Basic indicator | Nutrition | Health | HIV AIDS | Education | Demographic Indicators | Economic indicators | Women | Child Protection | The Rate of Progress
Basic indicator | |
Under-5 mortality rank | 2 |
Under-5 mortality rate, 1990 | 260 |
Under-5 mortality rate, 2008 | 220 |
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 1990 | 154 |
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 2008 | 130 |
Neonatal mortality rate, 2004 | 54 |
Total population (thousands), 2008 | 18021 |
Annual no. of births (thousands), 2008 | 774 |
Annual no. of under-5 deaths (thousands), 2008 | 165 |
GNI per capita (US$), 2008 | 3450 |
Life expectancy at birth (years), 2008 | 47 |
Total adult literacy rate (%), 2003–2008* | 67 |
Primary school net enrolment/ attendance (%), 2003–2008* | 58 |
% share of household income 2000–2007*, lowest 40% | 8 |
% share of household income 2000–2007*, highest 20% | 62 |
Nutrition | |
% of infants with low birthweight, 2003–2008* | 12 |
% of children (2003–2008*) who are: Early initiation of breastfeeding (%) | 55 |
% of children (2003–2008*) who are: exclusively breastfed (<6 months) | 11 |
% of children (2003–2008*) who are: breastfed with complementary food (6–9 months) | 77 |
% of children (2003–2008*) who are: still breastfeeding (20–23 months) | 37 |
% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: underweight (NCHS/WHO) moderate & severe | - |
% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: underweight (WHO) moderate & severe | 16 |
% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: underweight (WHO) severe | 7 |
% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: wasting (WHO) moderate & severe | 8 |
% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: stunting (WHO) moderate & severe | 29 |
Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (6–59 months) 2008, Full coverage ? (%) | 82 |
% of households consuming iodized salt, 2003–2008* | 45 |
Health | |
% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 total | 51 |
% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 urban | 62 |
% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 rural | 39 |
% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 total | 50 |
% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 urban | 79 |
% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 rural | 16 |
% of routine EPI vaccines financed by government 2008 total | - |
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: TB, corresponding vaccines: BCG | 87 |
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: DPT, corresponding vaccines: DPT1ß | 99 |
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: DPT, corresponding vaccines: DPT3ß | 81 |
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Polio, corresponding vaccines: polio3 | 75 |
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Measles, corresponding vaccines: measles | 79 |
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: HepB, corresponding vaccines: HepB3 | 83 |
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Hib, corresponding vaccines: Hib3 | 83 |
Immunization 2008, % newborns protected against tetanus? | 79 |
% under-fives with suspected pneumonia taken to an appropriate health-care provider, 2005–2008* | - |
% under-fives with suspected pneumonia receiving antibiotics, 2005–2008* | - |
% under-fives with diarrhoea receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding, 2005–2008* | - |
Malaria 2006–2008*, % households owning at least one ITN | 28 |
Malaria 2006–2008*, % under-fives sleeping under ITNs | 18 |
Malaria 2006–2008*, % under-fives with fever receiving anti-malarial drugs | 29 |
Estimated adult HIV prevalence rate (aged 15–49), 2007 | 2.1 |
Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), estimate | 190 |
Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), low estimate | 150 |
Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), high estimate | 240 |
Mother–to–child transmission, Estimated number of women (aged 15+) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands) | 110 |
Paediatric infections, Estimated number of children (aged 0–14) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands) | 17 |
Prevention among young people, HIV prevalence among young people (aged 15–24), 2007, male | 0.2 |
Prevention among young people, HIV prevalence among young people (aged 15–24), 2007, female | 0.3 |
Prevention among young people, % who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV, 2003–2008*, male | - |
Prevention among young people, % who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV, 2003–2008*, female | - |
Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher–risk sex, 2003–2008*, male | - |
Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher–risk sex, 2003–2008*, female | - |
Orphans, Children (aged 0–17) orphaned by AIDS, 2007, estimate (thousands) | 50 |
Orphans, Children (aged 0–17) orphaned due to all causes, 2007, estimate (thousands) | 1200 |
Orphans, Orphan school attendance ratio, 2003–2008* | - |
Education | |
Youth (15–24 years) literacy rate, 2003–2007*, male | 84 |
Youth (15–24 years) literacy rate, 2003–2007*, female | 63 |
Number per 100 population , 2007, phones | 29 |
Number per 100 population , 2007, Internet users | 3 |
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, male | 201 |
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, female | 187 |
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, net, male | - |
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, net, female | - |
Primary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, male | 58 |
Primary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, female | 59 |
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2003–2008*, admin. data | - |
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2003–2008*, survey data | 83 |
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, male | 19 |
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, female | 16 |
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, net, male | - |
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, netm female | - |
Secondary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, male | 22 |
Secondary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, female | 20 |
Demographic Indicators | |
Population (thousands), 2008, under 18 | 9405 |
Population (thousands), 2008, under 5 | 3170 |
Population annual growth rate (%), 1970–1990 | 2.8 |
Population annual growth rate (%), 1990–2000 | 2.9 |
Population annual growth rate (%), 2000–2008 | 2.9 |
Crude death rate, 1970 | 27 |
Crude death rate, 1990 | 23 |
Crude death rate, 2008 | 17 |
Crude birth rate, 1970 | 52 |
Crude birth rate, 1990 | 53 |
Crude birth rate, 2008 | 43 |
Life expectancy, 1970 | 37 |
Life expectancy, 1990 | 42 |
Life expectancy, 2008 | 47 |
Total fertility rate, 2008 | 5.8 |
% of population urbanized, 2008 | 57 |
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1970–1990 | 7.4 |
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1990–2000 | 5.7 |
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 2000–2008 | 4.7 |
Economic indicators | |
GNI per capita (US$), 2008 | 3450 |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970–1990 | - |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990–2008 | 3.4 |
Average annual rate of inflation (%), 1990–2008 | 284 |
% of population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day, 1992–2007* | 54 |
% of central government expenditure (1998–2007*) allocated to:, health | 6 |
% of central government expenditure (1998–2007*) allocated to:, education | 15 |
% of central government expenditure (1998–2007*) allocated to:, defence | 34 |
ODA inflow in millions US$, 2007 | 241 |
ODA inflow as a % of recipient GNI, 2007 | 1 |
Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services, 1990 | 7 |
Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services, 2007 | 10 |
Women | |
Life expectancy: females as a % of males, 2008 | 109 |
Adult literacy rate: females as a % of males, 2003–2007* | 65 |
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net primary school 2003–2008*, enrolled | - |
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net primary school 2003–2008*, attending | 102 |
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net secondary school 2003–2008*, enrolled | - |
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net secondary school 2003–2008*, attending | 90 |
Contraceptive prevalence (%), 2003–2008* | 6 |
Antenatal care coverage (%), At least once, 2003–2008* | 80 |
Antenatal care coverage (%), At least four times, 2003–2008* | 32 |
Delivery care coverage (%), Skilled attendant at birth, 2003–2008* | 47 |
Delivery care coverage (%), Institutional delivery, 2003–2008* | 46 |
Maternal mortality ratio† , 2003–2008*, reported | - |
Maternal mortality ratio† , 2005, Adjusted | 1400 |
Maternal mortality ratio† , 2005, Lifetime risk of maternal death. 1 in: | 12 |
Child Protection | |
Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008*, total | 24 |
Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008*, male | 22 |
Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008*, female | 25 |
Child marriage 2000–2008*, total | - |
Child marriage 2000–2008*, urban | - |
Child marriage 2000–2008*, rural | - |
Birth registration 2000–2008*, total | 29 |
Birth registration 2000–2008*, urban | 34 |
Birth registration 2000–2008*, rural | 19 |
Female genital mutilation/cutting 1997–2007*, women a (15–49 years) , total | - |
Female genital mutilation/cutting 1997–2007*, daughtersb, total | - |
Attitude towards domestic violence, 2001–2008*, total | - |
Child disability 1999–2008*, total | - |
Child discipline, 2005–2007*, total | - |
The Rate of Progress | |
Under-5 mortality rank | 2 |
Under-5 mortality rate, 1970 | - |
Under-5 mortality rate, 1990 | 260 |
Under-5 mortality rate, 2000 | 239 |
Under-5 mortality rate, 2008 | 220 |
Average annual rate of reduction (%)T, 1970–1990 | - |
Average annual rate of reduction (%)T, 1990–2008 | 0.9 |
Reduction since 1990 (%)T | 15 |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970–1990 | - |
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990–2008 | 3.4 |
Total fertility rate, 1970 | 7.3 |
Total fertility rate, 1990 | 7.2 |
Total fertility rate, 2008 | 5.8 |
Average annual rate of reduction (%), 1970–1990 | 0.1 |
Average annual rate of reduction (%), 1990–2008 | 1.2 |
Southern Africa: countries in crisis
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