Friday, February 11, 2011


At a glance: Liechtenstein


Basic indicator | Nutrition | Health | HIV AIDS | Education | Demographic Indicators | Economic indicators | Women | Child Protection | The Rate of Progress

Basic indicator

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Under-5 mortality rank


Under-5 mortality rate, 1990


Under-5 mortality rate, 2008


Infant mortality rate (under 1), 1990


Infant mortality rate (under 1), 2008


Neonatal mortality rate, 2004


Total population (thousands), 2008


Annual no. of births (thousands), 2008


Annual no. of under-5 deaths (thousands), 2008


GNI per capita (US$), 2008


Life expectancy at birth (years), 2008


Total adult literacy rate (%), 2003–2008*


Primary school net enrolment/ attendance (%), 2003–2008*


% share of household income 2000–2007*, lowest 40%


% share of household income 2000–2007*, highest 20%


Definitions and data sources


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% of infants with low birthweight, 2003–2008*


% of children (2003–2008*) who are: Early initiation of breastfeeding (%)


% of children (2003–2008*) who are: exclusively breastfed (<6 months)


% of children (2003–2008*) who are: breastfed with complementary food (6–9 months)


% of children (2003–2008*) who are: still breastfeeding (20–23 months)


% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: underweight (NCHS/WHO) moderate & severe


% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: underweight (WHO) moderate & severe


% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: underweight (WHO) severe


% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: wasting (WHO) moderate & severe


% of under-fives (2003–2008*) suffering from: stunting (WHO) moderate & severe


Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (6–59 months) 2008, Full coverage ? (%)


% of households consuming iodized salt, 2003–2008*


Definitions and data sources


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% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 total


% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 urban


% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 rural


% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 total


% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 urban


% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 rural


% of routine EPI vaccines financed by government 2008 total


Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: TB, corresponding vaccines: BCG


Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: DPT, corresponding vaccines: DPT1ß


Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: DPT, corresponding vaccines: DPT3ß


Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Polio, corresponding vaccines: polio3


Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Measles, corresponding vaccines: measles


Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: HepB, corresponding vaccines: HepB3


Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Hib, corresponding vaccines: Hib3


Immunization 2008, % newborns protected against tetanus?


% under-fives with suspected pneumonia taken to an appropriate health-care provider, 2005–2008*


% under-fives with suspected pneumonia receiving antibiotics, 2005–2008*


% under-fives with diarrhoea receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding, 2005–2008*


Malaria 2006–2008*, % households owning at least one ITN


Malaria 2006–2008*, % under-fives sleeping under ITNs


Malaria 2006–2008*, % under-fives with fever receiving anti-malarial drugs


Definitions and data sources


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Estimated adult HIV prevalence rate (aged 15–49), 2007


Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), estimate


Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), low estimate


Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), high estimate


Mother–to–child transmission, Estimated number of women (aged 15+) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands)


Paediatric infections, Estimated number of children (aged 0–14) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands)


Prevention among young people, HIV prevalence among young people (aged 15–24), 2007, male


Prevention among young people, HIV prevalence among young people (aged 15–24), 2007, female


Prevention among young people, % who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV, 2003–2008*, male


Prevention among young people, % who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV, 2003–2008*, female


Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher–risk sex, 2003–2008*, male


Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher–risk sex, 2003–2008*, female


Orphans, Children (aged 0–17) orphaned by AIDS, 2007, estimate (thousands)


Orphans, Children (aged 0–17) orphaned due to all causes, 2007, estimate (thousands)


Orphans, Orphan school attendance ratio, 2003–2008*


Definitions and data sources


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Youth (15–24 years) literacy rate, 2003–2007*, male


Youth (15–24 years) literacy rate, 2003–2007*, female


Number per 100 population , 2007, phones


Number per 100 population , 2007, Internet users


Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, male


Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, female


Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, net, male


Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, net, female


Primary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, male


Primary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, female


Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2003–2008*, admin. data


Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2003–2008*, survey data


Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, male


Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, gross, female


Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, net, male


Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008*, netm female


Secondary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, male


Secondary school attendance ratio 2003–2008*, net, female


Definitions and data sources

Demographic Indicators

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Population (thousands), 2008, under 18


Population (thousands), 2008, under 5


Population annual growth rate (%), 1970–1990


Population annual growth rate (%), 1990–2000


Population annual growth rate (%), 2000–2008


Crude death rate, 1970


Crude death rate, 1990


Crude death rate, 2008


Crude birth rate, 1970


Crude birth rate, 1990


Crude birth rate, 2008


Life expectancy, 1970


Life expectancy, 1990


Life expectancy, 2008


Total fertility rate, 2008


% of population urbanized, 2008


Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1970–1990


Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1990–2000


Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 2000–2008


Definitions and data sources

Economic indicators

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GNI per capita (US$), 2008


GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970–1990


GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990–2008


Average annual rate of inflation (%), 1990–2008


% of population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day, 1992–2007*


% of central government expenditure (1998–2007*) allocated to:, health


% of central government expenditure (1998–2007*) allocated to:, education


% of central government expenditure (1998–2007*) allocated to:, defence


ODA inflow in millions US$, 2007


ODA inflow as a % of recipient GNI, 2007


Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services, 1990


Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services, 2007


Definitions and data sources


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Life expectancy: females as a % of males, 2008


Adult literacy rate: females as a % of males, 2003–2007*


Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net primary school 2003–2008*, enrolled


Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net primary school 2003–2008*, attending


Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net secondary school 2003–2008*, enrolled


Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net secondary school 2003–2008*, attending


Contraceptive prevalence (%), 2003–2008*


Antenatal care coverage (%), At least once, 2003–2008*


Antenatal care coverage (%), At least four times, 2003–2008*


Delivery care coverage (%), Skilled attendant at birth, 2003–2008*


Delivery care coverage (%), Institutional delivery, 2003–2008*


Maternal mortality ratio† , 2003–2008*, reported


Maternal mortality ratio† , 2005, Adjusted


Maternal mortality ratio† , 2005, Lifetime risk of maternal death. 1 in:


Definitions and data sources

Child Protection

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Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008*, total


Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008*, male


Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008*, female


Child marriage 2000–2008*, total


Child marriage 2000–2008*, urban


Child marriage 2000–2008*, rural


Birth registration 2000–2008*, total


Birth registration 2000–2008*, urban


Birth registration 2000–2008*, rural


Female genital mutilation/cutting 1997–2007*, women a (15–49 years) , total


Female genital mutilation/cutting 1997–2007*, daughtersb, total


Attitude towards domestic violence, 2001–2008*, total


Child disability 1999–2008*, total


Child discipline, 2005–2007*, total


Definitions and data sources

The Rate of Progress

to the top

Under-5 mortality rank


Under-5 mortality rate, 1970


Under-5 mortality rate, 1990


Under-5 mortality rate, 2000


Under-5 mortality rate, 2008


Average annual rate of reduction (%)T, 1970–1990


Average annual rate of reduction (%)T, 1990–2008


Reduction since 1990 (%)T


GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970–1990


GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990–2008


Total fertility rate, 1970


Total fertility rate, 1990


Total fertility rate, 2008


Average annual rate of reduction (%), 1970–1990


Average annual rate of reduction (%), 1990–2008


Definitions and data sources

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Updated: 2 March 2010

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