault of yours but who is there to say some for you? Poverty is when the hopes of your fathers and grandfathers just vanish within a blink of an eye. I know poverty and I know poverty just like I know my father's name. Poverty never sleeps. Poverty works all day and night. Poverty never takes a holiday" (One Poor African)

Life was simple and beautiful in the villages of Africa. Children, Grandparents, Parents, Uncles and Aunts all lived together peacefully in extended family systems. While mothers and fathers are in the farm working, Grandparents remain at home taking care of their grandchildren. While the children play in the sand, grandparents mostly sit quietly under trees nearby sometimes with friends and watch their grandchildren play. While fathers clear thick bushes making way for new farms, mothers mostly gather foodstuffs to be brought home. Such was life in African villages. However, war, diseases, extreme poverty and famine have brought to Africa an entirely new concept. Most children are left alone in this cruel world with no parents, no grandparents, no siblings, and no blood relatives at all to take care of them . Most children have lost their parents to the deadly HIV/AIDS. Others have lost their parents to war and their grandparents, to extreme poverty. facts: poverty and hunger in Africa

Children have lost their parents. Parents have lost their children and the poor grandparents have lost their sons and daughters to war, poverty and to the deadly HIV/AIDS. Grandparents love and protect their grandchildren but grandparents do not have the strength to clear thick bushes and make new farms so with the parents gone (dead), the grandparents with their grandchildren are left with nothing but extreme poverty and hunger.
Help now! help fight poverty and hunger in Africa! facts:poverty in Africa

In addition to war, HIV and famine, malaria continues to kill children in record numbers especially in Sub-saharan Africa. Meanwhile a mosquito net costs less than $1. Poverty in Africa: diseases: malaria: Facts - child poverty in Africa

"As a consequence of the AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa," one report stated, "it is estimated that more than 18 million people have died to date, of which over 3 million were children. Additionally, more than 25 million adults are currently infected which will result in the continued increase in the number of orphaned children. To date, more than 15 million children have already been orphaned as a result of the epidemic. Another 1 million children are currently infected with the disease."Help fight child poverty in Africa.

"As a consequence of the AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa," one report stated, "it is estimated that more than 18 million people have died to date, of which over 3 million were children. Additionally, more than 25 million adults are currently infected which will result in the continued increase in the number of orphaned children. To date, more than 15 million children have already been orphaned as a result of the epidemic. Another 1 million children are currently infected with the disease." Help fight child poverty in Africa. Help save Africa

The majority (about three-fourth) of the poor population in Western and Central Africa (about 100million people) are poor subsistence farmers who live in villages and farm just to feed themselves and their families. They depend mostly on agriculture for their livelihoods. However, about one in every five of these people live in a country affected by warfare. War destroys families and farms leaving most people with nothing at all but extreme poverty and starvation. Famine follows wars in most cases in Africa. poverty in Africa

In conflict-torn countries such as Angola, Burundi, Mozambique, Liberia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo, Sierra Leon, and Uganda, the capacity of rural people to make a livelihood has been dramatically curtailed by warfare, and per capita food production has plummeted.

Lack of good drinking water is a major problem in almost all African villages especially in desert countries like Niger, Sudan and Mali. Water is very scarce and lack of good drinking water is a major problem in Ethiopia and surrounding countries where most people and farm animals share same water sources. Children walk miles upon miles everyday to nearby streams to fetch water.

Although there are many rivers and streams in the Western, Central, and Southern parts of Africa, good drinking water is a major problem in these areas. Most of the water sources in these areas are infested with water related diseases such as bilharzia, sleeping sickness, river blindness, guinea worm disease ( guinea worm disease is a major problem in Northern Ghana. 2010) and ofcourse malaria. Besides these, diseases such cholera, typhoid fever, dysentery and pneumonia continue to kill children in record numbers.

Poverty never takes a holiday. Help now! Help fight poverty in Africa.

"Africa was poor, Africa is poor and Africa will continue to be poor if we the Africans are not ready to change Africa. Africa will remain poor if Africans are not ready to make Africa rich. There is poverty in Africa and there is hunger everywhere on the continent of Africa. HIV/AIDs continues to kill Africans in record numbers. Africa is poor and there is no doubt Africa is poor. The question is not why Africa is poor but may be how we can make Africa rich. What we can do as individuals or groups to help change Africa.

There is poverty in Africa but Africa has almost all it takes to be the richest continent on earth. The major problem facing Africa today is corruption and poor leadership. There are greedy people in Africa including our leaders who don't care about their poor mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters.
Some people are too greedy and that is why Africa remains poor. People are killing their own brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers just to make money. People didn't care about yesterday and people don't even care about tomorrow. All they care about is money and money and that is why Africa remains poor.
All African leaders I know are corrupt in one way or the other. They come as saints and leave as devils.. An African president of a country is a president for a few selected people. An African president is a president for only the educated and a president for only those in the higher class. An African president sees no poverty. An African president sees no hunger. An African president sees no HIV. An African president knows no orphan.

An African president shows no mercy. An African presidents sees only money and money and nothing but money.. Not just the African president but the African prime minister, the African governor, the African Doctor, the African Judge, the African lawyer, the African King, and even the African Pastor. And that is why Africa is still poor and that is why Africa continues to wallow in poverty..."
One poor African

About 50% of the African population live in slums. From the outskirts of Johannesburg in South Africa to the Interior of Kibera (Africa’s largest and worst slum)in Kenya, life is a living hell for most African slum residents.

Slum houses in Africa are mostly self-built mud houses roofed with rusty corrugated sheets and wooden boards. Slum houses have little or no planning at all. Poor basic sanitation and poor basic services.There are open dumps and open sewage.
Most slums have no electricity and no pipe borne water. Fires are very common in African slums. There are no hospitals and no good schools. Most children in African slums do not go to school and most get no medical attention when needed. There are just few chemist shops around most of which sell cheap and expired drugs. Majority of the children in African slums have lost either one or both parents. Because of the high illiteracy rate, HIV/AIDS kills in record numbers in African slums mostly women and children. African slums are mostly lawless areas with no security and no protection at all and violence is very common in these areas. Unnecessary deaths are very common in African slums. Because of poor sanitation in African slums, diseases like malaria and cholera are very common in these areas. Because of poor sanitation mosquitoes are very common and Malaria kills in record numbers in African slums. The cost of a mosquito net is less than $1 but only a few people can afford mosquito nets in African slums. People are suffering in African slums especially women and children. Help save the poor children in African slums.


Thousands of children died in Angola during the period of war and Tens of thousands of children died in Uganda. Thousands of children died in Nigeria during the period of war and Tens of thousands of children died in Liberia. Thousands of children died in Zimbabwe and tens of thousands of children are dying in Darfur.Thousands of children died in Mozambique and tens of thousands of children died in Sierra Leon. Thousands of children died in Burundi during the period of war and tens of thousands of children died in Congo
Children are dying in India. children are dying in Pakistan. Children are dying in Israel. Children are dying in Palestine, and tens of thousands of children are dying in Iraq.
Poverty kills children. Hunger kills children. HIV/AIDS kills children. Malaria kills children and WAR KILLS CHILDREN. Children are the "future". Children are the "Hope". Children are the "meaning". Help Save the children. Help Save the future. Help give hope to the hopeless and help give meaning to life. Say NO to war because war kills innocent children. Say NO to war because war destroys families and homes. Say NO to war because war destroys innocent lives.

In many parts of Africa, the production of food depends upon the intense manual labor of each family. When large areas of Africa are dislocated by war especially southern Sudan where a war of ethnic cleansing is being waged, or adults die from the scourge of AIDS, fields cannot be worked, and food cannot be produced.
Many, especially women and children are forced to depend upon hand outs of food. Unpredictable weather can also aggravate the situation.
Starvation is claiming lives. One international relief agency recently discovered a village in a remote region of West Africa where more than 18,000 people were on the verge of starvation. "Malnutrition is so great in this area," a relief worker explained, "that most of the children under five years old had starved to death before we arrived.An entire hillside was covered with fresh graves of the children who had recently died." Statistics: Poverty in Africa. starvation kills in Africa
Africa means "Beauty" and Africa means "Love". Africa is nature and Africa is life. Africa is "culture' and Africa is "tradition". Africa is blessed with beautiful culture and traditions across the continent.
There are birth rites and there are puberty rites. There are initiation rites and there are marriage rights.
There are chieftaincy rites and there are kinship rites.
There are rituals and there are death rites. There are festivals and there are burial rites. Africa is a blessed continent in terms of culture and traditions.
There is no other continent like Africa in terms of beauty and love. However, not every part of the African culture is good and not all the African traditions are great.
Most part of the African culture benefits and most aspect of the African tradition is nothing but beauty. Time is going and the world is changing and hence man must change with time.
Time is changing and the world is moving around and hence traditions must be modified with time.
Most African traditions have gone through great changes to benefit man but few remain unchanged through the ages.Go to some villages in Africa and you will notice some of the harmful effects of bad African traditions.
Go to a village in Africa and you will see teenage mothers everywhere. Ask a teenage girl and she will tell you what she went through.
It is a taboo in certain parts of Africa for a girl child to refuse a man, sex. It is a taboo for young girls in certain parts of Africa to make their own choices when it comes to marriage.
Some are being raped in the name of tradition. Some are being molested in the name of culture. Some are being buried for no fault of theirs. Africa will forever remain poor if Africa is not ready to change with time. Traditions were made for man not man for tradition and traditions were made to benefit man and not to harm man. It is time to move forward and it is time Africa throws away all these barbaric traditions and begin to think right.
One Poor African, Kenya

"God blessed me with 12 beautiful children but the same God has taken almost all of them away and there is nothing I can do because God knows best.
within 2 years, I lost 5 of my children to HIV/AIDS and as you can see, even this one remaining is very sick and I don't know if she will survive this sickness. Maybe it is my destiny to die a child-less mother and there is nothing I can do.... God knows best" Central African Republic, 2010

“There is a lot of malaria in our village because there are a lot of mosquitoes that live and breed by the river,” said Ms. Mobuku. “A bed net will be very helpful because it will protect my youngest children.” Stories: Niger
“Sometimes it is difficult for people in remote areas to get to clinics to get anti-malarial drugs,” said Health Director for Zambia’s southern Sesheke district Sindele Kyanamina. “And sometimes the clinics don’t have the drugs.” Malaria Kills in Africa
African poverty stories: Zambia

"... As you can see, there is no pipe borne water in this village. The only source of water in this village is water from the stream and rain water we collect when it rains.
We drink from the stream and the stream serves as water for all other purposes. Our major problem is that the stream water is not purified and it contains so many germs and bacteria which cause so many diseases in this village. (in Liberia)
People die each and every day but there is nothing we can do because the stream is the only source of water besides rain water.
In the dry season for example, there is no rain water and the stream is the only source of water for the entire village and other nearby villages. My only prayer is that one day someone will come to our aid..."
"We really need help but as you can see the help is not coming. Our government promised us that they will help us but they don't help"

One Poor African

There are 53 different countries in Africa : Ethiopia, Morocco, Egypt, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mali, Togo, Sudan, Botswana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Angola, Tunisia, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Gambia,Congo, Eritrea, Algeria, Burundi, Cape Verde, Cameroon, Niger, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Sierra Leone, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Nigeria, Gabon, Ghana, Madagascar, Lesotho, Libya, Uganda, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Tanzania, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, SOMALIA, Benin, Zambia, and Swaziland

THE POOREST COUNTRIES IN AFRICA (New Multidimensional Poverty Index): GUINEA, LIBERIA, SIERRA LEONE , BURKINA FASO, BURUNDI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, NIGER (Poorest Country in the world), SOMALIA, MALI, ETHIOPIA (second poorest country in Africa)

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What is hunger?
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What is Malnutrition?

The Hungry

1 - Is there a food shortage in the world?

There is enough food in the world today for everyone to have the nourishment necessary for a healthy and productive life.

2 - What is hunger?

The sensation of hunger, a lack of food in your stomach, is universal. But there are different manifestations of hunger which are each measured in different ways:

Under-nourishment is used to describe the status of people whose food intake does not include enough calories (energy) to meet minimum physiological needs for an active life. At present, there are 925 million undernourished people worldwide, most of them in developing countries.
Malnutrition means 'badly nourished', but is more than a measure of what we eat or fail to eat. Malnutrition is characterised by inadequate intake of protein, energy and micronutrients and by frequent infections and diseases. Starved of the right nutrition, people will die from common infections like measles or diarrhoea.
Malnutrition is measured not by how much food is eaten but by physical measurements of the body - weight or height - and age.
Wasting is an indicator of acute malnutrition that reflects a recent and severe process that has led to substantial weight loss. This is usually the result of starvation and/or disease.

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3 - Who are the hungry?

Despite the impression you often get from the media, emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims. Few people realise that there are close to one billion hungry people in the world who don't make the headlines -- more than the combined populations of the United States, Canada and the European Union. They are of all ages, from babies whose mothers cannot produce enough milk to the elderly with no relatives to care for them. They are the unemployed inhabitants of urban slums, the landless farmers tilling other people's fields, the orphans of AIDS and the sick, who need special or increased food intake to survive.

Above all, children, women and rural communities are on the frontlines of hunger.

4 - Where are the hungry?
The percentage of hungry people is highest in east, central and southern Africa. Around three-quarters of undernourished people live in low-income rural areas of developing countries, principally in higher-risk farming areas. However, the share of the hungry in urban areas is rising.

Of the total number of the 925 million chronically hungry people, over half are in Asia and the Pacific and about a quarter are in Sub-Saharan Africa.

5 - Are the numbers going down?
Whereas good progress was made in reducing chronic hunger in the 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, hunger has been slowly but steadily on the rise for the past decade, FAO said. The number of hungry people increased between 1995-97 and 2004-06 in all regions except Latin America and the Caribbean. But even in this region, gains in hunger reduction have been reversed as a result of high food prices and the global economic downturn that started in 2008.

Today, one in seven people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life, making hunger and malnutrition the number one risk to health worldwide -- greater than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined.

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6 - What are the effects of malnutrition?
Malnutrition covers a range of problems, such as being dangerously thin, being too short for one's age, being deficient in vitamins and minerals (such as lacking iron which makes you anaemic), or even being too fat (obese). It is measured using the following indicators:

Wasting is an indicator of acute malnutrition that reflects a recent and severe process that has led to substantial weight loss. This is usually the result of starvation and/or disease.
Stunting is an indicator of chronic malnutrition that reflects the long-term nutritional situation of a population. It is calculated by comparing the height-for-age of a child with a reference population of well nourished and healthy children.
Underweight is measured by comparing the weight-for-age of a child with a reference population of well-nourished and healthy children. An estimated 146 million children in developing countries are underweight.
7- Are micronutrients important?
Micronutrient - vitamin and mineral - deficiencies are very important, afflicting nearly two billion people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, deficiencies of iron, vitamin A, and zinc rank among the top ten leading causes of death through disease in developing countries.

Iron deficiency is the most prevalent form of malnutrition, affecting billions of people worldwide. Iron deficiency damages a country's productivity and impedes cognitive development.
Source: Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency, a global damage assessment report; Unicef
Vitamin A deficiency is a leading cause of child blindness across developing countries. It affects 140 million pre-school children in 118 countries. Deficiency in vitamin A can increase the risk of dying from diarrhoea, measles and malaria.
Source: Fifth Report on the World Nutrition Situation, 2005
Iodine deficiency affects 780 million people worldwide. Some 20 million children are born mentally impaired because their mothers did not consume enough iodine during pregnancy.
Source: Vitamin & Mineral Deficiency, a global damage assessment report; Unicef
Zinc deficiency contributes to growth failure and weakened immunity in young children; it results in some 800,000 child deaths per year.

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A complete list of orphanages known so far.

This is the list of orphanages in India collected so far from various sources. If we have missed some orphanages, please send us an email. If you are an Indian orphanage owner and would like to remove your orphanage from this site and not be a part of this network please send us an email and we will be glad to remove. Before you consider the fact of getting your orphanage removed from this list above, we kindly request you to note that we are not a company making money out of this network.

List of orphanages in India

S.No Orphanage Name Address State
1 A.B. Ram Bal Ashram Mahesh Nagar Colony Samne Ghat, Nagwa Varanasi Uttar Pradesh
2 Aadarana HNO.20-17/C,Kodanadaramnagar,P&T Colony, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad-500060Andhra Pradesh - INDIA Andhra Pradesh
3 AADITYA - Catalyst for Community Empowerment 8/7 Nehru Enclave, Kalkaji Extn. , Opp. Nehru Place, Behind Bharon Mandir, New Delhi, 110019, India Delhi
4 AAMRAE Devki Singh Chawl Golibar Behind Adarsh Apartments, Santacruz (E) Mumbai 400 055 Maharashtra
5 Aangan Trust Not Available Maharashtra
6 Aarti Home Opposite Municipal Stadium Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh India 516001 Andhra Pradesh
7 AASARA Prafulla Nakhawa Chawl Chandani Koliwada, Thane (E) 400603 Maharashtra
8 Aasha Social Welfare Association 10-6-89, Brindavan Colony, Saroornagar Hyderbad, Andhrapradesh, 500035 India Andhra Pradesh
9 Aashna Children's Home 1/30, PRM Gardens, Appanaickenpalayam post, K.Vadamadurai Post COimbatore -641017 Tamil Nadu
11 AASRA A4, Tanwar View, Plot No 43, Sector-7Kopar Khairane, Navi Mumbai Maharashtra
12 Abalashram Abalashram Dr. D.V.G Road, Basavanagudi Bangalore - 560004 Karnataka India Karnataka
13 Abhayagramam Manchadi, Peyad Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala India 695573 Kerala
14 Abhiyan Abhiyan, Barai bhawan, Birsa Adivasi Colony, Gulzarbagh, Patna- 800007, Bihar. Bihar
15 Action for Collective Tribal Improvement & Vocational Education H.N.6-2-97/2, Seeta Nilayam, Jammibanda Bazar Khammam - 507002, Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
16 Adarsh Charitable Trust Adarsh Charitable Trust, X/584/B, Puthiya Road, Kureekad Ernakulam District,- 682305 Kerala Kerala
17 Adarsha Children Home Avanigadda-52121, Krishna Dt, Andhra Pradesh, India Andha Pradesh
18 Adarsha Rural Development Society H. No:17-1-6\2, Daggumalli Vari Street, Bapatla Gubtur District, A.P. 522101 India Andhra Pradesh
19 Aditya Birla Centre for the Welfare of Children Siddharth Colony Chembur Naka Mumbai 400071 Karmayogi: Maharashtra
20 Aditya Jyot Eye Research Institute Dr. S. Natarajan - Secretary, Aashirwad, 168 - D Vikaswadi Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar, Mumbai - 400014 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
21 Affus Woman Welfare Association 10-303, Gulzarpet, Anantapur - 515001 Andhrapradesh India Andhra Pradesh
22 Agape Bible Fellowship Agape Bible Fellowship 388/1, 1st Main 3rd Stage, Pillanna Garden, Bangalore-560 045, Karnataka, India. Karnataka
23 Agape Care Children Home Agape Children Home Church street, New Colony, Veerapaneni Gudem-521286 Gannavaram, Krishna dist Andhra pradesh India Andhra pradesh
24 Agape Children Home veerapaneni Gudem(Po) Gannavaram-Md Krishna Dist 521286 Andhra pradesh India Andhra pradesh
25 Agape Home for Children 29 k WEST ANBUNAGAR, GORIMEDU, KANNANKURICHI - PO, SALEM - 636 008 Tamil Nadu
26 Agappe Educational and Charitable Society Kottappuram, Kottarakara Kollam, Kerala India Kerala
27 AGNI FD 219/3 Sector III Salt Lake Kolkata, West Bengal, 700106 India West Bengal
28 Ahmedabad Women's Action Group Dr. Ila Pathak, 5, Professors' Colony, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380009 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
29 Akanksha Foundation Voltas House C TB Kadam Marg, Chinchpokli Mumbai 400 033 Maharashtra
30 Akhil Bhartiya Magasvargiya Samaj Prabhothan Sanstha Flat No. 16, Prakash Apartment Katemanivali, Kalyan (East) Thane ? 421306 Maharashtra
31 Akhil Bhartiya Yuva Vikas Sangh 205/8236, Kannamwar Nagar, Vikhroli Bombay, Maharashtra, 400083 India Maharashtra
32 Akhila Bharateeya Brahmana Karivena Nityannadana Satram Temple Street Srisailam, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh - 518001 India Andhra Pradesh
33 Akshar Abhyaas 121, Siddharth Niketan, Sector 14, Kaushambi Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201010 India Uttar Pradesh
34 AKSHARATMIKA EDUCATION TRUST Gauri Nandan Basement, Hotel Gurudham Compound, Pune Link Road, Katemanivli P.O., Kalyan - East THANE- 421 306 Maharashtra
35 Akshaya Kshetram Durga samudram,New Chittoor Bypass Road Tiruapati-517507 Andhra Pradesh
36 Allipuram Foundation Hitech City Road, Madhapur, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
37 Amar Seva Sangam S. Ramakrishnan, Sulochana Gardens,7-4-104B, Tenkasi Road,Post Box No.001,Tirunelveli District, Ayikudy - 627852 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
38 AMBA Balawantbhai D. Desai, HARI OM Jayant Society, Mavdi Plot, Rajkot - 360004 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
39 Amcha Ghar Deep Sagar Bldg., 4th Floor, Lighthouse Road Uttan, Bhayandar Mumbai - 401106 Karmayogis Maharashtra
41 Amma Nanna Anadha Ashramam Beside Venkateshwara Swamy Temple, Valigonda Road, Vil. Choutuppal, Dist. Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh. India Andhra Pradesh
42 Analisa Children Home Lower Kolu Pani, Nanda ki Chowki, Prem Nagar, Dehradun Uttarakhand
43 Anand Ashram Charitable Trust Bassien,Vasai (E) Thane - 401201. Maharashtra Maharashtra
44 ANAND KENDRA THELMA J.R.D. TATA ANAND KENDRA TRUST Dr. A.B. Road next to Happy Home Worli Mumbai 400018 Karmayoginis: Maharashtra
45 ANANDA KARUNA 17-1-390/C, Laxmi Nagar, Saidabad Colony, Hyderabad - 500 059, Andhra Pradesh
46 Ananda Marga Education And Welfare Society 17-1-390/C, Laxmi Nagar, Saidabad Colony, Hyderabad Hyderabad - 500 059 India Andhra Pradesh
47 Anandadhara- Shishuniketan Joypul, Tribedipara 24 Parganas (North) West Bengal, India West Bengal
48 Ananya Trust Dr. Shashi Rao, 233, 6th Main, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560011 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
51 Anbu Karangalin Anbu Illam 62 Balaji Nagar, Ponneri 601204 Tamil Nadu
52 Anbu Karangalin Anbu illam (A Temple Of Love) 62 Balaji Nagar, Ponneri, Tamilnadu, India 601204 Tamil Nadu
53 Andhjan Kalyan Trust Praful N Vyas, Behind Jain Derasar, Station Plot, Dhoraji, Rajkot - 360 410 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
54 Andhra Medical Educational and Welfare Services Door No; 8-24-39, Madhava Rao Street, Elwinpet, Gandihanagar Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh 533004 India Andhra Pradesh
55 ANGA KARUNYA KENDRA Mr G M Row, No:15, Vishweshwaraiah Indl. Area, Mahadevpura, Bangalore - 560048 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
56 Angel Gospel Ministries Door No: 8-24-39, Elwinpet, Near Andhra Baptist Church Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, 533004 India Andhra Pradesh
57 Angelz India Trust Registered City Office: #5 Unique Palace First Floor Opposite Sir Sulemann Hall, Campus Civil Lines Aligarh - 202002 India Uttar Pradesh
58 Anjani Foundation 7, "Gunjan", Gyankunj Colony, Opp. St. Xavier's College Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380009 India Gujarat
59 Anjuman-E-Mufidul Yatama Off Mohammed Umer Rajjab Road 11 Siddiq Lane, Madanpura,Mumbai Central Mumbai - 400008. Maharashtra Maharashtra
60 Ankur Children's Home Kanakia?s Road Beverly Park - Mira Road-East Mumbai -401107- Thane DT Maharashtra
61 Annai Indira Sathya Samuga Nala Mahalir Madram 37, Velayuthasami Koil Street, Sivagangai Sivagangai District, Tamilnadu India Tamil Nadu
62 Annai jothi seva trust Annai jothi seva trust 2/454,Adayakuramkulam, Ambasamudram-taluk, tirunelveli-dist south india Tamilnadu
63 Annai Neomi Anbu Illam MASHA TRUST Annai Neomi Anbu Illam R.C.Street, Samayanallur, Madurai - 625 402 Tamil Nadu
64 Annai Sandiya Educational Trust 32/32,1st Main, Annai Sathiya Nagar, Mookandapalli, Hosur, 635 126, Dist- Krishnagiri Tamilnadu
65 Annapurnamm vidyarthy vasathi Gruham 58-2, Chidambararao Street, Kota Kurnool – 518 001 Andhra Pradesh
66 Ansar Orphan Care Amen, T V Road, Kannur-2, Kerala, India KERALA
67 Apnalaya Leena Joshi, 75, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai - 400026 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
68 applagarh attul nagar,on pune-banglore highway,near chandini chowk,pune. maharastra
69 Arambh Navi Mumbai Maharashtra
70 Arambh Venkateshwara resident of Vardhaman Palace Sector 17,Vashi Navi Mumbai - 400702. Maharashtra 140-4752, Nehru Nagar, Near Govt. Milk Dairy, Kurla east, Mumbai (Bombay), PIN: 400 024 Maharashtra
71 Aravanaikkum karangal 369subramaianager ext. school salem road,suramangalam Salem - 636005. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
72 ARDS ORPHAN CHILDREN HOME ARDS MINISTRY Daggumalli vari street, BAPATLA ? 522101, Guntur District, A.P,INDIA Andhra Pradesh
73 Arunachal Orphan Welfare Association old BJ Memorial School polo Colony near Vinekananda Gurukulam school Naharlagun Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh
74 Arunachalam Trust 1006 Thendral Nagar, Vengikkal, Tiruvannamalai 606 604, South India Tamil Nadu
75 Arunodaya Poirada Papinayakanahalli, Hospet Taluk Bellary Dt., Karnataka 583223 India Karnataka
76 Arya Bal Greha Pataudi House, Delhi. Delhi
77 Arya Kanya Sadan Pataudi House, Delhi Delhi
78 arya kanya sadan 461 sector 15 faridabad delhi (NCR)
79 arya kanya sadan 461A sector 15 faridabad haryana
80 ARYA SUGANDH SANSTHAN Arya Nagar, Village-Musseypur, PO-Madawali, NAJIBABAD-246749 District-BIJNOR(UP),INDIA Uttar Pradesh
82 Aryavart Seva Avam Vikash Sansthan 18/502, Indiranagar Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India 226016 Uttar Pradesh
83 Arz 401-Jannat Galli, Behind Manila Bar, Baina Beach, Baina Vasco, Goa India 403802 Goa
84 Aseema underprivileged children Dilbur Parakh Maharashtra
85 ASHA DAAN Missionaries of Charity Sankli Street Byculla Mumbai 400008 Maharashtra
86 Asha Kiran - Home For Orphan Girl Child FR-87/1, Phase-II Sailashree Vihar C/o- Sahid Laxman Jubak Sangh (SLAJUS Bhubaneswar Orissa Orissa
87 Asha Sadan - MSWC Children Section Asha Sadan Marg Umerkhadi Mumbai - 400009 Maharashtra
88 Asha-Hope for Children 36, Rahnchod Nagar Sama Road,Baroda Baroda - 390008. Gujarat Gujarat
89 Ashadeep Mr. Mukul Goswami,, ASHA DEEP, Islampur Road, Gandhi-Basti, Guwahati - 781003 Assam, INDIA Assam
90 Ashakiran Laxmi Bazaar, Jobra, PO College Square Cuttack, Orissa India 753 003 Orissa
91 Ashalaya B22/2, Gharkul Sector 15, Kharghar Navi Mumbai. Maharashtra
92 ASHIANA Sector-16, PANCHKULA-134113 Haryana
93 ASHIRVAD Home for Orphan Children 3-16-9, Markandrajupeta Tuni, Andhra Pradesh State, 533401 India Andhra Pradesh
94 Ashish Gram Rachna Trust Navjeevan Rugnalaya, Pachod Aurangabad, Maharashtra India 431121 Maharashtra
95 Ashoka Public School 130 'Ka', Shakti Nagar, Faizabad Road Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India Uttar Pradesh
96 Ashram, Home Orphanage D-32, Jangpura Extn., New Delhi. Delhi
97 ASSIST Orphanage OMP Line, Koturu Road Rayagada, Orissa 765001 Orissa
98 Association for Leprosy Education, Rehabilitation & Treatment ? India A. Antony Samy, B-9 Mira Mansion, Sion (West), Mumbai - 400022 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
99 Association For Rural And Urban Needy H.No : 37-112/4, Sri Colony, Neeredmet X Roads, Ramakrisgnapuram, Secunderabad, Rangareddy, Andhra pradesh, 500056 Andhra Pradesh
100 Association for Rural Development and Action Research 2 ARDAR, Naidu Colony, Thotapalem Vizianagaram Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
101 Association for Sustainable Community Development K. Loganathan, No.14, West Pillaiyar Koil Street, Karunguzhi post Madurantakam Taluk, Kanchipuram District - 603 303 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
102 Association of Christ Prayer, Fellowship and Social Welfare 12-44 Mangapuram Colony IE Moulali Hyderabad Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500040 India Andhra Pradesh
103 Association of Mentally Handicapped Adults Ashirvad', Kanattukara Thrissur, Kerala - 680 011 India Kerala
104 ATMA NIRBHAR - EK CHALLENGE Kaushik Das, ?Mamata?, Gopinath Nagar, (Opp. T B Hospital), Guwahati - 781016 Assam, INDIA Assam
105 ATST ANNAI THERASA SEVA TRUSTH – 9, Housing Board Colony,Railar Nagar,Madurai – 6250018.Tamilnadu.South India. Tamil Nadu
106 Atul Katariya Memorial Charitable Trust Sanchlit AVISHRI BALSADAN Daund-Khurkumbh Road, Bhagwatwadi, Tal- Daund, Zilla- Pune, Pin Code - 413802. Maharashtra
107 AUM PRANAVA ASHRAM TRUST C-1-8, Five Falls Bypass Road, Ilanji - 627 805 NEAR TENKASI, TIRUNELVELI DIST. Tamil Nadu
108 Avvai Home 24, Besant Avenue, Adyar,Chennai-20 Tamil Nadu
109 BABY SARAH'S HOME No. 7, Rajaganapathy Nagar, Kakayanthope, Ariyankuppam, Pondicherry - 605 007 India Pondicherry
110 Bachchon Ka Ghar 163, Matiya Mahal, Jama Masjid. Delhi. Delhi
111 Bachchon Ka Ghar for Girls Daryaganj, New Delhi. Delhi
112 Backward Community Literacy - Development Society 3-4, Henry Mansion, Zion COmpound Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh-516 003 India Andhra Pradesh
113 Bahoumoukhi Vikas Seva Samiti Aslam Manzil, Dargah Sharif Ajmer 305001, Rajasthan India Rajasthan
114 Bai Avabai F. Petit Parsi Girls Orphanage 14 Pali Hill Bandra Mumbai 400050 Maharashtra
116 Bal Anand ( World Children Welfare Trust India) Sai Krupa 93 Ghatla Village Chembur Mumbai 400071 Maharashtra
117 Bal Asha Trust Bal Asha Dham King George V memorial Dr. E Moses Road Mahalaxmi Mumbai 400011 Maharashtra
118 Bal Bhavan Society of the Helpers of Mary Shraddha Vihar Veera Desai Road,Andheri (W) Mumbai - 400058. Maharashtra Maharashtra
119 Bal Prafullata, Domanic Savio High School Dominic savio high school compound Opp. Tolani College Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri (E) Mumbai - 400093. Maharashtra Maharashtra
120 BAL Rakshak Shelter Home run by Helping Hearts Social Service Society, for the HIV Aids affected girls 24/a, Xavier's Compound, Boosareddyguda, West Marredpally, Secunderabad - 500 026. Andhra Pradesh
121 Bal Sehyog Connaught Place, New Delhi Delhi
122 Bal Sew Ashram (Orphanage) New Friends Colony Behind Zilla Parishat Kaithal Haryana Haryana
123 Bal Vikas 102 Shishu Bhawan Velentine Complex Off. Gen. Arun Kumar Vaidya Marg Pimplipada, Malad (E) Mumbai - 400097 Maharashtra
124 Bala Gurukulam Orphanage 1, Ashram St, Murugambedu, Kallikuppam, Ambattur, Chennai.INDIA Tamil Nadu
125 Balgram Balgram Rai Sonipat Haryana -131029 Haryana
126 Balikashram Bombay Vigilance Association Navin Asha Society, 1st floor 124 D. Phalke Road Opp. Ranjit Studio Dadar E, Mumbai 400 014 Maharashtra
127 Balwant Rai Charitable Eye Foundation 72A,Professors Colony.Hari Parvat.Agra Agra.U.P. 282002 India Uttar Pradesh
128 Bandhavya Charitable Trust #9 Old Kesare, K.R. Mill Post, Mysore 570003, India USA 1076 Washington Ave., Pelham Manor, NY 10803 Karnataka
129 Bandhilaki 17, Ramchandra Bhuvan Ganesh Gavde Road Cross Subhash Road,Mulund (W) Mumbai - 400080. Maharashtra Maharashtra
130 Bangalore Kidney Foundation CA 6, 15th Main, 11th Cross, Padmanabhanagar Bangalore--560 070 India Karnataka
131 Bani Mandir Somendra Nath Mandal, Vill. Khordanahalla P.O. Sadhurhat, South 24 Paraganas - 743504 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
132 Bapnu Ghar 12, Annie Besant Road,Worli Mumbai - 400018. Maharashtra Maharashtra
133 Beloved's Ministries J.Praveen Kumar, J.J.Nagar, Movva Post,A.P.,Pin Code-521135. S.India. Andhra Pradesh
135 BETHANY HOME 79, Vellaikannu Theatre Road Arasaradi P.O. Madurai - 625 016. Tamil Nadu, India. Tamil Nadu
136 Bethel Ashram International Life Center Trust Bethel Aahram international life centre trust. bethel nager. chenbagaramanputhoor k.k.Dist. tamilnadu. S.india Tamil Nadu
137 Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre Elathagiri-Post, Krishnagiri-Taluk, Dharmapuri-Dist. Krishnagiri - Tamilnadu-State 635 108 India Tamil Nadu
138 Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre Bethel Campus, Elathagiri-Post, Krishnagiri-Dist Tamilnadu-635108 Tamilnadu
139 Bethel Gospel Mission R/205, Banu Palace Co. Hsg. Soc. Opp. St. Jones School, Mumbra Thane - 400612. Maharashtra Maharashtra
140 Bethel Orphanage Bethel Evangelistic And Rehabilitation Centre, Elathagiri-Post, Krishnagiri-Tk, Dharmapuri-Dist, Tamilnadu, South India. Tamil Nadu
141 Bethel rphanage Bethel Campus, Kaathan Pallam, Elathagiri-Post, Krishnagiri-Dist Tamilnadu-635108 Tamilnadu
142 Bethel Rural Educational Development Society # 30/66, Revenue Quarters Nandyal 518501 India Andhra Pradesh
143 Bethesda Life Center Bethesda Nagar Chingavanom P.O., Kottayam Kerala, India Kerala
144 Bhagini Nivedita Pratishthan Pune Bhagini Nivedita Pratishthan c/ Sulabha deuskar block no. 2 building no. 14 laxmi narayan nagar pune 411004 Maharashtra
145 Bhakta kannppa gurukulam Seva Bharathi Hospital, Near Gunampalli Narayanamma Hospital, Gokavaram PO, Kurnool District Andhra Pradesh
146 Bharath Charitable Cancer Hospital & Institute (Trust) K. S. Nanjappa, 18,19, Hebbal Industrial Area, Metagalli Post, Mysore - 570001 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
148 Bharti Eye Foundation 1/3 East Patel Nagar New Delhi India Delhi
149 Bhartiya Adimjati Sevak Sangh Pandav Nagar, New Delhi Delhi
150 Bhawani Shankara At P/O Sundergarh , Distt. Sundergarh , Orissa Orissa
151 Blessi Orphanage Home Blessi Orphanage Home, C/o. K.Syam Sundar, Daggumalli vari palem, Bapatla-522101, Guntur( dist)A.P Andhra Pradesh
152 Blind People's Association Dr. Bhushan Punani, Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Road, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad - 380015 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
153 BMPES 41, North Harijan St., ward no.9, Sengulam, Thirumangalam Madurai (Dist), Tamilnadu India Tamil Nadu
154 Bombay Revival & Prayer Band 7/199 Smruti P.B. No. 16774, Sion (E) Mumbai - 400022. Maharashtra Maharashtra
155 Bombay Teen Challenge 1 Chuim Village, 1st Floor, Khar ( West ), Mumbai 400052 Maharashtra
156 BOMBAY VIGILANCE ASSOCIATION Navin Asha, 1st Floor, 124, D.P. Road, Dadar - East, MUMBAI- 400 014 Maharashtra
157 Bow & Arrow D. No 9-11-2117/1, Shanthi Nagar Bharachalam - 507111 Khammam Dist Andhrapradesh India Andhra Pradesh
158 Brothers Charities Children's Home Brothers Charities International 1302 Sutters Way Mesquite, TX 75181 972-222-1974 Kerala
159 Buddha's Smile School for Underprivileged Children sa 15/129 k-1 Maiwaya Road Sarnath, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221007 India Uttar Pradesh
160 Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Home for Children Shraddhanand Road Opp. Shankar Mantham Matunga E Mumbai 400019 Maharashtra
161 C H I L D C H I L D Vanguri House, AGIRIPALLI ( V & M ) - 521 211, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. Andhra Pradesh
162 C.C.Charitable trust 98A, ANNAL GANDHI ST, MAMALLAPURAM- 603104 TAMILNADU INDIA. Tamil Nadu
163 C.H.I.L.D 9-15-6?B. C.B.M Compound, Visakhapatnam ANDHRA PRADESH
164 Campaign Against Child Labour B.J.Wadia Hospital For Children Acharya Donde Marg, Parel Mumbai 400012 Maharashtra
165 Campaign On Child Right & Women Violation Org. Network Sailashree Vihar, Qr No.- FR 87/1, PHase -2, Po- S.S.Vi Bhubaneswar, Orissa India Orissa
166 CARDS 30/315b, Royal Cottage, Behind CSI Church Melur, Madurai, Tamilnadu India 625106 Tamil Nadu
167 Centre for Participatory Education and Action for Community Empowerment AT/ PO Siko Khurda, Orissa India 752038 Orissa
168 Centre for Research in Mental Retardation Dr. Usha P. Dave, Khushaldas Dagara House, Near Ruia Hall, Malad (West), Mumbai - 400064 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
169 Centre for Rural Development Dewan House, Zoo Narengi Road Guwahati, Assam, 781 021 India Assam
170 Centre of Concern for Child Labour 201 Pankaj Tower Mayur Vihar-I New Delhi - 110091 India Delhi
171 Cerebral Palsy India Nakhuda Street, Taiba Apts Mumbai, Maharashtra 400003 India Maharashtra
172 Chakradhar Bal Sadan Chakradhar Bal SadanNear to Durga Mandir,Handi Chouk.RaigarhChhattisgarhPin code:496001 Chattisgarh
173 Chandgaon Gramvikas Pratisthan Chandgaon, Tal: Shrigonda, Dist: Ahmednagar Maharashtra, India Maharashtra
174 Chandra Ashrya Greha Chandra Arya Vidhya Mandir, East of Kailash, New Delhi. Delhi
175 Channels of Love Mg Trustee Trinity Christain Association 17, Vijaynagar Extension Hubli-580032 Karnataka
176 Chembur Children's Home Children Of The World (India) Trust 401 Arun Chambers, 4th Floor Tardeo Mumbai 400034 Maharashtra
177 Chembur Children's Home Anushakti Nagar Bus Depot. V N Purab Marg,Mankhurd Mumbai - 400088. Maharashtra Maharashtra
178 Cherish Foundation 3-5-780/17/1 AND 2, LANE BESIDE ST.JOSEPH'S SCHOOL, KING KOTHI, HYDERABAD -500029, AP, INDIA Andhra Pradesh
179 Chhatrawas Chandra Arya Vidhya Mandir, East of Kailash, New Delhi. Delhi
180 Child Aid Foundation Dr. A. Goswami, C.A.F. Road, Patamatalankaa, Vijayawada - 520014 Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Andhra Pradesh
181 Child and Oldage People Orphanage Welfare Society H.No. 2/173, Old Post Office Street, Kamalapuram, Cuddapah District, AP 516289 Andhra Pradesh
182 Child Development Home Plot No-814 At-Sarnapalli, Po-RRL campus, Jaydev vihar, Bhubaneswar-751013 Orissa
183 Child In Need Institute Dr. S.N. Chaudhuri, Vill: Daulatpur, Via Joka, Kolkata - 700 104 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
184 CHILD Ministry Vanguri House, Agiripalli Agiripalli, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh South India Andhra Pradesh
185 Child Rehabilitation and Youth Oriented Nationwide Services Not Available Maharashtra
186 CHILD RELIEF AND YOU 189/A Anand Estate, Sane Guruji Marg MUMBAI- 400 011 Maharashtra
187 Child Rights Collective 2nd Floor, 6, Sarai Peepal Thala Near Azadpur Mandi GT ROAD,AZADPUR Delhi - 110033. Delhi Delhi
188 Child Survival India Deepa Bajaj, 33-C, Z-1, Dilshad Garden, Delhi - 110095 Delhi, INDIA Delhi
189 CHILDLINE India Foundation 2 nd Floor, Nana Chowk Municipal School Frere Bridge (Low Level) Near Grant Road Station,Grant Road Mumbai - 400007. Maharashtra Maharashtra
190 Children of Faith Ministries 97 IH Colony Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh 530011 Andhra Pradesh
191 Children Toy Foundation 72, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Fort Mumbai 400023 Maharashtra
192 Children Walking Tall The Mango House Near Vrundavan Hospital Karaswada,Mapusa Panaji - 403527. Goa Goa
193 Christ Friends Ministry 3rd Avenue Koramangala Bangalore KA India Karnataka
194 Christ Guidance Mission 37,Railway Men's Colony, Koundampalayam, Coimbatore.641030. tamil Nadu, south India Tamil Nadu
195 Christian Youth Social Organisation D. No 917, 22nd Lane, Sarada Colony Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522 002 India Andhra Pradesh
196 Church of Smyrna Ministries bro.p.salomanjobs (founder&president) 16-2-746/56,munthaz colony,sapotabagh,saidabad,hyderabad,pin.500659 Andhra Pradesh
197 Civil Society Foundation 265/B, R.T.O Compound, Ammansanathi Salai, Nagercoil Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu, 629004 India Tamil Nadu
198 COC # 4-5-129/1 Koritipadu GUNUTR - 522007 A.P., Andhra Pradesh
200 Comfort Orphanage 2350, Church Street, Kushal Nagar, Kushal Nagar, K.G.Halli, bangalore- 560045 Karnataka
201 Community Outreach Programme 21, YMCA Road Methodist Center Mumbai Central Mumbai 400 088 Maharashtra
202 Community Services Trust 7-B,Omalur Main Road, Four Roads Salem-9, Tamilnadu, 636 009, India Tamil Nadu
203 Compassion Children Home Jeroham Ministries Trust No:8, Lotus Street, Shakthi Nagar, Adambakkam chennai - 600 088, India. Tamil Nadu
204 Compassion For Poor 2 / 360 ( New ) BajanaKoil Street, 89, Veppampattu Thiruvallur Tamil Nadu, India Tamil Nadu
205 Concern India Foundation Ador House 6, K Dubash Marg,Fort Mumbai - 400001. Maharashtra Maharashtra
206 Cosmopolitan Aid Trust IV/49 Wadakanchery, PO WadakancheryThrissur DT, Kerala State, 680582India Kerala
207 Courage India Prithvi Palace, C-304, Link Road, Kanderpada, Dahisar-West Mumbai 400068 India Maharashtra
208 CRAWL SOCIETY 22, B. T. Road, Behind Khardah Municipality,, P.O. Khardah, Kolkata, West Bengal, 700117, India West Bengal
209 csm orphanage home 16-2-748/27.munthaz andhra pradesh
210 D N. Sirur Balakashram Orphanage 40 Prathana Samaj Road Vile parle E Mumbai 400 057 Maharashtra
211 Dakshin Kalikata Sevasram 93 & 97 Sarat Bose Road Kolkata 700026 west bengal
212 Dakshin Kalikata Sevasram 93 & 97 Sarat Bose Road Kolkata 700 026 India West Bengal
213 Daya Sadan Community Centre 267/1-2, S.M. Chawl Dharavi, Mumbai 400 017 Maharashtra
214 Dayspring Home No. 77 Sekkilar Street Virudhunagar- 626 001 Tamilnadu, South India Tamil Nadu
215 Dazzling stone Orphanage Sirukalathur,Kundrathur Near Madha engneering college Sriperumputhur Road,Kundrathur Chennai - 600069. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
216 DEAN Foundation, Hospice and Palliative Care Centre Deepa Muthaiya, Old No. 73/New No. 59, II Street, Aspiran Garden Colony, Kilpauk, Chennai - 600010 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
217 Debbie's Children Home Ambajipeta, 533-214E.G.DT Andhrapradesh India Andhra Pradesh
218 Deepalaya T. K. Mathew, 46, D Block, Institutional Area, Janak Puri, New Delhi - 110058 Delhi, INDIA Delhi
219 DG Home DG Home Gulalpadi Village, Vadamathur Post, Chengem Taluk, Tiruvannamalai Dist Pin Code 606702 Tamil Nadu
220 Disable Welfare Trust of India Kanu H Tailor, 1058, Dhobi Sheri Nanpura, Surat - 395 001 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
221 Divine Children's Home Kesavdev Road (KRRA-189), Poojappura Trivandrum, Kerala - 695012 India Kerala
222 Divine Onkar Mission - Orphanage 66-67 Dudley Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 3BY UK Orissa
223 Divine Retreat Centre Muringoor Post, Chalakudy Trichur, Kerala, 680316 India Kerala
224 Divya Chaya Trust Rekha Mody, 8B, Middleton Street, Kolkata - 700071 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
227 Douglas Memorial Children's Home(Children for Jesus) Nagpur Maharashtra
228 Dr. Peter children's home PO.BOX.13, GUDIYATHAM. Tamil Nadu. India 632 602 Tamil Nadu
229 Dream A Dream Vishal Talreja, No. 5, 1st Floor, Nanjundappa Street, AT Halli, Shantinagar, Bangalore - 560027 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
230 Dudhala Gramasth Mandal 99 Ankur Society, Aswanikumar Road Surat / Gujarat / 390008 India Gujarat
231 EACH ONE TEACH ONE FOUNDATION 32, Gope Nivas, 275, Sion East Road, MUMBAI-400 022 Maharashtra
232 Ebenezer Children's Home EBENEZER CHILDREN'S HOME(Reg No: 368/2006) w-15/339-1,Society center, Gudur,Nellore District Andhra Pradesh-524102, India Andhra Pradesh
233 Ebenezer Home of Social Outreaches M-4, Boganvilla Apartments, K- Block, Anna Nagar Chennai, Tamil Nadu India 600 102 Tamil Nadu
234 Economic Rural Development Society Madhu Basu, 6, Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Ground Floor, Room No. 3, Kolkata - 700001 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
235 Effective Educational and Social Action c2/148, BHEL Township Near Ganesa Township,Thiruverumbur Trichy - 620014. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
236 EHSAAS 27 Sagar Bonanza, Khot Lane, Ghatkopar(W) Mumbai - 400 086, Maharashtra India Maharashtra
237 Ekalavya Ashramam-sevabharathi Godavari Road, Manchiryala Adilabad dist 504 208 Andhra pradesh
238 Elim Children Home 41, Radhakrishna Nagar Behind Collectors Bunglow, SRIKAKULAM 532001 Andhra Pradesh
240 Emmanuel Bible Institute Kota, Rajasthan India 324002 Rajasthan
241 Emmanuel Gurukul School Emmanuel Gurukul School, Bharatinagar, Takkipura, Dist-Sehore, M.P 466001 Madhya Pradesh
242 Emmanuel Ministries Kherpada Valiv P. O., Vasai (E) Thane - 401202. Maharashtra Maharashtra
245 Eternal Hope Charity Mission Anand Van CHS F-48, 1st Floor, Room No. 2, Sector 4,Vashi Navi Mumbai - 400706. Maharashtra Maharashtra
246 Eva Education Development Society Mig # 83 APHB Colony, Opp. Ass. College Adoni - 518 302, A.P. India India Andhra Pradesh
247 Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief 308 Mahatta Tower, 54 B-Block Community Centre, Janakpuri New Delhi 110 058 India Delhi
248 Fairytale Ongpangkong Yimyu Ward Mokokchung Nagaland India Nagaland
249 Faith Action for Community Transformation 21-338/C, Bhaskarapuram Post Machilipatnam-521001, Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
250 Faith Foundation #405, 3rd Floor, Mahaveer Apartments, Vijaya layout, 1st cross, 1st main, near Diana School, behind HSBC bank, Lane Opp: Wock Hardt Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore – 560076. Karnataka State, INDIA. Mobile :- +91 9036071341 / +91 8050960402 Karanataka
251 Faith Foundation #405, 3rd Floor, Mahaveer Apartments, Vijaya layout, 1st cross, 1st main, near Diana School, behind HSBC bank, Lane Opp: Wock Hardt Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore – 560076. Karnataka State, INDIA. Mobile:- +91 9036071341 / +918050960402 Karnataka
252 Faith India Ministries Rangidu Farm, D.F.O. 2nd Lane Rayagada, Orissa, India - 765001 Orissa
253 Faith Oldage Home #405, 3rd Floor, Mahaveer Apartments, Vijaya layout, 1st cross, 1st main, near Diana School, behind HSBC bank, Lane Opp: Wock Hardt Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore – 560076. Karnataka State, INDIA. Karnataka
254 Families for Children 107, Vellalore Road, Podanur Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu
255 Family Debt Relief Trust 3 Dumas Street Pondicherry - 605 001 India Pondicherry
256 Family Service Centre Eucharistic Congress Building No.3, 5 Convent Street, Colaba Mumbai 400001 Maharashtra
257 Felicia Kids Home # 98, Mallikarjun Nagar, Near Chetana Colony, Gadag Road, Hubli - 580020 Karnataka
258 Fellowship, Evangelism, Education Development Chinaravuru Station Road Tenali-522201, Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
259 Florence Nightingale Orphanage Home for children 351/1, Bharathi Nagar, Palar Anaicut Road, Walajapet - 632 513. Vellore District. Tamil Nadu,India. Tamil Nadu
260 Focus On The Golden Rule Thazhakara P.O Mavelikara, Kerala & 690102 India Kerala
261 Forum for Fact-finding Documentation and Advocacy a-3, Shahni Vihar, Telibandha Ring Road No.1, P.O. Ravigram Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 492 006 India Chattisgarh
262 FOTGR Charitable Trust Thazhakara P.O Mavelikara - 690 102 Alappuzha District, Kerala State, S. India Kerala
263 Foundation for Excellence (FFE) Dadar (W) Mumbai Maharashtra
264 Foundation For Minorities Rights And Welfare Post Box 15 Kovilpatti - 628501,Tamilnadu India Tamil Nadu
265 Fr. Agnel Ashram P.O. Box 6656 Bandstand Bandra Mumbai 400050 Sector 9A Vashi Navi Mumbai Maharashtra
266 Freedom Childrens Orphanage Regd Address 273/2 Church of Christ Street, K.K.Nagar Chengalpattu. 603001 Kanchipuram DT. Orphanage Address: No 8 12th Cross Street, Annanagar, Chengalpattu. 603001 Kanchipuram DT. Tamil Nadu
267 Fulora Foundation 5-B, Nivriti, Aarey Road, Above Pritam Hotel Aarey Road,Goregaon (E) Mumbai - 400063. Maharashtra Maharashtra
268 Future Foundations 10-478 prem vijay nagar colony, mirjalguda, Malkajgiri 500047. Hyderabad. Andhra Pradesh. INDIA. Andhra Pradesh
269 Gandhibhavan International Trust Gandhibhavan Kundayam P.O, Pathanapuram, Kollam(DT) Kerala kerala
270 Gaya Muslim Orphanage The Gaya Muslim Orphanage, Cherki - 824237 Gaya - Bihar Bihar
271 Gentle Hands of India No.172/2, E.V.R Periyar Salai, P.H. Road, Tamil Nadu
272 Ghatal Missionary Baptist Fellowship Khirpai, Midnapore (W) Kolkata, West Bengal, 721232 India West Bengal
273 Gilgal Charitable Trust #213, 6th 'D' Main, HMT layout, RT Nagar Bangalore, Karnataka, 560032 India Karnataka
274 GIVE Foundation 301, New India Industrial Estate, Off Mahakali Caves Road, Mumbai 400 093 Maharashtra
275 GiveIndia 3rd Floor, West Khetwadi Municipal School, Khetwadi lane No.5, Mumbai - 400 004 Maharashtra
276 GiveIndia Foundation 301, New India Industrial Estate, Andheri (East), Mumbai Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400093 India Maharashtra
277 Global Churches P.O.Box: 665 PC 686001Kerala, S. IndiaKerala, India Kerala
278 Glory Orphanage Glory Ministries Near Police Station Tadepalli 522501 Guntur (DT), Andhra Pradesh, India Andhra Pradesh
279 Go Ye Missions 29 Water Tank Road Nagercoil, 629 001 India Tamil Nadu
280 GOM Human Welfare Center Orphanage G.O.M.ORPHANAGE GARUVU ROAD REPALLE-522265 A.P., S. INDIA Andhra Pradesh
282 Good Life Ministries Glory Prayer House, No.66/1, Near Railway Gate, Krishnappa Nagar Hosur - 635 109 South India Karnataka
283 Good samaritan Baptist Ministres(GSBM) Pastor, GSBM Ministries, Challapalli-521 126, Krishna District, Andhrapradesh, South India Andhrapradesh
284 Good Samaritan Orphans Home Pagolu, Challapalli-521 126, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India Andhrapradesh
286 Goodshepherd 1/18/24/3, Kondayya Tank Streetoli Tadepalligudem-534101-Andhrapradesh India Andhra Pradesh
287 Goodwill Foundation A-44, Chanmari, Aizawl, Mizoram, 796007, India Mizoram
288 Goolong sisong public school Kaling Bolung District, lower Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh 792110 Arunachal Pradesh
289 GOSPEL FOR INDIA MINISTRIES Karumuru(post), Repalle(M.D), Guntur(D.T), ANDHRA PRADESH, SOUTH INDIA. PIN-522265 Andhra Pradesh
290 GOSPEL REVIVAL OUTREACH MINISTRIES 8th Cross, L.B. Sastri Nagar, H.A.L. Bangalore-560017 Karnataka
291 Gospel Voice Mission Trust 191, Satchiyapuram Road, Gandhiji Nagar Thiruthangal, Virudhunagar(Dist), Tamilnadu, Pin:626130 India Tamil Nadu
292 GRACE CHILDREN MINISTRIES Nakkapalli-531081. Andhrapradesh
294 Grace Peter Charitable Trust S.R. VIJAYA KUMAR, Plot No:25, 14-11/7, Narmadha Nadhi 4th street,Mahatma Gandhi Nagar., Madurai - 625 014 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
295 Gram Seva Trust Dr. Ashwin A. Shah, N.H. No. 8, Kharel, Ta. Gandevi, Navsari - 396 430 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
296 Grameen Koota Avalahalli, Anjanapura Post Bangalore, Karnataka 560 062 India Karnataka
297 Gramin Evam Nagar Vikas Parishad Ram Kishor Prasad Singh, 15, IAS Colony, Kidwaipuri, Patna - 800015 Bihar, INDIA Bihar
298 Gramin Vikas Samiti Brijlalanagar Shastri Nagara, Jaipur Road Malpura - Rajasthan India Rajasthan
299 Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti Shashi Tyagi, 3/458, Milk Men Colony, Pal Road, Jodhpur - 342008 Rajasthan, INDIA Rajasthan
300 Greenseen Foundation 1, Malayappan Street R A Puram Chennai, India Tamil Nadu
301 Guild for Urban And Rural Development Society No.8-19, Santhi Nagar, M.R. Palle Road Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
302 Gyan Vigyan Samiti Assam Dr. Ganeswar Saharia, Mandovi Apartment. Unit C& D, First Floor, G.N.B. Road, Guwahati - 781001 Assam, INDIA Assam
303 GYAN VIKAS TRUST 26, Madhu Industrial Estate, P. B. Marg, Worli Mumbai 400 013 Maharashtra
304 Hamara Club 303, Ratna Sindhu, New Versova Link Road Andheri (W) Mumbai Maharashtra
305 Handmaids of the Blessed Trinity Convent Road No 2, Sahar Village, Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 099 Maharashtra
306 Handmaids of the Blessed Trinity Orphanage Sapodiwadi Madi Naka Vasai ,Mumbai Maharashtra
307 Happy Child Orphange Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
308 Headstart Resources 6-3-1185/90, B.S.Maktha, Begumpet Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 50016 India Andhra Pradesh
309 HEALTH HOME SOCIETY H. Ni. 11-22-253, Kasibugga Warangal, Andhra Pradesh - 506002 India Andhra Pradesh
310 Hebron Caring society for children Earupalli[p.o] Dharmapuri[D.t] Tamil nadu[state] India-636813, phone 04342-213648 04342-329072, tamil nadu
311 HELP Ram Mohan, 2nd lane, Sujatha nagar, Lawyer pet Ext., ONGOLE , Prakasam Dist. - 523 002 Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Andhra Pradesh
312 Help (A Crises Centre) Gold Mist, 36 Carter Road, Bandra, Mumbai ? 400050 Maharashtra
313 HELP Charitable Trust 1805/4C, Whispering Palms Lokhandwala Complex Kandivali (E) Mumbai - 400101. Maharashtra Maharashtra
314 HelpAge India Mathew Cherian, C-14, Qutab Institutional Area, ND-16, New Delhi - 110016 Delhi, INDIA Delhi
315 Helping Hands Dno: 14-42-28, Between Two Rail gates, Morrispet, Tenali. AP- South India- 522202 Andhra Pradesh
316 Helping Hearts 1061, Cauvery Nagar, Komalavallipettai, Kumbakonam-612401 Tamil Nadu
317 Heritage childrens home Office-17/203,jhelum chs,untech westend complex,MB estate Road, Virar-(W) Maharashtra
318 hermon orphanages hermon gardensr innapasandran village tamil nadu hosur krishinigari dt tamilnadu
319 himatgauri Foundation %3 ShriRam Chambers Alkapuri, VBadodara Gujarat
320 Hindu Mission Hospital D. K. Srinivasan, 103, G. S. T. Road, Tambaram West, Chennai - 600045 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
321 Holistic Child Development India National YMCA Building, 2nd Floor Quarter gate Lakshmi Road,Rastapeth Pune - 411011. Maharashtra Maharashtra
322 Holy Cross Rural Development Centre K. N. Colony, Amma Pet Salem, Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu
323 Holy Cross Social Service Centre 31, West Mukherji Nagar, New Delhi Delhi
324 Holy Gospel Ministries 13th Ward, Nidubrolu Ponnur - Mandal, Guntur Dt - 522 124, Andhra Pradesh South India Andhra Pradesh
325 Holy Heart Home 63, Railway Feeder Road, Aruppukottai - 626 101 Virudhunagar district, Tamilnadu, India Tamilnadu
326 Holy Land Orphanage 3-20-4/5 Road No-7 Ram Mohan Raja Ngar Kakinada -533003 AP, S.INDIA Andhra Pradesh
327 HOLY OASIS MINISTRIES Door Number 6-10-88/5(1) Street/pet Market Yard Street Uppudi, Repalle Guntur Andhra Pradesh
328 Hom Sidh Chariting Trust 64.D.R.O. Colony Main Road, K. Pudur Madurai, Tamilnadu 625007 India Tamil Nadu
329 Home for the Orphans 12, Ladymadhavan Road, Mahalingapuram Madras, Tamilnadu, 600034 India Tamil Nadu
331 Home of Love 22/12, 5th main, Benson Town, Bangalore Karnataka
332 Hope for Children Mumbai Maharashtra
334 Hope public charitable trust @6-b/26 sarangapani street,krishnapuram , ambathur o.t,chennai-53 Tamilnadu
335 House of Esther New India MissionHouse of EstherP.O. Box 1Purnia P.O. & Dist.Bihar 854 301, India Bihar
336 Human Education and Liberation for the Poor North Street Tirunelveli Dist, Tamil Nadu, 627114 India Tamil Nadu
337 Human welfare center and orphanage children's home Nathaji Nager 19th ward Repalle 522265 Guntur dt A.p. South India Andhra Pradesh
338 Humana People to People India C-183, Ist Floor, Madhuban, Preet Vihar Delhi, India Delhi
340 IAPA - Indian Association For Promotion Of Adoption & Child Welfare Flat No. 7 Kanara Coop Hsg. Soc. Mogul Lane, Matunga(W) Mumbai 400016 Maharashtra
341 IBTADA Rajesh Singhi, 4, Gandhi Nagar, Scheme 8, Alwar - 301 001 Rajasthan, INDIA Rajasthan
342 ICHILD Not Available Maharashtra
343 ICS ICS.Jn. Sasthamcotta Kollam. 690569 KERALA
344 Idayam Social Welfare Mission 18 D, Pitchamuthu Doss Campus, St. Pauls Nagar, Palayamkottai Tiunelveli-2, Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu
345 Identity Foundation IndiaCo iCenter 214, LBS Road,Navi Peth Pune - 411030. Maharashtra Maharashtra
346 Indian Association for the Promotion of Adoption and Child Welfare 40 west Khetwadi B.M.C School Khetwadi 5th lane,Girgaon Mumbai - 400004. Maharashtra Maharashtra
347 Indian Christian Mission Centre House of Peace, Vasanthapuram, Chinna Thirupathy (P.O.) Salem, Tamilnadu, 636008 India Tamil Nadu
348 Indian Council for Mental Health (Hygiene) Mr Zarir Master/ Ms. Preeti Misra, UPM School Building, 1st Khetwadi Lane, S. V. P. Road, Girgaum, Mumbai - 400004 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
349 Indian Social Service Institute Kepparai,Kaikruchi village,Thiruvarangulam (via) Pudukottai District, Tamilnadu 622303 India Tamil Nadu
350 Indian Society for Social Action Anupama Housing Society, Body Gate, Aundh 411007 Maharashtra State India Maharashtra
351 Institute of Fransciscan Clarist Sisters of the Most Blessed Sacrement St. Anthony's Convent, C-6, SDA, Hauz Khas, New Delhi Delhi
352 Intercession India 1-Amarjyothi Complex, S.Pampady P.O. Kottayam, Kerala - 686521 India Kerala
353 International Human Development & Upliftment Academy K S Nanjappa, 18,19, Hebbal Induatrial Area, Metagalli Post, Mysore - 570001 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
354 Isha Prem Convent near St. Francis Xavier Church Kanjurmarg (E) Mumbai 400 042 Maharashtra
355 Itnet Srima Sarani, South Babu Para Siliguri, West Bengal, 734404 India West Bengal
356 Jagruti Seva Sanstha Jayashree Kale, 823/C Savitri, Prof.V.G. Kale Path, Bhandarkar Road, Pune - 411004 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
357 Jain Bal Ashram Daryaganj, New Delhi. Delhi
358 Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation Bajaj Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Nariman Point Mumbai 400021 Maharashtra
359 Jan Vikas Society Plot No. 18 A, Mermier Bal Ashram Sector 11 Koperkhairane Mumbai - Vasai - .. Maharashtra Maharashtra
360 Janahita Vatsalya Project Vatsalyapuri, Kondayapalem Road Nellore - 520004 Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh
361 Janakalyan Sevashram 14, Kusum Chedda Nagar Chembur Mumbai - 400089. Maharashtra Maharashtra
362 Janakalyan Welfare Society 8-99, Durga Nagar Ii Street, Mallayyapet Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
363 Janaki Ramachandran Educational Trust 31, Duraisamy Road, Vadapalani Chennai, TamilNadu, 600026 India Tamil Nadu
364 JANANI ASHISH CHARITABLE TRUST Plot P/37 MIDC Residential Zone Opp. Dombivali Gymkhana Dombivali (East) Dist. Thane 421203 Maharashtra
365 Janaseva Foundation Dr.Vinod G Shah, Usha Clinic, Indulal Complex, 1st Floor, Above Rupee Bank, L.B.S. Road, Lokmanya Nagar, Navi Peth, Pune - 411030 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
367 Jeeva Jothi No 58, Chinnakulandai Main Street, Perambur Chennai, Tamil Nadu India 600011 Tamil Nadu
368 Jeevadhara Society C/o CARDS, No 1/75 Korangrapady Udupi, Karnataka India Karnataka
369 Jeevan Blood Bank And Research Center Dr. P. Srinivasan, 7, Rutland gate 5th street,Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600006 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
370 Jeevan Nirman Sansthan Golbagh Road Bharatpur, Rajasthan India 321001 Rajasthan
372 Jeevantirth Juna Koba Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382009 India Gujarat
373 Jeewan Jyoti Home Jangpura-B, New Delhi Delhi
374 Jeewan Jyoti Residential Home 25/3, DDA Institutional Area, Janak Puri, New Delhi. Delhi
375 Jehovah Shammah Childrens Home JEHOVAH SHAMMAH CHILDRENS HOME NARSAPUR ? 534275, AP, INDIA. Andhra Pradesh
376 Jesus Gives Village Ministry Poigai Village Vellore Tamil Nadu 632114 India Tamil Nadu
377 JGM Childrens Home Douglas Campus Srikakulam Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh
378 Joy Home #13-100,Sanathnagar, Kanuru,Penamaluru Mandal,Krishna district Andhra Pradesh
379 Joy Home for Children JRS Charitable Trust Plot. 32 5th Cross Trimoorthy Colony Mahindra Hills Secunderabad – 26 India AP
380 Jubilee Children's Home Chungathara, Nilambur, Malappuram Kerala
381 Justice for the Deprived (S R F Charitable Trust) 9/2 Suit No 1, East Patel Nagar New Delhi New Delhi India Delhi
382 Jyothi Nilayam Vemulanarva, Mahboobnagar District Andhra Pradesh 509408 India Andhra Pradesh
383 Kaingkarya Social Welfare Organisation Kaveri Natrajan, 32, 11th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 600083 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
384 Kakateeya Youth Project H.No 11-23-940, L.B. Nagar Warangal, (506002) A.P. India Andhra Pradesh
385 Kamakhya Balak Ashram ( an orphanage) Debipur, Kathor Road,P.O-Badu,Barasat Kolkata-700 128 west bengal
386 Kamaliya Trust KAMALIYA TRUST Aanaikaar Complex, 10/24 M.V.Badran Street, Periamet,Chennai-600003, TamilNadu, India Tamil Nadu
387 Kandoth Foundation Varappetty, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam, Kerala
388 Shreeniwas House, 2nd Floor, Somani Road, Fort Mumbai, Mah, 400001 India Maharashtra
389 Karna Prayag Trust 10, Raja Krishna Road, Teynampet, Chennai 600 018 Tamil Nadu
390 Karolvision #231, 4th Phase, 4th Cross, 707, Yelahanka New Town Bangalore, Karnataka 560064 India Karnataka
391 Kartabya 519, Unit-3, Kharavelnagar Bhuabneswar, Orissa, 751001 India Orissa
392 Karunai Jeevan Illam VOC Nagar,PV Kalathur Road,Near Court,Chengalpattu-603111 Tamilnadu
393 Kasturba Gandhi Samark Trust Bakhtawarpur, Delhi. Delhi
394 Kathleen Davis Institute for Orphans 601/E Prashant Apts. Opp. I.I.T. Main Gate,Powai Mumbai - 400076. Maharashtra Maharashtra
395 Keshav Chandra Chakrabarty Memorial Charitable Trust Lions Hospitals, B-block, New Friends Colony New Delhi, 10065 India Delhi
396 Keshav Gore Smarak Trust Smriti Aarey Road, Goregaon (West), MUMBAI ? 400 062 Maharashtra
397 Keshava Seva Samithi 45/1 & 3 Upparguda Hyderabad 500 040 Andhra pradesh
399 Khairiya Shelter Khairiya Trust(R) University Road, Babbukatte, Permennur, Mangalore Karnataka
400 Kherwadi Social Welfare Association Kishor Kher, 803, Urvashi, Sayani Road, Prabhadevi,, Mumbai - 400 025 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
401 Kilkari "Kilkari" Bhadaura Ghazipur-232333 Uttar Pradesh
402 Kingdom Children Home D.No. 1-149, Rama Raju Colony, Poolapalli, Palakol, Andhra Pradesh 534261 Andhra Pradesh
403 Kosamdih Pragatisheel Yuwa Samiti, Masturi Kosamdih, P.O. - Masturi (Bilaspur) Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh 495 001 India Chattisgarh
404 Kottayam Social Service Society Chaithanya, Thellakom P.O. Kottayam Dt., 686016, Kerala State India Kerala
405 Kutumb foundation DI/ 197 Near khan market lodi road,Bharati nagar Delhi - 110003. Delhi Delhi
406 Kutumba 5, Heerachand Layout, Cox Town Bangalore - 560 005, Karnataka India Karnataka
407 Lady Northcote Hindu Orphanage 7 K M Munshi Road, Chowpatty Opp Bhartiya Vidya Mandir, Gamdevi Mumbai 400007 Maharashtra
408 Laxmi Charitable Trust Eye Hospital Uran Road Panvel - 410296, Maharashtra India Maharashtra
409 Lay People Education And Development Trust 2-6-12/1. John George House- Peddabondilipuram Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh- 532 001 India Andhra Pradesh
410 Lenity for Orphans Aged and Rural Development Society LORDS, Chodavaram, Andhra Pradesh, 522019, India Andhra Pradesh
411 Lions Club Of Agra Greater 22\3 Motilal Nehru Road Agra , U.P. , 282 004 India Uttar Pradesh
412 Lions Club Of Pirojshanagar FV/17-18, Godrej Hill Side Colony, Vikhroli Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400 079 India Maharashtra
413 Little Angels School Bandra (w) Mumbai Maharashtra
415 Living Hope Orphanage Akkivaripalem-522257, Pedapulivarru post, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, South India Andhra Pradesh
416 Living Organization Rural Development Society # B-3, APHB Staf Quarters, HB Colony Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, 530022 India Andhra Pradesh
417 Living Water Ministries International Coimbatore India Tamil Nadu
418 Lok Seva Sangam Sion Mumbai Maharashtra
419 Love in Action for the poor Indira Colony, 24th ward, Ponnur +IBM- 522124 Guntur Dt., A.P., South India Andhra Pradesh
420 Love India Evargalastic Trust 91-C, Ward-2, Mehrauli, New Delhi. Delhi
421 Lovedale Foundation 51/52,8th Main, Jayaramareddy Layout Horamavu Main Road, Bangalore-560043 Karnataka
422 Loyal Organisation For Rural Development 12E ,Rs Gardens,Tirupati ,Chittoor(district) Andhra Pradesh Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, 517501 India Andhra Pradesh
423 LYNY Children Home LIG-II 43, Uda Colony Rajiv Nagar, Payakapuram, Vijayawada-520015 Andhra Pradesh
424 M.D.D.Bal Bhawan Rajiv puram,Phoosgarh Road,karnal 132001,(Haryana)India. Haryana
425 Ma Madhuri Brij Varis Sewa Sadan Apna Ghar,Village Bhajhera Achnera Road Bharatpur Rajasthan Rajasthan
426 Ma Niketan Opp. Devidayal Cables 2nd Pokhran Road Thane Mumbai 400 601 Maharashtra
427 Madhava Awasam CBR Poultries, Gollur, RR Dist Andhra Pradesh
428 Magic Bus Matthew Spacie, 233, Adhyaru Industrial Estate Sunmills Compound , Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400013 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
429 Mahalakshmi Foundation (Sharanalayam) 21/10,2nd street, Kamaraj Nagar, Avadi Chennai-71 Tamil Nadu
430 Mahila Jagrith Samiti H. No: 21, Bhartaliya (Khaipura) Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh India 482 002 Madhya Pradesh
431 Mahila Mandal Barmer Agor Indira Colony Barmer, Rajasthan India 344 001 Rajasthan
432 Mahila Swaraj Abhiyan 40/B, Jivarajpark Society, B/H Sahajanand Tower, Jivarajpark Ahmedabad-51 India Gujarat
433 MAKE-A-WISH FOUNDATION OF INDIA 15C 1st Floor, Hendre Castle Gokhale Road (North) Dadar (West), Mumbai 400 028 Maharashtra
434 Mamta Child Care Centre 579, Sec-A, Pkt-B, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi Delhi
435 Manav Mandir Mission Trust Roop Vihar, Opp. Sarai Kale Khan Bus Stand, New Delhi Delhi
436 Marymatha Boys Cottage A.K. ROAD, Aanakkallu. P.O. Perumpilavu - 680 519. KUNNAMKULAM, THRISSUR DT, KERALA, SOUTH INDIA Kerala
437 Mathruchaya Nuthakki, Guntur Dist Andhra Pradesh
438 matratva chaya vijay gadi agra uttar pradesh
439 Matri Chhaya Community Centre, Tank Road, New Delhi Delhi
440 Matrumandir Matrumandir At Post Devrukh, College Road,Devrukh Market Ratnagiri - 415804. Maharashtra Maharashtra
441 MELJOL R.No 117, 3rd Flr, Gilderlane Municipal School Off Belasis Bridge, Opp Mumbai Central Local Station Mumbai 400008 Maharashtra
442 Mercy and Grace Orphanage MERCY and GRACE, K.S.T. ROAD, BAPULAPADU, HANUMAN JUNCTION-521105, A.P ,INDIA Andhra Pradesh
443 Mercy Children Home College Road Kotturu Srikaulam District Andhra Pradesh
444 Mercy Children's Home Senapati District, Manipur, India Manipur
445 Mercy Childrens Home PO.BOX # 931,VELLORE632009 Tamil Nadu
447 Mercy Home No. 64, Halls Road, Kilpauk, Chennai-10. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
448 Mercy Home Orphanage Post Box - 26, Karnal. P.O, Haryana state. 132 001 Haryana
449 Mercy Home Orphanage Mercy Home Department PO BOX 1169 RANDOLPH, MA 02368 Karnataka
450 MERCY HOME ORPHANAGE 375,Tiruvalluvar Nagar Tindivanam Road, Near Ammayee Hotel Tiruvannamalai,606611 TAMIL NADU
451 Mercy Homes Cemetery Road Mission Quarters Trichur, Kerala 680001 India Kerala
452 Meriba Child Care and Community Development D. No:11-5-1, Rockdale Layout Road, Maharanipeta Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, PIN-53002 India Andhra Pradesh
453 Mermier Bal-Ashram Plot No.18/A Sector 11,Kopar khairane Navi Mumbai - 400709. Maharashtra Maharashtra
454 MGR Memorial Trust 6, Adayar Bridge Road Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600028 India MGR Memorial Building, 27, Arcot Mudali Street , Chennai 600017 India Tamil Nadu
455 MIC ORPHANAGE, ATHANIKKAL Athanikkal, Valluvambrem p.o Malappuram (Dt) 673651 KERALA
456 Minda Bal Gram Holambi Khurd More Alipur Delhi - 110 036 Delhi
457 Miracle Organisation Trust for Orphans and Old Aged Door No: 8-24-39, Elwinpet Gandhinagar Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh 533004 India Andhra Pradesh
458 Mission of Joy Mission of Joy PO Box 64914 Tacoma WA 98464 Andhra Pradesh
459 Missionaries of Charity 12, Commissioner Lane, Delhi Delhi
460 Missionaries Of Charity Church Road Vile Parle (W) Mumbai 400056 Maharashtra
461 Mitra Jyothi Mitraangan C.A.Site No.P22 31st Main,18th Cross, HSR Layout,Sector 1, Behind NIFT(National Institute of Fashion Technology) Bangalore:560102 Karnataka
462 Mitra Social Service Society Door No:4-15/1 Muthagudem (post) Penuballi (mandal) Khamam (District) Pin:507 209, Andhrapradesh India Andhra Pradesh
463 Mobile Creches Mumbai 1st Floor, Abbas Building, Mereewather Road Colaba, Mumbai 400001 India Maharashtra
464 Mosjos Healthcare Research Foundation & Charitable Trust 456, First Main Road, Thiruvanmiyur, Madras 600041, Tamilnadu Madras, Tamilnadu. 600041 India Tamil Nadu
465 MOTHER CHILDREN'S HOME DAWN MISSION TRUST No.29/42, 7th Street Extension, Vanchi Nagar, Korattur, Chennai - 600 080 INDIA Tamil Nadu
466 Mother India Orphans Home 16-86, New Mirzalguda, Malkajgiri Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
467 Mother Saradadevi Social Service Society M. Prasanna, 115, Gandhi Nagar, Oddanchatram, Dindigul - 624 619 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
468 Mother's Nest society( A HOME FOR ORPHAN CHILDREN AND WIDOWS) Admin Building- 2088,sammilani park,chawk garia, kol-700075. Near Hi-land park, bigbazar west bengal
469 Mount Carmel School Dhalwala Rishikesh, Uttaranchal 249 001 India Uttaranchal
470 muttaks orphans education society # 5-1-137,subash chouk stn road bhalki dist bidar karnataka
471 Mutually Beneficial Activities Foundation Not Available Maharashtra
472 Myhometown 4A, Grant Street Kolkata - 700013 India West Bengal
473 Nagrik Foundation 113, Nagheta Road Hardoi - up, Pin 241001 India Uttar Pradesh
475 Natham Trust Rathna gardens, Thachoor Kallakurichi, Tamil Nadu 606202 India Tamil Nadu
476 National Association for the Blind, India Wg. Cdr. (Retd.) C. M. Jaywant, 11, Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan Road,Worli Seaface, Mumbai - 400 025 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
477 National Association of Adoptive Families Room No. 7, 1st Floor, Sanyas Ashram Municipal School, Vithalbai Road, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai - 400 056 Maharashtra
478 National Integrated Rural Development Agency 641 - R.M. Colony - Dindigul Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu
479 National Society for Equal Opportunities for the Handicapped Sudha Balachandra, Postal Colony Road, Chembur, Mumbai - 400071 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
480 Natural Accumulation of Affluent Zone 19/142, Miskinpura Latur, Maharashtra, 413512 India Maharashtra
481 Needy Illiterate Children Education (NICE) Needy Illiterate Children Education (NICE) Plot No 30, Satavahana HMT Colony Kukatpally Hyderabad 500072 Andhra Pradesh India. Andhra Pradesh
483 Nesam Charitable Trust 262/125, New Trichy Branch Road- 2, Linemedu,Salem - 636 006, Tamilnadu, India Tamil Nadu
484 NETAJI MEMORIAL ORPHANAGE P.O. Ghaghra, Gumla District, Jharkhand, 835208 Jharkhand
485 Nethaji Mercy Home No. 12, Pandithurai Street, Kamarajapuram, Velachery, Chennai-42.Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
486 Nether's Economic and Educational Development Society # 12 A, Mudukku Street, Srivilliputtur Virudhunagar Dist, Tamilnadu, India Srivilliputhur - 626125. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
487 Network in Solidarity for Peoples Development St.Ann's Church, Prakash Nagar K.C. Works, Tadepalli India Andhra Pradesh
488 New Dawn Trust 2/411, Pannandur (Post)Pochampalli (Taluk)Krishnagiri (Dist), Tamil NaduPin – 635123 Tamil Nadu
489 New Life Children Home Chinamamidipalli, Narsapur-534 275 W.G.dt., A.P., South INDIA Andhra Pradesh
490 New Life Children Home 2A/138 NewPatliputra Colony, Patna Bihar
491 New Life Children Home - Gaya At. Vill. Kehdoa Po.Digohura Ps. Takari Dist.Gaya. State. Bihar. North India, Bihar.
492 new life childrens home church of christ. madharapakkam-post,gummidipoundi tk,thruvellore dist tamil nasdu-601202 tamil nadu
493 New Life Home for Children New Life Centre, Periya thotam, Uzhaipalar street, Vellakinar, Coimbatore Tamil Nadu
494 New Life Mercy Home 19/26, Kowshik Enclave , Burari Delhi Delhi
495 New Life Power Gospel Fellowship New Life Power Gospel Fellowship College Road, Post Box-24 Kesinga ––766012 Kalahandi, Orissa, INDIA Orissa
496 Nirashrit Balika Sadan Thakkar Bapa Smarak Sadan, Dr. Ambedkar Marg, New Delhi Delhi
497 Nirmala Sisu Bhavan Trivandrum, Kerala, India Kerala
498 Noahs Ark of Calcutta 173, Daspara Road, Thakurpukur, Opposite Sishusadan., M.G. Road., Calcutta, West Bengal, 700063, India West Bengal
499 Noble Vocational Training Welfare Centre # 45, Venkateshwar Colony, Hyathnagar, Ranga Reddy District Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
500 OASIS Home for the Orphans H.No: 2-9-491, Srinagar Colony (North), Waddepally, Hanamkonda, Warangal - 506 370, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA. Andhra Pradesh
501 Oasis Ministries Oasis Ministries Gullapalli ? 522 309 A.P. South India. Andhra Pradesh
502 Olivia Minority Educational And Social Development Society HNO:-2-1-11/B, Burripalem Road Tenali, Andhra Pradesh, 522201 India Andhra Pradesh
503 Om Sakthi Peetam 17 1st Street, B. V. Colony, Sarmanagar Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600 039 India Tamil Nadu
504 Onkar Anath Ashram 66-67 Dudley Road Wolverhampton West Midlands WV2 3BY UK Bihar
505 Operation Hope India Plot No 114/A, Lighthouse,Beside Brindavan Enclave, Near Bolarum Railway Station, Bolarum, Secunderabad-500010 Andhra Pradesh
506 ORDER 58, GGP Colony, Rasulgarh Bhubaneswar, Orissa India Orissa
507 Orissa Children's Orphanage Bidanasi, Cuttack Pin: 753014 Orissa
508 Oswald Orphanage Nilambur Malappuram (Dist) Kerala India PIN:679329 Kerala
509 oswald orphanage oswald orphanage nilambur malapuram d.t kerala malapuram
510 Our Children Ratilal Mansion Near Madhavashram Dr. Parekh Path,Prarthana Samaj Mumbai - 400004. Maharashtra Maharashtra
511 Our Lady Home 205, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Dadar Mumbai 400014 Maharashtra
512 P.Devadanam GSBM Ministries Challapalli, Krishna Dt, Andhrapradesh, Andhra Pradesh
513 Pallisri Mahila Samiti Korua Cuttack - 754134. Orissa Orissa
514 Palna Delhi Council of Child Welfare, Qudesia Bagh, Delhi Delhi
515 PARIPURNATA HALF-WAY-HOME Dr. J. Siromoni, 5B, Maharani Swarnamoyee Road, Kolkata - 700 009 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
516 Pavement Children Project-Women’s Welfare Society All Saints Home Premises 54 Dockyard Road,Mazgaon Mumbai - 400010. Maharashtra Maharashtra
517 Pavement School / Club Church St. Andrew & St. Columba Next to Sterling Cinema 11, Hazarimal Somani Marg,Fort Mumbai - 400001. Maharashtra Maharashtra
518 PEARL ORPHAN'S SOCIETY Mercy Home C/o M.Krupavaram H No 59-14-10 Vidyanagar Rajahmundry Andhra Pradesh, India G.Pedapudi . P.Gannavaram Mandal . East Godavari District, AP 533274 Andhra Pradesh
519 People Awareness for the Rural Development Agency(PARDA) At-Radhakrishnapada PO/District-Nuapada(ORISSA) ORISSA
520 People Education & Social Action Trust 4/141-a,Arangapalayam-post,Chinnadharapuram- via Karur-District, Tamilnadu India Tamil Nadu
521 Peoples Multipurpose Service Organization - PMSO 18 Vellaikannu Theatre Road Madurai, Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu
522 PMC Trust PMC Kids House, Venganoor PO, Trivandrum 695 025, Kerala, S India Kerala
523 Pondicherry Kidney Foundation Mr. P. Krishnamoorthy, C/O Kidney Centre 470,Mahatma Gandhi Road New Medical Centre Premises Pondicherry, Pondicherry - 605001 Pondicherry, INDIA Pondicherry
524 Potters Wheel Fellowship 18-8-224/5/182, R. N. Colony Hyderabad, 500059 India Andhra Pradesh
525 prajadharana social welfare society village : Regadithanda, Mandal : Jafferghad, District : Warangal Andhra pradesh India. Andhra Pradesh
526 prajadharana social welfare society Village:Regadithanda Mandal:Zaffergadh, District:Waranagal. Pincode:506316 Andhrapradesh
527 Prajadharana Social Welfare Society Vill : Regadi Thanda, Mdl: Jaffar gadh, Dist: Warangal. State : Andhra Pradesh (India). Pin Code : 506 316 andhrapradesh
528 Prasad Child & Mother Health Care Centre - Rural Centre 1/210 A, Professor's Colony, B.M. Sarkar Road Agra, UP, 282002 India Uttar Pradesh
529 PRAYAS 9/1, B D D Chawls Worli Mumbai 400 018 Maharashtra
530 prayer mount Orphan children home,Behind Village Administrator's office,Seenanthoppu,Arumuganeri-628202,Thoothukudi district, Tamil Nadu state, India. Tamil Nadu
531 PREED P. Kandavel, 5/165, Gandhi Nagar, Kappalur,, Madurai - 625008 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
532 PREM SAGAR C/o. Community Development Centre Lutheran Centre Marve Road Malald - West Mumbai - 400 064 Maharashtra
533 Premananda Orphanage Centre Pothurajupalem, ONGOLE-523 001, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh. India Andhra Pradesh
534 PRERANA C/o Kamathipura Municipal School Kamathipura 7th Lane, Sukhlaji Street Mumbai 400 008 Maharashtra
535 Professional Institute for Development and Socio Environmental Management Dr. Snigdha Chakraborty, Brinda Apt. 4th Floor, 31/2, Dr. S. P. Mukherjee Road, Dum-Dum Cantonement, Kolkata - 700028 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
536 Promise to Act for Children Today 82, Buena Vista, Gen.J.Bhosale Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021 Maharashtra
537 Purbachal Ananda Foundation - PAF 2/32, PurbachalDurgapur, Burdwan, India, 713201India West Bengal
539 Real Improvement Grassroots Human Tribes Society 24/2/1278 RAMNAGARE,DHARGAMITTA., Nellore, Andhrapredesh, 524003, India Andhra Pradesh
540 redemption child care center church compound MUTYALAPAD Kurnool Dist. Andhra pradesh-51553 Andhrapradesh
541 redemption child care center church compound MUTYALAPAD Kurnool Dist. Andhra pradesh-51553 Andhrapradesh
542 Refuge Trust Orphanage PO.BOX.#931,VELLORE.632009 Tamil Nadu
543 Regina Pacis Seth Motishah Road, Opp. Byculla Police Station, Byculla Mumbai 400 027 Maharashtra
544 Rehoboth Church Orphanage Rehoboth Church. Near Flora School. Vuyyuru, Krishna Dist,A.P. India Andhra Pradesh
545 Rehoboth Happy Home MYPEOPLE CHARITABLE SERVICES, P.O Box No: 121,68/70,Louisammal Street,Nagercoil-629001,Kanyakumari District, TamilNadu ,India. Tamil Nadu
546 Relief Action Net Kepparai, Kaikuruchi Pudukottai Dt,Tamilnadu, 622 303 India Tamil Nadu
547 Relief Organisation For Handicapped P. G. Sundari, H.No.17-4-12, R.P.G.T Road, Hindupur, Anantapur - 515201 Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Andhra Pradesh
548 Rev.isacc dhas Rev.isacc dhas Shiloh children home Yanadhi community Development Project Midil street, Pillichavadi Pondichery India E-mail- Phone-00-91-44-27443105 Tamil Nadu
549 Right to Life Society Jeewan Nursing Home, Jeewan Nagar, New Delhi Delhi
550 Rights Education And Development Centre 64 / Ouduvalavu, Pulyenkombai, Via, Sathyamangalam Erode.Dt, Tamilnadu India Tamil Nadu
551 RIVER OF LIFE ORPHANAGE PRATHIPADU, Fire Station Road, East Godavari District, India-533432. Andhra Pradesh
552 Roshini Children's Home 1/180, 3rd Street, Viduthalai Nagar Sunnambu Kolathur kovilambakkam Chennai 600117 Tamil Nadu
553 Rotary Club of Baroda Jawaharnagar 21-22, Matruchhaya Apts., Sama, 390008, Gujarat India Gujarat
554 Rotary Club of Ichalkaranji Rotary Smt. Sonidevi Ramvilash Baheti Seva Kendra, Date Mala Ichalkaranji, Maharastra 416 115 India Maharashtra
555 Rotary Club of Madras Porur 19/7 Venus Apartments,Venus Colony, 2nd Street Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600018 India Tamil Nadu
556 Rotary Club Of Mumbai Parleshwar Mumbai, Maharashtra India Maharashtra
557 RRHEDS 31-59/1 Gundaiahgari Thota, CHILAKALURIPET. Guntur(Dt) Pin:522616 ANDHRAPRADESH
558 Rupsona Gramin Vikas Network Village / Post Office Pitath Bihar India Bihar
560 Rural Development Institute -Trust Ooty Mysore Road Gudalur Ooty, Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu
561 Rural Development Society Rural Development Society, Burugu Puttu, Santhari Village, Hukkum pet Mandal, Paderu Devision. Andhra Pradesh
563 Rural Evangelism and Adult Literacy REAL INDIA PO Box #2148, Secunderabad ? 500 003 AP INDIA Andhra Pradesh
564 Rural Identity and Cultural Education Near Panchayat Office Vadakkankulam-627116 Tirunelveli District Tamil Nadu, India Tamil Nadu
565 Rural Integrated Development Trust Post Bag NO-5, NO 460 Bdo Quatres Line, Thukkapet Chengam Tamil Nadu 606709 India Tamil Nadu
566 Rural Women and Children Development College Road Tirunelveli Dist, Tamil Nadu, 627116 India Tamil Nadu
567 Ruth orphans home D.No. 1-21-22 National School Road nazerpet -522 201 AP South India Tenali India
568 S G B S Trust No 1, Tank Road, Near Ulsoor Lake Bangalore 560042 India Karnataka
569 Saath (Initiatives for Equity in Development) Rajendra Joshi, O-102, Nandanvan - V, Nr. Prernatirth Derasar, Jodhpur, Ahmedabad - 380015 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
570 SAATHI Kamathipura Municipal School Grd Flr, 7th Cross Lane Shuklaji Street, Kamathipura Mumbai 400 008 Maharashtra
571 SAATHI Roabin Mazumdar, Agripada Municipal School, 1st Floor, Opp. YMCA Swimming Pool, Farooque Umarbhouy Lane, Mumbai - 400011 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
572 Sabari Balasramam SABARI BALASRAMAM Aranmula P.O . Pathanmthitta (Dist) Kerala . India . 689 533 Kerala
573 Sadak Chap night shelters Mumbai Maharashtra
574 sahaaya SAHAAYA D.No: 38-8-48, Soundarya Apartments, SF 1 Punnamma Thota, Vijayawada, Krishna District Zip – 500 010 Andhra Pradesh, India Andhra Pradesh
575 SAHARA R.Narsing Rao, 2-3-703/k/1, Tirumala Nagar, Amberpet, Hyderabad - 500 013 Andhra Pradesh, INDIA Andhra Pradesh
576 Sahib Devi Kalyan Aivam Shisha Samiti 8/40, Subhash Nagar, New Delhi. Delhi
577 Sahyog Sunday Market , Birmitrapur , Distt: Sundergarh , Orissa -770033 Orissa
578 Sahyog Sansthan Heera Lal Sharma, 54-A, Old Fatehpura,Near Mangal Shree Garden,Bedla Road, Udaipur - 313004 Rajasthan, INDIA Rajasthan
579 Sai Kripa Anjina Rajagopal, Z-133-134, Sector-12, NOIDA - 201301 Uttar Pradesh, INDIA Uttar Pradesh
580 SALAAM BAALAK TRUST Praveen Nair, A 12/5 Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110 057 Delhi, INDIA Delhi
581 Samalkot Orphan Home BERACAH PRAYER FELLOWSHIP, Brownpet, SAMALKOT 533 440, East Godawari (District), Andhra Pradesh (State), INDIA Andhra Pradesh
582 Samaritan Help Mission Beside Tikiapara Town Out Post 127, Noor Md Munshi Lane,Howrah Howrah - 711101. West Bengal West Bengal
583 Samata Vicharprasarak Sanstha Jai Malhar Prasad Reti Bunder Road Mahagiri,Thane (E) Thane - 400601. Maharashtra Maharashtra
584 Sambhav Social Service Organization Gargi House, 93-A, Balwant Nagar Gwalior - 474002, Madhya Pradesh India Madhya Pradesh
585 Sampark Smita Premchander, No.120/A, 1st floor, 17th Main (Nr. Mamoor Masjid), KHB colony, 5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
586 SAMUHA T Pradeep, No.1583, 17th Main, J P Nagar II Phase,, Bangalore - 560 078 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
587 Samveda Training & Research Centre Surendranath. P. Nishanimut, #610, 7TH Cross, 7TH Main,P.J.Extension, Davangere - 577 002 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
588 Sandipani Awasam Bandameedipalli, OPP RTA office, Besides Saraswathy Sishu Mandir, Mahaboobnagar, Andhra Pradesh
589 Sandy Creek Children's Home P. Nagabushanam (C of C) Jangareddigudem 534447 WGD A.P. South India A.P.
590 Sanghamitra Seva samithi Sanghamithra Seva Samithi , 25/415/1, RS Road, Nandyal, PIN- 518 501 Kurnool Dist, A.P. Andhra Pradesh
591 Sangita Charitable Trust No. 2, D.B. Shanmuga Street, Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010 Tamil Nadu India Tamil Nadu
592 Sankalpa Pratisthan Sanchalit Savalee Savalee, Bhushan Nagar, Kedgaon, Ahmednagar Maharashtra
593 Sankara Nethralaya Dr. S. S. Badrinath, 18, College Road, Chennai - 600006 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
594 Sanskruti Samvardhan Mandal P Y Shinde, Sharadanagar, Sagroli District, Nanded ? 431731 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
595 Sarada Ramkrishna (Sishu O Mahila) Sevashram Br. Tararani Chakraborthy, Vill. Morada, PO- Hotar, South 24 Paraganas - 746310 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
596 Sarah Orphanage Pastor: Anand Parvatham Pedapulivarru[PO] Vellatur[VIA] Guntur{DT]-522257 AndhraPradesh - India. Andhra Pradesh
597 Saraswati Anath Shikshan Ashram Pillaji Kate Chawl Near Dapodi Railway Station Dapodi Pune 411012 Maharashtra
598 Sense International (India) Akhil Paul, 405, Favorite Residency, Opp. St. Xaviers Loyolla Hall,Memnagar, Ahmedabad - 380052 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
599 Seth Ranchhoddas Chaturbhuj Cutchi Lohana balashram 63, Dr. Ambedkar Road, Chinchpokli Mumbai 400001 Maharashtra
600 SETU Charitable Trust Maya Tripathi, 8, Suniti, Gen. J. Bhosale Marg, Mumbai - 400 021 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
601 Seva Chakkara Orphanage No. 89/41, Swami Pillai Street, Choolai, Chennai-112. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
602 Seva Mandir Neelima Khetan, Seva Mandir, Old Fatehpura, Udaipur - 313004 Rajasthan, INDIA Rajasthan
603 Sevabharathi 3-2-106, Nimboliadda Hyderabad India Andhra Pradesh
604 Sevadham Thane Maharashtra
605 Sevalaya V.Muralidharan, Kasuva Village, Pakkam Post Office, Near ThiruninravurChennai- 602024Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
606 Sewa Bharti 10196/ASewa Kunj, Jhandewalan S.R.T. Nagar, Delhi 110055 Delhi
607 Sewa Sadan Shiv Mandir, Sawan Park Extn., Ashok Vihar-III, Delhi. Delhi
608 Shama Mercy Orphanage Home 13/13, Chilla Gaon, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, New Delhi-110091 Delhi
609 Shantidhara Social Service Society Door No: 21-79; Kakani Nagar; N.A.D. Kotha Road (Post) Visakhapatnam; Andhrapradesh - 530 009 India Andhra Pradesh
610 Share A Service 106 & 107, First Floor, Kamakshi Complex, S.D.Road Secundrabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500003 India Andhra Pradesh
611 Sharing Hands For Crying Heart - Shining Trust 1/13c main road karani mandapam kancheepuram dist pin; 603406 Tamil Nadu
612 Sheetal Chhaya Nehru Vihar, Delhi Delhi
613 Shejar Chhaya Deodal Kaman P.O. Taluka Vasai Dist. Thane - 401202 Maharashtra
614 Shelter Don Bosco Opp St Joseph's High School Wadala(W) Mumbai 400031 Maharashtra
615 Shelter Don Bosco Drop-in-Centre Gala no. 7, Below Kavi Keshavsuth Flyover Opp. Dadar Western Railway Station Dadar W Mumbai 400028 Maharashtra
616 Shikshan Ane Samaj Kalyan Kendra Dhiren Vagadia, 31, Omnagar (3), Hanumanpara Road, Opp. Gokul Garden , Amreli - 365601 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
617 Shishu Sangopan Griha St. Michael Church Compound, Hospital Road, Jangpura, New Delhi. Delhi
618 SHORE HOME A Project of SHORE TRUST, NO. 71/3, Ground Floor, Kurunal Street, V.O.C Nagar, Menambedu, Ambattur, Chennai-53. Tamil Nadu
619 Shraddhanand Mahila Ashram Shraddhanand Road Matunga, King's Circle Mumbai 400 019 Maharashtra
620 Shree Manav Seva Sangh 255 / 257 Opp. Gandhi Market Next to king circle railway station Sion (W) Mumbai 400 022 Maharashtra
621 Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Foundation C/O Maharashtra Academy, 112, J.J. Chambers, Chitra Chowk Yerwada, Pune, Maharashtra 411006 India Maharashtra
622 Sivananda Saraswathi Sevashram 20, Kambar Street, Tambaram East, Chennai-59. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
623 Sivasri Charitable Trust E S Ramamurthy, B 1103, Brigade Residency, Uttarahalli Road, Bangalore - 560061 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
624 SMILE Society Udayrajpur, Madhyamgram, Kolkata 129 Kolkata, West Bengal, 700129 India West Bengal
625 Sneha Jeevan Kendra Handmaids of the Blessed Trinity Convent Road No 2, Sahar Village, Andheri (E) Mumbai 400 099 Maharashtra
626 Sneha Kiran Orphanage # 9/b, Cantonment Railway quaters, Benson Town Post, Bangalore - 560 046 Karnataka
627 sneha orphanage home sneha health & educational society 8-1-678 r.t.c.colony nalgonda andhrapradesh 508001 andhrapradesh
628 Sneha Sadan Behind Holy Family Church Amrut Nagar Chakala,Andheri (E) Mumbai - 400093. Maharashtra Maharashtra
629 Sneha Sagar Society 6 / C 23 Priyadarshani Hsg. Soc. Ltd. MHADA Colony S. V. P Nagar,Andheri (W) Mumbai - 400053. Maharashtra Maharashtra
630 Social Action for Association and Development Mangala V Daithankar, A 4 Shanti Garden, Anand Nagar, Sinhagad Road, Pune - 411051 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
631 Social Action for Manpower Creation 9, Varad Apartments, 292, Yashwant Nagar Talegaon-Dabhade Station, Dist. Pune ? 410 507 India Maharashtra
632 Social Concern for Integrated Development Flat No. 1123, Janta Flats Nand Nagri, New Delhi-110093 India Delhi
633 Social Economic Assistance for Rural & City Habitants S.M.Chandorikar, A/1Prince of Wales Drive, Pune - 411001 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
634 Society for Advocacy of Women and Child Rights Dno:6-1-2, Rangachari Street, Opp to ISKCON, H/o Ramalinga Sasty, T.Nagar, Rajahmundry, India Andhra Pradesh
635 Society For Awakening Youth G-1 Shailaja Classic Aparts., Vikas Nagar, Dilsuk Nagar Hyderrabad, Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
636 Society for Earnest and Voluntary Action Old Post Office Building, Ithanagar Tenali, Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
637 Society for Social Welfare, Agriculture and Rural Development 3-124, Kosuru Post, Movva mandal, Krishna DistrictKosuru Post, Andra Pradesh, Pin: 521150India Andhra Pradesh
638 Society for the Development of Rural Women and Children 87-556 Srinagar Colony Kurnool - 518 002 India Andhra Pradesh
639 Society for the Promotion of Rational Thinking Mr M Hasan Jowher, SPRAT, SF-8, Rajnagar Complex, Narayan Nagar Road, Nr. NID, Paldi, Ahmedabad - 380 007 Gujarat, INDIA Gujarat
640 SOCIETY MOVED TO INSTILL LOVE WITH EMPATHY 254 Nepali House, Gr. floor Walkeshwar Road Mumbai 400 006 Maharashtra
641 Society of Friends of the Sassoon Hospitals Room #87,The Sassoon General Hospitals,Pune-411001 Maharashtra
642 Society of Grama Vikasa Saradhi-Orphanage Sri Sai Janakirama Nilayam, Door No.23-1-42, Dasannapeta Main Rd, Vizianagarm-535002(AP)INDIA Andhra Pradesh
643 Society Undertaking Poor People's Onus For Rehabilitation Old B.M.C offcie, 2nd floor next to Vakola market Nehru Road,Santacruz (E) Mumbai - 400055. Maharashtra Maharashtra
645 SOS Children Village of India Bawana, Delhi Delhi
646 SOS Children's Villages of India 13 Onlooker Building, 4th Floor 14 P. M. Road Fort Mumbai 400001 Maharashtra
647 Special Observation Home Sion-Trombay Road, Deonar, Mumbai Maharashtra
648 Sphoori Foundation 484 EC Nagar HCL POST HYDERABAD Andhra Pradesh
649 Sphoorti Foundation 484 EC nagar HCL post Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
650 Spread the Word Home of Love Orphanage and Retirement Center Pastor. Yatham Jeevaratnam Opp; Microwave Station GBC Road Bapatla Guntur District Andhra Pradesh South India. 522 101 Andhra Pradesh
651 Sree Moolam Shasthtyabdha Poorthi Smaraka Hindu Mahila Mandiram SMSS HINDU MAHILA MANDIRAM Poojapura, Trivandrum - 695 012 Kerala State, INDIA. Kerala
653 SRI ANDAL ANBU ILLAM F1-Ramalinga Mills Colony,Ramasamy nagar,Aruppukottai,Virudhunagar Dt,Tamilnadu,India-626159 Tamilnadu
654 Sri Aparnambigai Shakthi Trust No.17/28 5th Main Road New Colony Chromepet Chennai / Tamilnadu / 600044 India Tamil Nadu
655 Sri Arunodayam Charitable Trust No. 35, Sivanandan Nagar, Kolathur, Chennai - 99 Tamilnadu
656 Sri Vivekananda Sevashrama No. 39, 8'B' Main Road, BSK 2nd Stage Bangalore City, Karnataka State, 560070 India Karnataka
657 Srujan Orphanage G UDAYAGIRI. KANDHAMAL Dist. ORISSA 762100. INDIA. Orissa
658 St Anthony's Bal Bhavan P O Industrial Estate Gokhivera,Vasai (E) Thane - 401208. Maharashtra Maharashtra
659 St Dominic\'s Children\'s Home 34B.Belmont Cir Rd. Belmont. Tamil Nadu
660 St Pauls Educational & Welfare Association Orphanage P.B#3 Gannavaram-521101 Krishna dist Andhra Pradesh INDIA Andhra Pradesh
661 St. Anthony Girls Orphanage Paharganj, New Delhi Delhi
662 St. Anthony's Home J. Boman Behram Marg Opp. Maharashtra College Near Alexandra Cinema Byculla Mumbai - 400058 Maharashtra
663 St. Catherine's Home Veera Desai Road Andheri (W) Mumbai - 400058 Maharashtra
664 St. Crispin's Home 10/12 Karve Road, Erandawane Pune 411 004. Maharashtra. INDIA Maharashtra
665 St. Dominic Savio Boys Home Mahakali Caves Andheri (E) Mumbai - 400093 Maharashtra
666 St. Francis D'Assisi Orphanage Mount Poinsur S.V.P. Road Borivli (W) Mumbai 400 103 Maharashtra
667 St. Joseph Convent Bandra Mumbai Maharashtra
668 St. Joseph's Home & Nursery Dr. Leela Melville Marg,Byculla Mumbai - 400008. Maharashtra Maharashtra
669 St. Joseph’s Convent – Daughters Of The Cross 64/A, Hill Road,Bandra (W) Mumbai - 400050. Maharashtra Maharashtra
670 St. Stanislaw's Orphanage Bandra Maharashtra
671 St. Thomas Orphanage Home The Evangelistic Association of the East Iringole P.O. Perumbavoor, PIN:683548. Ernakulam Dist. Kerala. India Kerala
672 St.Mari's Orphanage home Siripalli post, Inavilli mondal, East godavari district A.P, S.India 533211 Andhra Pradesh
673 St.Paul's Educational & Welfare Association Agiripalli Agiripalli - Krishna Dist., Andhra Pradesh India Andhra Pradesh
674 Stanley Arms of Love Trust jaya lakshmi nagar, kattu madam, silluvathur main road, dindigul-5 Tamil Nadu
675 Sukrit (SOS) 213, Golf Link, New Delhi Delhi
677 Sukritham Charitable Trust xi- 168, Kavil(p.o) Naduvannur Kozhikode-673614 Kerala
678 Sundharam Educational Foundation & Charitable Trust 9, Welcome Apartment, Sector-9, Rohini, New Delhi Delhi
679 Sunrays Orphan House 47th Ave. Kharagpur W.B. 721301 India West Bengal
680 Surman Sansthan F-3, Balaji Apartment, A-35, Nemi Nagar, Vaishali Nagar, JAIPUR RAJASTHAN
681 SUSI Charitable Trust N-5/460, Nayapalli, I.R.C.Village Bhubaneswar - 751015, Orissa India Orissa
682 Swajan Foundation C/O Mehta & co.187 Sabun Bhavan II Flr. Sheriff Devji Street Chakla Mandvi Mumbai - 400003 Maharashtra
684 Sylom Blind Centre 2-472,bapanna dora colony,balaji nagar,ramaniah peta,kakinada,e.g. dist,andhra pradesh ,india. Andhra Pradesh
685 Tamil Nadu Samuga Seva Sangam No. 77 Old Pillaimar Sreet, Virudhunagar 626 001, Tamilnadu, South India Tamil Nadu
686 TANKER Foundation Latha Kumaraswami, 17, Wheatcrofts Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
687 Tata Institute of Social Science Centre Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai - 400012 Maharashtra
688 TEAM VISION CHILDREN?S HOME Director, TEAM VISION, 1, Lloyds Road , Kodaikanal-624101, Tamil Nadu, India Tamil Nadu
689 The Association of People with Disability V. S. Basavaraju, 6th Cross, Off.Hennur Main Road, St Thomas Town Post, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore - 560084 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
690 The Banyan Vandana Gopikumar, 6th Main Road, Mogapair Eri Scheme,Mogapair West, Chennai - 600 037 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
691 The Christ Home For Children Flat:C6,Paalaayakaran Street, Kodambakkam Madras, Tamilnadu,600024 India Tamil Nadu
692 The Education Audiology And Research Society Pervin R Mehta, 2nd Floor, Topiwala Municipal School, Off Lamington Road, Mumbai - 400 007 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
693 The Gaya Muslim Girls Orphanage At.KOLOWNA, P.O. CHERKI DIST. GAYA BIHAR INDIA Bihar
695 The Gaya Muslim Orphanage The Gaya Muslim Orphanage Cherki – 824237 Dist. – Gaya (Bihar) India Bihar
696 The Kanji Project Kanji, Tamil Nadu The Kanji Project PO Box 54 Hove East Sussex BN3 7ZB Tamil Nadu
697 The Kutumb Foundation 147A, Pocket C, Siddharth Extension, New Delhi, 110014, India Delhi
699 The Megha Foundation Saranalaya Children Home 4/129,kelma nagar 83 thandalam (kovur via) Chennai-602101 Tamil Nadu
700 The Mentally Retarded Welfare Society St.Ann's Church, Prakash Nagar K.C. Works-P.O. India Andhra Pradesh
701 The NAZ Foundation (India) Trust Anjali Gopalan, A-86, East of Kailash, New Delhi - 110049 Delhi, INDIA Delhi
702 The Nest Children's Village 97, Chandranagar Colony Chandranagar P O Palakkad 678007 Kerala
703 The Old Age Home & Street Childern 1-10-102/5/D, Prakash Nagar, Begumpet, Hyderabad - 16 Andhra Pradesh
704 The Orphans in Need Gujarat The Orphans in Need, 39 Slaney Road, Pleck, Walsall, West Midlands, WS2 9AF. United Kingdom Gujarat
705 The poor children education care society post.Makardhokda thsil.Umred district.Nagpur Maharastra Maharastra
706 The Raingam Enterprise Nr. P3 Hotspot.,Phungreitang, Ukhrul, Manipur-795142 Manipur
708 The Shelter 61, Clare Road, Byculla, Mumbai 400 008 Maharashtra
709 The Shirpur Vishwa Mandal Sevashram, Post Shirpur Dhule, Maharashtra India 425405 Maharashtra
710 The Spastics Society of India, Chennai 1, Ranjit Road, Kotturpuram Chennai, Tamil Nadu India 600085 Tamil Nadu
711 The United Physically Handicapped school 96 A Sathy Main Road Via SS Kulam, Kurumbapalayam, Coimbatore Tamilnadu
712 The Vivekananda Youth Forum Lokhandwala Maharashtra
713 Trust for Welfare and Development B-6, Defence Colony, New Delhi Delhi
714 Turkiyya Orphanage karanthur, Calicut kerala
715 Udavum Karangal No. 460, N.S.K. Nagar, Arumbakkam, Chennai-106. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
716 Udayan Care Dr. (Mrs.) Kiran Modi, C 9, Lajpat Nagar III, New Delhi - 110024 Delhi, INDIA Delhi
717 Udayan Ghar for Boys 108-B, Mayur Vihar, Phase-I, New Delhi. Delhi
718 Udayan Ghars Udayan Ghars under Udayan Care 16/97a,ist floor, Vikram Vihar, Lajpat Nagar IV, New Delhi 110024 Delhi
719 udhavum ullangal Illam No-9, West karikalan 2nd st, Adambakkam. Chennai -600 088 Tamilnadu
720 Udyan (SOS) 1, Doctor Lane, New Delhi Delhi
721 Udyan Ghar 180, Prem Nagar, East of Kailash, New Delhi. Delhi
722 Ummeed Child Development Centre Dr. Vibha Krishnamurthy, Ground Floor, Mantri Pride 1-B, 1/62, N.M. Joshi Marg (Delisle Road) Subhash Nagar, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 011 Maharashtra, INDIA Maharashtra
723 UNICEF Not Available Maharashtra
725 Upakar Educational Society 1084, K.A.M. Nagar Near Naga Floor Mill N.G.O Colony, Dindigul - 624005. Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu
726 uthavoom ullam 24/6,salangara st , parangipettai(post) chidambaram(t.k) 608502.india tamilnadu
727 Vaidehi Seva Samithi Saraswathi nagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
728 Valluvar Gurukulam D. K. Srinivasan, 220, G. S. T.Road, Tambaram West, Chennai - 600045 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tamil Nadu
729 Valmiki Awasam 1-4-230, Jawhar road, Jagityal village, and Mandal, Karimnagar Dist 505 327 Andhra pradesh
730 VANAVASI VIKASA KENDRAM VANAVASI VIKASA KENDRAM A home for tribal students Burgampadu Khammam Dt AP Andhra Pradesh
731 Vathsalya Charitable Trust Mary Paul, No. 310, 9th ?D? Main, HRBR Layout, Banaswadi, Bangalore-560 043, Karnataka, INDIA, Bangalore - 560043 Karnataka, INDIA Karnataka
732 Vathsalyam No.66-1, Kanagathara, Indhira nagar, Bagalur road, Hosur krishnagiri dist.
733 VATSALYA FOUNDATION King George V Memorial Dr. E. Moses Road Mahalaxmi (W) Mumbai 400 011 Maharashtra
734 VATSALYA TRUST Plot 1285 Near Kanjurmarg Police Station Kanjurmarg (E) Mumbai 400042 Maharashtra
735 VATSALYA TRUST BALIKA ASHRAM Sector 2, Plot 11 Sanpada Navi Mumbai Maharashtra
736 Vidya & Child Supriya Akhaury, 1858 Brahmaputra Apartments, Sector 29, Noida - 201303 Uttar Pradesh, INDIA Uttar Pradesh
737 Vidya Bhawan Society A. C. Wadhawan, Dr. Mohan Sinha Mehta Marg, Fatehpura, Dewali Road, Udaipur - 313004 Rajasthan, INDIA Rajasthan
738 Vikahar Paribar Bikash Kendra Provat Kumar Mitra, 6, Kiron Sankar Roy Road, Ground Floor, Room No. 3, Kolkata - 700001 West Bengal, INDIA West Bengal
739 Village Children's Home 21/527-1,bhaskarpuram, Machilipatnam, Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh,India Andhra Pradesh
740 Vineyard Children Home 2/52, CSI Church Street, Valasakaran vilai, Sawyer puram, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu Tamilnadu
741 Vineyard Childrens Homes F 129A & 138A Sector 22. NOIDA Uttarapradesh
742 Vinimay Trust Tarun Sadan (Hostel) Plot 21, Sector 23 Koparkhairne Navi Mumbai 400709 Maharashtra
743 Vinimay Trust 773, A 14 Nirmala Niwas Near Deonar Bus Depot V. N Purav Marg,Deonar Mumbai - 400068. Maharashtra Maharashtra
744 Vishwa Manava Orphanage K.R.B.C. Production Center, Attna Village, Bellur Hobli, Nagamangala Taluk, Mandya Dist. KARNATAKA India karnataka
745 Vision In Social Arena H1/12, Trilok Co.Op.Hsg. Soc. New MHB Colony Gorai Road,Borivali (W) Mumbai - 400091. Maharashtra Maharashtra
746 Vision Nationals Ministries Plot 206/IV MVP Colony, Vizag AP. India, 530017 Andhra Pradesh
747 Vivekananda Awasam Bhainsa, Adilabad District Andhra Pradesh
748 Vivekavardhini Education Society 3rd Cross, 14th main Prakash Nagar Bangalore Karnataka 560 021 India Karnataka
749 Voluntary Co-Ordinating Agency C/O Indian Association for Promotion of Adoption RNA House, 1st floor, Opp. Akbarallys Veer Nariman Road,Nariman Point Mumbai - 400023. Maharashtra Maharashtra
750 Voluntary Co-Ordinating Agency Room No. 3, Bima Chhaya Apts Opp. Chintamani Deshmukh Garden Mahatma Phule Road,Mulund (W) Mumbai - 400028. Maharashtra Maharashtra
751 Voluntary Organisation In Community Enterprise C-2, Triveni, Gilbert Hill, J.P. Road, Anheri(W) Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400058 India Maharashtra
752 WE CARE St. Anthony's Friary, 85 Hosur Road Bangalore, Karnatka, 560095 India Karnataka
753 Welfare Home of Children 68, Raja Garden, New Delhi Delhi
754 Welfare Society of the Hungry People Pradeep Nagar, Industrial Estate (po), Vizianagaram - 535004, Andhra Pradesh. India. Andhra Pradesh
755 WIDE CHILDRENS HOME NO:1255/A,Thendral nagar, near Anna Arch,Vellore Road,Tiruvannamalai Tamil Nadu
756 Wings of Refuge Orphanage Bunglow No. 7 Opp. Lijjat Papad Vijay Nagar,Nalasopara (E) Thane - 401209. Maharashtra Maharashtra
757 Women's Empowerment Center And Network C/O D M Jariwala Girls Orphanage 27 Fort Road ,Mahim (W) Mumbai - 400016. Maharashtra Maharashtra
758 World Children Welfare Trust India Bal Anand 93 Sai Krupa Ghatia Village,Chembur Mumbai - 400071. Maharashtra Maharashtra
759 yoga sikshan prasikshan samiti D.32/195 or D.32/165, Devnathpura, Bengalitola, Varanasi, Uttarpradesh Uttarpradesh
760 YOUTH FOR UNITY AND VOLUNTARY ACTION 53/2, Nare Park Municipal School Opp. Nare Park Ground Parel Mumbai - 400 012 Maharashtra
761 Youth Technical Training Society Room no. 13, Karuna Sadan, Sector 11-B Chandigarh, India 160011 Chandigarh
762 Youth Welfare and Cultural Society Vill: Amriya, P.O.: Kolorah, Domjur Howrah, West Bengal India 711 412 West Bengal
763 Yuva Gram Vikas Mandal Dharur Road At./Post Tq. Kaij Beed, Maharashtra India 431123 Maharashtra

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